function test_deflate ( ncfile ) if nargin == 0 ncfile = ''; end v = mexnc('inq_libvers'); if v(1) ~= '4' fprintf('deflate tests filtered out when the library version is less than 4.0.\n'); return end test_netcdf3_classic(ncfile); test_netcdf3_64bit(ncfile); test_netcdf4_1d_shuffle_off_deflate_off(ncfile); test_netcdf4_1d_shuffle_off_deflate_on(ncfile); test_netcdf4_1d_shuffle_on_deflate_off(ncfile); test_netcdf4_1d_shuffle_on_deflate_on(ncfile); fprintf ( 'DEF_VAR_DEFLATE succeeded.\n' ); fprintf ( 'INQ_VAR_DEFLATE succeeded.\n' ); return %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function test_netcdf3_classic(ncfile) % This test should fail because deflate is not allowed on netcdf-3. % Period. [ncid, status] = mexnc ( 'create', ncfile, nc_clobber_mode ); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end [xdimid,status] = mexnc('def_dim',ncid,'x',100); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end [xdvarid, status] = mexnc ( 'def_var', ncid, 'x', nc_double, 1, xdimid ); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end try status = mexnc('def_var_deflate',ncid,varid,0,0,0); catch % Good. We caught the error. Just close the file and be done % with it. status = mexnc ( 'close', ncid ); return end error('should not have been able to deflate a netcdf-3 variable'); return %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function test_netcdf3_64bit(ncfile) % This test should fail because deflate is not allowed on netcdf-3 files, % whether they are 64-bit or not mode = bitor(nc_clobber_mode,nc_64bit_offset_mode); [ncid, status] = mexnc ( 'create', ncfile, mode ); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end [xdimid,status] = mexnc('def_dim',ncid,'x',100); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end [xdvarid, status] = mexnc ( 'def_var', ncid, 'x', nc_double, 1, xdimid ); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end try status = mexnc('def_var_deflate',ncid,varid,0,0,0); catch % Good. We caught the error. Just close the file and be done % with it. status = mexnc ( 'close', ncid ); return end error('should not have been able to deflate a netcdf-3 64bit offset variable'); return %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function test_netcdf4_1d_shuffle_off_deflate_off(ncfile) % shuffle filter turned off % deflate filter turned off % netcdf-4 delete(ncfile); [ncid, status] = mexnc ( 'create', ncfile, nc_netcdf4_classic ); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end [xdimid,status] = mexnc('def_dim',ncid,'x',100); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end [varid, status] = mexnc ( 'def_var', ncid, 'x', nc_double, 1, xdimid ); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end status = mexnc('def_var_deflate',ncid,varid,0,0,0); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end status = mexnc('enddef',ncid); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end [shuffle,deflate,deflate_level,status] = mexnc('inq_var_deflate',ncid,varid); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end if ( shuffle ~= 0 ) error('1D shuffle failed'); end if ( deflate ~= 0 ) error('1D deflate failed'); end if ( deflate_level ~= 0 ) error('1D deflate_level failed'); end status = mexnc('close',ncid); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end return %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function test_netcdf4_1d_shuffle_off_deflate_on(ncfile) % delete(ncfile); [ncid, status] = mexnc ( 'create', ncfile, nc_netcdf4_classic ); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end [xdimid,status] = mexnc('def_dim',ncid,'x',100); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end [varid1, status] = mexnc ( 'def_var', ncid, 'x1', nc_double, 1, xdimid ); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end [varid2, status] = mexnc ( 'def_var', ncid, 'x2', nc_double, 1, xdimid ); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end [varid3, status] = mexnc ( 'def_var', ncid, 'x3', nc_double, 1, xdimid ); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end status = mexnc('def_var_deflate',ncid,varid1,0,1,0); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end status = mexnc('def_var_deflate',ncid,varid2,0,1,5); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end status = mexnc('def_var_deflate',ncid,varid3,0,1,9); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end status = mexnc('enddef',ncid); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end % var1 [shuffle,deflate,deflate_level,status] = mexnc('inq_var_deflate',ncid,varid1); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end if ( shuffle ~= 0 ) error('1D shuffle failed'); end if ( deflate ~= 1 ) error('1D deflate failed'); end if ( deflate_level ~= 0 ) error('1D deflate_level failed'); end % var2 [shuffle,deflate,deflate_level,status] = mexnc('inq_var_deflate',ncid,varid2); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end if ( shuffle ~= 0 ) error('1D shuffle failed'); end if ( deflate ~= 1 ) error('1D deflate failed'); end if ( deflate_level ~= 5 ) error('1D deflate_level failed'); end % var3 [shuffle,deflate,deflate_level,status] = mexnc('inq_var_deflate',ncid,varid3); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end if ( shuffle ~= 0 ) error('1D shuffle failed'); end if ( deflate ~= 1 ) error('1D deflate failed'); end if ( deflate_level ~= 9 ) error('1D deflate_level failed'); end status = mexnc('close',ncid); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end return %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function test_netcdf4_1d_shuffle_on_deflate_off(ncfile) % delete(ncfile); [ncid, status] = mexnc ( 'create', ncfile, nc_netcdf4_classic ); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end [xdimid,status] = mexnc('def_dim',ncid,'x',100); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end [varid, status] = mexnc ( 'def_var', ncid, 'x', nc_double, 1, xdimid ); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end status = mexnc('def_var_deflate',ncid,varid,1,0,0); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end status = mexnc('enddef',ncid); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end [shuffle,deflate,deflate_level,status] = mexnc('inq_var_deflate',ncid,varid); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end if ( shuffle ~= 1 ) error('1D shuffle failed'); end if ( deflate ~= 0 ) error('1D deflate failed'); end if ( deflate_level ~= 0 ) error('1D deflate_level failed'); end status = mexnc('close',ncid); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end return %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function test_netcdf4_1d_shuffle_on_deflate_on(ncfile) % shuffle filter turned off % deflate filter turned on % netcdf-4 delete(ncfile); [ncid, status] = mexnc ( 'create', ncfile, nc_netcdf4_classic ); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end [xdimid,status] = mexnc('def_dim',ncid,'x',100); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end [varid1, status] = mexnc ( 'def_var', ncid, 'x1', nc_double, 1, xdimid ); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end [varid2, status] = mexnc ( 'def_var', ncid, 'x2', nc_double, 1, xdimid ); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end [varid3, status] = mexnc ( 'def_var', ncid, 'x3', nc_double, 1, xdimid ); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end status = mexnc('def_var_deflate',ncid,varid1,1,1,0); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end status = mexnc('def_var_deflate',ncid,varid2,1,1,5); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end status = mexnc('def_var_deflate',ncid,varid3,1,1,9); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end status = mexnc('enddef',ncid); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end % var1 [shuffle,deflate,deflate_level,status] = mexnc('inq_var_deflate',ncid,varid1); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end if ( shuffle ~= 1 ) error('1D shuffle failed'); end if ( deflate ~= 1 ) error('1D deflate failed'); end if ( deflate_level ~= 0 ) error('1D deflate_level failed'); end % var2 [shuffle,deflate,deflate_level,status] = mexnc('inq_var_deflate',ncid,varid2); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end if ( shuffle ~= 1 ) error('1D shuffle failed'); end if ( deflate ~= 1 ) error('1D deflate failed'); end if ( deflate_level ~= 5 ) error('1D deflate_level failed'); end % var3 [shuffle,deflate,deflate_level,status] = mexnc('inq_var_deflate',ncid,varid3); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end if ( shuffle ~= 1 ) error('1D shuffle failed'); end if ( deflate ~= 1 ) error('1D deflate failed'); end if ( deflate_level ~= 9 ) error('1D deflate_level failed'); end status = mexnc('close',ncid); if ( status ~= 0 ), error(mexnc ( 'strerror', status )), end return