function h=textbox(r,tit,texts,name); % TEXTBOX Creates a textbox in a frame. % h=TEXTBOX(R,TIT,TEXTS,NAME) creates a frame at position R, % title TIT, and places a set of boxes in it (one per cell % in TEXTS). The global variable GUI will have a field NAME_h % with the handles. % %, 11/20/2001 global GUI; xspace=.01; yspace=.01; dy=.04; L=length(texts); a=uicontrol('style','frame', ... 'units','normalized', ... 'position',r); r=r+[xspace yspace -2*xspace -2*yspace]; r(2)=r(2)+r(4)-dy; r(4)=dy; if (~isempty(tit)), uicontrol('style','text', ... 'string',tit, ... 'units','normalized', ... 'position',r, ... 'fontweight','bold'); r=next_line(r); end, for k=1:L, h(k)=uicontrol('style','edit', ... 'units','normalized', ... 'position',r, ... 'string',texts{k}); r=next_line(r); end eval(['GUI.' name '_h=h;']); if (nargout==0), clear h; end, return function r=next_line(r); r(2)=r(2)-r(4); return