function nested_initial(child_grd,parent_ini,child_ini,... vertical_correc,extrapmask,biol,bioebus,pisces) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Compute the initial file of the embedded grid % % Further Information: % % % This file is part of CROCOTOOLS % % CROCOTOOLS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published % by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, % or (at your option) any later version. % % CROCOTOOLS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but % WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software % Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, % MA 02111-1307 USA % % Copyright (c) 2004-2006 by Pierrick Penven % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %tindex=1; %Check the number of variables in the clim parents file a= netcdf(parent_ini); Vars = var(a); Varnames = [ncnames(Vars)]; nvar=length(Varnames); isbiolfiles=0; ispiscesfiles=0; % namebiol={''}; unitbiol={''}; namepisces={''}; unitpisces={''}; % pisces % biol if biol if (bioebus~=1) namebiol={'NO3';'O2';'CHLA';'PHYTO';'ZOO'}; unitbiol={'mMol N m-3';'mMOL O m-3';'mg C l-1';'mMol N m-3';'mMol N m-3'}; disp('Compute NPZD variables') disp('=========================') else namebiol={'NO3';'O2';'CHLA';'SPHYTO';'LPHYTO';'SZOO';'LZOO'}; unitbiol={'mMol N m-3';'mMOL O m-3';'mg C l-1';'mMol N m-3';'mMol N m-3';... 'mMol N m-3';'mMol N m-3'}; disp('Compute BIOEBUS variables') disp('=========================') end for i=1:length(namebiol) aa=sum(strcmp(Varnames,namebiol(i))); isbiolfiles=isbiolfiles+aa; end if isbiolfiles==length(namebiol) disp('Compute Biol. NPZD variables') disp('==================') else disp(sprintf(['ERROR in NPZD or BIOEBUS Processing : ... \n', ... 'You don not have the neccesary variables in the clim file \n',... 'or you didn''t choose the right bio. model. \n', ... 'Check parent file and make_ini.m'])) return end end if pisces namepisces={'NO3';'PO4';'Si';'O2';'DIC';'TALK';'DOC';'FER'}; unitpisces={'mMol N m-3';'mMol P m-3';'mMol Si m-3';'mMol O m-3';'mMol C m-3';'mMol C m-3';'mMol C m-3';'uMol Fe m-3'}; % for i=1:length(namepisces) aa=sum(strcmp(Varnames,namepisces(i))); ispiscesfiles=ispiscesfiles+aa; end if ispiscesfiles==length(namepisces) disp('Compute Pisces biogeochemical variables') disp('==================') else disp(sprintf(['ERROR in PISCES Processing : \n', ... 'You don''t have the neccesary variables in the clim file \n',... 'or you didn''t choose the right bio. model. \n', ... 'Check parent file and make_ini.m'])) return end end if extrapmask==1 disp('Extrapolation under mask is on') disp('====================') end % if vertical_correc==1 disp('Vertical correction is on') disp('===============') end % if pisces & biol error(['Both Biol NPZD and Pisces are ON, not possible yet... !']) end % % Title % title=['Initial file for the embedded grid :',child_ini,... ' using parent initial file: ',parent_ini]; disp(' ') disp(title) % if vertical_correc==1 disp('Vertical corrections: on') end if extrapmask==1 disp('Under mask extrapolations: on') end if biol==1 disp('Biology: on') end if bioebus==1 disp('Bioebus: on') end if pisces==1 disp('Pisces: on') end % % Read in the embedded grid % disp(' ') disp(' Read in the embedded grid...') nc=netcdf(child_grd); parent_grd=nc.parent_grid(:); imin=nc{'grd_pos'}(1); imax=nc{'grd_pos'}(2); jmin=nc{'grd_pos'}(3); jmax=nc{'grd_pos'}(4); refinecoeff=nc{'refine_coef'}(:); result=close(nc); nc=netcdf(parent_grd); Lp=length(nc('xi_rho')); Mp=length(nc('eta_rho')); if extrapmask==1 mask=nc{'mask_rho'}(:); else mask=[]; end result=close(nc); % % Read in the parent initial file % disp(' ') disp(' Read in the parent initial file...') nc = netcdf(parent_ini); theta_s = nc{'theta_s'}(:); theta_b = nc{'theta_b'}(:); Tcline = nc{'Tcline'}(:); N = length(nc('s_rho')); thetime = nc{'scrum_time'}(:); hc = nc{'hc'}(:); vtransform=nc{'Vtransform'}(:); disp([' Use parent VTRANSFORM = ',num2str(vtransform)]) if ~exist('vtransform') | isempty(vtransform) disp([' No VTRANSFORM parameter found']) disp([' Use the default one VTRANSFORM = 1']) vtransform=1; end result=close(nc); % % Create the initial file % disp(' ') disp(' Create the initial file...') ncini=create_nestedinitial(child_ini,child_grd,parent_ini,title,... theta_s,theta_b,Tcline,N,thetime,'clobber',... biol,pisces,namebiol,namepisces,unitbiol,unitpisces,hc,vtransform); % % parent indices % [igrd_r,jgrd_r]=meshgrid((1:1:Lp),(1:1:Mp)); [igrd_p,jgrd_p]=meshgrid((1:1:Lp-1),(1:1:Mp-1)); [igrd_u,jgrd_u]=meshgrid((1:1:Lp-1),(1:1:Mp)); [igrd_v,jgrd_v]=meshgrid((1:1:Lp),(1:1:Mp-1)); % % the children indices % ipchild=(imin:1/refinecoeff:imax); jpchild=(jmin:1/refinecoeff:jmax); irchild=(imin+0.5-0.5/refinecoeff:1/refinecoeff:imax+0.5+0.5/refinecoeff); jrchild=(jmin+0.5-0.5/refinecoeff:1/refinecoeff:jmax+0.5+0.5/refinecoeff); [ichildgrd_p,jchildgrd_p]=meshgrid(ipchild,jpchild); [ichildgrd_r,jchildgrd_r]=meshgrid(irchild,jrchild); [ichildgrd_u,jchildgrd_u]=meshgrid(ipchild,jrchild); [ichildgrd_v,jchildgrd_v]=meshgrid(irchild,jpchild); % % interpolations % disp(' ') disp(' Do the interpolations...') np=netcdf(parent_ini); for tindex=1:length(thetime) disp('zeta...') interpvar3d(np,ncini,igrd_r,jgrd_r,ichildgrd_r,jchildgrd_r,'zeta',mask,tindex) disp('ubar...') interpvar3d(np,ncini,igrd_u,jgrd_u,ichildgrd_u,jchildgrd_u,'ubar',mask,tindex) disp('vbar...') interpvar3d(np,ncini,igrd_v,jgrd_v,ichildgrd_v,jchildgrd_v,'vbar',mask,tindex) disp('u...') interpvar4d(np,ncini,igrd_u,jgrd_u,ichildgrd_u,jchildgrd_u,'u',mask,tindex,N) disp('v...') interpvar4d(np,ncini,igrd_v,jgrd_v,ichildgrd_v,jchildgrd_v,'v',mask,tindex,N) disp('temp...') interpvar4d(np,ncini,igrd_r,jgrd_r,ichildgrd_r,jchildgrd_r,'temp',mask,tindex,N) disp('salt...') interpvar4d(np,ncini,igrd_r,jgrd_r,ichildgrd_r,jchildgrd_r,'salt',mask,tindex,N) if (biol==1) for k=1:length(namebiol) % disp(['K=',num2str(k)]) disp(char(namebiol(k))) interpvar4d(np,ncini,igrd_r,jgrd_r,ichildgrd_r,jchildgrd_r,char(namebiol(k)),mask,tindex,N); end end if (pisces==1) % for k=1:length(namepisces) % disp(['K=',num2str(k)]) disp(char(namepisces(k))) interpvar4d(np,ncini,igrd_r,jgrd_r,ichildgrd_r,jchildgrd_r,char(namepisces(k)),mask,tindex,N); end end end result=close(np); result=close(ncini); % % Vertical corrections % if (vertical_correc==1) for tindex=1:length(thetime) disp([' Time index : ',num2str(tindex),' of ',num2str(length(thetime))]) vert_correc(child_ini,tindex,biol,pisces,namebiol,namepisces) end end % % Make a plot % disp(' ') disp(' Make a plot...') figure(1) plot_nestclim(child_ini,child_grd,'temp',1) return