function download_CFSR(Ymin,Ymax,Mmin,Mmax,lonmin,lonmax,latmin,latmax,... NCEP_dir,Yorig) % %clear all %close all if nargin < 1 Ymin=2006; Ymax=2006; Yorig=1900; Mmin=6; Mmax=6; lonmin=16; lonmax=19; latmin=-34; latmax=-32; NCEP_dir='DATA/CFSR/'; end % % Definitions of names and directories % % % Definitions of names and directories for NCEP1 % %ncep_url=''; ncep_url=''; vnames={'Land_cover_1land_2sea' ... % surface land-sea mask [1=land; 0=sea] 'Temperature_height_above_ground' ... % 2 m temp. [k] 'Downward_Long-Wave_Rad_Flux' ... % surface downward long wave flux [w/m^2] 'Upward_Long-Wave_Rad_Flux_surface' ... % surface upward long wave flux [w/m^2] 'Temperature_surface' ... % surface temp. [k] 'Downward_Short-Wave_Rad_Flux_surface' ... % surface downward solar radiation flux [w/m^2] 'Upward_Short-Wave_Rad_Flux_surface' ... % surface upward solar radiation flux [w/m^2] 'Precipitation_rate' ... % surface precipitation rate [kg/m^2/s] 'U-component_of_wind' ... % 10 m u wind [m/s] 'V-component_of_wind' ... % 10 m v wind [m/s] 'Specific_humidity'}; % 2 m specific humidity [kg/kg] vnames2={'Land_cover_1land_2sea' ... % surface land-sea mask [1=land; 0=sea] 'Temperature_height_above_ground' ... % 2 m temp. [k] 'Downward_Long_2dWave_Rad_Flux' ... % surface downward long wave flux [w/m^2] 'Upward_Long_2dWave_Rad_Flux_surface' ... % surface upward longwave flux [w/m^2] 'Temperature_surface' ... % surface temp. [k] 'Downward_Short_2dWave_Rad_Flux_surface' ... % surface downward solar radiation flux [w/m^2] 'Upward_Short_2dWave_Rad_Flux_surface' ... % surface upward solar radiation flux [w/m^2] 'Precipitation_rate' ... % surface precipitation rate [kg/m^2/s] 'U_2dcomponent_of_wind' ... % 10 m u wind [m/s] 'V_2dcomponent_of_wind' ... % 10 m v wind [m/s] 'Specific_humidity'}; % 2 m specific humidity [kg/kg] % lan temp down up temp down up pre uwind vwind sh level={'' '[0:0]' '' '' '' '' '' '' '[0:0]' '[0:0]' '[0:0]'}; % %Common OpenDAP FTP % disp([' ']) disp(['Get CFSR data from ',num2str(Ymin),' to ',num2str(Ymax)]) disp(['From ',ncep_url]); disp([' ']) disp(['Minimum Longitude: ',num2str(lonmin)]) disp(['Maximum Longitude: ',num2str(lonmax)]) disp(['Minimum Latitude: ',num2str(latmin)]) disp(['Maximum Latitude: ',num2str(latmax)]) disp([' ']) % % Create the directory % disp(['Making output data directory ',NCEP_dir]) eval(['!mkdir ',NCEP_dir]) % End Common OpenDap FTP %----------------------- catalog=get_filename_CFSR(Ymin,Mmin,1,0); % % Global loop on variable names % for k=1:length(vnames) disp(['==========================']) disp(['VNAME IS ',char(vnames(k))]); disp(['==========================']) % % Time unit (and time in case of opendap) section % disp(['------']) disp(['Get time units and time: Get_My_Data is OFF ']) disp(['------']) x=loaddap('-A -e +v',[ncep_url,catalog]); if verLessThan('matlab','7.14') if (dods_err==1) error(dods_err_msg) end end % check time unit (APDRC dataset are daily) if isempty(x.time.units) error('No time unit found'); end eval(['Tunits=x.time.units;']); time0=readdap([ncep_url,catalog],'time',[]); if findstr('day',Tunits) time_scale = 1; elseif findstr('hour',Tunits) time_scale = 1/24; else error('Time units is not days or hours. I assume NCEP datasets are all daily ??! '); end % % Subgrid section :Find a subset of the NCEP grid % if k==1 disp(['==========================']) disp(['GET SUBGRID time only k=1']); disp(['USE VARIABLE: ',char(vnames(k)) ]) disp(['==========================']) % [i1min,i1max,i2min,i2max,i3min,i3max,jrange,jmin,jmax,lon,lat]=... get_CFSR_grid([ncep_url,catalog],... lonmin,lonmax,latmin,latmax); lat=flipud(lat); % latitude inversion in CFSR % disp('GET LAND MASK'); tndx = 1; trange = '[0:0]'; var=getdap(ncep_url,catalog,char(vnames(k)),... trange,char(level(k)),jrange,... i1min,i1max,i2min,i2max,i3min,i3max); var=flipud(var); % latitude inversion in CFSR % % Write it in a file % write_NCEP([NCEP_dir,char(vnames(k)),'.nc'],... char(vnames(k)),lon,lat,0,var,Yorig) else %k==1 % % Loop on the years % for Y=Ymin:Ymax disp(['==========================']) disp(['Processing year: ',num2str(Y)]) disp(['==========================']) % % Loop on the months % if Y==Ymin mo_min=Mmin; else mo_min=1; end if Y==Ymax mo_max=Mmax; else mo_max=12; end for M=mo_min:mo_max disp([' Processing month: ',num2str(M)]) recipe_file = [NCEP_dir,char(vnames(k)),'_Y',num2str(Y),'M',num2str(M),'.nc']; if exist(recipe_file) disp([' Warning : file ',recipe_file,' already exists. Press ''enter'' to continue']); end % % Get the subset % extract_CFSR(NCEP_dir,ncep_url,char(catalog(k)),... char(vnames(k)),char(vnames2(k)),Y,M,... lon,lat,0,0,... trange,char(level(k)),jrange,... i1min,i1max,i2min,i2max,i3min,i3max,... jmin,jmax,Yorig,0) end % end loop month end % end loop year end % k==1 end % loop k % return