! ! Keyword-based startup file ! title: Equator Example ! ! Based on: ! Boccaletti, G., R.C. Pacanowski, G.H. Philander and A.V. Fedorov, 2004, ! The Thermal Structure of the Upper Ocean, J.Phys.Oceanogr., 34, 888-902. ! time_stepping: NTIMES dt[sec] NDTFAST NINFO 3600 8640 45 1 S-coord: THETA_S, THETA_B, Hc (m) 5.0d0 0.0d0 10.d0 initial: NRREC filename 0 equator_ini.nc restart: NRST, NRPFRST / filename 3600 -1 equator_rst.nc history: LDEFHIS, NWRT, NRPFHIS / filename T 30 0 equator_his.nc primary_history_fields: zeta UBAR VBAR U V wrtT(1:NT) T T T T T T T auxiliary_history_fields: rho Omega W Akv Akt Aks Visc3d Diff3d HBL HBBL Bostr Bustr Bvstr Wstr Ustr Vstr Shfl rsw rlw lat sen Hm HEL BIOL 30*F rho0: 1025. bottom_drag: RDRG(m/s), RDRG2, Zob [m], Cdb_min, Cdb_max 3.e-4 0. 0. 0. 0. gamma2: 1. lin_EOS_cff: R0 [kg/m3], T0 [Celsius], S0 [PSU], TCOEF [1/Celsius], SCOEF [1/PSU] 30. 0. 0. 0.28 0. lateral_visc: VISC2 [m^2/sec ] 2.0e3 0. tracer_diff2: TNU2 [m^2/sec] 1.0e3 1.0e3