function test_bry(bry_file,grid_file,tracer,l,obc) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Test the bry (boundary) files. % % Further Information: % % % This file is part of CROCOTOOLS % % CROCOTOOLS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published % by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, % or (at your option) any later version. % % CROCOTOOLS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but % WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software % Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, % MA 02111-1307 USA % % Copyright (c) 2002-2006 by Pierrick Penven % % % Updated 1-Sep-2006 by Pierrick Penven % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Get the grid % nc=netcdf(grid_file,'r'); pm=nc{'pm'}(:); pn=nc{'pn'}(:); h=nc{'h'}(:); if strcmp(tracer,'u') lat=nc{'lat_u'}(:); lon=nc{'lon_u'}(:); mask=nc{'mask_u'}(:); pm=rho2u_2d(pm); pn=rho2u_2d(pn); h=rho2u_2d(h); elseif strcmp(tracer,'v') lat=nc{'lat_v'}(:); lon=nc{'lon_v'}(:); mask=nc{'mask_v'}(:); pm=rho2v_2d(pm); pn=rho2v_2d(pn); h=rho2v_2d(h); else lat=nc{'lat_rho'}(:); lon=nc{'lon_rho'}(:); mask=nc{'mask_rho'}(:); end [M L]=size(lon); mask=nc{'mask_rho'}(:); mask(mask==0)=NaN; close(nc) % nc=netcdf(bry_file,'r'); theta_s=nc{'theta_s'}(:); if isempty(theta_s) theta_s=nc.theta_s(:); theta_b=nc.theta_b(:); hc=nc.hc(:); else theta_b=nc{'theta_b'}(:); hc=nc{'hc'}(:); vtransform=nc{'Vtransform'}(:); if ~exist('vtransform') vtransform=1; %Old Vtransform disp([' NO VTRANSFORM parameter found']) disp([' USE TRANSFORM default value vtransform = 1']) end end % for obcndx=1:4 if obc(obcndx)==1 if obcndx==1 disp(' Plot southern boundary...') suffix='south'; icroco=(1:L); jcroco=1; elseif obcndx==2 disp(' Plot eastern boundary...') suffix='east'; icroco=L; jcroco=(1:M); elseif obcndx==3 disp(' Plot northern boundary...') suffix='north'; icroco=(1:L); jcroco=M; elseif obcndx==4 disp(' Plot western boundary...') suffix='west'; icroco=1; jcroco=(1:M); end subplot(2,2,obcndx) topo=squeeze(h(jcroco,icroco)); mask_vert=squeeze(mask(jcroco,icroco)); if (obcndx==1 | obcndx==3) dx=1./squeeze(pm(jcroco,icroco)); else dx=1./squeeze(pn(jcroco,icroco)); end temp=squeeze(nc{[tracer,'_',suffix]}(l,:,:)); [Nz,Nx]=size(temp); z=squeeze(zlevs(topo,0*topo,theta_s,theta_b,hc,Nz,'r',vtransform)); x1=0*topo; for i=2:Nx x1(i)=x1(i-1)+0.5*(dx(i)+dx(i-1)); end x=zeros(Nz,Nx); masksection=zeros(Nz,Nx); for i=1:Nx for k=1:Nz x(k,i)=x1(i); masksection(k,i)=mask_vert(i); end end x1=x1/1000; x=x/1000; temp=masksection.*temp; % $$$ disp(['Size x = ',num2str(size(x))]) % $$$ disp(['Size z = ',num2str(size(z))]) % $$$ disp(['Size temp =',num2str(size(temp))]) pcolor(x,z,temp) colorbar shading interp hold on plot(x1,-topo,'k') hold off title([tracer,' ',suffix,' - time index=',num2str(l)]) end end close(nc) return