# Registry file specifically for some additional diagnostic output # from WRF (AFWA contributed code) # The new dimspec. We need to have the number of pressure levels to interpolate to. dimspec nt 2 constant=7 z num_turb_layers # AFWA Diagnostics package namelist options rconfig integer afwa_diag_opt namelist,afwa max_domains 0 rh "afwa_diag_opt" "AFWA Diagnostic option, 1: on" "" rconfig integer afwa_ptype_opt namelist,afwa max_domains 0 rh "afwa_ptype_opt" "AFWA Diagnostic: Precip type option, 1: on" "" rconfig integer afwa_vil_opt namelist,afwa max_domains 0 rh "afwa_vil_opt" "AFWA Diagnostic: Vert Int Liquid option, 1: on" "" rconfig integer afwa_radar_opt namelist,afwa max_domains 0 rh "afwa_radar_opt" "AFWA Diagnostic: Radar option, 1: on" "" rconfig integer afwa_severe_opt namelist,afwa max_domains 0 rh "afwa_severe_opt" "AFWA Diagnostic: Severe Wx option, 1: on" "" rconfig integer afwa_icing_opt namelist,afwa max_domains 0 rh "afwa_icing_opt" "AFWA Diagnostic: Icing option, 1: on" "" rconfig integer afwa_vis_opt namelist,afwa max_domains 0 rh "afwa_vis_opt" "AFWA Diagnostic: Visibility option, 1: on" "" rconfig integer afwa_cloud_opt namelist,afwa max_domains 0 rh "afwa_cloud_opt" "AFWA Diagnostic: Cloud option, 1: on" "" rconfig integer afwa_therm_opt namelist,afwa max_domains 0 rh "afwa_therm_opt" "AFWA Diagnostic: Thermal indices option, 1: on" "" rconfig integer afwa_turb_opt namelist,afwa max_domains 0 rh "afwa_turb_opt" "AFWA Diagnostic: Turbulence option, 1: on" "" rconfig integer afwa_buoy_opt namelist,afwa max_domains 0 rh "afwa_buoy_opt" "AFWA Diagnostic: Buoyancy option, 1: on" "" rconfig real afwa_ptype_ccn_tmp namelist,afwa 1 264.15 h "afwa_ptype_ccn_tmp" "AFWA Diagnostic: CCN temperature for precipitation type calculation" "K" rconfig real afwa_ptype_tot_melt namelist,afwa 1 50.0 h "afwa_ptype_tot_melt" "AFWA Diagnostic: Total melting energy for precipitation type calculation" "J kg-1" rconfig integer afwa_bad_data_check namelist,afwa 1 0 r "afwa_bad_data_check" "AFWA Diagnostic: Stop model when bogus data is found (eg U>300m/s), 1: on" "" # These variables are for the AFWA diagnostics package. #state real WSPD10MAX ij misc 1 - rh "WSPD10MAX" "WIND SPD MAX 10 M" "m s-1" #state real W_UP_MAX ij misc 1 - rh "W_UP_MAX" "MAX Z-WIND UPDRAFT" "m s-1" #state real W_DN_MAX ij misc 1 - rh "W_DN_MAX" "MAX Z-WIND DOWNDRAFT" "m s-1" #state real REFD_MAX ij misc 1 - rh02 "REFD_MAX" "MAX DERIVED RADAR REFL" "dbZ" #state real UP_HELI_MAX ij misc 1 - rh "UP_HELI_MAX" "MAX UPDRAFT HELICITY" "m2 s-2" #state real UH ij misc 1 - r "UH" "UPDRAFT HELICITY" "m2 s-2" state real TCOLI_MAX ij misc 1 - rh02 "TCOLI_MAX" "MAX TOTAL COLUMN INTEGRATED ICE" "kg m-2" state real GRPL_FLX_MAX ij misc 1 - rh02 "GRPL_FLX_MAX" "MAX PSEUDO GRAUPEL FLUX" "g kg-1 m s-1" state real REFD_COM ij misc 1 - rh02 "REFD_COM" "DERIVED COMPOSITE RADAR REFL" "dbZ" state real REFD ij misc 1 - rh02 "REFD" "DERIVED RADAR REFL" "dbZ" state real VIL ij misc 1 - rh02 "VIL" "VERTICALLY INTEGRATED LIQUID WATER" "kg m-2" state real RADARVIL ij misc 1 - rh02 "RADARVIL" "VERTICALLY INTEGRATED LIQUID WATER FROM Ze" "kg m-2" state real ECHOTOP ij misc 1 - rh02 "ECHOTOP" "ECHO TOP HEIGHT FROM Ze" "m" state real FZLEV ij misc 1 - rh02 "FZLEV" "FREEZING LEVEL" "m" state real ICINGTOP ij misc 1 - rh02 "ICINGTOP" "TOPMOST ICING LEVEL" "m" state real ICINGBOT ij misc 1 - rh02 "ICINGBOT" "BOTTOMMOST ICING LEVEL" "m" state real QICING_LG ikj misc 1 - r "QICING_LG" "SUPERCOOLED WATER MIXING RATIO (>50 um)" "kg kg-1" state real QICING_SM ikj misc 1 - r "QICING_SM" "SUPERCOOLED WATER MIXING RATIO (<50 um)" "kg kg-1" state real QICING_LG_MAX ij misc 1 - rh02 "QICING_LG_MAX" "COLUMN MAX ICING MIXING RATIO (>50 um)" "kg kg-1" state real QICING_SM_MAX ij misc 1 - rh02 "QICING_SM_MAX" "COLUMN MAX ICING MIXING RATIO (<50 um)" "kg kg-1" state real ICING_LG ij misc 1 - rh02 "ICING_LG" "TOTAL COLUMN INTEGRATED ICING (>50 um)" "kg m-2" state real ICING_SM ij misc 1 - rh02 "ICING_SM" "TOTAL COLUMN INTEGRATED ICING (<50 um)" "kg m-2" state real AFWA_MSLP ij misc 1 - rh02 "AFWA_MSLP" "AFWA Diagnostic: Mean sea level pressure" "Pa" state real AFWA_HEATIDX ij misc 1 - rh02 "AFWA_HEATIDX" "AFWA Diagnostic: Heat index" "K" state real AFWA_WCHILL ij misc 1 - rh02 "AFWA_WCHILL" "AFWA Diagnostic: Wind chill" "K" state real AFWA_FITS ij misc 1 - rh02 "AFWA_FITS" "AFWA Diagnostic: Fighter Index of Thermal Stress" "K" state real AFWA_TLYRBOT {nt} misc 1 - rh02 "AFWA_TLYRBOT" "AFWA Diagnostic: Turbulence layer AGL bottom" "m" state real AFWA_TLYRTOP {nt} misc 1 - rh02 "AFWA_TLYRTOP" "AFWA Diagnostic: Turbulence layer AGL top" "m" state real AFWA_TURB i{nt}j misc 1 - rh02 "AFWA_TURB" "AFWA Diagnostic: Turbulence index" "dimensionless" state real AFWA_LLTURB ij misc 1 - rh02 "AFWA_LLTURB" "AFWA Diagnostic: Low Level Turbulence index" "dimensionless" state real AFWA_LLTURBLGT ij misc 1 - rh02 "AFWA_LLTURBLGT" "AFWA Diagnostic: Prob of LGT Low-level Turb" "%" state real AFWA_LLTURBMDT ij misc 1 - rh02 "AFWA_LLTURBMDT" "AFWA Diagnostic: Prob of MDT Low-level Turb" "%" state real AFWA_LLTURBSVR ij misc 1 - rh02 "AFWA_LLTURBSVR" "AFWA Diagnostic: Prob of SVR Low-level Turb" "%" state real AFWA_PRECIP ij misc 1 - r "AFWA_PRECIP" "AFWA Diagnostic: Precipitation bucket" "mm" state real AFWA_TOTPRECIP ij misc 1 - rh02 "AFWA_TOTPRECIP" "AFWA Diagnostic: Total simulation precip" "mm" state real AFWA_RAIN ij misc 1 - rh02 "AFWA_RAIN" "AFWA Diagnostic: Rain fall" "mm" state real AFWA_SNOW ij misc 1 - rh02 "AFWA_SNOW" "AFWA Diagnostic: Liq Equiv Snow fall" "mm" state real AFWA_ICE ij misc 1 - rh02 "AFWA_ICE" "AFWA Diagnostic: Ice fall" "mm" state real AFWA_FZRA ij misc 1 - rh02 "AFWA_FZRA" "AFWA Diagnostic: Freezing rain fall" "mm" state real AFWA_SNOWFALL ij misc 1 - rh02 "AFWA_SNOWFALL" "AFWA Diagnostic: Snow fall" "mm" state real AFWA_VIS ij misc 1 - rh02 "AFWA_VIS" "AFWA Diagnostic: Visibility" "m" state real AFWA_VIS_ALPHA ij misc 1 - rh02 "AFWA_VIS_ALPHA" "AFWA Diagnostic: Vis alpha Weibull term" "dimensionless" state real AFWA_VIS_DUST ij misc 1 - rh02 "AFWA_VIS_DUST" "AFWA Diagnostic: Visibility due to dust" "m" state real AFWA_CLOUD ij misc 1 - rh02 "AFWA_CLOUD" "AFWA Diagnostic: Cloud cover fraction" "fraction" state real AFWA_CLOUD_CEIL ij misc 1 - rh02 "AFWA_CLOUD_CEIL" "AFWA Diagnostic: Cloud ceiling" "m" state real AFWA_CAPE ij misc 1 - rh02 "AFWA_CAPE" "AFWA Diagnostic: Convective Avail Pot Energy" "J kg-1" state real AFWA_CIN ij misc 1 - rh02 "AFWA_CIN" "AFWA Diagnostic: Convective Inhibition" "J kg-1" state real AFWA_CAPE_MU ij misc 1 - rh02 "AFWA_CAPE_MU" "AFWA Diagnostic: Most unstable CAPE 0-180mb" "J kg-1" state real AFWA_CIN_MU ij misc 1 - rh02 "AFWA_CIN_MU" "AFWA Diagnostic: Most unstable CIN 0-180mb" "J kg-1" state real AFWA_ZLFC ij misc 1 - rh02 "AFWA_ZLFC" "AFWA Diagnostic: Level of Free Convection" "m" state real AFWA_PLFC ij misc 1 - rh02 "AFWA_PLFC" "AFWA Diagnostic: Pressure of LFC" "Pa" state real AFWA_LIDX ij misc 1 - rh02 "AFWA_LIDX" "AFWA Diagnostic: Surface Lifted Index" "K" state real AFWA_PWAT ij misc 1 - rh02 "AFWA_PWAT" "AFWA Diagnostic: Precipitable Water" "kg m-2" state real MIDRH_MIN ij misc 1 - - "MIDRH_MIN" "Min Mid-level relative humidity" "%" state real MIDRH_MIN_OLD ij misc 1 - r "MIDRH_MIN_OLD" "Previous Min Mid-level relative humidity" "%" state real AFWA_HAIL ij misc 1 - rh02 "AFWA_HAIL" "AFWA Diagnostic: Hail Diameter (Weibull)" "mm" state real AFWA_LLWS ij misc 1 - rh02 "AFWA_LLWS" "AFWA Diagnostic: 0-2000 ft wind shear" "m s-1" state real AFWA_TORNADO ij misc 1 - rh02 "AFWA_TORNADO" "AFWA Diagnostic: Tornado wind speed (Weibull)" "m s-1" state real TORNADO_MASK ij misc 1 - r "TORNADO_MASK" "Tornado mask, 1 if AFWA tornado > 0" "" state real TORNADO_DUR ij misc 1 - r "TORNADO_DUR" "Tornado duration" "sec" # Package declaration for AFWA diagnostics package afwa_diag afwa_diag_opt==1 - state:afwa_mslp,afwa_pwat,afwa_precip,afwa_totprecip package afwa_ptype afwa_ptype_opt==1 - state:afwa_rain,afwa_snow,afwa_ice,afwa_fzra,afwa_snowfall package afwa_vil afwa_vil_opt==1 - state:vil,radarvil package afwa_radar afwa_radar_opt==1 - state:echotop,refd_com,refd package afwa_severe afwa_severe_opt==1 - state:w_up_max,w_dn_max,tcoli_max,up_heli_max,grpl_flx_max,w_mean,afwa_hail,afwa_cape,afwa_zlfc,afwa_plfc,tornado_mask,tornado_dur,midrh_min,midrh_min_old,afwa_lidx,afwa_cin,afwa_tornado,afwa_llws,wspd10max package afwa_icing afwa_icing_opt==1 - state:fzlev,icingtop,icingbot,qicing_lg,qicing_sm,icing_lg,icing_sm,qicing_lg_max,qicing_sm_max package afwa_cloud afwa_cloud_opt==1 - state:afwa_cloud,afwa_cloud_ceil package afwa_vis afwa_vis_opt==1 - state:afwa_vis,afwa_vis_dust,afwa_vis_alpha package afwa_therm afwa_therm_opt==1 - state:afwa_heatidx,afwa_wchill,afwa_fits package afwa_turb afwa_turb_opt==1 - state:afwa_turb,afwa_llturb,afwa_llturblgt,afwa_llturbmdt,afwa_llturbsvr,afwa_tlyrbot,afwa_tlyrtop package afwa_buoy afwa_buoy_opt==1 - state:afwa_cape,afwa_zlfc,afwa_plfc,afwa_lidx,afwa_cape_mu,afwa_cin,afwa_cin_mu # For AFWA Diagnostics halo HALO_EM_PHYS_W dyn_em 8:tornado_mask, tornado_dur