function M=m_shaperead(fname,UBR); % M_SHAPEREAD reads an ESRI-format shapefile % % M=M_SHAPEREAD(FNAME) reads the 3 files % that have name FNAME with added .dbf, .shp, % and .shx extensions. Data is returned in a % structure M, whose format includes several % fixed fields that contain the data, as well % as an arbitrary number of fields that % contain the database information for this % particular file. % % Since the shapefile is a self-describing % format you have to look at M to discover % what is there. The data itself is usually % in the .ncst subfield. % % Note that individual polygons or polylines in % a shapefile sometimes come in parts, these % are translated into a continuous segment with % NaNs separating the different parts. % % Format info as per: % % Shapefile (.shx,.shp): Wikipedia and % dbf file: % % M_SHAPEREAD(FNAME,UBR) returns only those % elements with a minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) % that intersects with the User-specified minimum % bounding rectangle (UBR), in the format % [minX minY maxX maxY] % % R. Pawlowicz 24/Jan/2011 % % This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. But % it's mine, so you can't sell it. if nargin<2, UBR=[-Inf -Inf Inf Inf]; end; % % Read the .shx file. Some parts are little-endian, and % some parts big-endian. It turns out that in Windows % I can't open a file for reading twice and get different % FIDs (it seems to return the same one for each fopen) % So I have to do different separate reads. % (thanks to Doug Popken for reporting this) % Read header %-------------- fidb=fopen([fname '.shx'],'r','b'); % big-endian open if fidb==-1, error(['Cannot file filename: ' fname '.shx']); end; head1=fread(fidb,7,'int32'); % unused stuff + file length % Read index data status=fseek(fidb,100,'bof'); recn16=fread(fidb,[2 Inf],'int32')'; lrec=size(recn16,1); fprintf('%d Records in file, by 500:\n',lrec); fclose(fidb); %-------------- fidl=fopen([fname '.shx'],'r','l'); % little-endian open status=fseek(fidl,28,'bof'); head2=fread(fidl,2,'int32'); % Version and shape type head3=fread(fidl,8,'double'); % A bunch of bounding info fclose(fidl); %-------------- % Read the dbf file. If it isn't there % we should stil try to read the shp file. fidl=fopen([fname '.dbf'],'r','l'); % little-endian read if fidl==-1, disp(['Cannot file filename: ' fname '.dbf']); dbf={}; fnam={}; nfield=0; mdat=[NaN NaN NaN]; else ver=fread(fidl,1,'int8'); mdat=fread(fidl,3,'int8')'; nrec=fread(fidl,1,'int32'); hlen=fread(fidl,1,'int16'); rlen=fread(fidl,1,'int16'); nfield=(hlen-32-1)/32; for k=1:nfield, % status=fseek(fidl,32*k,'bof'); fnam{k}=char(fread(fidl,11,'uchar')'); fnam{k}=fnam{k}(fnam{k}>0); ftype(k)=char(fread(fidl,1,'uchar')); faddr(k)=fread(fidl,1,'int32'); flen(k)=fread(fidl,1,'uchar'); end; dbf=cell(nrec,nfield); for k=1:nrec, if rem(k,500)==0, fprintf('-'); end; status=fseek(fidl,hlen+1+(k-1)*rlen,'bof'); for l=1:nfield, switch ftype(l), case 'N', str=char([fread(fidl,flen(l),'uchar')']); dbf{k,l}=sscanf(str,'%f'); % was %d but found a file with E+XXX numbers case 'F', str=char([fread(fidl,flen(l),'uchar')']); dbf{k,l}=sscanf(str,'%f'); case 'I', dbf{k,l}=fread(fidl,4,'int32'); case 'C', str=char(fread(fidl,flen(l),'uchar')'); str(str==13)=' '; % CR added in some strings, change to space dbf{k,l}= deblank(str); case 'D', str=char(fread(fidl,8,'uchar')'); dbf{k,l}=datenum(str,'yyyymmdd'); otherwise disp(['Unknown field type: ' ftype(l)]); end; end; end; fprintf('\n'); fclose(fidl); end; % Set up the data structure so far M=struct('version',head2(1),'shape_type',head2(2),... 'MBRx',head3([1 3]),... 'MBRy',head3([2 4]),... 'MBRz',head3(5:6),... 'MBRm',head3(7:8),... 'filelength16',head1(7),... 'type',NaN,'ctype',' ',... 'ncst',cell(1,1),'mbr',NaN(lrec,4),... 'dbfversion',ver,... 'dfbdate',mdat+[1900 0 0],'fieldnames',cell(1,1),... 'dbfdata',cell(1,1)); M.fieldnames=fnam; M.dbfdata=dbf; for k=1:nfield, M=setfield(M,fnam{k},dbf(:,k)); end; % Read the .shp file fidl=fopen([fname '.shp'],'r','l'); if fidl==-1, error(['Cannot find filename: ' fname '.shp']); end; ikp=ones(lrec,1); for k=1:lrec, if rem(k,500)==0, fprintf('.'); end; fseek(fidl,recn16(k,1)*2+8,'bof'); stype=fread(fidl,1,'int32'); M.type=stype; switch stype, case 0, % null case 1, % point M.ctype='point'; pt=fread(fidl,2,'double')'; M.ncst{k,1}=pt; case 3, % polyline M.ctype='polyline'; mbr=fread(fidl,4,'double'); if mbr(1)UBR(1) & mbr(2)UBR(2), nparts=fread(fidl,1,'int32'); npts=fread(fidl,1,'int32'); parts=fread(fidl,nparts,'int32'); pts=fread(fidl,[2 npts],'double')'; % Separate in Nan-separated list. % Add 'last' offset parts=[parts;length(pts)]; ncst=NaN(length(pts)+length(parts)-2,2); for k2=1:length(parts)-1, ncst([parts(k2)+1:parts(k2+1)]+(k2-1),:)=pts([parts(k2)+1:parts(k2+1)],:); end; M.mbr(k,:)=mbr; M.ncst{k,1}=ncst; else M.ncst{k,1}=[]; ikp(k)=0; end; case 5, % polygon M.ctype='polygon'; mbr=fread(fidl,4,'double'); if mbr(1)UBR(1) & mbr(2)UBR(2), nparts=fread(fidl,1,'int32'); npts=fread(fidl,1,'int32'); parts=fread(fidl,nparts,'int32'); pts=fread(fidl,[2 npts],'double')'; % Separate in Nan-separated list. % Add 'last' offset parts=[parts;length(pts)]; ncst=NaN(length(pts)+length(parts)-2,2); for k2=1:length(parts)-1, ncst([parts(k2)+1:parts(k2+1)]+(k2-1),:)=pts([parts(k2)+1:parts(k2+1)],:); end; M.mbr(k,:)=mbr; M.ncst{k,1}=ncst; else M.ncst{k,1}=[]; ikp(k)=0; end; case 8, % multipoint M.ctype='multipoint'; mbr=fread(fidl,4,'double'); if mbr(1)UBR(1) & mbr(2)UBR(2), npts=fread(fidl,1,'int32'); pts=fread(fidl,[2 npts],'double')'; M.mbr(k,:)=mbr; M.ncst{k,1}=pts; else M.ncst{k,1}=[]; ikp(k)=0; end; case 11, % pointZ M.ctype='pointZ'; pt=fread(fidl,3,'double')'; M.ncst{k,1}=pt; case 13, % polylineZ M.ctype='polylineZ'; mbr=fread(fidl,4,'double')'; if mbr(1)UBR(1) & mbr(2)UBR(2), nparts=fread(fidl,1,'int32'); npts=fread(fidl,1,'int32'); parts=fread(fidl,nparts,'int32'); pts=fread(fidl,[2 npts],'double')'; mbrZ=fread(fidl,2,'double')'; ptsZ=fread(fidl,[npts],'double')'; % Separate in Nan-separated list. % Add 'last' offset parts=[parts;length(pts)]; ncst=NaN(length(pts)+length(parts)-2,2); for k2=1:length(parts)-1, ncst([parts(k2)+1:parts(k2+1)]+(k2-1),1:2)=pts([parts(k2)+1:parts(k2+1)],:); ncst([parts(k2)+1:parts(k2+1)]+(k2-1),3)=ptsZ([parts(k2)+1:parts(k2+1)] ); end; if size(M.mbr,2)==4, M.mbr=NaN(size(M.mbr,1),6); end; M.mbr(k,:)=[mbr mbrZ]; M.ncst{k,1}=ncst; else M.ncst{k,1}=[]; ikp(k)=0; end; case 15, % polygonZ M.ctype='polygonZ'; mbr=fread(fidl,4,'double')'; if mbr(1)UBR(1) & mbr(2)UBR(2), nparts=fread(fidl,1,'int32'); npts=fread(fidl,1,'int32'); parts=fread(fidl,nparts,'int32'); pts=fread(fidl,[2 npts],'double')'; mbrZ=fread(fidl,2,'double')'; ptsZ=fread(fidl,[npts],'double')'; % Separate in Nan-separated list. % Add 'last' offset parts=[parts;length(pts)]; ncst=NaN(length(pts)+length(parts)-2,2); for k2=1:length(parts)-1, ncst([parts(k2)+1:parts(k2+1)]+(k2-1),1:2)=pts([parts(k2)+1:parts(k2+1)],:); ncst([parts(k2)+1:parts(k2+1)]+(k2-1),3)=ptsZ([parts(k2)+1:parts(k2+1)] ); end; if size(M.mbr,2)==4, M.mbr=NaN(size(M.mbr,1),6); end; M.mbr(k,:)=[mbr mbrZ]; M.ncst{k,1}=ncst; else M.ncst{k,1}=[]; ikp(k)=0; end; case 18, % multipointZ M.ctype='multipointZ'; mbr=fread(fidl,4,'double'); if mbr(1)UBR(1) & mbr(2)UBR(2), npts=fread(fidl,1,'int32'); pts=fread(fidl,[2 npts],'double')'; mbrZ=fread(fidl,2,'double')'; ptsZ=fread(fidl,[npts],'double')'; if size(M.mbr,2)==4, M.mbr=NaN(size(M.mbr,1),6); end; M.mbr(k,:)=[mbr mbrZ]; M.ncst{k,1}=[pts ptsZ]; else M.ncst{k,1}=[]; ikp(k)=0; end; otherwise disp(['Unknown record type: ' int2str(stype)]) end; end; fclose(fidl); irem=find(~ikp); M.dbfdata(irem,:)=[]; M.ncst(irem,:)=[]; M.mbr(irem,:)=[]; for k=1:nfield, M.(fnam{k})(irem,:)=[]; end;