function [ncst,Area,k]=mu_coast(optn,varargin); % MU_COAST Add a coastline to a given map. % MU_COAST draw a coastline as either filled patches (slow) or % lines (fast) on a given projection. It uses a coastline database with % a resolution of about 1/4 degree. % % It is not meant to be called directly by the user, instead it contains % code common to various functions in the m_map directory. % % Calling sequence is MU_COAST(option,arguments) where % % Option string % c,l,i,h,f : Accesses various GSHHS databases. Next argument is % GSHHS filename. % % u[ser] : Accesses user-specified coastline file (a mat-file of % data saved from a previous MU_COAST call). Next argument % is filename % % v[ector] : Uses input vector of data. Next argument is the % data in the form of a nx2 matrix of [longitude latitude]. % Patches must have first and last points the same. In a vector, % different patches can be separated by NaN. % % d[efault] : Accesses default coastline. % % The arguments given above are then followed by (optional) arguments % specifying lines or patches, in the form: % % optional arguments: , or % 'line',. % 'patch',. % 'speckle',width,density,. % % If no or one output arguments are specified then the coastline is drawn, with % patch handles returned. % If 3 output arguments are specified in the calling sequence, then no drawing % is done. This can be used to save subsampled coastlines for future use % with the 'u' option, for fast drawing of multiple instances of a particular % coastal region. % % % % See also M_PROJ, M_GRID % Rich Pawlowicz ( 2/Apr/1997 % % Notes: 15/June/98 - fixed some obscure problems that occured sometimes % when using conic projections with large extents that % crossed the 180-deg longitude line. % 31/Aug/98 - added "f" gshhs support (Thanks to RAMO) % 17/June/99 - 'line' option as per manual (thanks to Brian Farrelly) % 3/Aug/01 - kludge fix for lines to South Pole in Antarctica (response % to Matt King). % 30/May/02 - fix to get gshhs to work in Antarctica. % 15/Dec/05 - speckle additions % 21/Mar/06 - handling of gshhs v1.3 (developed from suggestions by % Martin Borgh) % 26/Nov/07 - changed 'finite' to 'isfinite' after warnings % 26/Sep/14 - added hierarchy flag to borders and rivers % 13/Nov/14 - suggested matlab2014b graphics fix % This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. But % it's mine, so you can't sell it. global MAP_PROJECTION MAP_VAR_LIST % Have to have initialized a map first if isempty(MAP_PROJECTION), disp('No Map Projection initialized - call M_PROJ first!'); return; end; % m_coasts.mat contains 3 variables: % ncst: a Nx2 matrix of [LONG LAT] line segments, each of which form % a closed contour, separated by NaN % k=[find(isnan(ncst(:,1)))]; % Area: a vector giving the areas of the different patches. Both ncst % and Area should be ordered with biggest regions first. Area can % be computed as follows: % % Area=zeros(length(k)-1,1); % for i=1:length(k)-1, % x=ncst([k(i)+1:(k(i+1)-1) k(i)+1],1); % y=ncst([k(i)+1:(k(i+1)-1) k(i)+1],2); % nl=length(x); % Area(i)=sum( diff(x).*(y(1:nl-1)+y(2:nl))/2 ); % end; % % Area should be >0 for land, and <0 for lakes and inland seas. switch optn(1), case {'c','l','i','h','f'}, [ncst,k,Area]=get_coasts(optn,varargin{1}); varargin(1)=[]; case 'u', eval(['load ' varargin{1} ' -mat']); varargin(1)=[]; case 'v', ncst=[NaN NaN;varargin{1};NaN NaN]; varargin(1)=[]; k=[find(isnan(ncst(:,1)))]; % Get k Area=ones(size(k)); % Make dummy Area vector (all positive). otherwise load m_coasts end; % If all we wanted was to extract a sub-coastline, return. if nargout==3, return; end; % Handle wrap-arounds (not needed for azimuthal and oblique projections) switch MAP_PROJECTION.routine, case {'mp_cyl','mp_conic','mp_tmerc'} if MAP_VAR_LIST.longs(2)<-180, ncst(:,1)=ncst(:,1)-360; elseif MAP_VAR_LIST.longs(1)>180, ncst(:,1)=ncst(:,1)+360; elseif MAP_VAR_LIST.longs(1)<-180, Area=[Area;Area]; k=[k;k(2:end)+k(end)-1]; ncst=[ncst;[ncst(2:end,1)-360 ncst(2:end,2)]]; % This is kinda kludgey - but sometimes adding all these extra points % causes wrap-around in the conic projection, so we want to limit the % longitudes to the range needed. However, we don't just clip them to % min long because that can cause problems in trying to decide which way % curves are oriented when doing the fill algorithm below. So instead % I sort of crunch the scale, preserving topology. % % 12/Sep/2006 - in the gsshs_crude database we have a lot of long skinny % things which interact badly with this - so I offset the scrunch 2 degrees % away from the bdy nn=ncst(:,1)180, Area=[Area;Area]; k=[k;k(2:end)+k(end)-1]; ncst=[ncst;[ncst(2:end,1)+360 ncst(2:end,2)]]; % Ditto. nn=ncst(:,1)>MAP_VAR_LIST.longs(2)+2; ncst(nn,1)=(ncst(nn,1)-MAP_VAR_LIST.longs(2)-2)/100+MAP_VAR_LIST.longs(2)+2; end; end; if length(varargin)>0, if strcmp(varargin(1),'patch'), optn='patch'; end if strcmp(varargin(1),'speckle'), optn='speckle'; end if strcmp(varargin(1),'line'), optn='line'; varargin=varargin(2:end); % ensure 'line' does not get passed to line end else optn='line'; end; switch optn, case {'patch','speckle'} switch MAP_VAR_LIST.rectbox, case 'on', xl=MAP_VAR_LIST.xlims; yl=MAP_VAR_LIST.ylims; [X,Y]=m_ll2xy(ncst(:,1),ncst(:,2),'clip','on'); oncearound=4; case 'off', xl=MAP_VAR_LIST.longs; yl=MAP_VAR_LIST.lats; X=ncst(:,1); Y=ncst(:,2); [X,Y]=mu_util('clip','on',X,xl(1),Xxl(2),Y); [Y,X]=mu_util('clip','on',Y,yl(1),Yyl(2),X); oncearound=4; case 'circle', rl=MAP_VAR_LIST.rhomax; [X,Y]=m_ll2xy(ncst(:,1),ncst(:,2),'clip','on'); oncearound=2*pi; end; % if verLessThan('matlab','8.4.0'), p_hand=zeros(length(k)-1,1); % Patch handles % else % p_hand=gobjects(length(k)-1,1); % Patch handles % end; for i=1:length(k)-1, x=X(k(i)+1:k(i+1)-1); fk=isfinite(x); if any(fk), y=Y(k(i)+1:k(i+1)-1); %% if i>921, disp('pause 1'); pause; end; nx=length(x); if Area(i)<0, x=flipud(x);y=flipud(y); fk=flipud(fk); end; %clf %line(x,y,'color','m'); st=find(diff(fk)==1)+1; ed=find(diff(fk)==-1); %length(x), %ed, %st if length(st)0, if mi==1, xx=x(st(1):ed(1)); yy=y(st(1):ed(1)); end; estart=edge2(1); s_edge=edge1; s_edge(s_edge0, p_hand(i)=m_hatch(xx,yy,'speckle',varargin{2:end}); else p_hand(i)=m_hatch(xx,yy,'outspeckle',varargin{2:end}); end; end; %%%if i>921, disp(['paused-2 ' int2str(i)]);pause; end; ed(1)=[];st(1)=[];edge2(1)=[];edge1(1)=[]; else xx=[xx;x(st(mi):ed(mi))]; yy=[yy;y(st(mi):ed(mi))]; ed(1)=ed(mi);st(mi)=[];ed(mi)=[]; edge2(1)=edge2(mi);edge2(mi)=[];edge1(mi)=[]; end; %%if i>921, disp(['paused-2 ' int2str(i)]);pause; end; end; end; end; otherwise, % This handles the odd points required at the south pole by any Antarctic % coastline by setting them to NaN (for lines only) ii=ncst(:,2)<=-89.9; if any(ii), ncst(ii,:)=NaN; end; [X,Y]=m_ll2xy(ncst(:,1),ncst(:,2),'clip','on'); % Get rid of 2-point lines (these are probably clipped lines spanning the window) fk=isfinite(X); st=find(diff(fk)==1)+1; ed=find(diff(fk)==-1); k=find((ed-st)==1); X(st(k))=NaN; p_hand=line(X,Y,varargin{:}); end; ncst=p_hand; %----------------------------------------------------------------------- function edg=c_edge(x,y); % C_EDGE tests if a point is on the edge or not. If it is, it is % assigned a value representing it's position oon the perimeter % in the clockwise direction. For x/y or lat/long boxes, these % values are % 0 -> 1 on left edge % 1 -> 2 on top % 2 -> 3 on right edge % 3 -> 4 on bottom % For circular boxes, these values are the -ve of the angle % from center. global MAP_VAR_LIST switch MAP_VAR_LIST.rectbox, case 'on', xl=MAP_VAR_LIST.xlims; yl=MAP_VAR_LIST.ylims; case 'off', xl=MAP_VAR_LIST.longs; yl=MAP_VAR_LIST.lats; case 'circle', rl2=MAP_VAR_LIST.rhomax^2; end; edg=9999+zeros(length(x),1); tol=1e-10; switch MAP_VAR_LIST.rectbox, case {'on','off'}, i=abs(x-xl(1))=2, flaglim=str2num(optn(2)); end; fid=fopen(file,'r','ieee-be'); if fid==-1, warning(sprintf(['Coastline file ' file ... ' not found \n(Have you installed it? See the M_Map User''s Guide for details)' ... '\n ---Using default coastline instead'])); load m_coasts return end; %%size(ncst) Area2=Area; % Read the File header %%[A,cnt]=fread(fid,9,'int32'); [A,cnt]=get_gheader(fid); l=0; while cnt>0, % A: 1:ID, 2:num points, 3:land/lake etc., 4-7:w/e/s/n, 8:area, 9:greenwich crossed. C=fread(fid,A(2)*2,'int32'); % Read all points in the current segment. %For Antarctica the lime limits are 0 to 360 (exactly), thus c==0 and the %line is not chosen for (e.g. a conic projection of part of Antarctica) % Fix 30may/02 if A(5)==360e6, A(5)=A(5)-1; end; a=rlim>llim; % Map limits cross longitude jump? (a==1 is no) b=A(9)<65536; % Cross boundary? (b==1 if no). c=llimrem(A(4)+360e6,360e6); e=tlim>A(6) & blim65536 | any(dx)>356 | any(dx<356), % if ~b | any(dx>356) | any(dx<-356), x=x-360*cumsum([x(1)>180;(dx>356) - (dx<-356)]); % end; % Antarctic is a special case - extend contour to make nice closed polygon % that doesn't surround the pole. if abs(x(1))<1 & abs(y(1)+68.9)<1, y=[-89.9;-78.4;y(x<=-180);y(x>-180); -78.4;-89.9*ones(18,1)]; x=[ 180; 180 ;x(x<=-180)+360;x(x>-180);-180; [-180:20:160]']; end; % First and last point should be the same IF THIS IS A POLYGON % if the Area=0 then this is a line, and don't add points! if A(8)>0, if x(end)~=x(1) | y(end)~=y(1), x=[x;x(1)];y=[y;y(1)]; end; % get correct curve orientation for patch-fill algorithm. Area2(l)=sum( diff(x).*(y(1:(end-1))+y(2:end))/2 ); Area(l)=A(8)/10; if rem(A(3),2)==0; Area(l)=-abs(Area(l)); if Area2(l)>0, x=x(end:-1:1);y=y(end:-1:1); end; else if Area2(l)<0, x=x(end:-1:1);y=y(end:-1:1); end; end; else % Later on 2 point lines are clipped so we want to avoid that if length(x)==2, x=[x(1);mean(x);x(2)];y=[y(1);mean(y);y(2)]; end; % disp('0'); % line(x,y);pause; end; % Here we try to reduce the number of points. xflag=0; if max(x)>180, % First, save original curve for later if we anticipate sx=x;sy=y; % a 180-problem. xflag=1; end; % Look for points outside the lat/long boundaries, and then decimate them % by a factor of about 'decfac' (don't get rid of them completely because that % can sometimes cause problems when polygon edges cross curved map edges). tol=.2; % Do y limits, then x so we can keep corner points. nn=(y>mtlim+tol) | (y0)+([diff(nn);0]<0))); nn([1 end])=0; % decimate vigorously nn=nn & rem(1:length(nn),decfac)'~=0; x(nn)=[];y(nn)=[]; if mrlim>mllim, % no wraparound % sections of line outside lat/long limits nn=(x>mrlim+tol | xmblim; else % wraparound case nn=(x>mrlim+tol & xmblim; end; nn=logical(nn-min(1,([0;diff(nn)]>0)+([diff(nn);0]<0)));nn([1 end])=0; nn=nn & rem(1:length(nn),decfac)'~=0; x(nn)=[];y(nn)=[]; % Move all points "near" to map boundaries. % I'm not sure about the wisdom of this - it might be better to clip % to the boundaries instead of moving. Hmmm. y(y>mtlim+tol)=mtlim+tol; y(ymllim, % Only clip long bdys if I can tell I'm on the right % or left (i.e. not in wraparound case) x(x>mrlim+tol)=mrlim+tol; x(x1e5, nn=find(sx>180);nn=[nn;nn(1)]; k(l+1)=k(l)+length(nn)+1; ncst(k(l)+1:k(l+1)-1,:)=[sx(nn)-360,sy(nn)]; else % repeat the island at the other edge. k(l+1)=k(l)+length(sx)+1; ncst(k(l)+1:k(l+1)-1,:)=[sx-360,sy]; end; ncst(k(l+1),:)=[NaN NaN]; end; end; %%[A,cnt]=fread(fid,9,'int32'); [A,cnt]=get_gheader(fid); end; fclose(fid); %%plot(ncst(:,1),ncst(:,2));pause;clf; %size(ncst) %size(Area) %size(k) ncst((k(l+1)+1):end,:)=[]; % get rid of unused part of data matrices Area((l+1):end)=[]; k((l+2):end)=[]; %size(ncst) %size(Area) %size(k) %%% function [A,cnt]=get_gheader(fid); % Reads the gshhs file header % % A bit of code added because header format changed with version 1.3. % % 17/Sep/2008 - added material to handle latest GSHHS version. % % For version 1.1 this is the header ( 9*4 = 36 bytes long) % %int id; /* Unique polygon id number, starting at 0 */ %int n; /* Number of points in this polygon */ %int level; /* 1 land, 2 lake, 3 island_in_lake, 4 pond_in_island_in_lake */ %int west, east, south, north; /* min/max extent in micro-degrees */ %int area; /* Area of polygon in 1/10 km^2 */ %short int greenwich; /* Greenwich is 1 if Greenwich is crossed */ %short int source; /* 0 = CIA WDBII, 1 = WVS */ % % For version 1.3 of GMT format was changed to this ( 10*4 = 40 bytes long) % %int id; /* Unique polygon id number, starting at 0 */ %int n; /* Number of points in this polygon */ %int level; /* 1 land, 2 lake, 3 island_in_lake, 4 pond_in_island_in_lake */ %int west, east, south, north; /* min/max extent in micro-degrees */ %int area; /* Area of polygon in 1/10 km^2 */ %int version; /* Polygon version, set to 3 %short int greenwich; /* Greenwich is 1 if Greenwich is crossed */ %short int source; /* 0 = CIA WDBII, 1 = WVS */ % % For version 1.4, we have (8*4 = 32 bytes long) % %int id; /* Unique polygon id number, starting at 0 */ %int n; /* Number of points in this polygon */ %int flag; /* level + version << 8 + greenwich << 16 + source << 24 %int west, east, south, north; /* min/max extent in micro-degrees */ %int area; /* Area of polygon in 1/10 km^2 */ % %Here, level, version, greenwhich, and source are %level: 1 land, 2 lake, 3 island_in_lake, 4 pond_in_island_in_lake %version: Set to 4 for GSHHS version 1.4 %greenwich: 1 if Greenwich is crossed %source: 0 = CIA WDBII, 1 = WVS % % For version 2.0 it all changed again, we have (11*4 = 44 bytes) % % int id; /* Unique polygon id number, starting at 0 */ % int n; /* Number of points in this polygon */ % int flag; /* = level + version << 8 + greenwich << 16 + source << 24 + river << 25 */ % /* flag contains 5 items, as follows: % * low byte: level = flag & 255: Values: 1 land, 2 lake, 3 island_in_lake, 4 pond_in_island_in_lake % for border database: 1=country, 2=state/province % * 2nd byte: version = (flag >> 8) & 255: Values: Should be 7 for GSHHS release 7 (i.e., version 2.0) % * 3rd byte: greenwich = (flag >> 16) & 1: Values: Greenwich is 1 if Greenwich is crossed % * 4th byte: source = (flag >> 24) & 1: Values: 0 = CIA WDBII, 1 = WVS % * 4th byte: river = (flag >> 25) & 1: Values: 0 = not set, 1 = river-lake and level = 2 % */ % int west, east, south, north; /* min/max extent in micro-degrees */ % int area; /* Area of polygon in 1/10 km^2 */ % int area_full; /* Area of original full-resolution polygon in 1/10 km^2 */ % int container; /* Id of container polygon that encloses this polygon (-1 if none) */ % int ancestor; /* Id of ancestor polygon in the full resolution set that was the source of this polygon (-1 if none) % Now, in the calling code I have to use A(2),A(3),A(5-7), A(8), A(9) from original. [A,cnt]=fread(fid,8,'int32'); if cnt<8, % This gets triggered by the EOF return; end; ver=bitand(bitshift(A(3),-8),255); if ver==0, % then its an old version % This works for version 1.2, but not 1.3. [A2,cnt2]=fread(fid,1,'int32'); A=[A;A2]; if (cnt+cnt2)==9 & A(9)==3, % we have version 1.3, this would be one of 0,1,65535,65536 in v 1.2 % Read one more byte A2=fread(fid,1,'int32'); % This is the easiest way not to break existing code. A(9)=A2; % one of 0,1,65536,65537 end; %%fprintf('%d ',A(9)); else % a newest versions level=bitand(A(3),255); greenwich=bitand(bitshift(A(3),-16),255); source=bitand(bitshift(A(3),-24),255); A(3)=level; A(9)=greenwich*65536; if ver>=7, % After v2.0 some more bytes around A2=fread(fid,3,'int32'); end; end;