function [cs,h]=m_contourf(long,lat,data,varargin); % M_CONTOURF Adds filled contours to a map % M_CONTOURF(LONG,LAT,DATA,...) is the same as M_CONTOUR except % that contours are filled. Areas of data above a given level are % filled, areas below are left blank or are filled by a lower level. % NaN's in the data leave holes in the filled plot/ % % [CS,H] = M_CONTOURF(...) returns contour matrix C as described in % CONTOURC and a vector H of handles to PATCH objects (for use by % CLABEL). % % See also M_CONTOUR, CONTOURF % Rich Pawlowicz ( 17/Jan/1998 % % This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. But % it's mine, so you can't sell it. % 19/02/98 - type - should have been 'clip','patch', rather than 'off'. % 9/12/98 - handle all-NaN plots without letting contour crash. % 6/Nov/00 - eliminate returned stuff if ';' neglected (thx to D Byrne) % Apr/06 - workaround for v7 bug in contourf. global MAP_PROJECTION % Have to have initialized a map first if isempty(MAP_PROJECTION), disp('No Map Projection initialized - call M_PROJ first!'); return; end; if min(size(long))==1 & min(size(lat))==1, [long,lat]=meshgrid(long,lat); end; [X,Y]=m_ll2xy(long,lat,'clip','on'); %First find the points outside i=isnan(X); % For these we set the *data* to NaN... data(i)=NaN; % And then recompute positions without clipping. THis % is necessary otherwise contouring fails (X/Y with NaN % is a no-no. Note that this only clips properly down % columns of long/lat - not across rows. In general this % means patches may nto line up properly a right/left edges. if any(i(:)), [X,Y]=m_ll2xy(long,lat,'clip','patch'); end; if any(~i(:)), % Bug in contourf call - Solution Number: 1-1W36E8 % (that involved whether or not the X/Y matrices were handled % correctly). In later versions a problem comes up with the renderer % that could be solved here, but is better handled in m_grid (see comments % in code there). try(strfind(' ')) if any(strfind(version,'(R14) Service Pack 3')) | ... any(strfind(version,' (R2006a)')) | .... any(strfind(version,' (R2006a)')) %%| .... %% any(strfind(version,' (R2007a)')), [cs,h]=contourf('v6',X,Y,data,varargin{:}); else [cs,h]=contourf(X,Y,data,varargin{:}); end; catch [cs,h]=contourf(X,Y,data,varargin{:}); end set(h,'tag','m_contourf'); else cs=[];h=[]; end; if nargout==0, clear cs h end;