%USING_HG2 Determine if the HG2 graphics engine is used % % tf = using_hg2(fig) % %IN: % fig - handle to the figure in question. % %OUT: % tf - boolean indicating whether the HG2 graphics engine is being used % (true) or not (false). % 19/06/2015 - Suppress warning in R2015b; cache result for improved performance % 06/06/2016 - Fixed issue #156 (bad return value in R2016b) function tf = using_hg2(fig) persistent tf_cached if isempty(tf_cached) try if nargin < 1, fig = figure('visible','off'); end oldWarn = warning('off','MATLAB:graphicsversion:GraphicsVersionRemoval'); try % This generates a [supressed] warning in R2015b: tf = ~graphicsversion(fig, 'handlegraphics'); catch tf = ~verLessThan('matlab','8.4'); % =R2014b end warning(oldWarn); catch tf = false; end if nargin < 1, delete(fig); end tf_cached = tf; else tf = tf_cached; end end