function [C]=ijcoast(Gname,Cname); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Hernan G. Arango %%%% % Copyright (c) 2001 Rutgers University. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % function [C]=ijcoast(Gname,Cname) % % % % This script converts coastline data to GRID indices for a particular % % application. This will used in the Land/Sea masking tools. % % % % On Input: % % % % Gname NetCDF file name (character string). % % Cname Coastline file name (character string). % % % % On Output: % % % % C Coastline indices (structure array): % % C.grid => Grid file name. % % C.coast => Coastline file name. % % C.indices => Coastline indices file name. % % C.lon => Coastline longitudes. % % => Coastline latitudes. % % C.Icst => Coastline I-grid coordinates, (0:L). % % C.Jcst => Coastline J-grid coordinates, (0:M). % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% EXTRACT=0; method='linear'; C.grid=Gname; C.coast=Cname; C.indices='ijcoast.mat'; %----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Read in grid coordinates at rho-points. %----------------------------------------------------------------------- rlon=nc_read(Gname,'lon_rho'); rlat=nc_read(Gname,'lat_rho'); [Lp,Mp]=size(rlon); L=Lp-1; M=Mp-1; %----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Read in coastline data. %----------------------------------------------------------------------- load(Cname); Clon=lon; Clat=lat; %----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Extract need coasline data. %----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (EXTRACT), dx=5*abs(mean(mean(gradient(rlon)))); dy=5*abs(mean(mean(gradient(rlat)))); C.Llon=min(min(rlon)); C.Llon=C.Llon-dx; C.Rlon=max(max(rlon)); C.Rlon=C.Rlon+dx; C.Blat=min(min(rlat)); C.Blat=C.Blat-dy; C.Tlat=max(max(rlat)); C.Tlat=C.Tlat+dy; ind=find(Clon > C.Rlon | Clon < C.Llon | Clat > C.Tlat | Clat < C.Blat); clon=Clon; clat=Clat; if (~isempty(ind)), clon(ind)=[]; clat(ind)=[]; end, C.lon=[NaN; clon; NaN];[NaN; clat; NaN]; else, clon=Clon; clat=Clat; C.lon=clon;; end, clear Clon Clat clon clat %----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Interpolate coastline to grid units. %----------------------------------------------------------------------- disp(['Converting coastline (lon,lat) to (I,J) grid indices.']); [y,x]=meshgrid(1:Mp,1:Lp); C.Icst=griddata(rlon,rlat,x,C.lon,,method); C.Jcst=griddata(rlon,rlat,y,C.lon,,method); % Substrat one to have indices in the range (0:L,0:M). C.Icst=C.Icst-1; C.Jcst=C.Jcst-1; %----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Save sctructure array into a Matlab file. %----------------------------------------------------------------------- disp(['Saving coastline (I,J) into file: ',C.indices]); save(C.indices,'C'); return