function test_inquire ( ncfile ) % TEST_INQUIRE % % Tests number of dimensions, variables, global attributes, record dimension for % % % Test 001: standard test % Test 002: 1x5 output vector % Test 003: bad ncid if ( nargin == 0 ) ncfile = ''; end create_testfile (ncfile); test_001 ( ncfile ); test_002 ( ncfile ); test_003 ( ncfile ); return; function create_testfile(ncfile ); [ncid, status] = mexnc ( 'create', ncfile, nc_clobber_mode ); if ( status ~= 0 ), error ( mexnc('strerror') ), end [xdimid, status] = mexnc ( 'def_dim', ncid, 'x', 20 ); if ( status ~= 0 ), error ( mexnc('strerror') ), end [ydimid, status] = mexnc ( 'def_dim', ncid, 'y', 24 ); if ( status ~= 0 ), error ( mexnc('strerror') ), end [zdimid, status] = mexnc ( 'def_dim', ncid, 'z', 32 ); if ( status ~= 0 ), error ( mexnc('strerror') ), end [xdvarid, status] = mexnc ( 'def_var', ncid, 'x_double', 'double', 1, xdimid ); if ( status ~= 0 ), error ( mexnc('strerror') ), end attvalue = 'this is a test'; attlen = length(attvalue); status = mexnc ( 'put_att_text', ncid, xdvarid, 'test_variable_attributes', 'char', attlen, attvalue ); if ( status ~= 0 ), error ( mexnc('strerror') ), end attvalue = 'this is a global test'; attlen = length(attvalue); status = mexnc ( 'put_att_text', ncid, -1, 'test_global_attributes', 'char', attlen, attvalue ); if ( status ~= 0 ), error ( mexnc('strerror') ), end [status] = mexnc ( 'enddef', ncid ); if ( status ~= 0 ), error ( mexnc('strerror') ), end status = mexnc ( 'close', ncid ); if ( status ~= 0 ), error ( mexnc('strerror') ), end return function test_002 ( ncfile ) [ncid, status] = mexnc ( 'open', ncfile, nc_nowrite_mode ); if ( status ~= 0 ), error ( mexnc('strerror') ), end outargs = mexnc('INQUIRE', ncid); if numel(outargs) ~= 5 msg = sprintf ( 'INQUIRE did not return a 5-tuple\n' ); error ( msg ); end if outargs(1) ~= 3 msg = sprintf ( 'INQUIRE returned %d dimensions when there should only have been 1\n', ndims ); error ( msg ); end if outargs(2) ~= 1 msg = sprintf ( 'INQUIRE returned %d variables when there should have been 18\n', nvars ); error ( msg ); end if outargs(3) ~= 1 msg = sprintf ( 'INQUIRE returned %d attributes when there should have been 1\n', natts ); error ( msg ); end if outargs(4) ~= -1 msg = sprintf ( 'INQUIRE returned an unlimited dimension when there should not have been one\n' ); error ( msg ); end if outargs(5) ~= 0 msg = sprintf ( 'INQUIRE returned a non-zero status\n' ); error ( msg ); end status = mexnc ( 'close', ncid ); if ( status ~= 0 ), error ( mexnc('strerror') ), end return function test_001 ( ncfile ) [ncid, status] = mexnc ( 'open', ncfile, nc_nowrite_mode ); if ( status ~= 0 ), error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end [ndims, nvars, natts, recdim, status] = mexnc('INQUIRE', ncid); if ( status ~= 0 ), error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end if ndims ~= 3 msg = sprintf ( 'INQUIRE returned %d dimensions when there should only have been 1\n', ndims ); error ( msg ); end if nvars ~= 1 msg = sprintf ( 'INQUIRE returned %d variables when there should have been 18\n', nvars ); error ( msg ); end if natts ~= 1 msg = sprintf ( 'INQUIRE returned %d attributes when there should have been 1\n', natts ); error ( msg ); end if recdim ~= -1 msg = sprintf ( 'INQUIRE returned an unlimited dimension when there should not have been one\n' ); error ( msg ); end status = mexnc ( 'close', ncid ); if ( status ~= 0 ), error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end return function test_003 ( ncfile ) mexnc('setopts',0); [ncid, status] = mexnc ( 'open', ncfile, nc_nowrite_mode ); if ( status ~= 0 ), error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end [ndims, nvars, natts, recdim, status] = mexnc('INQUIRE', -1); if ( status >= 0 ) error ( 'INQUIRE return status did not signal an error on bogus ncid case' ); end fprintf ( 1, 'INQUIRE succeeded\n' ); status = mexnc ( 'close', ncid ); if ( status ~= 0 ), error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end return