function create_nestedgrid(L,M,grdname,parent,title) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Create an empty netcdf gridfile % L: total number of psi points in x direction % M: total number of psi points in y direction % grdname: name of the grid file % title: title in the netcdf file % % Further Information: % % % This file is part of CROCOTOOLS % % CROCOTOOLS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published % by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, % or (at your option) any later version. % % CROCOTOOLS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but % WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software % Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, % MA 02111-1307 USA % % Copyright (c) 2004-2006 by Pierrick Penven % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Lp=L+1; Mp=M+1; % nw = netcdf(grdname, 'clobber'); redef(nw); % % Create dimensions % nw('xi_u') = L; nw('eta_u') = Mp; nw('xi_v') = Lp; nw('eta_v') = M; nw('xi_rho') = Lp; nw('eta_rho') = Mp; nw('xi_psi') = L; nw('eta_psi') = M; nw('one') = 1; nw('two') = 2; nw('four') = 4; nw('bath') = 0; % % Create variables and attributes % nw{'xl'} = ncdouble('one'); nw{'xl'}.long_name = ncchar('domain length in the XI-direction'); nw{'xl'}.long_name = 'domain length in the XI-direction'; nw{'xl'}.units = ncchar('meter'); nw{'xl'}.units = 'meter'; nw{'el'} = ncdouble('one'); nw{'el'}.long_name = ncchar('domain length in the ETA-direction'); nw{'el'}.long_name = 'domain length in the ETA-direction'; nw{'el'}.units = ncchar('meter'); nw{'el'}.units = 'meter'; nw{'depthmin'} = ncdouble('one'); nw{'depthmin'}.long_name = ncchar('Shallow bathymetry clipping depth'); nw{'depthmin'}.long_name = 'Shallow bathymetry clipping depth'; nw{'depthmin'}.units = ncchar('meter'); nw{'depthmin'}.units = 'meter'; nw{'depthmax'} = ncdouble('one'); nw{'depthmax'}.long_name = ncchar('Deep bathymetry clipping depth'); nw{'depthmax'}.long_name = 'Deep bathymetry clipping depth'; nw{'depthmax'}.units = ncchar('meter'); nw{'depthmax'}.units = 'meter'; nw{'spherical'} = ncchar('one'); nw{'spherical'}.long_name = ncchar('Grid type logical switch'); nw{'spherical'}.long_name = 'Grid type logical switch'; nw{'spherical'}.option_T = ncchar('spherical'); nw{'spherical'}.option_T = 'spherical'; nw{'refine_coef'} = ncint('one'); nw{'refine_coef'}.long_name = ncchar('Grid refinment coefficient'); nw{'refine_coef'}.long_name = 'Grid refinment coefficient'; nw{'grd_pos'} = ncint('four'); nw{'grd_pos'}.long_name = ncchar('Subgrid location in the parent grid: psi corner points (imin imax jmin jmax)'); nw{'grd_pos'}.long_name = 'Subgrid location in the parent grid: psi corner points (imin imax jmin jmax)'; nw{'angle'} = ncdouble('eta_rho', 'xi_rho'); nw{'angle'}.long_name = ncchar('angle between xi axis and east'); nw{'angle'}.long_name = 'angle between xi axis and east'; nw{'angle'}.units = ncchar('degree'); nw{'angle'}.units = 'degree'; nw{'h'} = ncdouble('eta_rho', 'xi_rho'); nw{'h'}.long_name = ncchar('Final bathymetry at RHO-points'); nw{'h'}.long_name = 'Final bathymetry at RHO-points'; nw{'h'}.units = ncchar('meter'); nw{'h'}.units = 'meter'; nw{'hraw'} = ncdouble('bath', 'eta_rho', 'xi_rho'); nw{'hraw'}.long_name = ncchar('Working bathymetry at RHO-points'); nw{'hraw'}.long_name = 'Working bathymetry at RHO-points'; nw{'hraw'}.units = ncchar('meter'); nw{'hraw'}.units = 'meter'; nw{'alpha'} = ncdouble('eta_rho', 'xi_rho'); nw{'alpha'}.long_name = ncchar('Weights between coarse and fine grids at RHO-points'); nw{'alpha'}.long_name = 'Weights between coarse and fine grids at RHO-points'; nw{'f'} = ncdouble('eta_rho', 'xi_rho'); nw{'f'}.long_name = ncchar('Coriolis parameter at RHO-points'); nw{'f'}.long_name = 'Coriolis parameter at RHO-points'; nw{'f'}.units = ncchar('second-1'); nw{'f'}.units = 'second-1'; nw{'pm'} = ncdouble('eta_rho', 'xi_rho'); nw{'pm'}.long_name = ncchar('curvilinear coordinate metric in XI'); nw{'pm'}.long_name = 'curvilinear coordinate metric in XI'; nw{'pm'}.units = ncchar('meter-1'); nw{'pm'}.units = 'meter-1'; nw{'pn'} = ncdouble('eta_rho', 'xi_rho'); nw{'pn'}.long_name = ncchar('curvilinear coordinate metric in ETA'); nw{'pn'}.long_name = 'curvilinear coordinate metric in ETA'; nw{'pn'}.units = ncchar('meter-1'); nw{'pn'}.units = 'meter-1'; nw{'dndx'} = ncdouble('eta_rho', 'xi_rho'); nw{'dndx'}.long_name = ncchar('xi derivative of inverse metric factor pn'); nw{'dndx'}.long_name = 'xi derivative of inverse metric factor pn'; nw{'dndx'}.units = ncchar('meter'); nw{'dndx'}.units = 'meter'; nw{'dmde'} = ncdouble('eta_rho', 'xi_rho'); nw{'dmde'}.long_name = ncchar('eta derivative of inverse metric factor pm'); nw{'dmde'}.long_name = 'eta derivative of inverse metric factor pm'; nw{'dmde'}.units = ncchar('meter'); nw{'dmde'}.units = 'meter'; nw{'x_rho'} = ncdouble('eta_rho', 'xi_rho'); nw{'x_rho'}.long_name = ncchar('x location of RHO-points'); nw{'x_rho'}.long_name = 'x location of RHO-points'; nw{'x_rho'}.units = ncchar('meter'); nw{'x_rho'}.units = 'meter'; nw{'x_u'} = ncdouble('eta_u', 'xi_u'); nw{'x_u'}.long_name = ncchar('x location of U-points'); nw{'x_u'}.long_name = 'x location of U-points'; nw{'x_u'}.units = ncchar('meter'); nw{'x_u'}.units = 'meter'; nw{'x_v'} = ncdouble('eta_v', 'xi_v'); nw{'x_v'}.long_name = ncchar('x location of V-points'); nw{'x_v'}.long_name = 'x location of V-points'; nw{'x_v'}.units = ncchar('meter'); nw{'x_v'}.units = 'meter'; nw{'x_psi'} = ncdouble('eta_psi', 'xi_psi'); nw{'x_psi'}.long_name = ncchar('x location of PSI-points'); nw{'x_psi'}.long_name = 'x location of PSI-points'; nw{'x_psi'}.units = ncchar('meter'); nw{'x_psi'}.units = 'meter'; nw{'y_rho'} = ncdouble('eta_rho', 'xi_rho'); nw{'y_rho'}.long_name = ncchar('y location of RHO-points'); nw{'y_rho'}.long_name = 'y location of RHO-points'; nw{'y_rho'}.units = ncchar('meter'); nw{'y_rho'}.units = 'meter'; nw{'y_u'} = ncdouble('eta_u', 'xi_u'); nw{'y_u'}.long_name = ncchar('y location of U-points'); nw{'y_u'}.long_name = 'y location of U-points'; nw{'y_u'}.units = ncchar('meter'); nw{'y_u'}.units = 'meter'; nw{'y_v'} = ncdouble('eta_v', 'xi_v'); nw{'y_v'}.long_name = ncchar('y location of V-points'); nw{'y_v'}.long_name = 'y location of V-points'; nw{'y_v'}.units = ncchar('meter'); nw{'y_v'}.units = 'meter'; nw{'y_psi'} = ncdouble('eta_psi', 'xi_psi'); nw{'y_psi'}.long_name = ncchar('y location of PSI-points'); nw{'y_psi'}.long_name = 'y location of PSI-points'; nw{'y_psi'}.units = ncchar('meter'); nw{'y_psi'}.units = 'meter'; nw{'lon_rho'} = ncdouble('eta_rho', 'xi_rho'); nw{'lon_rho'}.long_name = ncchar('longitude of RHO-points'); nw{'lon_rho'}.long_name = 'longitude of RHO-points'; nw{'lon_rho'}.units = ncchar('degree_east'); nw{'lon_rho'}.units = 'degree_east'; nw{'lon_u'} = ncdouble('eta_u', 'xi_u'); nw{'lon_u'}.long_name = ncchar('longitude of U-points'); nw{'lon_u'}.long_name = 'longitude of U-points'; nw{'lon_u'}.units = ncchar('degree_east'); nw{'lon_u'}.units = 'degree_east'; nw{'lon_v'} = ncdouble('eta_v', 'xi_v'); nw{'lon_v'}.long_name = ncchar('longitude of V-points'); nw{'lon_v'}.long_name = 'longitude of V-points'; nw{'lon_v'}.units = ncchar('degree_east'); nw{'lon_v'}.units = 'degree_east'; nw{'lon_psi'} = ncdouble('eta_psi', 'xi_psi'); nw{'lon_psi'}.long_name = ncchar('longitude of PSI-points'); nw{'lon_psi'}.long_name = 'longitude of PSI-points'; nw{'lon_psi'}.units = ncchar('degree_east'); nw{'lon_psi'}.units = 'degree_east'; nw{'lat_rho'} = ncdouble('eta_rho', 'xi_rho'); nw{'lat_rho'}.long_name = ncchar('latitude of RHO-points'); nw{'lat_rho'}.long_name = 'latitude of RHO-points'; nw{'lat_rho'}.units = ncchar('degree_north'); nw{'lat_rho'}.units = 'degree_north'; nw{'lat_u'} = ncdouble('eta_u', 'xi_u'); nw{'lat_u'}.long_name = ncchar('latitude of U-points'); nw{'lat_u'}.long_name = 'latitude of U-points'; nw{'lat_u'}.units = ncchar('degree_north'); nw{'lat_u'}.units = 'degree_north'; nw{'lat_v'} = ncdouble('eta_v', 'xi_v'); nw{'lat_v'}.long_name = ncchar('latitude of V-points'); nw{'lat_v'}.long_name = 'latitude of V-points'; nw{'lat_v'}.units = ncchar('degree_north'); nw{'lat_v'}.units = 'degree_north'; nw{'lat_psi'} = ncdouble('eta_psi', 'xi_psi'); nw{'lat_psi'}.long_name = ncchar('latitude of PSI-points'); nw{'lat_psi'}.long_name = 'latitude of PSI-points'; nw{'lat_psi'}.units = ncchar('degree_north'); nw{'lat_psi'}.units = 'degree_north'; nw{'mask_rho'} = ncdouble('eta_rho', 'xi_rho'); nw{'mask_rho'}.long_name = ncchar('mask on RHO-points'); nw{'mask_rho'}.long_name = 'mask on RHO-points'; nw{'mask_rho'}.option_0 = ncchar('land'); nw{'mask_rho'}.option_0 = 'land'; nw{'mask_rho'}.option_1 = ncchar('water'); nw{'mask_rho'}.option_1 = 'water'; nw{'mask_u'} = ncdouble('eta_u', 'xi_u'); nw{'mask_u'}.long_name = ncchar('mask on U-points'); nw{'mask_u'}.long_name = 'mask on U-points'; nw{'mask_u'}.option_0 = ncchar('land'); nw{'mask_u'}.option_0 = 'land'; nw{'mask_u'}.option_1 = ncchar('water'); nw{'mask_u'}.option_1 = 'water'; nw{'mask_v'} = ncdouble('eta_v', 'xi_v'); nw{'mask_v'}.long_name = ncchar('mask on V-points'); nw{'mask_v'}.long_name = 'mask on V-points'; nw{'mask_v'}.option_0 = ncchar('land'); nw{'mask_v'}.option_0 = 'land'; nw{'mask_v'}.option_1 = ncchar('water'); nw{'mask_v'}.option_1 = 'water'; nw{'mask_psi'} = ncdouble('eta_psi', 'xi_psi'); nw{'mask_psi'}.long_name = ncchar('mask on PSI-points'); nw{'mask_psi'}.long_name = 'mask on PSI-points'; nw{'mask_psi'}.option_0 = ncchar('land'); nw{'mask_psi'}.option_0 = 'land'; nw{'mask_psi'}.option_1 = ncchar('water'); nw{'mask_psi'}.option_1 = 'water'; endef(nw); % % Create global attributes % nw.title = ncchar(title); nw.title = title; = ncchar(date); = date; nw.parent_grid = ncchar(parent); nw.parent_grid = parent; close(nw); return