function [dist,lons,lats] = m_lldist(long,lat,N) % M_LLDIST Spherical earth distance between points in long/lat coordinates. % RANGE=M_LLDIST(LONG,LAT) gives the distance in kilometers between % successive points in the vectors LONG and LAT, computed % using the Haversine formula on a spherical earth of radius % 6378.137km. Distances are probably good to better than 1% of the % "true" distance on the ellipsoidal earth % % [RANGE,LONGS,LATS]=M_LLDIST(LONG,LAT,N) computes the N-point geodesics % between successive points. Each geodesic is returned on its % own row of length N+1. % % See also M_XYDIST % Rich Pawlowicz ( 6/Nov/00 % This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. But % it's mine, so you can't sell it. % % 30/Dec/2005 - added n-point geodesic computations, based on an algorithm % coded by Jeff Barton at Johns Hopkins APL in an m-file % I looked at at pi180=pi/180; earth_radius=6378.137; m=length(long)-1; long1=reshape(long(1:end-1),m,1)*pi180; long2=reshape(long(2:end) ,m,1)*pi180; lat1= reshape(lat(1:end-1) ,m,1)*pi180; lat2= reshape(lat(2:end) ,m,1)*pi180; dlon = long2 - long1; dlat = lat2 - lat1; a = (sin(dlat/2)).^2 + cos(lat1) .* cos(lat2) .* (sin(dlon/2)).^2; angles = 2 * atan2( sqrt(a), sqrt(1-a) ); dist = earth_radius * angles; if nargin==3 & nargout>1, % Compute geodesics. % Cartesian unit vectors in rows of v1,v2 v1=[cos(long1).*cos(lat1) sin(long1).*cos(lat1) sin(lat1) ]; v2=[cos(long2).*cos(lat2) sin(long2).*cos(lat2) sin(lat2) ]; % We want to get a unit vector tangent to the great circle. n1=cross(v1,v2,2); t1=cross(n1,v1,2); t1=t1./repmat(sqrt(sum(t1.^2,2)),1,3); lons=zeros(m,N+1); lats=zeros(m,N+1); for k=1:m, % Radials for all points p1=v1(k,:)'*cos(angles(k)*[0:N]/N) + t1(k,:)'*sin(angles(k)*[0:N]/N); lons(k,:)=atan2(p1(2,:),p1(1,:))/pi180; lats(k,:)=asin(p1(3,:))/pi180; end; end;