function test_create ( ncfile ) % Tests run are open with % Test 1: nc_clobber_mode % Test 2: nc_noclobber_mode % Test 3: clobber and share and 64 bit offset % Test 4: share mode. Should also clobber it. % Test 5: share | 64bit_offset % Test 6: 64 bit offset. Should also clobber it. % Test 7: noclobber mode. Should not succeed. % Test 8: only one input, should not succeed % Test 9: Filename is empty % Test 10: mode argument not supplied % Test 11: mode argument is 'clobber'. Deprecated, please don't use this. % Test 12: mode argument is 'noclobber'. Deprecated, please don't use this. % Test 13: mode argument is nc_netcdf4_classic % Test 14: mode argument is 4096, which is for enhanced netcdf-4 % if nargin == 0 ncfile = ''; end test_clobber_mode(ncfile); % #1 test_noclobber_and_share_mode(ncfile); % #2 test_clobber_and_share_and_64bit(ncfile); % #3 test_share_mode(ncfile); % #4 test_share_and_64bit_mode(ncfile); % #5 test_64bit_mode(ncfile); % #6 test_noclobber_mode(ncfile); % #7 test_only_one_input(ncfile); % #8 test_empty_filename(ncfile); % #9 test_no_mode(ncfile); % #10 %test_char_clobber(ncfile); % #11 %test_char_noclobber(ncfile); % #12 test_netcdf4_classic(ncfile); % #13 test_netcdf4_enhanced(ncfile); % #13 fprintf ( 'CREATE succeeded.\n' ); return %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function test_clobber_mode(ncfile) [ncid, status] = mexnc ( 'create', ncfile, nc_clobber_mode ); if status, error(mexnc('strerror',status)), end; status = mexnc ( 'close', ncid ); if status, error(mexnc('strerror',status)), end; return %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function test_noclobber_and_share_mode(ncfile) % Test 2: nc_noclobber_mode | nc_share_mode mode = bitor ( nc_clobber_mode, nc_share_mode ); [ncid, status] = mexnc ( 'create', ncfile, mode ); if status, error(mexnc('strerror',status)), end; status = mexnc ( 'close', ncid ); if status, error(mexnc('strerror',status)), end; return %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function test_clobber_and_share_and_64bit(ncfile) % Test 3: clobber and share and 64 bit offset mode = bitor ( nc_clobber_mode, nc_share_mode ); mode = bitor ( mode, nc_64bit_offset_mode ); [ncid, status] = mexnc ( 'create', ncfile, mode ); if status, error(mexnc('strerror',status)), end; status = mexnc ( 'close', ncid ); if status, error(mexnc('strerror',status)), end; return %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function test_share_mode(ncfile) % Test 4: share mode. Should also clobber it. [ncid, status] = mexnc ( 'create', ncfile, nc_share_mode ); if status, error(mexnc('strerror',status)), end; status = mexnc ( 'close', ncid ); if status, error(mexnc('strerror',status)), end; return %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function test_share_and_64bit_mode(ncfile) % Test 5: share | 64bit_offset mode = bitor ( nc_share_mode, nc_64bit_offset_mode ); [ncid, status] = mexnc ( 'create', ncfile, mode ); if status, error(mexnc('strerror',status)), end; status = mexnc ( 'close', ncid ); if status, error(mexnc('strerror',status)), end; return %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function test_64bit_mode(ncfile) % 64 bit offset. Should also clobber it. [ncid, status] = mexnc ( 'create', ncfile, nc_64bit_offset_mode ); if status, error(mexnc('strerror',status)), end; status = mexnc ( 'close', ncid ); if status, error(mexnc('strerror',status)), end; return %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function test_noclobber_mode(ncfile) % % Test 7: noclobber mode. Should not succeed, because the file already % exists. [ncid, status] = mexnc ( 'create', ncfile, nc_noclobber_mode ); %#ok if ( status == 0 ) error ( '''create'' succeeded on nc_noclobber_mode, should have failed' ); end return %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function test_only_one_input(ncfile) % % Test 8: only one input, should not succeed. Throws an exception, % because there are way too few arguments. try mexnc ( 'create' ); error('succeeded when it should have failed'); catch %#ok end return %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function test_empty_filename(ncfile) % % Test 9: Filename is empty try %#ok mexnc ( 'create', '', nc_clobber_mode ); error ( 'succeeded when it should have failed' ); end return %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function test_no_mode(ncfile) if exist('','file') delete(''); end % Test 10: Only two arguments. Mode should default to no clobber [ncid, status] = mexnc ( 'create', '' ); if status, error(mexnc('strerror',status)), end; status = mexnc ( 'close', ncid ); if status, error ( mexnc ( 'strerror', status ) ), end return %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function test_char_clobber ( ncfile ) [ncid, status] = mexnc ( 'create', ncfile, 'clobber' ); if ( status ~= 0 ), error ( mexnc ( 'strerror', status ) ), end status = mexnc ( 'close', ncid ); if ( status ~= 0 ), error ( mexnc ( 'strerror', status ) ), end return %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function test_char_noclobber ( ncfile ) delete ( ncfile ); [ncid, status] = mexnc ( 'create', ncfile, 'noclobber' ); if ( status ~= 0 ), error ( mexnc ( 'strerror', status ) ), end status = mexnc ( 'close', ncid ); if ( status ~= 0 ), error ( mexnc ( 'strerror', status ) ), end return %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function test_netcdf4_classic(ncfile) delete(ncfile); [ncid, status] = mexnc ( 'create', ncfile, nc_netcdf4_classic ); if status, error(mexnc('strerror',status)), end; status = mexnc ( 'close', ncid ); if status, error(mexnc('strerror',status)), end; return %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function test_netcdf4_enhanced(ncfile) delete(ncfile); v = version('-release'); switch(v) case { '14', '2006a', '2006b', '2007a', '2007b', '2008a' } % [ncid, status] = mexnc ( 'create', ncfile, 'netcdf4' ); % if status == 0 % error('Should not have succeeded in creating a file in netcdf4 mode.'); % end % mexnc('close',ncid); throw_error = 0; try [ncid, status] = mexnc('create',ncfile,'netcdf4'); throw_error = 1; end if throw_error error('failed'); end case { '2008b', '2009a', '2009b', '2010a'} [ncid, status] = mexnc ( 'create', ncfile, 'netcdf4' ); if status == 0 error('Should not have succeeded in creating a file in netcdf4 mode.'); end mexnc('close',ncid); otherwise % 10b and higher, this should work. [ncid, status] = mexnc ( 'create', ncfile, 'netcdf4' ); if status < 0, error('failed'), end mexnc('close',ncid); end return