function test_attcopy ( ncfile1, ncfile2 ) % TEST_ATTCOPY if nargin < 2 ncfile1 = ''; ncfile2 = ''; end mexnc ( 'setopts', 0 ); create_testfile ( ncfile1 ); create_testfile ( ncfile2 ); test_copy_double_att ( ncfile1, ncfile2 ); test_copy_bad_src_ncid ( ncfile1, ncfile2 ); test_bad_src_varid ( ncfile1, ncfile2 ); test_bad_dest_ncid ( ncfile1, ncfile2 ); test_copy_bad_dest_varid ( ncfile1, ncfile2 ); fprintf ( 1, 'ATTCOPY succeeded.\n' ); return; %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function create_testfile ( ncfile ) [ncid, status] = mexnc ( 'create', ncfile, nc_clobber_mode ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end [xdimid, status] = mexnc ( 'def_dim', ncid, 'x', 20 ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end [varid, status] = mexnc ( 'def_var', ncid, 'x', nc_double, 1, xdimid ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end status = mexnc ( 'close', ncid ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end return %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function test_copy_double_att ( ncfile1, ncfile2 ) % Test 1: Copy a double precision attribute. [ncid1, status] = mexnc ( 'open', ncfile1, nc_write_mode ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end [varid1, status] = mexnc ( 'inq_varid', ncid1, 'x' ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end [ncid2, status] = mexnc ( 'open', ncfile2, nc_write_mode ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end [varid2, status] = mexnc ( 'inq_varid', ncid2, 'x' ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end status = mexnc ( 'redef', ncid1 ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end status = mexnc ( 'redef', ncid2 ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end input_data = [3.14159]; status = mexnc ( 'put_att_double', ncid1, varid1, 'test_double', nc_double, 1, input_data ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end [status] = mexnc ( 'enddef', ncid1 ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end status = mexnc ( 'sync', ncid1 ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end status = mexnc ( 'attcopy', ncid1, varid1, 'test_double', ncid2, varid2 ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end [status] = mexnc ( 'enddef', ncid2 ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end [return_value, status] = mexnc ( 'get_att_double', ncid2, varid2, 'test_double' ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end if return_value ~= 3.14159 error ('ATTCOPY did not seem to work' ); end status = mexnc ( 'close', ncid1 ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end status = mexnc ( 'close', ncid2 ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end return %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function test_copy_bad_src_ncid ( ncfile1, ncfile2 ) % Test 2: Copy from a bad source ncid. Should fail. [ncid1, status] = mexnc ( 'open', ncfile1, nc_write_mode ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end [varid1, status] = mexnc ( 'inq_varid', ncid1, 'x' ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end [ncid2, status] = mexnc ( 'open', ncfile2, nc_write_mode ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end [varid2, status] = mexnc ( 'inq_varid', ncid2, 'x' ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end status = mexnc ( 'redef', ncid1 ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end status = mexnc ( 'redef', ncid2 ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end % % try a bad ncid1 % Test 2: Copy from a bad source ncid. Should fail. status = mexnc ( 'attcopy', -12, varid1, 'test_double', ncid2, varid2 ); if ( status == 0 ) err_msg = sprintf ( '%s: ATTCOPY succeeded with a bad 1st ncid\n', mfilename); error ( err_msg ); end status = mexnc ( 'close', ncid1 ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end status = mexnc ( 'close', ncid2 ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end return %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function test_bad_src_varid ( ncfile1, ncfile2 ) % Test 3: Copy from a bad source varid. Should fail. [ncid1, status] = mexnc ( 'open', ncfile1, nc_write_mode ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end [varid1, status] = mexnc ( 'inq_varid', ncid1, 'x' ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end [ncid2, status] = mexnc ( 'open', ncfile2, nc_write_mode ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end [varid2, status] = mexnc ( 'inq_varid', ncid2, 'x' ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end status = mexnc ( 'redef', ncid1 ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end status = mexnc ( 'redef', ncid2 ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end % Test 3: Copy from a bad source varid. Should fail. status = mexnc ( 'attcopy', ncid1, -7, 'test_double', ncid2, varid2 ); if ( status == 0 ) err_msg = sprintf ( '%s: ATTCOPY succeeded with a bad 1st varid\n', mfilename); error ( err_msg ); end status = mexnc ( 'close', ncid1 ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end status = mexnc ( 'close', ncid2 ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end return %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function test_bad_dest_ncid ( ncfile1, ncfile2 ) % Test 4: Copy to a bad destination ncid. Should fail. [ncid1, status] = mexnc ( 'open', ncfile1, nc_write_mode ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end [varid1, status] = mexnc ( 'inq_varid', ncid1, 'x' ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end [ncid2, status] = mexnc ( 'open', ncfile2, nc_write_mode ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end [varid2, status] = mexnc ( 'inq_varid', ncid2, 'x' ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end status = mexnc ( 'redef', ncid1 ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end status = mexnc ( 'redef', ncid2 ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end % Test 4: Copy to a bad destination ncid. Should fail. status = mexnc ( 'attcopy', ncid1, varid1, 'test_double', -12, varid2 ); if ( status == 0 ) error ( 'ATTCOPY succeeded with a bad 2nd ncid' ); end status = mexnc ( 'close', ncid1 ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end status = mexnc ( 'close', ncid2 ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end return %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function test_copy_bad_dest_varid ( ncfile1, ncfile2 ) % Test 5: Copy to a bad destination varid. Should fail. [ncid1, status] = mexnc ( 'open', ncfile1, nc_write_mode ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end [varid1, status] = mexnc ( 'inq_varid', ncid1, 'x' ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end [ncid2, status] = mexnc ( 'open', ncfile2, nc_write_mode ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end [varid2, status] = mexnc ( 'inq_varid', ncid2, 'x' ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end status = mexnc ( 'redef', ncid1 ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end status = mexnc ( 'redef', ncid2 ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end % Test 5: Copy to a bad destination varid. Should fail. status = mexnc ( 'attcopy', ncid1, varid1, 'test_double', ncid2, -12 ); if ( status >= 0 ) error ('ATTCOPY succeeded with a bad 2nd varid'); end status = mexnc ( 'close', ncid1 ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end status = mexnc ( 'close', ncid2 ); if status ~= 0, error ( mexnc('strerror',status) ), end return