#!/bin/ksh #set -x ###################################################################### # host=`uname -n` user=`whoami` # ## - Define paths srcdir=`pwd` datadir=$srcdir/data_oasis3 casename=`basename $srcdir` # ## - Name of the executables exe1=model1 exe2=model2 # ############### User's section ####################################### # ## - Define architecture and coupler arch=nemo_lenovo_gfortran_openmpi #tioman_pgi_mpich/corail/curie(CEA)/jade/training_computer/ubuntu #crayXE6 # # - Define number of processes to run each executable nproc_exe1=1 nproc_exe2=1 # ## - Define rundir if [ ${arch} == romulus_pgi_mpich ]; then MPIRUN=/usr/local/pgi/linux86-64/14.6/mpi/mpich/bin/mpirun rundir=/space/coquart/oasis3-mct_3.0_formation/examples/${casename}/work_${casename} elif [ ${arch} == training_computer ]; then MPIRUN=/opt/intel/impi/ rundir=${HOME}/oasis3-mct/examples/${casename}/work_${casename} elif [ ${arch} == tioman_intel_openmpi ]; then MPIRUN=/usr/local_intel12/openmpi143/bin/mpirun rundir=${HOME}/oasis3-mct/examples/${casename}/work_${casename} elif [ ${arch} == tioman_gfortran_mpich2 ]; then MPIRUN=/usr/lib64/mpich2/bin rundir=/space/coquart/oasis3-mct_buildbot/examples/${casename}/work_${casename} elif [ ${arch} == napali ]; then PATH=/usr/local/pgi/linux86-64/2011/mpi/mpich/bin:/usr/local/pgi/linux86-64/2011/bin:$PATH MPIRUN=/usr/local/pgi/linux86-64/2011/mpi/mpich/bin/mpirun rundir=/data2/${user}/oasis3-mct_buildbot/examples/${casename}/work_${casename} elif [ ${arch} == corail ]; then rundir=/lustre/globc/${user}/oasis3-mct/examples/${casename}/work_${casename} elif [ ${arch} == curie ]; then rundir=/ccc/work/cont005/pa0490/coquartl/oasis3-mct/examples/${casename}/work_${casename} elif [ ${arch} == jade ]; then rundir=/data/11coqu/oasis3-mct/examples/${casename}/work_${casename} elif [ ${arch} == neptune_gfortran ]; then rundir=/scratch/globc/coquart/oasis3-mct_buildbot/examples/${casename}/work_${casename} elif [ ${arch} == ubuntu ]; then MPIRUN=mpirun rundir=${HOME}/Devel/oasis3-mct/examples/${casename}/work_${casename} elif [ ${arch} == crayXE6 ]; then rundir=/zhome/academic/HLRS/imk/imkbreil/Programme/oasis/oasis3-mct/examples/tutorial/work_${casename} elif [ ${arch} == beaufix ]; then # The toy must be directly in the TMPDIRs the jobs can only run in the TMPDIR rundir=/scratch/utmp/cglo355/oasis3-mct/examples/tutorial/work_${casename} elif [ ${arch} == ada ]; then MPIRUN=/opt/intel/impi/ rundir=/workgpfs/rech/ces/rces980/modBRETAGNE/oasis3-mct/examples/tutorial/work_${casename} elif [ ${arch} == nemo_lenovo_gfortran_openmpi ]; then MPIRUN=/data/softs/mpi/openmpi/1.8.4/bin/mpirun rundir=/scratch/globc/coquart/COMPARE_ERROR_TRUNK2187_BR_GABI/oasis3-mct_3.0/examples/${casename}/work_${casename} elif [ ${arch} == nemo_lenovo_intel_impi ]; then MPIRUN=/data/softs/intel/impi/ rundir=/scratch/globc/$USER/OASIS3-MCT/oasis3-mct_3.0/examples/${casename}/work_${casename} fi # ############### End of user's section ################################ # ##- Define the name of the source grid and the target grid config=$datadir/name_grids.dat x=$(cut -d ' ' -f 1 < $config) echo 'x:' $x SRC_GRID=`echo $x | cut -b 42-45` TGT_GRID=`echo $x | cut -b 94-97` echo 'Source grid :' $SRC_GRID echo 'Target grid :' $TGT_GRID # echo '' echo '*****************************************************************' echo '*** '$casename' : '$run echo '' echo 'Rundir :' $rundir echo 'Architecture :' $arch echo 'Host : '$host echo 'User : '$user echo '' echo $exe1' runs on '$nproc_exe1 'processes' echo $exe2' runs on '$nproc_exe2 'processes' echo '' echo '' ###################################################################### ### ### 1. Copy source example directory containing everything needed ### into rundir \rm -fr $rundir mkdir -p $rundir cp -f $datadir/*nc $rundir/. cp -f $datadir/*.jnl $rundir/. cp -f $datadir/*.dat $rundir/. cp -f $srcdir/$exe1 $rundir/. cp -f $srcdir/$exe2 $rundir/. cp -f $datadir/namcouple $rundir/. # cd $rundir # ###################################################################### ### ### 3. Creation of configuration scripts ###--------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Linux ###--------------------------------------------------------------------- if [ $arch == tioman_pgi_mpich ] || [ $arch == training_computer ] || [ $arch == napali ]; then if [ $nproc_exe1 == 1 ]; then cat <> $rundir/appl-linux.conf $host 0 $rundir/$exe1 EOF else cat <> $rundir/appl-linux.conf $host 0 $rundir/$exe1 EOF count=1 while [[ $count -lt $nproc_exe1 ]];do cat <> $rundir/appl-linux.conf $host 1 $rundir/$exe1 EOF (( count += 1 )) done fi count=0 while [[ $count -lt $nproc_exe2 ]];do cat <> $rundir/appl-linux.conf $host 1 $rundir/$exe2 EOF (( count += 1 )) done elif [ $arch == tioman_gfortan_mpich2 ]; then cat <> $rundir/mpd.hosts $host 0: $nproc_exe1 $host 1: $nproc_exe2 EOF ###--------------------------------------------------------------------- ### CORAIL ###--------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ $arch == corail ] ; then cat < $rundir/run_$casename.$arch # Nom du job #PBS -N ${casename} # Temps limite du job #PBS -l walltime=00:10:00 # Nombre de processus #PBS -l select=1:mpiprocs=24:ncpus=24 #PBS -l place=scatter:excl # adresse email a utiliser ##PBS -M your_email # Mail envoye a la fin du job #PBS -m ae cd $rundir source /usr/local/bin/intelmpi.sh ulimit -s unlimited # # time mpirun -np $nproc_exe1 ./$exe1 : -np $nproc_exe2 ./$exe2 # EOF ###--------------------------------------------------------------------- ### BEAUFIX ###--------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ $arch == beaufix ] ; then (( nproc = $nproc_exe1 + $nproc_exe2 )) cat < $rundir/run_$casename.$arch #!/bin/bash #SBATCH --time=01:00:00 #SBATCH -p normal32 # partition/queue #SBATCH --job-name=toys # job name #SBATCH -N 1 # number of nodes #SBATCH -n $nproc # number of procs #SBATCH -o job.out%j #SBATCH -o job.err%j #SBATCH --exclusive ulimit -s unlimited # rundir must be in the TMPDIR cd $rundir module load intel/ module load intelmpi/ module load netcdf/4.3.0 # # time mpirun -np $nproc_exe1 ./$exe1 : -np $nproc_exe2 ./$exe2 # EOF ###--------------------------------------------------------------------- ### NEPTUNE ###--------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ $arch == neptune_gfortran ] ; then cat < $rundir/run_$casename.$arch # Nom du job #PBS -N tests # Temps limite du job #PBS -l walltime=00:10:00 # Nombre de processus #PBS -l select=1:mpiprocs=16:ncpus=16 #PBS -l place=scatter:excl cd $rundir export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ulimit -s unlimited # # time mpirun -np $nproc_exe1 ./$exe1 : -np $nproc_exe2 ./$exe2 # EOF ###--------------------------------------------------------------------- ### NEMO_LENOVO_GFORTRAN_OPENMPI ###--------------------------------------------------------------------- if [ $arch == nemo_lenovo_gfortran_openmpi ] ; then (( nproc = $nproc_exe1 + $nproc_exe2 )) cat < $rundir/run_$casename.$arch #!/bin/bash -l # Nom du job #SBATCH --job-name tutorial # Temps limite du job #SBATCH --time=00:10:00 #SBATCH --output=$rundir/$casename.o #SBATCH --error=$rundir/$casename.e # Nombre de noeuds et de processus #SBATCH --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=$nproc #SBATCH --distribution cyclic cd $rundir ulimit -s unlimited module purge module load compiler/gcc module load mpi/openmpi/1.8.4 # # time mpirun -np $nproc_exe1 ./$exe1 : -np $nproc_exe2 ./$exe2 # EOF ###--------------------------------------------------------------------- ### NEMO_LENOVO_INTEL_IMPI ###--------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ ${arch} == nemo_lenovo_intel_impi ]; then (( nproc = $nproc_exe1 + $nproc_exe2 )) cat < $rundir/run_$casename.$arch #!/bin/bash -l # Nom du job #SBATCH --job-name toys # Temps limite du job #SBATCH --time=01:00:00 #SBATCH --output=$rundir/$casename.o #SBATCH --error=$rundir/$casename.e # Nombre de noeuds et de processus #SBATCH --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=24 #SBATCH --distribution cyclic cd $rundir ulimit -s unlimited module purge module -s load compiler/intel/2015.2.164 mkl/2015.2.164 mpi/intelmpi/ # # time mpirun -np $nproc_exe1 ./$exe1 : -np $nproc_exe2 ./$exe2 # EOF ###--------------------------------------------------------------------- ### CURIE (normal nodes) ###--------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ $arch == curie ] ; then cat < $rundir/appl-curie.conf $nproc_exe1 $rundir/$exe1 $nproc_exe2 $rundir/$exe2 EOF (( nproc = $nproc_exe1 + $nproc_exe2 )) cat < $rundir/run_$casename.$arch #!/bin/bash #MSUB -r test_interp # Request name #MSUB -n $nproc # Number of tasks to use #MSUB -T 3600 # Elapsed time limit in seconds #MSUB -o $casename_%I.o # Standard output. %I is the job id #MSUB -e $casename_%I.e # Error output. %I is the job id #MSUB -A gen6028 # Project ID set -x cd $rundir ccc_mprun -f appl-curie.conf EOF ###----------------------------------------------------------------- ### JADE - CINES ###----------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ $arch == jade ] ; then (( NNODE = ( $nproc_exe1 + $nproc_exe2 ) / 8 )) (( RESTE = ( $nproc_exe1 + $nproc_exe2 ) - ( $NNODE * 8 ) )) if [[ $RESTE -gt 0 ]]; then (( NNODE = $NNODE + 1 )) fi echo $NNODE cat << EOF > $rundir/run_$casename.$arch #PBS -S /bin/bash #PBS -N OASIS #PBS -l walltime=00:10:00 #PBS -l select=$NNODE:ncpus=8:mpiprocs=8 #PBS -o $rundir/out #PBS -e $rundir/err #PBS -j oe # set -evx module load netcdf cd $rundir cat $PBS_NODEFILE ## Lancement executable which mpiexec export MPI_GROUP_MAX=100 time mpiexec -n $nproc_exe1 ./$exe1 : -n $nproc_exe2 ./$exe2 EOF ###--------------------------------------------------------------------- ### CRAYXE6 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ $arch == crayXE6 ] ; then (( nproc = $nproc_exe1 + $nproc_exe2 )) d_aus=lm_aus.log # Ausgabe- u. Fehlerdateien d_err=lm_fehler.log cat < $rundir/run_$casename.$arch #!/bin/ksh # Nom du job #PBS -N ${casename} # Temps limite du job #PBS -l walltime=00:10:00 # Nombre de processus #PBS -l mppwidth=$nproc #PBS -l mppnppn=1 #PBS -l mppdepth=1 #PBS -o $d_aus #PBS -e $d_err # cd $rundir # ulimit -c unlimited export LIBDWD_FORCE_CONTROLWORDS=1 export LIBDWD_BITMAP_TYPE=ASCII # #export MPICH_GNI_DYNAMIC_CONN=disabled export MPICH_ENV_DISPLAY=1 export MPICH_GNI_MAX_EAGER_MSG_SIZE=64000 export MPICH_ABORT_ON_ERROR=1 export MALLOC_MMAP_MAX_=0 export MALLOC_TRIM_THRESHOLD_=-1 # aprun -n $nproc_exe1 ./$exe1 : -n $nproc_exe2 ./$exe2 # EOF ###--------------------------------------------------------------------- ### ada ###--------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ $arch == ada ] ; then (( nproc = $nproc_exe1 + $nproc_exe2 )) cat < $rundir/run_$casename.$arch #!/bin/ksh # ###################### # ## ADA IDRIS ## # ###################### # Nom de la requete # @ job_name = ${casename} # Type de travail # @ job_type = parallel # Fichier de sortie standard # @ output = Script_Output_${casename}.000001 # Fichier de sortie erreur (le meme) # @ error = Script_Output_${casename}.000001 # Nombre de processus demandes # @ total_tasks = ${nproc} # @ environment = "BATCH_NUM_PROC_TOT=32" # Temps CPU max. par processus MPI hh:mm:ss # @ wall_clock_limit = 0:30:00 # Fin de l entete # @ queue # # pour avoir l'echo des commandes set -x # on se place dans le repertoire rundir cd ${rundir} module load netcdf module load hdf5 # export KMP_STACKSIZE=64m export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/smplocal/pub/NetCDF/4.1.3/lib poe -pgmmodel MPMD -cmdfile run_file # EOF fi ###################################################################### ### ### 4. Execute the model if [ $arch == training_computer ]; then echo 'Executing the model using '$MPIRUN $MPIRUN -np $nproc_exe1 ./$exe1 : -np $nproc_exe2 ./$exe2 > runjob.err elif [ $arch == romulus_pgi_mpich ] || [ $arch == napali ]; then echo 'Executing the model using '$MPIRUN $MPIRUN -np $nproc_exe1 ./$exe1 : -np $nproc_exe2 ./$exe2 > runjob.err elif [ $arch == ubuntu ] || [ $arch == tioman_intel_openmpi ] ; then echo 'Executing the model using '$MPIRUN $MPIRUN -np $nproc_exe1 ./$exe1 : -np $nproc_exe2 ./$exe2 > runjob.err elif [ $arch == tioman_gfortran_mpich2 ] ; then $MPIRUN/mpdboot -f mpd.hosts $MPIRUN/mpiexec -np $nproc_exe1 ./$exe1 : -np $nproc_exe2 ./$exe2 > runjob.err # To use totalview : model load totalview # $MPIRUN/mpiexec -tv -np $nproc_exe1 ./$exe1 : -np $nproc_exe2 ./$exe2 > runjob.err $MPIRUN/mpdallexit elif [ $arch == corail ]; then echo 'Submitting the job to queue using qsub' qsub -q submit $rundir/run_$casename.$arch qstat | grep $user elif [ $arch == beaufix ]; then echo 'Submitting the job to queue using sbatch' sbatch $rundir/run_$casename.$arch squeue -u $user elif [ $arch == neptune_gfortran ]; then echo 'Submitting the job to queue using qsub' qsub $rundir/run_$casename.$arch qstat | grep $user elif [ $arch == curie ]; then ccc_msub $rundir/run_$casename.$arch ccc_mpp | grep $user elif [ $arch == jade ] ; then qsub $rundir/run_$casename.$arch qstat -awu $user elif [ $arch == crayXE6 ]; then echo 'Submitting the job to queue using qsub' chmod u+x $rundir/run_$casename.$arch qsub $rundir/run_$casename.$arch qstat elif [ $arch == ada ]; then echo 'Submitting the job to queue using llsubmit' llsubmit $rundir/run_$casename.$arch elif [ $arch == nemo_lenovo_gfortran_openmpi ] || [ $arch == nemo_lenovo_intel_impi ]; then echo 'Submitting the job to queue using sbatch' sbatch $rundir/run_$casename.$arch squeue -u $USER fi echo $casename 'is executed or submitted to queue.' echo 'Results are found in rundir : '$rundir ######################################################################