%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Build a CROCO forcing file % % Extrapole and interpole surface data to get surface boundary % conditions for CROCO (forcing netcdf file) % % Data input format (netcdf): % taux(T, Y, X) % T : time [Months] % Y : Latitude [degree north] % X : Longitude [degree east] % % Data source : IRI/LDEO Climate Data Library % (Atlas of Surface Marine Data 1994) % % http://ingrid.ldgo.columbia.edu/ % http://iridl.ldeo.columbia.edu/SOURCES/.DASILVA/ % % Pierrick Penven, IRD, 2002. % Modified by Marchesiello, 2005, to use % IFREMER/CERSAT MWF QuikSCAT daily winds. % Modified by Penven, jan 2007, to use OPENDAP. % % Further Information: % http://www.croco-ocean.org % % This file is part of CROCOTOOLS % % CROCOTOOLS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published % by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, % or (at your option) any later version. % % CROCOTOOLS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but % WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software % Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, % MA 02111-1307 USA % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% clear all close all %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% USERS DEFINED VARIABLES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Common parameters % crocotools_param % % Wind stress % taux_name='taux'; tauy_name='tauy'; if QSCAT_blk==1 uwnd_name='uwnd'; vwnd_name='vwnd'; wspd_name='wnds'; end % % Heat fluxes w3 % shf_file=[coads_dir,'netheat.cdf']; shf_name='netheat'; % % Fresh water fluxes (evaporation - precipitation) % swf_file=[coads_dir,'emp.cdf']; swf_name='emp'; % % Sea surface temperature and heat flux sensitivity to the % sea surface temperature (dQdSST). % To compute dQdSST we need: % sat : Surface atmospheric temperature % airdens : Surface atmospheric density % w3 : Wind speed at 10 meters % qsea : Sea level specific humidity % sst_file=[coads_dir,'sst.cdf']; sst_name='sst'; sat_file=[coads_dir,'sat.cdf']; sat_name='sat'; airdens_file=[coads_dir,'airdens.cdf']; airdens_name='airdens'; w3_file=[coads_dir,'w3.cdf']; w3_name='w3'; qsea_file=[coads_dir,'qsea.cdf']; qsea_name='qsea'; % % Sea surface salinity % sss_file=[coads_dir,'sss.cdf']; sss_name='salinity'; % % Short wave radiation % srf_file=[coads_dir,'shortrad.cdf']; srf_name='shortrad'; % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END USERS DEFINED VARIABLES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Title % disp(' ') disp(CROCO_title) % if level==0 nc_suffix='.nc'; else nc_suffix=['.nc.',num2str(level)]; grdname=[grdname,'.',num2str(level)]; end % % Get the model grid % nc=netcdf(grdname); lon=nc{'lon_rho'}(:); lat=nc{'lat_rho'}(:); angle=nc{'angle'}(:); close(nc) cosa = cos(angle); sina = sin(angle); % % Extract data over the internet % if Download_data==1 % % Get the model limits % lonmin=min(min(lon)); lonmax=max(max(lon)); latmin=min(min(lat)); latmax=max(max(lat)); % % Download QSCAT % disp('Download QSCAT data with OPENDAP') download_QSCAT(Ymin,Ymax,Mmin,Mmax,lonmin,lonmax,latmin,latmax,... QSCAT_dir,Yorig,QSCAT_blk) end % % Loop on the years and the months % for Y=Ymin:Ymax if Y==Ymin mo_min=Mmin; else mo_min=1; end if Y==Ymax mo_max=Mmax; else mo_max=12; end for M=mo_min:mo_max disp(' ') disp(['Processing year ',num2str(Y),... ' - month ',num2str(M)]) disp(' ') % % Process the QuickSCAT time (here in days) % nc=netcdf([QSCAT_dir,'tauxY',num2str(Y),'M',num2str(M),'.nc']); QSCAT_time=nc{'time'}(:); close(nc); dt=mean(gradient(QSCAT_time)); % % Add 2 times step in the CROCO files: 1 at the beginning and 1 at the end % (otherwise.. CROCO crashes) % tlen=length(QSCAT_time)+2; time=0*(1:tlen); time(2:end-1)=QSCAT_time; % % % time(1)=datenum(Y,M,1)-datenum(Yorig,1,1)-1-dt/2; time(end)=datenum(Y,M,31)-datenum(Yorig,1,1)+1+dt/2; % % Create a CROCO forcing file for each month % frcname=[QSCAT_frc_prefix,'Y',num2str(Y),... 'M',num2str(sprintf(Mth_format,M)),nc_suffix]; disp(['Create a new forcing file: ' frcname]) create_forcing_QSCAT(frcname,grdname,CROCO_title,QSCAT_blk,... time,coads_time,coads_time,... coads_time,coads_time,coads_time,... 0,coads_cycle,coads_cycle,... coads_cycle,coads_cycle,coads_cycle) nc_add_globatt(frcname,Yorig,Mmin,Dmin,Hmin,Min_min,Smin,'QSCAT'); nc_frc=netcdf(frcname,'write'); % Add the wind % % % 1 Check if there are QSCAT files for the previous Month % Mm=M-1; Ym=Y; if Mm==0 Mm=12; Ym=Y-1; end taux_file=[QSCAT_dir,'tauxY',num2str(Ym),'M',num2str(Mm),'.nc']; if exist(taux_file)==0 disp([' No data for the previous month: using current month']) tindex=1; Mm=M; Ym=Y; else nc=netcdf(taux_file); tindex=length(nc('time')); nc_frc{'sms_time'}(1)=nc{'time'}(tindex); close(nc) end % % 2 Perform the interpolations for the previous month % disp('First step') taux_file=[QSCAT_dir,'tauxY',num2str(Ym),'M',num2str(Mm),'.nc']; tauy_file=[QSCAT_dir,'tauyY',num2str(Ym),'M',num2str(Mm),'.nc']; u=ext_data(taux_file,taux_name,tindex,... lon,lat,[],Roa,2); v=ext_data(tauy_file,tauy_name,tindex,... lon,lat,[],Roa,2); nc_frc{'sustr'}(1,:,:)=rho2u_2d(u.*cosa + v.*sina); nc_frc{'svstr'}(1,:,:)=rho2v_2d(v.*cosa - u.*sina); if QSCAT_blk==1 uwnd_file=[QSCAT_dir,'uwndY',num2str(Ym),'M',num2str(Mm),'.nc']; vwnd_file=[QSCAT_dir,'vwndY',num2str(Ym),'M',num2str(Mm),'.nc']; wspd_file=[QSCAT_dir,'wndsY',num2str(Ym),'M',num2str(Mm),'.nc']; uwnd=ext_data(uwnd_file,uwnd_name,tindex,lon,lat,[],Roa,2); vwnd=ext_data(vwnd_file,vwnd_name,tindex,lon,lat,[],Roa,2); wspd=ext_data(wspd_file,wspd_name,tindex,lon,lat,[],Roa,2); nc_frc{'uwnd'}(1,:,:)=uwnd; nc_frc{'vwnd'}(1,:,:)=vwnd; nc_frc{'wspd'}(1,:,:)=wspd; end % % Perform the interpolations for the current month % taux_file=[QSCAT_dir,'tauxY',num2str(Y),'M',num2str(M),'.nc']; tauy_file=[QSCAT_dir,'tauyY',num2str(Y),'M',num2str(M),'.nc']; for tindex=2:tlen-1 u=ext_data(taux_file,taux_name,tindex-1,... lon,lat,[],Roa,2); v=ext_data(tauy_file,tauy_name,tindex-1,... lon,lat,[],Roa,2); nc_frc{'sustr'}(tindex,:,:)=rho2u_2d(u.*cosa + v.*sina); nc_frc{'svstr'}(tindex,:,:)=rho2v_2d(v.*cosa - u.*sina); if QSCAT_blk uwnd_file=[QSCAT_dir,'uwndY',num2str(Y),'M',num2str(M),'.nc']; vwnd_file=[QSCAT_dir,'vwndY',num2str(Y),'M',num2str(M),'.nc']; wspd_file=[QSCAT_dir,'wndsY',num2str(Y),'M',num2str(M),'.nc']; uwnd=ext_data(uwnd_file,uwnd_name,tindex-1,... lon,lat,[],Roa,2); vwnd=ext_data(vwnd_file,vwnd_name,tindex-1,... lon,lat,[],Roa,2); wspd=ext_data(wspd_file,wspd_name,tindex-1,... lon,lat,[],Roa,2); nc_frc{'uwnd'}(tindex,:,:)=uwnd; nc_frc{'vwnd'}(tindex,:,:)=vwnd; nc_frc{'wspd'}(tindex,:,:)=wspd; end end % % Read the QSCAT file for the next month % Mp=M+1; Yp=Y; if Mp==13 Mp=1; Yp=Y+1; end taux_file=[QSCAT_dir,'tauxY',num2str(Yp),'M',num2str(Mp),'.nc']; if exist(taux_file)==0 disp([' No data for the next month: using current month']) tindex=tlen-2; Mp=M; Yp=Y; else nc=netcdf(taux_file); tindex=1; nc_frc{'sms_time'}(tlen)=nc{'time'}(tindex); close(nc) end % % Perform the interpolations for the next month % disp('Last step') taux_file=[QSCAT_dir,'tauxY',num2str(Yp),'M',num2str(Mp),'.nc']; tauy_file=[QSCAT_dir,'tauyY',num2str(Yp),'M',num2str(Mp),'.nc']; u=ext_data(taux_file,taux_name,tindex,... lon,lat,[],Roa,2); v=ext_data(tauy_file,tauy_name,tindex,... lon,lat,[],Roa,2); nc_frc{'sustr'}(tlen,:,:)=rho2u_2d(u.*cosa + v.*sina); nc_frc{'svstr'}(tlen,:,:)=rho2v_2d(v.*cosa - u.*sina); % if QSCAT_blk uwnd_file=[QSCAT_dir,'uwndY',num2str(Yp),'M',num2str(Mp),'.nc']; vwnd_file=[QSCAT_dir,'vwndY',num2str(Yp),'M',num2str(Mp),'.nc']; wspd_file=[QSCAT_dir,'wndsY',num2str(Yp),'M',num2str(Mp),'.nc']; uwnd=ext_data(uwnd_file,uwnd_name,tindex,... lon,lat,[],Roa,2); vwnd=ext_data(vwnd_file,vwnd_name,tindex,... lon,lat,[],Roa,2); wspd=ext_data(wspd_file,wspd_name,tindex,... lon,lat,[],Roa,2); nc_frc{'uwnd'}(tlen,:,:)=uwnd; nc_frc{'vwnd'}(tlen,:,:)=vwnd; nc_frc{'wspd'}(tlen,:,:)=wspd; end close(nc_frc) % end end %######################################################################### % ADD THIS TO COMPUTE THE SPIN-UP PERIOD % -------------------------------------- % Spin-up: (reproduce the first year 'SPIN_Long' times) % just copy the files for the first year and change the time %------------------------------------------------------------------------ if SPIN_Long>0 M=Mmin-1; Y=Ymin-SPIN_Long; for month=1:12*SPIN_Long M=M+1; if M==13 M=1; Y=Y+1; end % % Forcing files % % Copy the file % frcname=[QSCAT_frc_prefix,'Y',num2str(Ymin),'M',num2str(sprintf(Mth_format,M)),nc_suffix]; frcname2=[QSCAT_frc_prefix,'Y',num2str(Y),'M',num2str(sprintf(Mth_format,M)),nc_suffix]; disp(['Create ',frcname2]) eval(['!cp ',frcname,' ',frcname2]) % % Change the time % nc=netcdf(frcname2,'write'); time=nc{'sms_time'}(:)-365.*(Ymin-Y); nc{'sms_time'}(:)=time; close(nc) end end % % %######################################################################### % % Make a few plots % if makeplot==1 disp(' ') disp(' Make a few plots...') test_forcing(frcname,grdname,'spd',[1 4 7 10],3,coastfileplot) % $$$ figure % $$$ test_forcing(frcname,grdname,'shflux',[1 4 7 10],3,coastfileplot) % $$$ figure % $$$ test_forcing(frcname,grdname,'swflux',[1 4 7 10],3,coastfileplot) % $$$ figure % $$$ test_forcing(frcname,grdname,'SST',[1 4 7 10],3,coastfileplot) % $$$ figure % $$$ test_forcing(frcname,grdname,'SSS',[1 4 7 10],3,coastfileplot) % $$$ figure % $$$ test_forcing(frcname,grdname,'dQdSST',[1 4 7 10],3,coastfileplot) % $$$ figure % $$$ test_forcing(frcname,grdname,'swrad',[1 4 7 10],3,coastfileplot) end % % End % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%