# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Tornado Genesis parameters requested by NCEP SPC. These fields # contain the minimum, maximum or summed value of various parameters # in a given time interval. The interval and accumulations are reset # upon I/O of a particular stream (tg_reset_stream). Note that the # "f" in the staggering column ensures full (100%) upscale feedback. # That, and downscale feedback, are needed to ensure correct # multi-domain maximum calculations. state real tg_max_m10wind ij dyn_nmm 1 f rh0123u=(UpMax)d=(DownCopy) "TG_MAX_M10WIND" "Maximum 10m wind magnitude since last output time." "m s-1" state real tg_max_wwind ij dyn_nmm 1 f rh0123u=(UpMax)d=(DownCopy) "TG_MAX_WWIND" "Maximum vertical wind in lowest 400mbar of atmos since last output time" "m s-1" state real tg_min_wwind ij dyn_nmm 1 f rh0123u=(UpMax)d=(DownCopy) "TG_MIN_WWIND" "Minimum vertical wind in lowest 400mbar of atmos since last output time" "m s-1" state real tg_max_zhel_25 ij dyn_nmm 1 f rh0123u=(UpMax)d=(DownCopy) "TG_MAX_ZHEL_25" "Maximum helicity vertical term 2-5km above ground since last output time" "m2 s-2" state real tg_min_zhel_25 ij dyn_nmm 1 f rh0123u=(UpMax)d=(DownCopy) "TG_MIN_ZHEL_25" "Minimum helicity vertical term 2-5km above ground since last output time" "m2 s-2" state real tg_max_zhel_03 ij dyn_nmm 1 f rh0123u=(UpMax)d=(DownCopy) "TG_MAX_ZHEL_03" "Maximum helicity vertical term 0-3km above ground since last output time" "m2 s-2" state real tg_min_zhel_03 ij dyn_nmm 1 f rh0123u=(UpMax)d=(DownCopy) "TG_MIN_ZHEL_03" "Minimum helicity vertical term 0-3km above ground since last output time" "m2 s-2" state real tg_updhel25 ij dyn_nmm 1 f rhu=(UpCopy)d=(DownCopy) "TG_UPDHEL_25" "Updraft helicity 2-5km above ground since last output time" "m2 s-2" state real tg_max_updhel25 ij dyn_nmm 1 f rh0123u=(UpMax)d=(DownCopy) "TG_MAX_UPDHEL_25" "Maximum updraft helicity 2-5km above ground since last output time" "m2 s-2" state real tg_updhel03 ij dyn_nmm 1 f rhu=(UpCopy)d=(DownCopy) "TG_UPDHEL_03" "Updraft helicity 0-3km above ground since last output time" "m2 s-2" state real tg_max_updhel03 ij dyn_nmm 1 f rh0123u=(UpMax)d=(DownCopy) "TG_MAX_UPDHEL_03" "Maximum updraft helicity 0-3km above ground since last output time" "m2 s-2" state real tg_total_precip ij dyn_nmm 1 f rh0123u=(UpCopy)d=(DownCopy) "TG_TOTAL_PRECIP" "Accumulated precipitation" "m" state real tg_interval_start - dyn_nmm 1 - rh0123 "TG_INTERVAL_START" "Start of interval, in seconds since analysis time" "s" state real tg_interval_end - dyn_nmm 1 - rh0123 "TG_INTERVAL_END" "End of interval, in seconds since analysis time" "s" state real tg_duration - dyn_nmm 1 - rh0123 "TG_DURATION" "Duration of accumulation interval in seconds" "s" state integer tg_want_reset - dyn_nmm 1 - r "TG_WANT_RESET" "Flag: 1=reset tg vars on next timestep" "" # Not really tornado genesis stuff, but it is in here because it is # really only needed when the tornado stuff is turned on: state real tlow ij dyn_nmm 1 - h1 "TLOW" "Near-surface sensible air temperature" "K" state real zlow ij dyn_nmm 1 - h1 "ZLOW" "Near-surface altitude" "m" state real rotangle ij dyn_nmm 1 - h1 "ROTANGLE" "Wind rotation angle from grid to earth" "radians" # --------------------------- namelist config ---------------------------- rconfig integer tg_reset_stream namelist,time_control 1 0 rh0123 "TG_RESET_STREAM" "Stream number of history stream that resets Tornado Genesis products" "" rconfig integer tg_option namelist,physics 1 0 rh0123 "TG_OPTION" "Tornado Genesis products flag: 1=Enable, 0=Disable" "" rconfig integer ntornado namelist,physics max_domains 1 rh0123 "NTORNADO" "Number of dynamics timesteps between updates of tg_ vars" "" #------------------------------- tg option ------------------------------- package tg_none tg_option==0 - - package tg_emc2014spc tg_option==1 - state:tg_max_m10wind,tg_max_wwind,tg_min_wwind,tg_max_zhel_25,tg_min_zhel_25,tg_max_zhel_03,tg_min_zhel_03,tg_interval_start,tg_interval_end,tg_duration,tg_total_precip,tlow,zlow,tg_updhel03,tg_updhel25,tg_max_updhel03,tg_max_updhel25 #--------------------------------- halos --------------------------------- # Before forcing: #halo HALO_NMM_TORNADO dyn_nmm 24:tg_max_m10wind,tg_max_wwind,tg_min_wwind,tg_max_zhel_25,tg_min_zhel_25,tg_max_zhel_03,tg_min_zhel_03,tg_total_precip,tg_updhel03,tg_updhel25,tg_max_updhel03,tg_max_updhel25 # ------------------ end of tornado genesis parameters -------------------