Download CFSR from!access (need to request an account and log in) Then select, dates and parameters and vertical levels and time and grid WARNING: select all the requested vertical levels and times below to be able to download all the parameters! WARNING2: Click the converted to netcdf button!! - Parameter(s): Temperature Latent heat flux Sensible heat flux Specific humidity Precipitation rate u-component of wind v-component of wind Downward shortwave radiation flux Upward shortwave radiation flux Downward longwave radiation flux Upward longwave radiation flux - Vertical level(s): Ground or water surface Specified height above ground: 2 m Specified height above ground: 10 m - Product(s): 6-hour Forecast 6-hour Average (initial+0 to initial+6) - Grid(s): 0.5-deg x 0.5-deg from 0E to 359.5E and 90N to 90S (720 x 361 Longitude/Latitude) Submit request. Then download wget.XXXX.csh script, fill in with your password, chmod u+x the script and launch.