# See options.txt for a (somewhat up to date) list of the # options that may be specified here. =============================== name = HCNVX priority = 1 dest_type = continuous interp_option = default:average_4pt fill_missing = 0. rel_path = default:hcnvx/ =============================== name = HSTDV priority = 1 dest_type = continuous interp_option = default:average_4pt fill_missing = 0. rel_path = default:hstdv/ =============================== name = HASYW priority = 1 dest_type = continuous interp_option = default:average_4pt fill_missing = 0. rel_path = default:hasyw/ =============================== name = HASYS priority = 1 dest_type = continuous interp_option = default:average_4pt fill_missing = 0. rel_path = default:hasys/ =============================== name = HASYSW priority = 1 dest_type = continuous interp_option = default:average_4pt fill_missing = 0. rel_path = default:hasysw/ =============================== name = HASYNW priority = 1 dest_type = continuous interp_option = default:average_4pt fill_missing = 0. rel_path = default:hasynw/ =============================== name = HLENW priority = 1 dest_type = continuous interp_option = default:average_4pt fill_missing = 0. rel_path = default:hlenw/ =============================== name = HLENS priority = 1 dest_type = continuous interp_option = default:average_4pt fill_missing = 0. rel_path = default:hlens/ =============================== name = HLENSW priority = 1 dest_type = continuous interp_option = default:average_4pt fill_missing = 0. rel_path = default:hlensw/ =============================== name = HLENNW priority = 1 dest_type = continuous interp_option = default:average_4pt fill_missing = 0. rel_path = default:hlennw/ =============================== name = HANIS priority = 1 dest_type = continuous interp_option = default:average_4pt fill_missing = 0. rel_path = default:hanis/ =============================== name = HSLOP priority = 1 dest_type = continuous interp_option = default:average_4pt fill_missing = 0. rel_path = default:hslop/ =============================== name = HANGL priority = 1 dest_type = continuous interp_option = default:average_4pt fill_missing = 0. rel_path = default:hangl/ =============================== name = HZMAX priority = 1 dest_type = continuous interp_option = default:average_4pt fill_missing = 0. rel_path = default:hzmax/ =============================== name = HGT_M priority = 1 dest_type = continuous interp_option = 30s:average_gcell(4.0)+four_pt+average_4pt interp_option = 2m:four_pt interp_option = 5m:four_pt interp_option = 10m:four_pt interp_option = default:four_pt smooth_option = smth-desmth; smooth_passes=1 fill_missing=0. rel_path= 30s:topo_30s/ rel_path= 2m:topo_2m/ rel_path= 5m:topo_5m/ rel_path= 10m:topo_10m/ rel_path= default:topo_2m/ =============================== name = HGT_V output_stagger = VV priority = 1 dest_type = continuous interp_option = 30s:average_gcell(4.0)+four_pt+average_4pt interp_option = 2m:four_pt interp_option = 5m:four_pt interp_option = 10m:four_pt interp_option = default:four_pt smooth_option = smth-desmth; smooth_passes=1 fill_missing=0. rel_path= 30s:topo_30s/ rel_path= 2m:topo_2m/ rel_path= 5m:topo_5m/ rel_path= 10m:topo_10m/ rel_path= default:topo_2m/ =============================== name=LANDUSEF priority=1 dest_type=categorical z_dim_name=land_cat landmask_water = modis_30s:17 # Calculate a landmask from this field landmask_water = default:16 # Calculate a landmask from this field dominant=LU_INDEX interp_option = modis_30s:nearest_neighbor interp_option = 30s:nearest_neighbor interp_option = 2m:four_pt interp_option = 5m:four_pt interp_option = 10m:four_pt interp_option = default:four_pt rel_path= modis_30s:modis_landuse_20class_30s/ rel_path= 30s:landuse_30s/ rel_path= 2m:landuse_2m/ rel_path= 5m:landuse_5m/ rel_path= 10m:landuse_10m/ rel_path= default:landuse_2m/ =============================== name=SOILTEMP priority=1 dest_type=continuous interp_option=default:sixteen_pt+four_pt+average_4pt+average_16pt+search masked=water fill_missing=0. rel_path=default:soiltemp_1deg/ =============================== name=SOILCTOP priority=1 dest_type=categorical z_dim_name=soil_cat interp_option = 30s:nearest_neighbor interp_option = 2m:four_pt interp_option = 5m:four_pt interp_option = 10m:four_pt interp_option = default:four_pt rel_path= 30s:soiltype_top_30s/ rel_path= 2m:soiltype_top_2m/ rel_path= 5m:soiltype_top_5m/ rel_path= 10m:soiltype_top_10m/ rel_path= default:soiltype_top_2m/ =============================== name=SOILCBOT priority=1 dest_type=categorical z_dim_name=soil_cat interp_option = 30s:nearest_neighbor interp_option = 2m:four_pt interp_option = 5m:four_pt interp_option = 10m:four_pt interp_option = default:four_pt rel_path= 30s:soiltype_bot_30s/ rel_path= 2m:soiltype_bot_2m/ rel_path= 5m:soiltype_bot_5m/ rel_path= 10m:soiltype_bot_10m/ rel_path= default:soiltype_bot_2m/ =============================== name=ALBEDO12M priority=1 dest_type=continuous z_dim_name=month masked = water fill_missing = 8. interp_option=default:four_pt+average_4pt+average_16pt+search rel_path=default:albedo_ncep/ =============================== name=GREENFRAC priority=1 dest_type=continuous interp_option=default:four_pt+average_4pt+average_16pt+search z_dim_name=month masked = water fill_missing = 0. rel_path=default:greenfrac/ =============================== name=SNOALB priority=1 dest_type=continuous interp_option=default:four_pt+average_4pt+average_16pt+search masked = water fill_missing = 0. rel_path=default:maxsnowalb/ ===============================