function m_grid(varargin); % M_GRID make a grid on a map. % M_GRID('parameter','value',...) with any number (or no) % optional parameters is used to draw a lat/long grid for a % previously initialized map projection. % % The optional parameters allow the user % to control the look of the grid. These parameters are listed % by M_GRID('get'), with defualt parameters in M_GRID('set'); % % see also M_PROJ % Rich Pawlowicz ( 2/Apr/1997 % % This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. But % it's mine, so you can't sell it. % % 19/6/97 - set visibility of titles and so forth to 'on' (they % default to 'off' when axes visibility is turned off) % 2/11/97 - for M5.1, the old way of making the patch at the bottom (i.e. % by rearranging the axes children) instead causes matlab to lose % track of titles. Try a different fix. % 11/01/98 - Added way of making longitude lines cut off to prevent crowding near poles (you have % to specify a vector for allowabale latitudes for this to work). % 16/02/98 - Made a little fudge to allow the user to fully specify grid location % without getting the edge points. It doesn't quite work if only *one* edge % point is desired....but I hope it will be OK that way. % 19/02/98 - PC-users complain about layers getting out of order! Their fault for using % such an awful OS...however (with help from Eric Firing) I think I have % a fix. % 7/04/98 - Another fix to grid locations to not automatically add edge points % (as requested by EF) % 7/05/98 - Added 'fancy' outline box. % 14/11/98 - Changed tag names from m_* to m_grid_*. % 11/07/99 - Apparently fontname changing didn't work (thanks to Dave McCollum) % 28/04/04 - Changed m_grid_color code so it works right under unix; old % way retained for windows (ugh). % 16/10/05 - Kirk Ireson discovered that the way to fix those annoying 'cut-throughs' % in fancy_box was to add a 'large' I've adapted his fix in % fancybox and fancybox2. % 21/11/06 - added 'backcolor' % 16/4/07 - sorted ticklabels when user-specified (prevents an odd problem near in % azimuthal projections). % 4/DEc/11 - isstr to ischar % 7/Dec/11 - Octave 3.2.3 compatibility % 8/Sep/13 - added 'tickstyle' parameter % 27/Sep/13 - matlab 2013b out, includes graphic bug. Workaround provided by % Corinne Bassin. % 10/Jul/14 - in 2014a BITMAX starts not to be used, changed to FLINTMAX... % 13/Nov/14 - 2014b graphics changes are biting; a number of version-dependent % fixes implemented. % Note that much of the work in generating line data % is done by calls to the individual projections - % most of M_GRID is concerned with the mechanics of plotting % These structures are initialized by m_proj() global MAP_PROJECTION MAP_VAR_LIST % Have to have initialized a map first if isempty(MAP_PROJECTION), disp('No Map Projection initialized - call M_PROJ first!'); return; end; % Recognize Octave a=ver; if strcmp(a(1).Name,'Octave'), IsOctave=logical(1); else IsOctave=logical(0); end; % I use bitmax in various places as 'a large number', but % as of 2014b this has been renamed global LARGVAL try if verLessThan('matlab','8.3') LARGVAL=bitmax; else LARGVAL=flintmax; end catch LARGVAL=bitmax; end % Otherwise we are drawing a grid! % Set current projection to geographic Currentmap=m_coord('set'); m_coord(; % Default parameters for grid xtick=6; ytick=6; xlabels=NaN; ylabels=NaN; gcolor='k'; gbackcolor='w'; %%get(gcf,'color'); glinestyle=':'; glinewidth=get(gca,'linewidth'); gbox='on'; gfontsize=get(gca,'fontsize'); gfontname=get(gca,'fontname'); gxaxisloc=get(gca,'xaxislocation'); gyaxisloc=get(gca,'yaxislocation'); gtickdir=get(gca,'tickdir'); gticklen=get(gca,'ticklength'); gticklen=gticklen(1); gxticklabeldir='middle'; gyticklabeldir='end'; gtickstyle='dm'; dpatch=5; % interpolation factor for fancy grids % Parse parameter list for options. I really should do some % error checking here, but... k=1; while k<=length(varargin), switch lower(varargin{k}(1:3)), case 'box', gbox=varargin{k+1}; case 'xti', if length(varargin{k})==5, xtick=sort(varargin{k+1}); % Added 'sort' here for people who put things in else % a random order near poles xlabels=varargin{k+1}; end; case 'yti', if length(varargin{k})==5, ytick=sort(varargin{k+1}); else ylabels=varargin{k+1}; end; case 'xla', gxticklabeldir=varargin{k+1}; case 'yla', gyticklabeldir=varargin{k+1}; case 'col', gcolor=varargin{k+1}; case 'bac', gbackcolor=varargin{k+1}; case 'lin', switch lower(varargin{k}(1:5)), case 'linew', glinewidth=varargin{k+1}; case 'lines', glinestyle=varargin{k+1}; end; case 'fon', switch lower(varargin{k}(1:5)), case 'fonts', gfontsize=varargin{k+1}; case 'fontn', gfontname=varargin{k+1}; end; case 'xax', gxaxisloc=varargin{k+1}; case 'yax', gyaxisloc=varargin{k+1}; case 'tic', switch lower(varargin{k}(1:5)), case 'tickl', gticklen=varargin{k+1}; case 'tickd', gtickdir=varargin{k+1}; case 'ticks', gtickstyle=varargin{k+1}; end; case {'get','usa'}, disp(' ''box'',( ''on'' | ''fancy'' | ''off'' )'); disp(' ''xtick'',( num | [value1 value2 ...])'); disp(' ''ytick'',( num | [value1 value2 ...])'); disp(' ''xticklabels'',[label1;label2 ...]'); disp(' ''yticklabels'',[label1;label2 ...]'); disp(' ''xlabeldir'', ( ''middle'' | ''end'' )'); disp(' ''ylabeldir'', ( ''end'' | ''middle'' )'); disp(' ''ticklength'',value'); disp(' ''tickdir'',( ''in'' | ''out'' )'); disp(' ''tickstyle'',(''dm'' | ''dd'' )'); % deg-min or decimal-deg disp(' ''color'',colorspec'); disp(' ''backcolor'',colorspec'); disp(' ''linewidth'', value'); disp(' ''linestyle'', ( linespec | ''none'' )'); disp(' ''fontsize'',value'); disp(' ''fontname'',name'); disp(' ''XaxisLocation'',( ''bottom'' | ''middle'' | ''top'' ) '); disp(' ''YaxisLocation'',( ''left'' | ''middle'' | ''right'' ) '); return; case 'set', disp([' box = ' gbox]); disp([' xtick = ' num2str(xtick)]); disp([' ytick = ' num2str(ytick)]); disp([' ticklength = ' num2str(gticklen)]); disp([' tickdir = ' gtickdir]); disp([' tickstyle = ' gtickstyle]); disp([' xlabeldir = ' gxticklabeldir]); disp([' ylabeldir = ' gyticklabeldir]); disp([' color = ' gcolor]); disp([' linewidth = ' num2str(glinewidth)]); disp([' linestyle = ' glinestyle]); disp([' fontsize = ' num2str(gfontsize)]); disp([' fontname = ' gfontname]); disp([' XaxisLocation = ' gxaxisloc]); disp([' YaxisLocation = ' gyaxisloc]); return; end; k=k+2; end; if IsOctave & strcmp(gbox,'fancy'), warning('No fancy box outlines with Octave'); gbox='on'; end; if strcmp(gbox,'fancy'), if strcmp(MAP_VAR_LIST.rectbox,'on') | strcmp(MAP_VAR_LIST.rectbox,'circle'), gbox='on'; warning([' No fancy outline with ''rectbox'' set to ''' MAP_VAR_LIST.rectbox '''']); end; end; % Draw the plot box [X,Y]=feval(MAP_PROJECTION.routine,'box'); if strcmp(gbox,'on'); line(X(:),Y(:),'linestyle','-','linewidth',glinewidth,'color',gcolor,'tag','m_grid_box','clipping','off'); end; % Axes background - to defeat the inverthardcopy, I need a non-white border (the edgecolor), % but sneakily I can set it's width to (effectively) 0 so it doesn't actually show! if ~IsOctave, % This is a very problematic part of the code. It turns out the the interaction between % PATCH objects and CONTOURF objects does not work correctly in the Painters renderer - % this is true in all versions up to 7.7 at least. Patches with large negative Z just % don't get drawn under contourgroup patches. % % There are several possible workarounds: % % 1) Make sure you use the 'v6' option in contourf calls (see m_contourf.m to see % how I have tried to do that for some versions of matlab) % - problem: the 'v6' option is going away soon, also you may want the % contourgroup object that the v6 option destroys. % % 2) Change the renderer to something else: % set(gcf,'renderer','opengl') or % set(gcf,'renderer','zbuffer') % - problem: These other renderers are not available on all systems, they may also % give less-precise results. % % 3) Use the painters renderer, but reorder the children so that the patch is at the % bottom of the list (painters cares about child order) % - problem: sometimes the child order is rearranged if you click on the figure, % also (at least in some versions of matlab) this causes labels to % disappear. % % With version 7.4 onwards I have discovered that reordering the children apparently % is Mathworks-blessed (c.f. the UISTACK function). So I am going to try to implement % the latter as a default. % Now, putting in a white background works under linux (at least) and % NOT under windows...I don't know about macs. %%a=ver('matlab'); % Ver doesn't return stuff under v5! a=version; %if (sscanf(a(1:3),'%f') >6.0 & sscanf(a(1:3),'%f') <7.4) & ~ispc, %% if verLessThan('matlab','8.4.0'), patch('xdata',X(:),'ydata',Y(:),'zdata',-LARGVAL*ones(size(X(:))),'facecolor',gbackcolor,... 'edgecolor','k','linestyle','none','tag','m_grid_color'); %% else %% patch('xdata',X(:),'ydata',Y(:),'zdata',-LARGVAL*(size(X(:))),'facecolor',gbackcolor,... %% 'edgecolor','k','linestyle','none','tag','m_grid_color'); %% end; % %else % Now, I used to set this at a large (negative) zdata, but this didn't work for PC users, % so now I just draw a patch...but I have decided to go back to the old % way (above) with higher versions. Maybe the PC version works now? % Unfortunately this kludge has some strange side-effects. % patch('xdata',X(:),'ydata',Y(:),'zdata',-bitmax*ones(size(X(:))),'facecolor',gbackcolor,... % 'edgecolor','k','linestyle','none','tag','m_grid_color'); % patch('xdata',X(:),'ydata',Y(:),'facecolor',gbackcolor,... % 'edgecolor','k','linestyle','none','tag','m_grid_color'); % Now I set it at the bottom of the children list so it gets drawn first (i.e. doesn't % cover anything) show=get(0, 'ShowHiddenHandles'); set(0, 'ShowHiddenHandles', 'on'); hh=get(gca,'children'); htags = get(hh,'tag'); k = strmatch('m_grid_color',htags); hht = hh; hh(k) = []; hh = [hh;hht(k)]; set(gca,'children',hh); set(0, 'ShowHiddenHandles', show); end; % X-axis labels and grid if ~isempty(xtick), % Tricky thing - if we are drawing a map with the poles, its nasty when the lines get too close % together. So we can sort of fudge this by altering MAP_VAR_LIST.lats to be slightly smaller, % and then changing it back again later. fudge_north='n';fudge_south='n'; if ~isempty(ytick) & length(ytick)>1, if MAP_VAR_LIST.lats(2)==90, fudge_north='y'; MAP_VAR_LIST.lats(2)=ytick(end); end; if MAP_VAR_LIST.lats(1)==-90, fudge_south='y'; MAP_VAR_LIST.lats(1)=ytick(1); end; end; [X,Y,lg,lgI]=feval(MAP_PROJECTION.routine,'xgrid',xtick,gxaxisloc,gtickstyle); [labs,scl]=m_labels('lon',lg,xlabels,gtickstyle); % Draw the grid. Every time we draw something, I first reshape the matrices into a long % row so that a) it plots faster, and b) all lines are given the same handle (which cuts % down on the number of children hanging onto the axes). [n,m]=size(X); line(reshape([X;NaN+ones(1,m)],(n+1)*m,1),reshape([Y;NaN+ones(1,m)],(n+1)*m,1),... 'linestyle',glinestyle,'color',gcolor,'linewidth',0.1,'tag','m_grid_xgrid'); % Get the tick data [ltx,lty,utx,uty]=maketicks(X,Y,gticklen,gtickdir); % Draw ticks if labels are on top or bottom (not if they are in the middle) if strcmp(gxticklabeldir,'middle'), if lgI==size(X,1) & strcmp(gxaxisloc,'top'), % Check to see if the projection supports this option. vert='bottom';horiz='center';drawticks=1; xx=utx(1,:);yy=uty(1,:);rotang=atan2(diff(uty),diff(utx))*180/pi+90; elseif lgI==1 & strcmp(gxaxisloc,'bottom') vert='top';horiz='center';drawticks=1; xx=ltx(1,:);yy=lty(1,:);rotang=atan2(diff(lty),diff(ltx))*180/pi-90; else vert='middle';horiz='center';lgIp1=lgI+1;drawticks=0; xx=X(lgI,:); yy=Y(lgI,:);rotang=atan2(Y(lgIp1,:)-Y(lgI,:),X(lgIp1,:)-X(lgI,:))*180/pi-90; end; else if lgI==size(X,1) & strcmp(gxaxisloc,'top'), % Check to see if the projection supports this option. vert='middle';horiz='left';drawticks=1; xx=utx(1,:);yy=uty(1,:);rotang=atan2(diff(uty),diff(utx))*180/pi+180; elseif lgI==1 & strcmp(gxaxisloc,'bottom') vert='middle';;horiz='right';drawticks=1; xx=ltx(1,:);yy=lty(1,:);rotang=atan2(diff(lty),diff(ltx))*180/pi; else vert='top';;horiz='center';lgIp1=lgI+1;drawticks=0; xx=X(lgI,:); yy=Y(lgI,:);rotang=atan2(Y(lgIp1,:)-Y(lgI,:),X(lgIp1,:)-X(lgI,:))*180/pi; end; end; if strcmp(gbox,'fancy'), if gtickdir(1)=='i', fancybox(lg,MAP_VAR_LIST.longs,'xgrid','bottom',dpatch,gticklen,gtickstyle); drawticks=0; else fancybox2(lg,MAP_VAR_LIST.longs,'xgrid','bottom',dpatch,gticklen,gtickstyle); end; end; if drawticks, [n,m]=size(ltx); line(reshape([ltx;NaN+ones(1,m)],(n+1)*m,1),reshape([lty;NaN+ones(1,m)],(n+1)*m,1),... 'linestyle','-','color',gcolor,'linewidth',glinewidth,'tag','m_grid_xticks-lower','clipping','off'); line(reshape([utx;NaN+ones(1,m)],(n+1)*m,1),reshape([uty;NaN+ones(1,m)],(n+1)*m,1),... 'linestyle','-','color',gcolor,'linewidth',glinewidth,'tag','m_grid_xticks-upper','clipping','off'); end; % Add the labels! (whew) ik=1:size(X,2); for k=ik, [rotang(k), horizk, vertk] = upright(rotang(k), horiz, vert); text(xx(k),yy(k),labs{k},'horizontalalignment',horizk,'verticalalignment',vertk, ... 'rotation',rotang(k),'fontsize',gfontsize*scl(k),'color',gcolor,... 'tag','m_grid_xticklabel','fontname',gfontname); end; if fudge_north=='y', MAP_VAR_LIST.lats(2)=90; end; if fudge_south=='y', MAP_VAR_LIST.lats(1)=-90; end; end; if ~isempty(ytick), % Y-axis labels and grid [X,Y,lt,ltI]=feval(MAP_PROJECTION.routine,'ygrid',ytick,gyaxisloc,gtickstyle); [labs,scl]=m_labels('lat',lt,ylabels,gtickstyle); % Draw the grid [n,m]=size(X); line(reshape([X;NaN+ones(1,m)],(n+1)*m,1),reshape([Y;NaN+ones(1,m)],(n+1)*m,1),... 'linestyle',glinestyle,'color',gcolor,'linewidth',0.1,'tag','m_grid_ygrid'); % Get the tick data [ltx,lty,utx,uty]=maketicks(X,Y,gticklen,gtickdir); % Draw ticks if labels are on left or right (not if they are in the middle) if strcmp(gyticklabeldir,'end'), if ltI==size(X,1) & strcmp(gyaxisloc,'right'), % Check to see if the projection supports this option. horiz='left';vert='middle';drawticks=1; xx=utx(1,:);yy=uty(1,:);rotang=atan2(diff(uty),diff(utx))*180/pi+180; elseif ltI==1 & strcmp(gyaxisloc,'left'); horiz='right';vert='middle';drawticks=1; xx=ltx(1,:);yy=lty(1,:);rotang=atan2(diff(lty),diff(ltx))*180/pi; else horiz='center';vert='top';ltIp1=ltI+1;drawticks=0; xx=X(ltI,:); yy=Y(ltI,:);rotang=atan2(Y(ltIp1,:)-Y(ltI,:),X(ltIp1,:)-X(ltI,:))*180/pi; end; else if ltI==size(X,1) & strcmp(gyaxisloc,'right'), % Check to see if the projection supports this option. horiz='center';vert='top';drawticks=1; xx=utx(1,:);yy=uty(1,:);rotang=atan2(diff(uty),diff(utx))*180/pi+270; elseif ltI==1 & strcmp(gyaxisloc,'left'); horiz='center';vert='bottom';drawticks=1; xx=ltx(1,:);yy=lty(1,:);rotang=atan2(diff(lty),diff(ltx))*180/pi+90; else horiz='left';vert='middle';ltIp1=ltI+1;drawticks=0; xx=X(ltI,:); yy=Y(ltI,:);rotang=atan2(Y(ltIp1,:)-Y(ltI,:),X(ltIp1,:)-X(ltI,:))*180/pi+90; end; end; if strcmp(gbox,'fancy'), if gtickdir(1)=='i', fancybox(lt,MAP_VAR_LIST.lats,'ygrid','left',dpatch,gticklen,gtickstyle); drawticks=0; else fancybox2(lt,MAP_VAR_LIST.lats,'ygrid','left',dpatch,gticklen,gtickstyle); end; end; if drawticks, [n,m]=size(ltx); line(reshape([ltx;NaN+ones(1,m)],(n+1)*m,1),reshape([lty;NaN+ones(1,m)],(n+1)*m,1),... 'linestyle','-','color',gcolor,'linewidth',glinewidth,'tag','m_grid_yticks-left','clipping','off'); line(reshape([utx;NaN+ones(1,m)],(n+1)*m,1),reshape([uty;NaN+ones(1,m)],(n+1)*m,1),... 'linestyle','-','color',gcolor,'linewidth',glinewidth,'tag','m_grid_yticks-right','clipping','off'); end; % Finally - the labels! ik=1:size(X,2); for k=ik, [rotang(k), horizk, vertk] = upright(rotang(k), horiz, vert); text(xx(k),yy(k),labs{k},'horizontalalignment',horizk,'verticalalignment',vertk,... 'rotation',rotang(k),'fontsize',gfontsize*scl(k),'color',gcolor,... 'tag','m_grid_yticklabel','fontname',gfontname); end; end; % Give a 1-1 aspect ratio and get rid of the matlab-provided axes stuff. %if isempty(strfind(version,'R2013b')), % 27/Sept/13 - Handling for 2013b provided by CB. if 1==1 set(gca,'visible','off',... 'dataaspectratio',[1 1 1],... 'xlim',MAP_VAR_LIST.xlims,... 'ylim',MAP_VAR_LIST.ylims); else set(gca,'visible','off',... 'dataaspectratio',[1 1 1e16],... 'xlim',MAP_VAR_LIST.xlims,... 'ylim',MAP_VAR_LIST.ylims); end set(get(gca,'title'),'visible','on'); set(get(gca,'xlabel'),'visible','on'); set(get(gca,'ylabel'),'visible','on'); % Set coordinate system back m_coord(; %------------------------------------------------------------- % upright simply turns tick labels right-side up while leaving % their positions unchanged. % Sat 98/02/21 Eric Firing % function [rotang, horiz, vert] = upright(rotang, horiz, vert); if isnan(rotang), rotang=0; end % Added in 2014! if rotang > 180, rotang = rotang - 360; end if rotang < -180, rotang = rotang + 360; end if rotang > 90, rotang = rotang - 180; elseif rotang < -90, rotang = 180 + rotang; else return % no change needed. end switch horiz(1) case 'l' horiz = 'right'; case 'r' horiz = 'left'; end switch vert(1) case 't' vert = 'bottom'; case 'b' vert = 'top'; end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function [L,fs]=m_labels(dir,vals,uservals,tickstyle); % M_LONLABEL creates longitude labels % Default values are calculated automatically when the grid is % generated. However, the user may wish to specify the labels % as either numeric values or as strings (in the usual way % for axes). % % If auto-labelling occurs, minutes are labelled in a different % (smaller) fontsize than even degrees. % Rich Pawlowicz ( 2/Apr/1997 % If the user has specified [] (i.e. no labels), we return blanks. if isempty(uservals), L=cellstr(char(' '*ones(length(vals),1))); fs=1.0*ones(length(L),1); return; end; % If the user has specified strings, we merely need to make % sure that there are enough to cover all ticks. if any(ischar(uservals)), L=cellstr( uservals((rem([0:length(vals)-1],length(uservals))+1),:) ); fs=1.0*ones(length(L),1); return; end; % Otherwise we are going to have to generate labels from numeric % data. if length(uservals)==1 & isnan(uservals), % use default values vals=vals(:)'; % make it a row. else % or ones provided lv=length(vals); vals=uservals(:)'; while length(vals)0;vals==0]; % get the 'names' (i.e. N/S or E/W) vals=abs(vals); % Convert to +ve values L=cell(length(vals),1); fs=ones(length(vals),1); if strcmp(tickstyle,'dm'), % For each label we have different options: % 1 - even degrees are just labelled as such. % 2 - ticks that fall on even minutes are just labelled as even minutes % in a smaller fontsize. % 3 - fractional minutes are labelled to 2 decimal places in the % smaller fontsize. for k=1:length(vals), if rem(vals(k),1)==0, nam=find(i(:,k)); L{k}=sprintf([' %3.0f^o' labname(nam) ' '],vals(k)); elseif abs(vals*60-round(vals*60))<.01, L{k}=sprintf([' %2.0f'' '],rem(vals(k),1)*60); fs(k)=0.75; else L{k}=sprintf([' %2.2f'' '],rem(vals(k),1)*60); fs(k)=0.75; end; end; % In most cases, the map will have at least one tick with an even degree label, % but for very small regions (<1 degree in size) this won't happen so we % want to force one label to show degrees *and* minutes. if ~any(fs==1), k=round(length(vals)/2); nam=find(i(:,k)); L{k}={sprintf([' %3.0f^o' labname(nam) ' '],fix(vals(k))),... sprintf([' %2.2f'' '],rem(vals(k),1)*60)}; fs(k)=1; end; elseif strcmp(tickstyle,'dd'), % For each label we have different options: % 1 - even degrees are just labelled as such. % 2 - 2 decimal place intervals use 2 decimal places % 3 - the rest fo to 4 for k=1:length(vals), if rem(vals(k),1)==0, nam=find(i(:,k)); L{k}=sprintf([' %3.0f^o' labname(nam) ' '],vals(k)); elseif abs(vals*100-round(vals*100))<0.01, L{k}=sprintf([' %2.2f'],vals(k)); fs(k)=0.75; else L{k}=sprintf([' %6.4f'],vals(k)); fs(k)=0.75; end; end; % write code. end; %--------------------------------------------------------- function [ltx,lty,utx,uty]=maketicks(X,Y,gticklen,gtickdir); % MAKETICKS makes the axis ticks. % AXes ticks are based on making short lines at % the end of the grid lines X,Y. % Rich Pawlowicz ( 2/Apr/1997 global MAP_VAR_LIST tlen=gticklen*max( diff(MAP_VAR_LIST.xlims),diff(MAP_VAR_LIST.ylims)); lx=sqrt((X(2,:)-X(1,:)).^2+(Y(2,:)-Y(1,:)).^2); if strcmp(gtickdir,'out'), ltx=[X(1,:)-tlen*(X(2,:)-X(1,:))./lx;X(1,:)]; lty=[Y(1,:)-tlen*(Y(2,:)-Y(1,:))./lx;Y(1,:)]; else ltx=[X(1,:);X(1,:)+tlen*(X(2,:)-X(1,:))./lx]; lty=[Y(1,:);Y(1,:)+tlen*(Y(2,:)-Y(1,:))./lx]; end; lx=sqrt((X(end,:)-X(end-1,:)).^2+(Y(end,:)-Y(end-1,:)).^2); if strcmp(gtickdir,'out'), utx=[X(end,:)-tlen*(X(end-1,:)-X(end,:))./lx;X(end,:)]; uty=[Y(end,:)-tlen*(Y(end-1,:)-Y(end,:))./lx;Y(end,:)]; else utx=[X(end,:);X(end,:)+tlen*(X(end-1,:)-X(end,:))./lx]; uty=[Y(end,:);Y(end,:)+tlen*(Y(end-1,:)-Y(end,:))./lx]; end; %--------------------------------------------------------- function fancybox(vals,lims,gridarg1,gridarg2,dpatch,gticklen,gridarg3); % % FANCYBOX - draws fancy outlines for either top/bottom or left/right sides, % depending on calling parameters. global MAP_PROJECTION global LARGVAL % Get xlocations including endpoints xval=sort([lims(1) vals(vals>lims(1) & valslims(1) & vals