============================================================================================ The OASISGUI is an application of the software OPENTEA developped at CERFACS in the CFD group by Antoine Dauptain. Below are the instructions to run oasisgui to create the configuration file namcouple of OASIS3-MCT on a Linux computer. ============================================================================================ In the directory oasisgui you have different directories: - examples_xml_namcouple : two examples of xml files and their corresponding namcouple files - opentea: sources of the software - library: applications developped using OPENTEA (typically OASIS3-MCT application) - XDRpy: main generic python tools for OPENTEA interface and you have different files: - gittag: reference under git repository - myconfig.xml: my configuration file - README: explanations #### If you use a MAC to log on the X11 terminal where the GUI will be executed, you must modify the X11/OSX Focus correction putting in your configuration "myconfig.xml" file. You can also use the menu "Config" directly in the software to modify the file "myconfig.xml" but the new parameters will be activated only after closing and re-launching the GUI. #### Before launching opentea, you must make sure that wish (based on tcl/tk version 8.5 or later) and Python (version 2.6 or later) are installed on your platform and that they are configured to run opentea. - to have the version of Python : >python -V - to have the version of tcl/tk : >echo "puts [info tclversion]" | tclsh Your PYTHONPATH must include the $dir/oasis3-mct/util/oasisgui/XDRpy directory ("dir" is the repository where is located oasis3-mct on your computer): In your .cshrc you must add : ---------------------------------------------------------- setenv OASISGUIHOME $dir/oasis3-mct/util/oasisgui if ($?PYTHONPATH) then setenv PYTHONPATH $OASISGUIHOME/XDRpy:$PYTHONPATH else setenv PYTHONPATH $OASISGUIHOME/XDRpy endif ---------------------------------------------------------- In your .bashrc you must add : ---------------------------------------------------------- export OASISGUIHOME=$dir/oasis3-mct/util/oasisgui if [ "x${PYTHONPATH}" == "x" ] then export PYTHONPATH=$OASISGUIHOME/XDRpy else export PYTHONPATH=$OASISGUIHOME/XDRpy:$PYTHONPATH fi ---------------------------------------------------------- #### To be able to launch easily opentea using the command wish, you should also create the alias "oasisgui" to launch the software: --------------------------------------------- in ksh : alias oasisgui 'wish $OASISGUIHOME/opentea/opentea.tcl -config $OASISGUIHOME/myconfig.xml -code oasis3-mct &' --------------------------------------------- in bash : alias oasisgui='wish $OASISGUIHOME/opentea/opentea.tcl -config $OASISGUIHOME/myconfig.xml -code oasis3-mct &' --------------------------------------------- ##### Once you have launch oasisgui, you must fill up the different tabs from the left to the right. Each window must be validated (button "process" on the bottom on the right in the window). An orange bullet in the tab means that no information was stored yet in the window, a red bullet in the tab means that there is an error in the window and a green bullet in the tab means that the data entered in the window has been processed and is correct. Some documentation about the meaning of the variables is available in the different windows, by clicking on the different blue bullets ("Learn more"). Validated data are progressively stored in an xml file when filling the GUI. This file must be explicitely saved when leaving the GUI (you will be automatically asked for this). Once you saved your xml data, you can reload your xml file using the (File/Load as new) menu at the left top of the GUI. Do not use the (File/Load as part) menu. The configuration file namcouple of OASIS3-MCT will be saved, when ALL THE TABS will be validated, in the repository where you saved your xml file, in a subdirectory named after your xml file.