function varargout=mu_util(optn,varargin); % MU_UTIL Various utility routines % This function should not be used directly; instead it is % is accessed by other high- and low-level functions. % MU_UTIL is basically a driver for a number of lower-level routines collected % together for convenience. They are specified by the first argument: % 'clip' - clipping routine % 'axisticks' - generates a "nice" set of ticks, optimized for degrees/minutes on maps % angles of the circle. % 'x/ygrid' - generates the lines for axis grids % 'xylimits' - finds the x/y limits for a given map % 'lllimits' - finds the lat/long limits for a given map (usually for rectboxes) % 'box' - returns a line around the boundaries of the map. % Rich Pawlowicz ( 4/April/97 % % This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. But % it's mine, so you can't sell it. % 31/Mar/04 - added a fix in m_rectgrid that caused problems when a map % boundary coincided with a grid line. % 26/Oct/07 - fixed the same problem when it occurred near SOUTH pole! % 8/Sep/13 - added 'tickstyle' to grid generation switch optn, case 'clip', [varargout{1},varargout{2}]=m_clip(varargin{:}); case 'axisticks', varargout{1}=m_getinterval(varargin{:}); case {'xgrid','ygrid'} [varargout{1},varargout{2},varargout{3},varargout{4}]=m_rectgrid(optn,varargin{:}); case 'xylimits', m_getxylimits; case 'lllimits', m_getlllimits; case 'box', [varargout{1},varargout{2}]=m_box(varargin{:}); end; %--------------------------------------------------------- function [Xc,Yc]=m_clip(cliptype,X,Xedge,indx,Y); % M_CLIP performs clipping of data. Columns of points are % assumed to be lines; the first points outside the % clip area are recomputed to lie on the edge of the % region; others are converted to either NaN or % edge points depending on CLIPTYPE. % % indx = 0 for points inside the clip region, 1 % for those outside % % 'on' - replaces points outside with NaN, but interpolates % to provide points right on the border. % 'patch' - replaces points outside with nearest border point % 'point' - does no interpolation (just checks in/out) % % In general m_clip will be called 4 times, since it solves a 1-edge problem. % Rich Pawlowicz ( 4/April/97 Xc=X; Yc=Y; if ~strcmp(cliptype,'point'), % Find regions where we suddenly come into the area % (indices go from 1 to 0) [i,j]=find(diff(indx)==-1); if any(i), I=i+(j-1)*size(X,1); % 1-d addressing % Linearly interpolate to boundary bt=(X(I+1)-X(I)); ibt=abs(bt)<5*eps; if any(ibt), bt(ibt)=1*eps; end; % In these cases the delta(Y) also = 0, so we just want % to avoid /0 warnings. Yc(I)=Y(I)+(Xedge-X(I)).*(Y(I+1)-Y(I))./bt; Yc(I(ibt))=(Y(I(ibt))+Y(I(ibt)+1))/2; Xc(I)=Xedge; indx(I(isfinite(Yc(I))))=0; end; % Find regions where we suddenly come out of the area % (indices go from 0 to 1) [i,j]=find(diff(indx)==1); if any(i), I=i+(j-1)*size(X,1); bt=(X(I+1)-X(I)); ibt=abs(bt)<5*eps; if any(ibt), bt(ibt)=eps; end; % In these cases the delta(Y) also = 0, so we just want % to avoid /0 warnings. Yc(I+1)=Y(I)+(Xedge-X(I)).*(Y(I+1)-Y(I))./bt; Yc(I(ibt)+1)=(Y(I(ibt))+Y(I(ibt)+1))/2; Xc(I+1)=Xedge; indx(I(isfinite(Yc(I+1)))+1)=0; end; end; switch cliptype, case {'on','point'} Xc(indx)=NaN; Yc(indx)=NaN; case 'patch', Xc(indx)=Xedge; end; %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function gval=m_getinterval(gmin,gmax,gtick,gtickstyle); % M_GETINTERVAL picks nice spacing for grid ticks % This occurs when the following call is made: % TICKS=M_GRID('axisticks',MIN,MAX,APPROX_NUM_TICKS) % % Rich Pawlowicz ( 2/Apr/1997 % % 9/Apr/98 - changed things so that max/min limits are not automatically % added (this feature made map corners messy sometimes) % If ticks are specified, we just make sure they are within the limits % of the map. if length(gtick)>1, gval=[gtick(gtick(:)>=gmin & gtick(:)<=gmax)]; % Otherwise, we try to fit approximately gtick ticks in the interval else if gtick>2, exactint=(gmax-gmin)/(gtick-1)*60; %interval in minutes if strcmp(gtickstyle,'dm'), % These are the intervals which we will allow (they are "nice" in the sense % that they come to various even multiples of minutes or degrees) niceints=[0.1 0.2 0.25 0.5 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 12 15 20 30 ... 60*[1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 15 18 20 25 30 40 50 60 100 120 180]]; elseif strcmp(gtickstyle,'dd'), % these are decimal intervals niceints=60*[1/500 1/400 1/250 1/200 1/100 ... 1/50 1/40 1/25 1/20 1/10 1/5 1/4 1/3 1/2 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 15 18 20 25 30 40 50 60 100 120 180]; else error(['bad tickstyle - ''' gtickstyle '''']); end; [dun,I]=min(abs(niceints-exactint)); gval=niceints(I)/60*[ceil(gmin*60/niceints(I)):fix(gmax*60/niceints(I))]; gval=[gval(gval>=gmin & gval<=gmax) ]; else gval=[gmin gmax]; end; end; %-------------------------------------------------------------- function [X,Y,vals,labI]=m_rectgrid(direc,Xlims,Ylims,Nx,Ny,label_pos,tickstyle); % M_RECTGRID This handles some of the computations involved in creating grids % for rectangular maps. Essentially we make our "first guess" using the % lat/long limits. Then these curves are clipped to the boundaries, after % which we use the clip points as "new" boundaries and recompute the lines. % Rich Pawlowicz ( 4/April/97 global MAP_PROJECTION MAP_VAR_LIST Ny1=Ny-1; Ny2=Ny*2; Ny21=Ny2-1; % First try some wildly oversampled lines (not including the boundaries) vals=mu_util('axisticks',Xlims(1),Xlims(2),Nx,tickstyle); if strcmp(MAP_VAR_LIST.rectbox,'on') | strcmp(MAP_VAR_LIST.rectbox,'circle'), % We don't want the end limits here. if vals(end) == Xlims(2), vals(end) = []; end if vals(1) == Xlims(1), vals(1) = []; end if direc(1)=='x', [lg,lt]=meshgrid(vals,Ylims(1)+diff(Ylims)*[0:1/Ny1:1]); else [lt,lg]=meshgrid(vals,Ylims(1)+diff(Ylims)*[0:1/Ny1:1]); end; % But sneakily we clip them in transforming, so we end up with finite values only % inside the axis limits [X,Y]=feval(MAP_PROJECTION.routine,'ll2xy',lg,lt,'clip','on'); % Now we find the first/last unclipped values; these will be our correct starting points. % (Note I am converting to one-dimensional addressing). istart=sum(cumsum(isfinite(X))==0)+1+[0:size(X,2)-1]*size(X,1); iend=size(X,1)-sum(cumsum(isfinite(flipud(X)))==0)+[0:size(X,2)-1]*size(X,1); % Now, in the case where map boundaries coincide with limits it is just possible % that an entire column might be in this case make up something just % slight non-zero. (31/Mar/04) i3=find(iend==0); if any(i3), istart(i3)=1; iend(i3)=1; end; % do same fix for istart (thanks Ben Raymond for finding this bug) i3=find(istart>prod(size(X))); if any(i3), istart(i3)=1; iend(i3)=1; end; % Now go back and find the lat/longs corresponding to those points; these are our new % starting points for the lines (Note that the linear interpolation for clipping at boundaries % means that they will not *quite* be the exact longitudes due to curvature, but they should % be very close. if direc(1)=='x', [lgs,lts]=feval(MAP_PROJECTION.routine,'xy2ll',X(istart),Y(istart),'clip','off'); [lgs,lte]=feval(MAP_PROJECTION.routine,'xy2ll',X(iend),Y(iend),'clip','off'); % Finally compute the lines within those limits (these *may* include some out-of-bounds points % depending on the geometry of the situation; these are converted to NaN as usual. [X,Y]=feval(MAP_PROJECTION.routine,'ll2xy',vals(ones(Ny2,1),:),... lts(ones(Ny2,1),:)+[0:1/Ny21:1]'*(lte-lts),'clip','on'); else [lgs,lts]=feval(MAP_PROJECTION.routine,'xy2ll',X(istart),Y(istart),'clip','off'); [lge,lts]=feval(MAP_PROJECTION.routine,'xy2ll',X(iend),Y(iend),'clip','off'); % Longitudes should be increasing here, but we can run into wrap problems after % the tansformations back and forth. It is for this line that I need to make % long-lims just a tad less than 360 when really they should be 360 (in m_lllimits) lge(lge<=lgs)=lge(lge<=lgs)+360; [X,Y]=feval(MAP_PROJECTION.routine,'ll2xy',lgs(ones(Ny2,1),:)+[0:1/Ny21:1]'*(lge-lgs),... vals(ones(Ny2,1),:),'clip','on'); end; else if direc(1)=='x', [lg,lt]=meshgrid(vals,Ylims(1)+diff(Ylims)*[0:1/Ny1:1]); else [lt,lg]=meshgrid(vals,Ylims(1)+diff(Ylims)*[0:1/Ny1:1]); end; [X,Y]=feval(MAP_PROJECTION.routine,'ll2xy',lg,lt,'clip','off'); end; switch label_pos case {'left','bottom','west','south'} labI=1; case 'middle', labI=round(size(X,1)/2+1/2); case {'right','top','east','north'} labI=size(X,1); end; %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function m_getxylimits; % M_GET_LIMITS Converts X/Y limits to lat/long limits % This is a chunk of code that is needed for most projections. % Rich Pawlowicz ( 4/April/97 global MAP_PROJECTION MAP_VAR_LIST % Start with the user-specified lat/longs. MAP_VAR_LIST.lats=MAP_VAR_LIST.ulats; MAP_VAR_LIST.longs=MAP_VAR_LIST.ulongs; % Now, let's get the map x/ylims bX=MAP_VAR_LIST.longs(1)+diff(MAP_VAR_LIST.longs)*[0:1/30:1]; bY=MAP_VAR_LIST.lats(1)+diff(MAP_VAR_LIST.lats)*[0:1/30:1]; bX=[bX MAP_VAR_LIST.longs(2*ones(1,31)) fliplr(bX) MAP_VAR_LIST.longs(ones(1,31)) ]; bY=[MAP_VAR_LIST.lats(ones(1,31)) bY MAP_VAR_LIST.lats(2*ones(1,31)) fliplr(bY) ]; [X,Y]=feval(MAP_PROJECTION.routine,'ll2xy',bX,bY,'clip','off'); MAP_VAR_LIST.xlims=[min(X) max(X)]; MAP_VAR_LIST.ylims=[min(Y) max(Y)]; %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function m_getlllimits; % M_GET_LIMITS Converts X/Y limits to lat/long limits % This is a chunk of code that is needed for most projections. % Rich Pawlowicz ( 4/April/97 global MAP_PROJECTION MAP_VAR_LIST [bX,bY]=mu_util('box',31); % Get its lat/longs. [lg,lt]=feval(MAP_PROJECTION.routine,'xy2ll',bX,bY,'clip','off'); % Take real part because otherwise funny things might happen if the box is very large MAP_VAR_LIST.lats=[min(real(lt)) max(real(lt))]; % Are the poles within the axis limits? (Test necessary for oblique mercator and azimuthal) [px,py]=feval(MAP_PROJECTION.routine,'ll2xy',[0 0],[-90 90],'clip','point'); if isfinite(px(1)), MAP_VAR_LIST.lats(1)=-90; end; if isfinite(px(2)), MAP_VAR_LIST.lats(2)= 90; end; if any(isfinite(px)), MAP_VAR_LIST.longs=[-179.9 180]+exp(1); % we add a weird number (exp(1)) to get away from % anything that might conceivably be desired as a % boundary - it makes grid generation easier. % Also make the limits just a little less than 180, this % is necessary because I have to have the first and last points % of lines just a little different in order to figure out orientation % in 'm_rectgrid' else MAP_VAR_LIST.longs=[min(lg) max(lg)]; if all(isnan(px)) & diff(MAP_VAR_LIST.longs)>360*30/31, ii=lg