function [values,longs,lats]=m_etopo2(varargin); % M_ETOPO2 Contour elevation onto a map using the ETOPOX database % M_ETOPO2 contours elevations at 1000m intervals for the map. % M_ETOPO2(OPTN (,LEVELS) (,ARGS,...) ) lets you change various options. % if OPTN=='contour', contour lines are drawn. for OPTN=='contourf', % filled contours are drawn. LEVELS are the levels used, and ARGS % are optional patch arguments of line types, colors, etc. % % [CS,H]=M_ETOPO2(...) allows access to the return arguments of the % contour/contourf call. % % [ELEV,LONG,LAT]=M_ETOPO2([LONG_MIN LONG_MAX LAT_MIN LAT_MAX]) % extracts elevation data for the given lat/long limits (without plotting). % % Can be configured for etopo2v2 and etopo1, if you want to use % that behemoth (name remains etopo2 for backward compatability) % % See also M_PROJ, M_GRID, M_COAST % Rich Pawlowicz ( 10/Sep/97 % % This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. But % it's mine, so you can't sell it. % % 17/1/98 - Allowed output of raw data, fixed small bug in selection that left % some things off by 1/12 deg lat. % 6/Nov/00 - eliminate returned stuff if ';' neglected (thx to D Byrne) % 28/Mar/04 - defaulted to m_elev database (prevents problems with m-demo) % 21/Mar/06 - modified for etopo2 % 4/DEc/11 - isstr to ischar % May/28/2014 - modified for etopo2v2 (which has actualy ben around for years...) % May/29/2014 - modified for etopo1 %%% This will have to be set by YOU the USER! --------------------- %PATHNAME='/ocean/rich/more/mmapbase/etopo2v2/'; % Be sure to end the path with a "/" or PATHNAME='/ocean/rich/more/mmapbase/etopo1/'; % Be sure to end the path with a "/" or % whatever your separator is. % Note - etopo2v2 now comes in 4 flavours - both grid-centered % and cell-centered, with both in either big-endian or little-endian % formats. Use the grid-centered version, % and right now I have used the big-endian version. % %%efid=fopen([PATHNAME 'etopo2_2006apr.raw'],'r','b'); % in big-endian format %%efid=fopen([PATHNAME 'etopo2.i2'],'r','b'); % in big-endian format %efid=fopen([PATHNAME 'ETOPO2v2g_i2_MSB.bin'],'r','b'); % in big-endian format %efid=fopen([PATHNAME 'ETOPO2v2c_i2_MSB.bin'],'r','b'); % in big-endian format efid=fopen([PATHNAME 'etopo1_ice_g_i2.bin'],'r','l'); % apparently little-endian format % Now, specify whether this file is grid or cell-referenced grid=1; % 1 for grid reference, 0 for cell - but I haven't gotten cell reference working yet % And you have to get the resolution right as well! resolution=1; % 2 = 2 minute (etopo2), 1 = 1 minute (etopo1) %--------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% You probably won't want to change this... decmax=500; % What it does is set an upper limit (of DECMAX points) in the % displayed resolution of the database. Why do I do this? Because the % problem with a 5-minute database is that it is often way, way too much detail % for a simple map of, e.g., the Pacific Ocean. And that means it takes a looong % time to contour the data, not to mention scads of memory. But feel free % to change that number to something else if you think I have done something % unreasonable! (PS - I'd appreciate knowing *why* you changed it). %%% Don't change anything below this... ptsperdeg=60/resolution; nx=360*(ptsperdeg); % Grid width ny=180*(ptsperdeg); % Grid width if efid==-1, warning(sprintf(['Cannot open ' PATHNAME 'etopo2 !! \n Have you installed the Etopo2 database correctly?' ... '\n This (optional) database must be installed separately - see the M_Map user''s guide for instructions' ... '\n ----Using default elevation database instead'])); if nargout==0, m_elev(varargin{:}); elseif nargout==2, [values,longs]=m_elev(varargin{:}); elseif nargout==3, [values,longs,lats]=m_elev(varargin{:}); end; return; end; global MAP_PROJECTION MAP_VAR_LIST % Have to have initialized a map first draw_map=1; if nargin==1 & ~ischar(varargin{1}) & length(varargin{1})==4, draw_map=0; end; if draw_map==1 & isempty(MAP_PROJECTION), disp('No Map Projection initialized - call M_PROJ first!'); return; end; % This finds the nearest cell boundaries if grid, if draw_map, blat=floor(MAP_VAR_LIST.lats(1)*ptsperdeg); tlat=ceil(MAP_VAR_LIST.lats(2)*ptsperdeg); llong=floor(MAP_VAR_LIST.longs(1)*ptsperdeg); rlong=ceil(MAP_VAR_LIST.longs(2)*ptsperdeg); lngdec=ceil((rlong-llong+1)/decmax); latdec=ceil((tlat-blat+1)/decmax); else blat=floor(varargin{1}(3)*ptsperdeg); tlat=ceil(varargin{1}(4)*ptsperdeg); llong=floor(varargin{1}(1)*ptsperdeg); rlong=ceil(varargin{1}(2)*ptsperdeg); lngdec=1; latdec=1; end; lgs= [llong:rlong]/ptsperdeg; lts=fliplr( [blat:tlat]/ptsperdeg ); ptsperline=nx+1; else % Cell entering if draw_map, blat=floor(MAP_VAR_LIST.lats(1)*ptsperdeg-1/2); tlat=ceil(MAP_VAR_LIST.lats(2)*ptsperdeg-1/2); llong=floor(MAP_VAR_LIST.longs(1)*ptsperdeg-1/2); rlong=ceil(MAP_VAR_LIST.longs(2)*ptsperdeg-1/2); lngdec=ceil((rlong-llong+1)/decmax); latdec=ceil((tlat-blat+1)/decmax); else blat=floor(varargin{1}(3)*ptsperdeg-1/2); tlat=ceil(varargin{1}(4)*ptsperdeg-1/2); llong=floor(varargin{1}(1)*ptsperdeg-1/2); rlong=ceil(varargin{1}(2)*ptsperdeg-1/2); lngdec=1; latdec=1; end; % Cell centers are moved 1/60 = .5/30 awa from the cell boundaries % % (1,1) point is at -180W, 90N. lgs=([llong:rlong]+1/2)/ptsperdeg; % move right lts=fliplr( ([blat:tlat]-1/2)/ptsperdeg ); % move down ptsperline=nx; end; eaxes=[llong+nx/2 rlong+nx/2 ny/2-blat ny/2-tlat]; % indexes of edges (start with 0) % Get it inside, or just off the right edge if edge-crossing if eaxes(2)>nx, eaxes([1 2])=eaxes([1 2])-nx; end; if eaxes(1)<0, eaxes([1 2])=eaxes([1 2])+nx; end; if (eaxes(2)>nx ), % Read it in in 2 pieces! nlat=round((eaxes(3)-eaxes(4)))+1; nlgr=round( eaxes(2)-nx )+1; nlgl=round(nx-eaxes(1)); %%%nlng-nlgr nlng=nlgr+nlgl; values=zeros(nlat,nlng); for ii=[1:nlat], fseek(efid,( (ii-1+eaxes(4))*ptsperline )*2,'bof'); values(ii,nlng+[-nlgr:-1]+1)=fread(efid,[1 nlgr],'int16'); fseek(efid,( (ii-1+eaxes(4))*ptsperline+eaxes(1) )*2,'bof'); values(ii,1:nlgl)=fread(efid,[1 nlgl],'int16'); end; else % Read it in one piece nlat=round((eaxes(3)-eaxes(4)))+1 nlng=round((eaxes(2)-eaxes(1)))+1 values=zeros(nlat,nlng); for ii=[1:nlat], fseek(efid,( (ii-1 +eaxes(4))*ptsperline +eaxes(1) )*2,'bof'); values(ii,:)=fread(efid,[1 nlng],'int16'); end; end; if draw_map, % Set current projection to geographic Currentmap=m_coord('set'); m_coord('geographic'); if nargin==0, levels=[-7000:1000:-1000 000:1000:5000]; optn='contour'; n_opt=1; else if ischar(varargin{1}), optn=varargin{1}; end; if nargin==1, levels=[-7000:1000:-1000 000:1000:5000]; n_opt=2; else if ischar(varargin{2}), levels=[-7000:1000:-1000 000:1000:5000]; n_opt=2; else levels=varargin{2}; n_opt=3; end; end; end; topo=values(1:latdec:end,1:lngdec:end); lts=lts(1:latdec:end); lgs=lgs(1:lngdec:end); if all(levels<0), topo=-topo; levels=-levels; end; hold on; switch optn, case 'contour', [values,longs]=m_contour(lgs,lts,topo,levels); case 'contourf', [values,longs]=m_contourf(lgs,lts,topo,levels); end; set(longs,'tag','m_etopo2'); if n_opt