function [lon2,lat2,a21] = m_fdist(lon1,lat1,a12,s,spheroid) % M_FDIST - On an ellipsoidal earth, compute location of % a point at a given bearing/distance, all using a vectorized % version of Vincenty's algorithm. % % [lon2,lat2,a21] = m_fdist(lon1,lat1,a12,s,spheroid) % % lat1 = GEODETIC latitude of first point (degrees) % lon1 = longitude of first point (degrees) % a12 = azimuth in degrees from first point to second point (forward) % s = distance in meters % spheroid = (Optional) spheroid, defaults to 'wgs84' % % lat2, lon2 = second point (degrees) % a21 = azimuth in degrees from second point to first point (backward) % (Azimuths are in degrees clockwise from north.) % % Inputs can be all the same size, or a mix of scalars and matrices. % If a mixture, inputs are expanded as required. % % Original algorithm source: % T. Vincenty, "Direct and Inverse Solutions of Geodesics on the Ellipsoid % with Application of Nested Equations", Survey Review, vol. 23, no. 176, % April 1975, pp 88-93. % Available at: % % See M_IDIST, M_GEODESIC % Notes: (1) lat1,lon1,a12,s can be any (identical) size/shape. Outputs % will have the same size and shape. % (2) Vincenty describes his distance algorithm as precise to within % 0.01 millimeters, subject to the ellipsoidal model. % (3) code written by heavily modifying M. Kleder's 'vdist' in line % with original Vincenty paper. m_fdist and m_idist are inverses to within % 1e-10 degrees. % (4) No warranties; use at your own risk. % R. Pawlowicz ( 9/Jan/2005 % % This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. But % it's mine, so you can't sell it. pi180=pi/180; MAP_ELLIP = struct ( 'normal', [1.0, 0], ... 'sphere', [6370997.0, 0], ... 'grs80' , [6378137.0, 1/298.257], ... 'grs67' , [6378160.0, 1/247.247], ... 'wgs84' , [6378137.0, 1/298.257223563], ... 'wgs72' , [6378135.0, 1/298.260], ... 'wgs66' , [6378145.0, 1/298.250], ... 'wgs60' , [6378165.0, 1/298.300], ... 'clrk66', [6378206.4, 1/294.980], ... 'clrk80', [6378249.1, 1/293.466], ... 'intl24', [6378388.0, 1/297.000], ... 'intl67', [6378157.5, 1/298.250]); if nargin<5, spheroid='wgs84'; end; ellip=getfield(MAP_ELLIP,spheroid); if length(ellip)~=2, disp(MAP_ELLIP); error('Spheroid not chosen from above list'); end; % Do the equivalent of meshgrid-type calls to make all % matrix sizes match. To do this we can have no more than % two different numbers in any particular dimension, and one % of these has to be a '1'. allsize=[size(lon1);size(lat1);size(a12);size(s)]; i1=ones(1,size(allsize,2)); for k=1:size(allsize,2), rs=unique(allsize(:,k)); if length(rs)==2 & rs(1)==1, j1=i1;j1(k)=rs(2); if allsize(1,k)==1,lon1=repmat(lon1,j1); end; if allsize(2,k)==1,lat1=repmat(lat1,j1); end; if allsize(3,k)==1,a12=repmat(a12,j1); end; if allsize(4,k)==1,s=repmat(s,j1); end; elseif length(rs)>2, error('incompatible array sizes!'); end; end; % reshape inputs keepsize = size(lat1); lat1=lat1(:); lon1=lon1(:); a12=a12(:); s=s(:); % Input check: if any(abs(lat1)>90 ) error('Input latitudes must be between -90 and 90 degrees, inclusive.') end % correct for errors at exact poles by adjusting 0.6 millimeters: kidx = abs(90-abs(lat1)) < 1e-10; if any(kidx); lat1(kidx) = sign(lat1(kidx))*(90-(1e-10)); end % Algorithm begins here a=ellip(1); b=a*(1-ellip(2)); f = (a-b)/a; U1 = atan((1-f)*tan(lat1*pi180)); a12=a12*pi180; sigma1=atan2( tan(U1),cos(a12)); alpha = asin( cos(U1).*sin(a12) ); u2 = cos(alpha).^2.*(a^2-b^2)/b^2; A = 1+u2./16384.*(4096+u2.*(-768+u2.*(320-175.*u2))); B = u2./1024.*(256+u2.*(-128+u2.*(74-47.*u2))); sigmainit=s./(b*A); sigma=sigmainit; sigmaold=sigmainit; itercount = 0; k = logical(1+0*lat1); deltasigma =0*lat1; sigmam2=0*lat1; cos2sigmam=0*lat1; while any(k) % force at least one execution itercount = itercount+1; if itercount > 50 warning('More than 50 iterations'); break end sigmam2(k)=2*sigma1(k)+sigma(k); cos2sigmam(k)=cos(sigmam2(k)); deltasigma(k) = B(k).*sin(sigma(k)).*(cos2sigmam(k)+B(k)./4.*(cos(sigma(k)).*(-1+ ... 2.*cos2sigmam(k).^2)-B(k)./6.*cos2sigmam(k).*(-3+ ... 4.*sin(sigma(k)).^2).*(-3+4*cos2sigmam(k).^2))); sigmaold(k)=sigma(k); sigma(k)=sigmainit(k)+deltasigma(k); k = abs(sigma-sigmaold) > 1e-12; end numer=sin(sigma).*sin(a12); denom=cos(U1).*cos(sigma) - sin(U1).*sin(sigma).*cos(a12); lambda=atan2(numer,denom); C = f/16*cos(alpha).^2.*(4+f*(4-3*cos(alpha).^2)); L=lambda-(1-C).*f.*sin(alpha).*(sigma+C.*sin(sigma).*(cos2sigmam+ ... C.*cos(sigma).*(-1+2.*cos2sigmam.^2))); lon2=mod(reshape((lon1+L/pi180),keepsize),360); if nargout>1, numer=sin(U1).*cos(sigma)+cos(U1).*sin(sigma).*cos(a12); denom=(1-f)*sqrt(sin(alpha).^2 + ... (sin(U1).*sin(sigma) - cos(U1).*cos(sigma).*cos(a12)).^2 ); lat2=reshape(atan2(numer,denom)/pi180,keepsize); end; if nargout>2, a21=mod(reshape( atan2( -sin(alpha), ... sin(U1).*sin(sigma)-cos(U1).*cos(sigma).*cos(a12) )/pi180, ... keepsize),360); end;