function download_GFS(today,lonmin,lonmax,latmin,latmax,FRCST_dir,Yorig,it) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % download_GFS(today,lonmin,lonmax,latmin,latmax,FRCST_dir,Yorig) % % % Extract a subgrid from GFS to get a CROCO forcing % Store that into monthly files (to limit the problems % of bandwith...). % Take care of the Greenwitch Meridian. % Transform variables in the CROCO format. % % % Further Information: % % % This file is part of CROCOTOOLS % % CROCOTOOLS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published % by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, % or (at your option) any later version. % % CROCOTOOLS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but % WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software % Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, % MA 02111-1307 USA % % Copyright (c) 2006 by Pierrick Penven % % % Updated 9-Sep-2006 by Pierrick Penven % Updated 20-Aug-2008 by Matthieu Caillaud & P. Marchesiello % Updated 12-Feb-2016 by P. Marchesiello % Updated 31-Oct-2020 by P. Marchesiello % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% crocotools_param % % Put the date in 'Yorig' time % rundate=datenum(today)-datenum(Yorig,1,1); % % GFS output name % gfsftype=1; % GFS files gfs_name=[FRCST_dir,'GFS_',num2str(rundate),'.nc']; % % start % disp([' ']) disp(['Get GFS data for ',datestr(today)]) disp(['Minimum Longitude: ',num2str(lonmin)]) disp(['Maximum Longitude: ',num2str(lonmax)]) disp(['Minimum Latitude: ',num2str(latmin)]) disp(['Maximum Latitude: ',num2str(latmax)]) disp([' ']) % % Create directory if needed % disp(['Making output data directory ',FRCST_dir]) if (isoctave == 0) eval(['!mkdir ',FRCST_dir]) else system(['mkdir ',FRCST_dir]) end % % Get GFS file name (first check if a forecast is available) % gfs_run_time=0; gfs_date=today-0.5; foundfile=0; while foundfile==0 fname=get_GFS_fname(gfs_date,gfs_run_time,gfsftype); warning off try x=loaddap('-A -e +v ', fname); foundfile=1; catch foundfile=0; end if foundfile==1 & ~isempty(x) disp(' File found') else foundfile=0; disp([' GFS : did not find ',fname]) gfs_run_time=gfs_run_time-6; if gfs_run_time<0 gfs_date=gfs_date-1; gfs_run_time=18; if gfs_date18 gfs_date=gfs_date+1; gfs_run_time=0; end % tndxdap=2; % take 3rd rec. of each file => add another 6 hours % % 1.1: check if GFS file is available. % fname=get_GFS_fname(gfs_date,gfs_run_time,gfsftype); warning off try x=loaddap('-A -e +v ', fname); foundfile=1; catch foundfile=0; end if foundfile==1 & ~isempty(x) disp(' File found') gfs_run_time1=gfs_run_time; % Increment Forecast gfs_date1=gfs_date; % Start time missvalue=x.ugrd10m.missing_value; else foundfile=0; disp([' GFS: file not find, try next file']) end warning on % % 1.2: read file % if foundfile, n=n+1; disp([char(10) 'N_hindcast=',num2str(n)]) [gfstime(n),tx(n,:,:),ty(n,:,:),tair(n,:,:),rhum(n,:,:),... prate(n,:,:),wspd(n,:,:),uwnd(n,:,:),vwnd(n,:,:),... radlw(n,:,:),radlw_in(n,:,:),radsw(n,:,:)]=... get_GFS(fname,mask,tndxdap,jrange,i1min,i1max,i2min,i2max, ... i3min,i3max,missvalue); end end % ihind (nb of hindcast record) % %================================================================== % 2: Get Forecast data, starting yesterday 18Z %================================================================== % disp([char(10) ' ... READ FORECAST FILES ... ' char(10)]) % % Get starting GFS date following last hindcast date % gfs_run_time=gfs_run_time1+6; % add 6 hours => 12Z gfs_date=gfs_date1; if gfs_run_time>18 gfs_date=gfs_date+1; gfs_run_time=0; end % % 2.1: check if GFS forecast is available for this time. % if not: take previous one (but increment time index) % t1=2; foundfile=0; while foundfile==0 fname=get_GFS_fname(gfs_date,gfs_run_time,gfsftype); warning off try x=loaddap('-A -e +v ', fname); foundfile=1; catch foundfile=0; end if foundfile==1 & ~isempty(x) disp(' File found') else foundfile=0; disp([' GFS : did not find ',fname]) t1=t1+2; gfs_run_time=gfs_run_time-6; if gfs_run_time<0 gfs_date=gfs_date-1; gfs_run_time=18; if gfs_date