function [longGEO,latGEO,phiVecGEO,thetaVecGEO]=m_mag2geo(longMAG,latMAG,phiVecMAG,thetaVecMAG) % M_MAG2GEO Converts magnetic to geographic coordinates. % [longGEO,latGEO]=M_MAG2GEO(longMAG,latMAG) converts geomagnetic % (dipole) coordinates to geographic coordinates. IGRF 2000 is used % to determine the location of the geomagnetic dipole. All in units of % degrees with + longitudes east. All variables can be scalar or matrix % but must have the same size. % % Vector rotations can be carried using % % [longGEO,latGEO,phiVecGEO,thetaVecGEO]=M_MAG2GEO(longMAG,latMAG,phiVecMAG,thetaVecMAG) % % where % % phiVecMAG - east component of the vector in geomagnetic coordinates % thetaVecMAG - north component of the vector in geomagnetic coordinates % phiVecGEO - east component of the vector in geographic coordinates % thetaVecGEO - north component of the vector in geographic coordinates % % See also M_GEO2MAG % References: % % Hapgood, M.A., Space Physics Coordinate Transformations: % A User Guide, Planet. Space Sci., Vol. 40, N0. 5, 1992. % R. Pawlowicz ( % % This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. But % it's mine, so you can't sell it. if nargin==2, [longGEO,latGEO]=mc_coords('mag2geo',longMAG,latMAG); elseif nargin==4, [longGEO,latGEO,phiVecGEO,thetaVecGEO]=mc_coords('mag2geo',longMAG,latMAG,phiVecMAG,thetaVecMAG); else error('Wrong number of input parameters'); end;