function extract_CFSR(CFSR_dir,url,fname,vname,vname2,Y,M,... lon,lat,tndx,time,... trange,level,jrange,... i1min,i1max,i2min,i2max,i3min,i3max,... jmin,jmax,Yorig) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Extract a subset from CFSR using OPENDAP % % Write it in a local file % % % Further Information: % % % This file is part of CROCOTOOLS % % CROCOTOOLS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published % by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, % or (at your option) any later version. % % CROCOTOOLS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but % WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software % Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, % MA 02111-1307 USA % % Copyright (c) 2011 by Pierrick Penven % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %clear all %close all if nargin < 1 CFSR_dir='DATA/CFSR/'; url=''; vname='Precipitation_rate'; vname='Temperature_height_above_ground'; vname='Downward_Long-Wave_Rad_Flux'; vname2='Downward_Long_2dWave_Rad_Flux'; lon=[13.1460 13.4590 13.7720 14.0850 14.3980 14.7110 15.0240 15.3370 15.6500 15.9630 16.2760 16.5890 16.9020 17.2150 17.5280 17.8410 18.1540 18.4670 18.7800 19.0930 19.4060 19.7190 20.0320 20.3450 20.6580 20.9710 21.2840 21.5970 21.9100]; lat=[-29.1934 -29.5056 -29.8179 -30.1301 -30.4423 -30.7545 -31.0668 -31.3790 -31.6912 -32.0035 -32.3157 -32.6279 -32.9401 -33.2524 -33.5646 -33.8768 -34.1891 -34.5013 -34.8135 -35.1257 -35.4380 -35.7502 -36.0624 -36.3747 -36.6869 -36.9991]; trange='[0:0]'; level='[0:0]'; level=''; jrange='[381:406]'; i1min=[]; i1max=[]; i2min=42; i2max=70; i3min=[]; i3max=[]; Yorig=1900; Y=1979; M=1; end % % Get the variable name % disp(['Get ',vname,' for year ',num2str(Y),... ' - month ',num2str(M)]) % % Get the variable 2D subset (take care of greenwitch) % fname=get_filename_CFSR(Y,M,1,0); x=readattribute([url,fname]); eval(['missing_value=x.',vname2,'.missing_value;']); % % Get the number of days in the month % nmax=daysinmonth(Y,M); %nmax=1 Lm=length(lon); Mm=length(lat); N=4*nmax; % var=nan*zeros(N,Mm,Lm); % tndx=0; for D=1:1:nmax for T=0:6:18 if Y==2006 & M==6 & D==17 & T==6 disp(['---! Problem with ',datestr(datenum(Y,M,D,T,0,0))]) else disp([' Downloading ',vname,' for ',datestr(datenum(Y,M,D,T,0,0))]) tndx=tndx+1; fname=get_filename_CFSR(Y,M,D,T); var0=getdap(url,fname,vname,... trange,level,jrange,... i1min,i1max,i2min,i2max,i3min,i3max); var0=shiftdim(var0,2); var0(var0==missing_value)=NaN; var0=flipud(var0); % latitude inversion in CFSR var(tndx,:,:)=var0; time(tndx)=datenum(Y,M,D,T,0,0)-datenum(Yorig,1,1); end end end % time=time(1:tndx); var=var(1:tndx,:,:); % % Write it in a file % write_NCEP([CFSR_dir,vname,'_Y',num2str(Y),'M',num2str(M),'.nc'],... vname,lon,lat,time,var,Yorig) %