function test_vardef ( ncfile ) % TEST_VARDEF if nargin < 1 ncfile = ''; end % Test: Create a singleton dimension using [] as the list of dimids. test_empty_set(ncfile); % Test: Create a singleton dimension using 0 as number of dimensions test_zero_dims(ncfile); % Test: Test with bad ncid, bad dimension id test_bad_ncid_dimid(ncfile); fprintf ( 1, 'VARDEF succeeded.\n' ); %----------------------------------------------------------------------- function test_bad_ncid_dimid(ncfile) % Test: bad ncid, bad dimid [ncid, status] = mexnc ( 'create', ncfile, nc_clobber_mode ); if ( status < 0 ), error ( mexnc('strerror', status) ), end [xdimid, status] = mexnc ( 'def_dim', ncid, 'x', 20 ); if ( status < 0 ), error ( mexnc('strerror', status) ), end [xdvarid, status] = mexnc ( 'vardef', ncid, 'x_double', 'double', 1, xdimid ); if ( status < 0 ), error ( mexnc('strerror', status) ), end % Try a bad ncid. [test_dimid, status] = mexnc ( 'vardef', -2, 'x_double', 'double', 1, xdimid ); if ( status >= 0 ), error ( 'DEF_VAR succeeded on a bad ncid\n' ), end % Try a bad dimid. [test_dimid, status] = mexnc ( 'vardef', ncid, 'x_double', 'double', 1, -3 ); if ( status >= 0 ), error ( 'DEF_VAR succeeded on a bad ncid' ), end [status] = mexnc ( 'enddef', ncid ); if ( status < 0 ), error ( mexnc('strerror', status) ), end status = mexnc ( 'close', ncid ); if ( status < 0 ), error ( mexnc('strerror', status) ), end return %----------------------------------------------------------------------- function test_zero_dims(ncfile) % Test: Create a singleton dimension using 0 as the number of dimensions, % plus a dimid (that's just wrong!) [ncid, status] = mexnc ( 'create', ncfile, nc_clobber_mode ); if ( status < 0 ), error ( mexnc('strerror', status) ), end [xdimid, status] = mexnc ( 'def_dim', ncid, 'x', 20 ); if ( status < 0 ), error ( mexnc('strerror', status) ), end [xdvarid, status] = mexnc ( 'vardef', ncid, 'x_double', 'double', 1, xdimid ); if ( status < 0 ), error ( mexnc('strerror', status) ), end [singleton, status] = mexnc ( 'vardef', ncid, 'x_empty', 'double', 0, 0 ); if status error('VARDEF failed' ); end [status] = mexnc ( 'enddef', ncid ); if ( status < 0 ), error ( mexnc('strerror', status) ), end [name,dtype,ndims,dimids,natts,status] = mexnc('varinq',ncid,singleton); if ( status < 0 ), error ( mexnc('strerror', status) ), end if ( ndims ~= 0) error('number of dimensions was not zero for singleton'); end if ~isempty(dimids) error('list of dimensions was not empty set'); end status = mexnc ( 'close', ncid ); if ( status < 0 ), error ( mexnc('strerror', status) ), end return %----------------------------------------------------------------------- function test_empty_set(ncfile) % Test: Create a singleton dimension using [] as the list of dimids. [ncid, status] = mexnc ( 'create', ncfile, nc_clobber_mode ); if ( status < 0 ), error ( mexnc('strerror', status) ), end [xdimid, status] = mexnc ( 'def_dim', ncid, 'x', 20 ); if ( status < 0 ), error ( mexnc('strerror', status) ), end [xdvarid, status] = mexnc ( 'vardef', ncid, 'x_double', 'double', 1, xdimid ); if ( status < 0 ), error ( mexnc('strerror', status) ), end [singleton, status] = mexnc ( 'vardef', ncid, 'x_empty', 'double', 0, [] ); if status error('VARDEF failed' ); end [status] = mexnc ( 'enddef', ncid ); if ( status < 0 ), error ( mexnc('strerror', status) ), end status = mexnc ( 'close', ncid ); if ( status < 0 ), error ( mexnc('strerror', status) ), end return