function m_proj(proj,varargin) % M_PROJ Initializes map projections info, putting the result into a structure % % M_PROJ('get') tells you the current state % M_PROJ('set') gives you a list of all possibilities % M_PROJ('set','proj name') gives info about a projection in the % 'get' list. % M_PROJ('proj name','property',value,...) initializes a projection. % % % see also M_GRID, M_LL2XY, M_XY2LL. % Rich Pawlowicz ( 2/Apr/1997 % % This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. But % it's mine, so you can't sell it. % % 20/Sep/01 - Added support for other coordinate systems. % 25/Feb/07 - Swapped "get" and "set" at lines 34 and 47 % to make it consistent with the help % (and common Matlab style) % - Added lines 62-70 & 74 % to harden against error when no proj is set % (fixes thanks to Lars Barring) global MAP_PROJECTION MAP_VAR_LIST MAP_COORDS % Get all the projections projections=m_getproj; if nargin==0, proj='usage'; end; proj=lower(proj); switch proj, case 'set', % Print out their names if nargin==1, disp(' '); disp('Available projections are:'); for k=1:length(projections), disp([' ' projections(k).name]); end; else k=m_match(varargin{1},projections(:).name); eval(['X=' projections(k).routine '(''set'',projections(k).name);']); disp(X); end; case 'get', % Get the values of all set parameters if nargin==1, if isempty(MAP_PROJECTION), disp('No map projection initialized'); m_proj('usage'); else k=m_match(,projections(:).name); eval(['X=' projections(k).routine '(''get'');']); disp('Current mapping parameters -'); disp(X); end; else if isempty(MAP_PROJECTION), k=m_match(varargin{1},projections(:).name); eval(['X=' projections(k).routine '(''set'',projections(k).name);']); X=strvcat(X, ... ' ', ... '**** No projection is currently defined ****', ... ['**** USE "m_proj(''' varargin{1} ''',)" ****']); disp(X); else k=m_match(varargin{1},projections(:).name); eval(['X=' projections(k).routine '(''get'');']); disp(X); end; end; case 'usage', disp(' '); disp('Possible calling options are:'); disp(' ''usage'' - this list'); disp(' ''set'' - list of projections'); disp(' ''set'',''projection'' - list of properties for projection'); disp(' ''get'' - get current mapping parameters (if defined)'); disp(' ''projection'' <,properties> - initialize projection\n'); otherwise % If a valid name, give the usage. k=m_match(proj,projections(:).name); MAP_PROJECTION=projections(k); eval([ projections(k).routine '(''initialize'',projections(k).name,varargin{:});']); % With the projection store what coordinate system we are using to define it. if isempty(MAP_COORDS), m_coord('geographic'); end; MAP_PROJECTION.coordsystem=MAP_COORDS; end; %--------------------------------------------------------- function projections=m_getproj; % M_GETPROJ Gets a list of the different projection routines % and returns a structure containing both their % names and the formal name of the projection. % (used by M_PROJ). % Rich Pawlowicz ( 9/May/1997 % % 9/May/97 - fixed paths for Macs (thanks to Dave Enfield) % % 7/05/98 - VMS pathnames (thanks to Helmut Eggers) % Get all the projections lpath=which('m_proj'); fslashes=findstr(lpath,'/'); bslashes=findstr(lpath,'\'); colons=findstr(lpath,':'); closparantheses=findstr(lpath,']'); if ~isempty(fslashes), lpath=[ lpath(1:max(fslashes)) 'private/']; elseif ~isempty(bslashes), lpath=[ lpath(1:max(bslashes)) 'private\']; elseif ~isempty(closparantheses), % for VMS computers only, others don't use ']' in filenames lpath=[ lpath(1:max(closparantheses)-1) '.private]']; else, lpath=[ lpath(1:max(colons)) 'private:']; end; w=dir([lpath 'mp_*.m']); if isempty(w), % Not installed correctly disp('**********************************************************'); disp('* ERROR - Can''t find anything in a /private subdirectory *'); disp('* m_map probably unzipped incorrectly - please *'); disp('* unpack again, preserving directory structure *'); disp('* *'); disp('* ...Abandoning m_proj now. *'); error('**********************************************************'); end; l=1; projections=[]; for k=1:length(w), funname=w(k).name(1:(findstr(w(k).name,'.'))-1); projections(l).routine=funname; eval(['names= ' projections(l).routine '(''name'');']); for m=1:length(names); projections(l).routine=funname; projections(l).name=names{m}; l=l+1; end; end; %---------------------------------------------------------- function match=m_match(arg,varargin); % M_MATCH Tries to match input string with possible options % Rich Pawlowicz ( 2/Apr/1997 match=strmatch(lower(arg),cellstr(lower(char(varargin)))); if length(match)>1, error(['Projection ''' arg ''' not a unique specification']); elseif isempty(match), error(['Projection ''' arg ''' not recognized']); end;