function h = smoothgrid(h,maskr,hmin,hmax_coast,hmax,... r_max,n_filter_deep_topo,n_filter_final) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Smooth the topography to get a maximum r factor = rmax % % n_filter_deep_topo: % Number of pass of a selective filter to reduce the isolated % seamounts on the deep ocean. % % n_filter_final: % Number of pass of a single hanning filter at the end of the % procedure to ensure that there is no 2DX noise in the % topography. % % Further Information: % % % This file is part of CROCOTOOLS % % CROCOTOOLS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published % by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, % or (at your option) any later version. % % CROCOTOOLS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but % WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software % Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, % MA 02111-1307 USA % % Copyright (c) 2005-2006 by Pierrick Penven % % % Contributions of A. Shchepetkin (UCLA), P. Marchesiello (IRD) % and X. Capet (UCLA) % % Updated Aug-2006 by Pierrick Penven % Updated Dec-2013 by Patrick Marchesiello for wetting-drying % Updated Jun-2017 by Pierrick Penven (update filter) % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % disp(' ') disp(' Filter topography ...') [masku,maskv,maskp]=uvp_mask(maskr); maskr_ext=hann_window(maskr); maskr_ext(maskr_ext<1)=0; % % Cut topography and flood dry cells momentarily % h(hhmax)=hmax; % % % 1: Deep Ocean Filter % if n_filter_deep_topo>=1 disp(' Apply a filter on the Deep Ocean to reduce isolated seamounts :') disp([' ',num2str(n_filter_deep_topo),' pass of a selective filter.']) % % Build a smoothing coefficient that is a linear function % of a smooth topography. % coef=h; for i=1:8 coef=hann_window(coef); % coef is a smoothed bathy end coef=0.125*(coef./max(max(coef))); % rescale the smoothed bathy % for i=1:n_filter_deep_topo; h=hanning_smoother_coef2d(h,coef); % smooth with avariable coef h(maskr_ext<0.5 & h>hmax_coast)=hmax_coast; end end % % Apply a selective filter on log(h) to reduce grad(h)/h. % disp(' Apply a selective filter on log(h) to reduce grad(h)/h :') if hmin<0, h=h-hmin+1; % wet/dry case hmin0=1; else hmin0=hmin; end h=log_topo_filter(h,maskr,masku,maskv,maskr_ext,hmin0,hmax_coast,r_max); if hmin<0, h=h+hmin-1; end % % Smooth the topography again to prevent 2D noise % if n_filter_final>1 disp(' Smooth the topography a last time to prevent 2DX noise:') disp([' ',num2str(n_filter_final),' pass of a hanning smoother.']) for i=1:n_filter_final h=hann_window(h); h(maskr_ext<0.5 & h>hmax_coast)=hmax_coast; end end % h(h(r_max*cff) i=i+1; Lgh=log(h/hmin); Lgh(hmin==0)=0; lgr_max=log((1.+r_max)./(1.-r_max)); lgr1_max=lgr_max*sqrt(2.); grad=(Lgh(:,2:end)-Lgh(:,1:end-1)); cr=abs(grad); FX=grad.*(1.-lgr_max./cr); FX(cr<=lgr_max)=0.; grad=(Lgh(2:end,2:end)-Lgh(1:end-1,1:end-1)); cr=abs(grad); FX1=grad.*(1.-lgr1_max./cr); FX1(cr<=lgr1_max)=0.; grad=(Lgh(2:end,:)-Lgh(1:end-1,:)); cr=abs(grad); FE=grad.*(1.-lgr_max./cr); FE(cr<=lgr_max)=0.; grad=(Lgh(2:end,1:end-1)-Lgh(1:end-1,2:end)); cr=abs(grad); FE1=grad.*(1.-lgr1_max./cr); FE1(cr<=lgr1_max)=0.; Lgh(2:end-1,2:end-1)=Lgh(2:end-1,2:end-1) + ... OneEights*( FX(2:end-1,2:end)-FX(2:end-1,1:end-1)... +FE(2:end,2:end-1)-FE(1:end-1,2:end-1)) +... OneThirtyTwo*( FX1(2:end,2:end)-FX1(1:end-1,1:end-1)... +FE1(2:end,1:end-1)-FE1(1:end-1,2:end)); Lgh(1,:)=Lgh(2,:); Lgh(end,:)=Lgh(end-1,:); Lgh(:,1)=Lgh(:,2); Lgh(:,end)=Lgh(:,end-1); h=hmin*exp(Lgh); h(maskr_ext<0.5 & h>hmax_coast)=hmax_coast; r=rfact(h,masku,maskv); if mod(i,20)==0 disp([' ',num2str(i),' iterations - r_max = ',num2str(r)]) end end disp([' ',num2str(i),' iterations - r_max = ',num2str(r)]) return %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function r=rfact(h,masku,maskv); rx=abs(h(:,2:end)-h(:,1:end-1))./(h(:,2:end)+h(:,1:end-1)); ry=abs(h(2:end,:)-h(1:end-1,:))./(h(2:end,:)+h(1:end-1,:)); rx_max=max(rx(masku==1)); ry_max=max(ry(maskv==1)); r=max([rx_max ry_max]); return %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function h=hanning_smoother(h); [M,L]=size(h); Mm=M-1; Mmm=M-2; Lm=L-1; Lmm=L-2; h(2:Mm,2:Lm)=0.125*(h(1:Mmm,2:Lm)+h(3:M,2:Lm)+... h(2:Mm,1:Lmm)+h(2:Mm,3:L)+... 4*h(2:Mm,2:Lm)); h(1,:)=h(2,:); h(M,:)=h(Mm,:); h(:,1)=h(:,2); h(:,L)=h(:,Lm); return %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function h=hanning_smoother_coef2d(h,coef); [M,L]=size(h); Mm=M-1; Mmm=M-2; Lm=L-1; Lmm=L-2; h(2:Mm,2:Lm)=coef(2:Mm,2:Lm).*(h(1:Mmm,2:Lm)+h(3:M,2:Lm)+... h(2:Mm,1:Lmm)+h(2:Mm,3:L))... +(1-4.*coef(2:Mm,2:Lm)).*h(2:Mm,2:Lm); h(1,:)=h(2,:); h(M,:)=h(Mm,:); h(:,1)=h(:,2); h(:,L)=h(:,Lm); return %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function h=hann_window(h); OneFours=1/4; OneEights=1/8; OneSixteens=1/16; h(2:end-1,2:end-1)=OneFours.*h(2:end-1,2:end-1)+... OneEights.*(h(1:end-2,2:end-1)+h(3:end ,2:end-1)+... h(2:end-1,1:end-2)+h(2:end-1,3:end ))+... OneSixteens.*(h(1:end-2,1:end-2)+h(3:end ,3:end )+... h(1:end-2,3:end )+h(3:end ,1:end-2)); h(1,:)=h(2,:); h(end,:)=h(end-1,:); h(:,1)=h(:,2); h(:,end)=h(:,end-1); return