!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! MODULE GRIDINFO_MODULE ! ! This module handles (i.e., acquires, stores, and makes available) all data ! describing the model domains to be processed. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! module gridinfo_module use constants_module use misc_definitions_module use module_debug ! Parameters integer, parameter :: MAX_DOMAINS = 21 ! Variables integer :: iproj_type, n_domains, io_form_output, dyn_opt integer, dimension(MAX_DOMAINS) :: parent_grid_ratio, parent_id, ixdim, jydim integer, dimension(MAX_DOMAINS) :: subgrid_ratio_x, subgrid_ratio_y real :: known_lat, known_lon, pole_lat, pole_lon, stand_lon, truelat1, truelat2, & known_x, known_y, dxkm, dykm, phi, lambda, ref_lat, ref_lon, ref_x, ref_y, & dlatdeg, dlondeg real, dimension(MAX_DOMAINS) :: parent_ll_x, parent_ll_y, parent_ur_x, parent_ur_y character (len=MAX_FILENAME_LEN) :: geog_data_path, opt_output_from_geogrid_path, opt_geogrid_tbl_path character (len=128), dimension(MAX_DOMAINS) :: geog_data_res character (len=1) :: gridtype logical :: do_tiled_output logical, dimension(MAX_DOMAINS) :: grid_is_active integer :: debug_level contains !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Name: get_grid_params ! ! Purpose: This subroutine retrieves all parameters regarding the model domains ! to be processed by geogrid.exe. This includes map parameters, domain ! size and location, and nest information. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine get_grid_params() implicit none ! Local variables integer :: i, j, max_dom, funit, io_form_geogrid, interval_seconds real :: dx, dy, rparent_gridpts integer, dimension(MAX_DOMAINS) :: i_parent_start, j_parent_start, & s_we, e_we, s_sn, e_sn, & start_year, start_month, start_day, start_hour, start_minute, start_second, & end_year, end_month, end_day, end_hour, end_minute, end_second character (len=128) :: map_proj character (len=128), dimension(MAX_DOMAINS) :: start_date, end_date character (len=3) :: wrf_core logical :: is_used, nest_outside logical, dimension(MAX_DOMAINS) :: active_grid logical :: nocolons namelist /share/ wrf_core, max_dom, start_date, end_date, & start_year, end_year, start_month, end_month, & start_day, end_day, start_hour, end_hour, & start_minute, end_minute, start_second, end_second, & interval_seconds, & io_form_geogrid, opt_output_from_geogrid_path, & debug_level, active_grid, & subgrid_ratio_x, subgrid_ratio_y, & nocolons namelist /geogrid/ parent_id, parent_grid_ratio, & i_parent_start, j_parent_start, s_we, e_we, s_sn, e_sn, & map_proj, ref_x, ref_y, ref_lat, ref_lon, & pole_lat, pole_lon, truelat1, truelat2, stand_lon, & dx, dy, geog_data_res, geog_data_path, opt_geogrid_tbl_path ! Set defaults for namelist variables debug_level = 0 io_form_geogrid = 2 wrf_core = 'ARW' max_dom = 1 geog_data_path = 'NOT_SPECIFIED' ref_x = NAN ref_y = NAN ref_lat = NAN ref_lon = NAN dx = NAN dy = NAN map_proj = 'Lambert' pole_lat = 90.0 pole_lon = 0.0 truelat1 = NAN truelat2 = NAN stand_lon = NAN do i=1,MAX_DOMAINS geog_data_res(i) = 'default' parent_id(i) = 1 parent_grid_ratio(i) = INVALID s_we(i) = 1 e_we(i) = INVALID s_sn(i) = 1 e_sn(i) = INVALID start_year(i) = 0 start_month(i) = 0 start_day(i) = 0 start_hour(i) = 0 start_minute(i) = 0 start_second(i) = 0 end_year(i) = 0 end_month(i) = 0 end_day(i) = 0 end_hour(i) = 0 end_minute(i) = 0 end_second(i) = 0 start_date(i) = '0000-00-00_00:00:00' end_date(i) = '0000-00-00_00:00:00' active_grid(i) = .true. subgrid_ratio_x(i) = 1 subgrid_ratio_y(i) = 1 end do opt_output_from_geogrid_path = './' opt_geogrid_tbl_path = 'geogrid/' interval_seconds = INVALID nocolons = .false. ! Read parameters from Fortran namelist do funit=10,100 inquire(unit=funit, opened=is_used) if (.not. is_used) exit end do open(funit,file='namelist.wps',status='old',form='formatted',err=1000) read(funit,share) read(funit,geogrid) close(funit) ! BUG: More properly handle debug_level in module_debug if (debug_level.gt.100) then call set_debug_level(DEBUG) else call set_debug_level(WARN) end if call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,'Using the following namelist variables:') call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,'&SHARE') call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' WRF_CORE = %s',s1=wrf_core) call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' MAX_DOM = %i',i1=max_dom) call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' START_YEAR = %i',i1=start_year(1)) do i=2,max_dom call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' = %i',i1=start_year(i)) end do call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' START_MONTH = %i',i1=start_month(1)) do i=2,max_dom call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' = %i',i1=start_month(i)) end do call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' START_DAY = %i',i1=start_day(1)) do i=2,max_dom call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' = %i',i1=start_day(i)) end do call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' START_HOUR = %i',i1=start_hour(1)) do i=2,max_dom call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' = %i',i1=start_hour(i)) end do call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' START_MINUTE = %i',i1=start_minute(1)) do i=2,max_dom call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' = %i',i1=start_minute(i)) end do call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' START_SECOND = %i',i1=start_second(1)) do i=2,max_dom call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' = %i',i1=start_second(i)) end do call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' END_YEAR = %i',i1=end_year(1)) do i=2,max_dom call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' = %i',i1=end_year(i)) end do call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' END_MONTH = %i',i1=end_month(1)) do i=2,max_dom call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' = %i',i1=end_month(i)) end do call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' END_DAY = %i',i1=end_day(1)) do i=2,max_dom call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' = %i',i1=end_day(i)) end do call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' END_HOUR = %i',i1=end_hour(1)) do i=2,max_dom call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' = %i',i1=end_hour(i)) end do call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' END_MINUTE = %i',i1=end_minute(1)) do i=2,max_dom call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' = %i',i1=end_minute(i)) end do call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' END_SECOND = %i',i1=end_second(1)) do i=2,max_dom call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' = %i',i1=end_second(i)) end do call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' START_DATE = %s',s1=start_date(1)) do i=2,max_dom call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' = %s',s1=start_date(i)) end do call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' END_DATE = %s',s1=end_date(1)) do i=2,max_dom call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' = %s',s1=end_date(i)) end do call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' INTERVAL_SECONDS = %i',i1=interval_seconds) call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' IO_FORM_GEOGRID = %i',i1=io_form_geogrid) call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' OPT_OUTPUT_FROM_GEOGRID_PATH = %s',s1=opt_output_from_geogrid_path) call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' SUBGRID_RATIO_X = %i',i1=subgrid_ratio_x(1)) do i=2,max_dom call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' = %i',i1=subgrid_ratio_x(i)) enddo call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' SUBGRID_RATIO_Y = %i',i1=subgrid_ratio_y(1)) do i=2,max_dom call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' = %i',i1=subgrid_ratio_y(i)) enddo call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' DEBUG_LEVEL = %i',i1=debug_level) call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' ACTIVE_GRID = %l',l1=active_grid(1)) do i=2,max_dom call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' = %l',l1=active_grid(i)) end do call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' NOCOLONS = %l',l1=nocolons) call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,'/') call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,'&GEOGRID') call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' PARENT_ID = %i',i1=parent_id(1)) do i=2,max_dom call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' = %i',i1=parent_id(i)) end do call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' PARENT_GRID_RATIO = %i',i1=parent_grid_ratio(1)) do i=2,max_dom call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' = %i',i1=parent_grid_ratio(i)) end do call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' I_PARENT_START = %i',i1=i_parent_start(1)) do i=2,max_dom call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' = %i',i1=i_parent_start(i)) end do call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' J_PARENT_START = %i',i1=j_parent_start(1)) do i=2,max_dom call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' = %i',i1=j_parent_start(i)) end do call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' S_WE = %i',i1=s_we(1)) do i=2,max_dom call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' = %i',i1=s_we(i)) end do call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' E_WE = %i',i1=e_we(1)) do i=2,max_dom call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' = %i',i1=e_we(i)) end do call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' S_SN = %i',i1=s_sn(1)) do i=2,max_dom call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' = %i',i1=s_sn(i)) end do call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' E_SN = %i',i1=e_sn(1)) do i=2,max_dom call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' = %i',i1=e_sn(i)) end do call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' GEOG_DATA_RES = %s',s1=geog_data_res(1)) do i=2,max_dom call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' = %s',s1=geog_data_res(i)) end do call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' DX = %f',f1=dx) call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' DY = %f',f1=dy) call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' MAP_PROJ = %s',s1=map_proj) call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' POLE_LAT = %f',f1=pole_lat) call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' POLE_LON = %f',f1=pole_lon) call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' REF_LAT = %f',f1=ref_lat) call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' REF_LON = %f',f1=ref_lon) call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' REF_X = %f',f1=ref_x) call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' REF_Y = %f',f1=ref_y) call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' TRUELAT1 = %f',f1=truelat1) call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' TRUELAT2 = %f',f1=truelat2) call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' STAND_LON = %f',f1=stand_lon) call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' GEOG_DATA_PATH = %s',s1=geog_data_path) call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,' OPT_GEOGRID_TBL_PATH = %s',s1=opt_geogrid_tbl_path) call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,'/') dxkm = dx dykm = dy known_lat = ref_lat known_lon = ref_lon known_x = ref_x known_y = ref_y ! Convert wrf_core to uppercase letters do i=1,3 if (ichar(wrf_core(i:i)) >= 97) wrf_core(i:i) = char(ichar(wrf_core(i:i))-32) end do ! Before doing anything else, we must have a valid grid type gridtype = ' ' if (wrf_core == 'ARW') then gridtype = 'C' dyn_opt = 2 else if (wrf_core == 'NMM') then gridtype = 'E' dyn_opt = 4 end if ! Next, if this is NMM, we need to subtract 1 from the specified E_WE and E_SN; ! for some reason, these two variables need to be set to 1 larger than they ! really ought to be in the WRF namelist, so, to be consistent, we will do ! the same in the WPS namelist if (gridtype == 'E') then do i=1,max_dom e_we(i) = e_we(i) - 1 e_sn(i) = e_sn(i) - 1 end do end if call mprintf(gridtype /= 'C' .and. gridtype /= 'E', ERROR, & 'A valid wrf_core must be specified in the namelist. '// & 'Currently, only "ARW" and "NMM" are supported.') call mprintf(max_dom > MAX_DOMAINS, ERROR, & 'In namelist, max_dom must be <= %i. To run with more'// & ' than %i domains, increase the MAX_DOMAINS parameter.', & i1=MAX_DOMAINS, i2=MAX_DOMAINS) ! Every domain must have a valid parent id do i=2,max_dom call mprintf(parent_id(i) <= 0 .or. parent_id(i) >= i, ERROR, & 'In namelist, the parent_id of domain %i must be in '// & 'the range 1 to %i.', i1=i, i2=i-1) end do ! Check for valid geog_data_path j=1 do i=1,len(geog_data_path) geog_data_path(j:j) = geog_data_path(i:i) if (geog_data_path(i:i) /= ' ') j = j + 1 end do if (geog_data_path(1:1) == ' ') then call mprintf(.true.,ERROR,'In namelist, geog_data_path must be specified.') end if j = len_trim(geog_data_path) if (j >= MAX_FILENAME_LEN) then call mprintf(.true.,ERROR, & 'In namelist, geog_data_path must be strictly less '// & 'than 128 characters in length.') else if (geog_data_path(j:j) /= '/') then geog_data_path(j+1:j+1) = '/' end if end if ! Paths need to end with a / j = len_trim(opt_geogrid_tbl_path) if (opt_geogrid_tbl_path(j:j) /= '/') then opt_geogrid_tbl_path(j+1:j+1) = '/' end if j = len_trim(opt_output_from_geogrid_path) if (opt_output_from_geogrid_path(j:j) /= '/') then opt_output_from_geogrid_path(j+1:j+1) = '/' end if ! Handle IOFORM+100 to do tiled IO if (io_form_geogrid > 100) then do_tiled_output = .true. io_form_geogrid = io_form_geogrid - 100 else do_tiled_output = .false. end if ! Check for valid io_form_geogrid if ( & io_form_geogrid /= BINARY .and. & io_form_geogrid /= NETCDF .and. & io_form_geogrid /= GRIB1 .and. & .true. ) then call mprintf(.true.,WARN,'Valid io_form_geogrid values are:') call mprintf(.true.,WARN,' %i (=BINARY)',i1=BINARY) call mprintf(.true.,WARN,' %i (=NETCDF)',i1=NETCDF) call mprintf(.true.,WARN,' %i (=GRIB1)',i1=GRIB1) call mprintf(.true.,ERROR,'No valid value for io_form_geogrid was specified in the namelist.') end if io_form_output = io_form_geogrid ! Convert map_proj to uppercase letters do i=1,len(map_proj) if (ichar(map_proj(i:i)) >= 97) map_proj(i:i) = char(ichar(map_proj(i:i))-32) end do ! Assign parameters to module variables if ((index(map_proj, 'LAMBERT') /= 0) .and. & (len_trim(map_proj) == len('LAMBERT'))) then iproj_type = PROJ_LC else if ((index(map_proj, 'MERCATOR') /= 0) .and. & (len_trim(map_proj) == len('MERCATOR'))) then iproj_type = PROJ_MERC else if ((index(map_proj, 'POLAR') /= 0) .and. & (len_trim(map_proj) == len('POLAR'))) then iproj_type = PROJ_PS else if ((index(map_proj, 'ROTATED_LL') /= 0) .and. & (len_trim(map_proj) == len('ROTATED_LL'))) then iproj_type = PROJ_ROTLL else if ((index(map_proj, 'LAT-LON') /= 0) .and. & (len_trim(map_proj) == len('LAT-LON'))) then iproj_type = PROJ_CASSINI else call mprintf(.true.,ERROR,& 'In namelist, invalid map_proj specified. Valid '// & 'projections are "lambert", "mercator", "polar", '// & '"lat-lon", and "rotated_ll".') end if ! For Cassini / lat-lon projections if (iproj_type == PROJ_CASSINI) then ! If no dx,dy specified, assume global grid if (dx == NAN .and. dy == NAN) then dlondeg = 360. / (e_we(1)-s_we(1)) ! Here, we really do not want e_we-s_we+1 dlatdeg = 180. / (e_sn(1)-s_sn(1)) ! Here, we really do not want e_we-s_we+1 known_x = 1. known_y = 1. known_lon = stand_lon + dlondeg/2. known_lat = -90. + dlatdeg/2. dxkm = EARTH_RADIUS_M * PI * 2.0 / (e_we(1)-s_we(1)) dykm = EARTH_RADIUS_M * PI / (e_sn(1)-s_sn(1)) ! If dx,dy specified, however, assume regional grid else dlatdeg = dy dlondeg = dx dxkm = dlondeg * EARTH_RADIUS_M * PI * 2.0 / 360.0 dykm = dlatdeg * EARTH_RADIUS_M * PI * 2.0 / 360.0 if (known_lat == NAN .or. known_lon == NAN) then call mprintf(.true.,ERROR,'For lat-lon projection, if dx/dy are specified, '// & 'a regional domain is assumed, and a ref_lat,ref_lon must also be specified') end if end if end if ! Manually set truelat2 = truelat1 if truelat2 not specified for Lambert if (iproj_type == PROJ_LC .and. truelat2 == NAN) then call mprintf ((truelat1 == NAN), ERROR, "No TRUELAT1 specified for Lambert conformal projection.") truelat2 = truelat1 end if n_domains = max_dom ! For C grid, let ixdim and jydim be the number of velocity points in ! each direction; for E grid, we will put the row and column back ! later; maybe this should be changed to be more clear, though. do i=1,n_domains ixdim(i) = e_we(i) - s_we(i) + 1 jydim(i) = e_sn(i) - s_sn(i) + 1 end do if (gridtype == 'E') then phi = dykm*real(jydim(1)-1)/2. lambda = dxkm*real(ixdim(1)-1) end if ! If the user hasn't supplied a known_x and known_y, assume the center of domain 1 if (gridtype == 'E' .and. (known_x /= NAN .or. known_y /= NAN)) then call mprintf(.true.,WARN, & 'Namelist variables ref_x and ref_y cannot be used for NMM grids.'// & ' (ref_lat, ref_lon) will refer to the center of the coarse grid.') else if (gridtype == 'C') then if (known_x == NAN .and. known_y == NAN) then known_x = ixdim(1) / 2. known_y = jydim(1) / 2. else if (known_x == NAN .or. known_y == NAN) then call mprintf(.true.,ERROR, & 'In namelist.wps, neither or both of ref_x, ref_y must be specified.') end if end if ! Checks specific to E grid if (gridtype == 'E') then ! E grid supports only the rotated lat/lon projection if (iproj_type /= PROJ_ROTLL) then call mprintf(.true., WARN, & 'For the NMM core, projection type must be rotated '// & 'lat/lon (map_proj=rotated_ll)') call mprintf(.true.,WARN,'Projection will be set to rotated_ll') iproj_type = PROJ_ROTLL end if ! In the following check, add back the 1 that we had to subtract above ! for the sake of being consistent with WRF namelist call mprintf(mod(e_sn(1)+1,2) /= 0, ERROR, & 'For the NMM core, E_SN must be an even number for grid %i.', i1=1) do i=2,n_domains call mprintf((parent_grid_ratio(i) /= 3), WARN, & 'For the NMM core, the parent_grid_ratio must be 3 for '// & 'domain %i. A ratio of 3 will be assumed.', i1=i) parent_grid_ratio(i) = 3 end do ! Check that nests have an acceptable number of grid points in each dimension ! do i=2,n_domains ! rparent_gridpts = real(ixdim(i)+2)/real(parent_grid_ratio(i)) ! if (floor(rparent_gridpts) /= ceiling(rparent_gridpts)) then ! call mprintf(.true.,ERROR,'For nest %i, e_we must be 3n-2 '// & ! 'for some integer n > 1.', & ! i1=i) ! end if ! rparent_gridpts = real(jydim(i)+2)/real(parent_grid_ratio(i)) ! if (floor(rparent_gridpts) /= ceiling(rparent_gridpts)) then ! call mprintf(.true.,ERROR,'For nest %i, e_sn must be 3n-2 '// & ! 'for some odd integer n > 1.', & ! i1=i) ! end if ! end do do i=2,n_domains parent_ll_x(i) = 1. parent_ll_y(i) = 1. end do ! Checks specific to C grid else if (gridtype == 'C') then ! C grid does not support the rotated lat/lon projection call mprintf((iproj_type == PROJ_ROTLL), ERROR, & 'Rotated lat/lon projection is not supported for the ARW core. '// & 'Valid projecitons are "lambert", "mercator", "polar", and "lat-lon".') ! Check that nests have an acceptable number of grid points in each dimension do i=2,n_domains rparent_gridpts = real(ixdim(i)-1)/real(parent_grid_ratio(i)) if (floor(rparent_gridpts) /= ceiling(rparent_gridpts)) then call mprintf(.true.,ERROR,'For nest %i, (e_we-s_we+1) must be one greater '// & 'than an integer multiple of the parent_grid_ratio of %i.', & i1=i, i2=parent_grid_ratio(i)) end if rparent_gridpts = real(jydim(i)-1)/real(parent_grid_ratio(i)) if (floor(rparent_gridpts) /= ceiling(rparent_gridpts)) then call mprintf(.true.,ERROR,'For nest %i, (e_sn-s_sn+1) must be one greater '// & 'than an integer multiple of the parent_grid_ratio of %i.', & i1=i, i2=parent_grid_ratio(i)) end if end do ! Check that a nest does not extend outside of its parent grid nest_outside = .false. do i=2,n_domains if (i_parent_start(i) >= ixdim(parent_id(i))) then call mprintf(.true.,WARN,'Nest %i cannot have i_parent_start outside of parent domain.',i1=i) nest_outside = .true. else if (i_parent_start(i) + (ixdim(i) - 1)/parent_grid_ratio(i) > ixdim(parent_id(i))) then call mprintf(.true.,WARN,'Nest %i extends beyond its parent grid in the west-east direction.',i1=i) call mprintf(.true.,WARN,' Maximum allowable e_we for current i/j_parent_start is %i.', & i1=(ixdim(parent_id(i))-i_parent_start(i))*parent_grid_ratio(i)+1 ) nest_outside = .true. end if if (j_parent_start(i) >= jydim(parent_id(i))) then call mprintf(.true.,WARN,'Nest %i cannot have j_parent_start outside of parent domain.',i1=i) nest_outside = .true. else if (j_parent_start(i) + (jydim(i) - 1)/parent_grid_ratio(i) > jydim(parent_id(i))) then call mprintf(.true.,WARN,'Nest %i extends beyond its parent grid in the south-north direction.',i1=i) call mprintf(.true.,WARN,' Maximum allowable e_sn for current i/j_parent_start is %i.', & i1=(jydim(parent_id(i))-j_parent_start(i))*parent_grid_ratio(i)+1 ) nest_outside = .true. end if end do if (nest_outside) then call mprintf(.true.,ERROR,'One or more nested domains extend beyond their parent domains.') end if do i=1,n_domains parent_ll_x(i) = real(i_parent_start(i)) parent_ll_y(i) = real(j_parent_start(i)) parent_ur_x(i) = real(i_parent_start(i))+real(ixdim(i))/real(parent_grid_ratio(i))-1. parent_ur_y(i) = real(j_parent_start(i))+real(jydim(i))/real(parent_grid_ratio(i))-1. grid_is_active(i) = active_grid(i) end do end if return 1000 call mprintf(.true.,ERROR,'Error opening file namelist.wps') end subroutine get_grid_params end module gridinfo_module