function sradav = clskswr(yd,lat) % CLSKSWR: computes clear sky insolation following Seckel&Beaudry (1973). % sradav = CLSKSWR(yd,lat) computes average clear sky solar insolation % based on the Seckel and Beaudry (1973) formula presented in Reed (1977), % J. Phys. Ocean., 7, 482-485. Assumes the year is not a leap year. % % INPUT: yd - yearday (e.g., Jan 10th is 10) % lat - latitude [deg] % % OUTPUT: sradav - clear sky mean daily insolation [W/m^2] % NOTE: The output appears to be very similar to what you would get by % averaging soradna.m output over a day and then assuming an % atmospheric transmission of 0.7 (with differences of order 10% % for latitudes below 40N, and increasing to 30% in winter at 60N). % In absolute terms the agreement is to within +/-25 W/m^2. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % 3/8/97: version 1.0 % 8/28/98: version 1.1 (vectorized by RP) % 8/5/99: version 2.0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% radlat = pi*lat/180; if length(lat)==1, lat=lat+zeros(size(yd)); end; % check if yd is negative ind=find(yd<0); yd(ind)=yd(ind)+365; % truncate to integer yearday for use with formula yd=fix(yd); phi = (yd-21)*360/365; phi = pi*phi/180; sradav=zeros(size(yd))+zeros(size(lat))+NaN; ii= lat>=-20 & lat<40; if any(ii(:)), a0 = -15.82 + 326.87*cos(radlat(ii)); a1 = 9.63 + 192.44*cos(radlat(ii)+pi/2); b1 = -3.27 + 108.70*sin(radlat(ii)); a2 = -0.64 + 7.80*sin(2*(radlat(ii)-pi/4)); b2 = -0.50 + 14.42*cos(2*(radlat(ii)-5*pi/180)); sradav(ii) = a0 + a1.*cos(phi(ii)) + b1.*sin(phi(ii)) + a2.*cos(2*phi(ii)) + b2.*sin(2*phi(ii)); end ii= lat>=40 & lat<=60;; if any(ii(:)), l2=lat(ii).^2; a0 = 342.61 - 1.97*lat(ii) - 0.018*l2; a1 = 52.08 - 5.86*lat(ii) + 0.043*l2; b1 = -4.80 + 2.46*lat(ii) -0.017*l2; a2 = 1.08 - 0.47*lat(ii) + 0.011*l2; b2 = -38.79 + 2.43*lat(ii) - 0.034*l2; sradav(ii) = a0 + a1.*cos(phi(ii)) + b1.*sin(phi(ii)) + a2.*cos(2*phi(ii)) + b2.*sin(2*phi(ii)); end if any(lat>60 | lat<-20) warning('Formula only works for latitudes 20S-60N, see help text for further help') end