#include "cppdefs.h"
#ifdef NBQ
! Non Hydrostatic Ocean Modeling System
!> @note Main web documentation
!> @brief
!! Sparskit library
!! : Compressed Sparse Row format (CSR).
!> @details Additional documentation:
!! - Youcef Saad
!! - Sparskit
!> @authors
!> @date 2015 January
!> @todo
subroutine amubdg ( nrow, ncol, ncolb, ja, ia, jb, ib, ndegr, nnz, iw )
!> AMUBDG gets the number of nonzero elements in each row of A * B.
!> Discussion:
!! The routine also computes the total number of nonzero elements in A * B.
!! Method: A' * A = sum [over i = 1, nrow] a(i)^T a(i)
!! where a(i) = i-th row of A. We must be careful not to add the
!! elements already accounted for.
!> Modified:
!! 07 January 2004
!> Author:
!! Youcef Saad
!> Parameters:
!! Input, integer NROW, the row dimension of the matrix A.
!! Input, integer NCOL, the column dimension of the matrix A,
!! (and the row dimension of B).
!! Input, integer NCOLB, the column dimension of the matrix B.
!! Input, ja, ia= row structure of input matrix A: ja = column indices of
!! the nonzero elements of A stored by rows.
!! ia = pointer to beginning of each row in ja.
!! Input, jb, ib, the row structure of input matrix B: jb = column indices of
!! the nonzero elements of A stored by rows.
!! ib is a pointer to beginning of each row in jb.
!! Output, integer NDEGR(NROW), contains the degrees (the number of
!! nonzeros in each row of the matrix A * B.
!! Output, integer NNZ, the number of nonzero elements found in A * B.
!! Workspace, integer IW(NCOLB).
implicit none
integer ncol
integer ncolb
integer nrow
integer ia(*)
integer ib(*)
integer ii
integer iw(*)
integer j
integer ja(*)
integer jb(*)
integer jc
integer jr
integer k
integer last
integer ldg
integer ndegr(*)
integer nnz
iw(1:ncolb) = 0
ndegr(1:nrow) = 0
do ii = 1, nrow
! For each row of A.
ldg = 0
! End-of-linked list.
last = -1
do j = ia(ii), ia(ii+1)-1
! Row number to be added.
jr = ja(j)
do k = ib(jr), ib(jr+1)-1
jc = jb(k)
! Add one element to the linked list.
if ( iw(jc) == 0 ) then
ldg = ldg + 1
iw(jc) = last
last = jc
end if
end do
end do
ndegr(ii) = ldg
! Reset IW to zero.
do k = 1, ldg
j = iw(last)
iw(last) = 0
last = j
end do
end do
nnz = sum ( ndegr(1:nrow) )
subroutine amux ( n, x, y, a, ja, ia )
!subroutine amux ( n, x, y, a, ja, nl )
!! AMUX multiplies a CSR matrix A times a vector.
! Discussion:
! This routine multiplies a matrix by a vector using the dot product form.
! Matrix A is stored in compressed sparse row storage.
! Modified:
! 07 January 2004
! Author:
! Youcef Saad
! Parameters:
! Input, integer N, the row dimension of the matrix.
! Input, real X(*), and array of length equal to the column dimension
! of A.
! Input, real A(*), integer JA(*), IA(NROW+1), the matrix in CSR
! Compressed Sparse Row format.
! Output, real Y(N), the product A * X.
! use module_parallele ! #MPI#
use module_nh
implicit none
! include 'mkl_spblas.h'
integer n
real ( kind = 8 ) a(*)
integer i,j
integer ia(*)
integer ja(*)
integer k
! integer nl
! character(len=1) :: TRANS='N'
real ( kind = 8 ) t
real ( kind = 8 ) x(*)
real ( kind = 8 ) y(*)
do i = 1, n
! Compute the inner product of row I with vector X.
t = 0.0D+00
do k = ia(i), ia(i+1)-1
! do k = 1 + nl*(i-1), nl*i
t = t + a(k) * x(ja(k))
end do
y(i) = t
end do
subroutine amuxa ( n, x, y, a, ja, ia )
!subroutine amux ( n, x, y, a, ja, nl )
!! AMUX multiplies a CSR matrix A times a vector.
! Discussion:
! This routine multiplies a matrix by a vector using the dot product form.
! Matrix A is stored in compressed sparse row storage.
! Modified:
! 07 January 2004
! Author:
! Youcef Saad
! Parameters:
! Input, integer N, the row dimension of the matrix.
! Input, real X(*), and array of length equal to the column dimension
! of A.
! Input, real A(*), integer JA(*), IA(NROW+1), the matrix in CSR
! Compressed Sparse Row format.
! Output, real Y(N), the product A * X.
! use module_parallele ! #MPI#
use module_nh
implicit none
! include 'mkl_spblas.h'
integer n
real ( kind = 8 ) a(*)
integer i,j
integer ia(*)
integer ja(*)
integer k
! integer nl
! character(len=1) :: TRANS='N'
real ( kind = 8 ) t
real ( kind = 8 ) x(*)
real ( kind = 8 ) y(*)
do i = 1, n
! Compute the inner product of row I with vector X.
t = 0.0D+00
do k = ia(i), ia(i+1)-1
! do k = 1 + nl*(i-1), nl*i
t = t + a(k) * x(ja(k))
end do
y(i) = y(i)+t
end do
! amux pour MOM
subroutine amux_s ( n , n1, x, y, a, ja, ia )
! use module_parallele ! #MPI#
use module_nh
implicit none
! include 'mkl_spblas.h'
integer n,n1
real ( kind = 8 ) a(*)
integer i
integer ia(*)
integer ja(*)
integer k
character(len=1) :: TRANS='N'
real ( kind = 8 ) t
real ( kind = 8 ) x(*)
real ( kind = 8 ) y(*)
double precision :: cput1, cput2
do i = 1, n1
t = 0.0D+00
do k = ia(i), ia(i+1)-1
t = t + a(k) * x(ja(k))
end do
y(i) = t
end do
do i = n1+1, n
y(i) = a(ia(i)) * x(ja(ia(i))) + a(ia(i)+1) * x(ja(ia(i)+1))
end do
subroutine amub2 ( nrow, ncol, job, a, ja, ia, b, jb, ib, c, jc, ic, nzmax, &
iw, ierr )
!! AMUB performs the matrix product C = A * B.
! Discussion:
! The column dimension of B is not needed.
! Modified:
! 08 January 2004
! Author:
! Youcef Saad
! Parameters:
! Input, integer NROW, the row dimension of the matrix.
! Input, integer NCOL, the column dimension of the matrix.
! Input, integer JOB, job indicator. When JOB = 0, only the structure
! is computed, that is, the arrays JC and IC, but the real values
! are ignored.
! Input, real A(*), integer JA(*), IA(NROW+1), the matrix in CSR
! Compressed Sparse Row format.
! Input, b, jb, ib, matrix B in compressed sparse row format.
! Input, integer NZMAX, the length of the arrays c and jc.
! The routine will stop if the result matrix C has a number
! of elements that exceeds exceeds NZMAX.
! on return:
! c,
! jc,
! ic = resulting matrix C in compressed sparse row sparse format.
! ierr = integer. serving as error message.
! ierr = 0 means normal return,
! ierr > 0 means that amub stopped while computing the
! i-th row of C with i = ierr, because the number
! of elements in C exceeds nzmax.
! work arrays:
! iw = integer work array of length equal to the number of
! columns in A.
implicit none
integer ncol
integer nrow
integer nzmax
real ( kind = 8 ) a(*)
real ( kind = 8 ) b(*)
real ( kind = 8 ) c(nzmax)
! integer ia(nrow+1)
! integer ib(ncol+1)
! integer ic(ncol+1)
integer ia(*)
integer ib(*)
integer ic(*)
integer ierr
integer ii
integer iw(*)
integer ja(*)
integer jb(*)
integer jc(nzmax)
integer jcol
integer jj
integer job
integer jpos
integer k
integer ka
integer kb
integer len
real ( kind = 8 ) scal
logical values
values = ( job /= 0 )
len = 0
ic(1) = 1
ierr = 0
! Initialize IW.
iw(1:ncol) = 0
do ii = 1, nrow
! Row I.
do ka = ia(ii), ia(ii+1)-1
if ( values ) then
scal = a(ka)
end if
jj = ja(ka)
do kb = ib(jj), ib(jj+1)-1
jcol = jb(kb)
jpos = iw(jcol)
if ( jpos == 0 ) then
len = len + 1
if ( nzmax < len ) then
ierr = ii
end if
jc(len) = jcol
iw(jcol)= len
if ( values ) then
c(len) = scal * b(kb)
end if
if ( values ) then
c(jpos) = c(jpos) + scal * b(kb)
end if
end if
end do
end do
do k = ic(ii), len
iw(jc(k)) = 0
end do
ic(ii+1) = len + 1
end do
subroutine amub3 ( nrow, ncol, job, alpha, a, ja, ia, b, jb, ib, c, jc, ic, nzmax, &
iw, ierr )
!! AMUB performs the matrix product C = A * B.
! Discussion:
! The column dimension of B is not needed.
! Modified:
! 08 January 2004
! Author:
! Youcef Saad
! Parameters:
! Input, integer NROW, the row dimension of the matrix.
! Input, integer NCOL, the column dimension of the matrix.
! Input, integer JOB, job indicator. When JOB = 0, only the structure
! is computed, that is, the arrays JC and IC, but the real values
! are ignored.
! Input, real A(*), integer JA(*), IA(NROW+1), the matrix in CSR
! Compressed Sparse Row format.
! Input, b, jb, ib, matrix B in compressed sparse row format.
! Input, integer NZMAX, the length of the arrays c and jc.
! The routine will stop if the result matrix C has a number
! of elements that exceeds exceeds NZMAX.
! on return:
! c,
! jc,
! ic = resulting matrix C in compressed sparse row sparse format.
! ierr = integer. serving as error message.
! ierr = 0 means normal return,
! ierr > 0 means that amub stopped while computing the
! i-th row of C with i = ierr, because the number
! of elements in C exceeds nzmax.
! work arrays:
! iw = integer work array of length equal to the number of
! columns in A.
implicit none
integer ncol
integer nrow
integer nzmax
real ( kind = 8 ) alpha
real ( kind = 8 ) a(*)
real ( kind = 8 ) b(*)
real ( kind = 8 ) c(nzmax)
! integer ia(nrow+1)
! integer ib(ncol+1)
! integer ic(ncol+1)
integer ia(*)
integer ib(*)
integer ic(*)
integer ierr
integer ii
integer iw(*)
integer ja(*)
integer jb(*)
integer jc(nzmax)
integer jcol
integer jj
integer job
integer jpos
integer k
integer ka
integer kb
integer len
real ( kind = 8 ) scal
logical values
values = ( job /= 0 )
len = 0
ic(1) = 1
ierr = 0
! Initialize IW.
iw(1:ncol) = 0
do ii = 1, nrow
! Row I.
do ka = ia(ii), ia(ii+1)-1
if ( values ) then
scal = a(ka)*alpha
end if
jj = ja(ka)
do kb = ib(jj), ib(jj+1)-1
jcol = jb(kb)
jpos = iw(jcol)
if ( jpos == 0 ) then
len = len + 1
if ( nzmax < len ) then
ierr = ii
end if
jc(len) = jcol
iw(jcol)= len
if ( values ) then
c(len) = scal * b(kb)
end if
c(jpos) = c(jpos) + scal * b(kb)
end if
end do
end do
do k = ic(ii), len
iw(jc(k)) = 0
end do
ic(ii+1) = len + 1
end do
subroutine aplb ( nrow, ncol, job, a, ja, ia, b, jb, ib, c, jc, ic, nzmax, &
iw, ierr )
!! APLB performs the CSR matrix sum C = A + B.
! Modified:
! 07 January 2004
! Author:
! Youcef Saad
! Parameters:
! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NROW, the row dimension of A and B.
! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NCOL, the column dimension of A and B.
! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) JOB. When JOB = 0, only the structure
! (i.e. the arrays jc, ic) is computed and the
! real values are ignored.
! Input, real A(*), integer ( kind = 4 ) JA(*), IA(NROW+1), the matrix in CSR
! Compressed Sparse Row format.
! b,
! jb,
! ib = Matrix B in compressed sparse row format.
! nzmax = integer ( kind = 4 ). The length of the arrays c and jc.
! amub will stop if the result matrix C has a number
! of elements that exceeds exceeds nzmax. See ierr.
! on return:
! c,
! jc,
! ic = resulting matrix C in compressed sparse row sparse format.
! ierr = integer ( kind = 4 ). serving as error message.
! ierr = 0 means normal return,
! ierr > 0 means that amub stopped while computing the
! i-th row of C with i = ierr, because the number
! of elements in C exceeds nzmax.
! work arrays:
! iw = integer ( kind = 4 ) work array of length equal to the number of
! columns in A.
implicit none
integer ( kind = 4 ) ncol
integer ( kind = 4 ) nrow
real ( kind = 8 ) a(*)
real ( kind = 8 ) b(*)
real ( kind = 8 ) c(*)
integer ( kind = 4 ) ia(nrow+1)
integer ( kind = 4 ) ib(nrow+1)
integer ( kind = 4 ) ic(nrow+1)
integer ( kind = 4 ) ierr
integer ( kind = 4 ) ii
integer ( kind = 4 ) iw(ncol)
integer ( kind = 4 ) ja(*)
integer ( kind = 4 ) jb(*)
integer ( kind = 4 ) jc(*)
integer ( kind = 4 ) jcol
integer ( kind = 4 ) job
integer ( kind = 4 ) jpos
integer ( kind = 4 ) k
integer ( kind = 4 ) ka
integer ( kind = 4 ) kb
integer ( kind = 4 ) len
integer ( kind = 4 ) nzmax
logical values
values = ( job /= 0 )
ierr = 0
len = 0
ic(1) = 1
iw(1:ncol) = 0
do ii = 1, nrow
! Row I.
do ka = ia(ii), ia(ii+1)-1
len = len + 1
jcol = ja(ka)
if ( nzmax < len ) then
ierr = ii
end if
jc(len) = jcol
if ( values ) then
c(len) = a(ka)
end if
iw(jcol) = len
end do
do kb = ib(ii), ib(ii+1)-1
jcol = jb(kb)
jpos = iw(jcol)
if ( jpos == 0 ) then
len = len + 1
if ( nzmax < len ) then
ierr = ii
end if
jc(len) = jcol
if ( values ) then
c(len) = b(kb)
end if
iw(jcol)= len
if ( values ) then
c(jpos) = c(jpos) + b(kb)
end if
end if
end do
do k = ic(ii), len
iw(jc(k)) = 0
end do
ic(ii+1) = len+1
end do
subroutine aplb1 ( nrow, ncol, job, a, ja, ia, b, jb, ib, c, jc, ic, &
nzmax, ierr )
!! APLB1 performs the sum C = A + B for sorted CSR matrices.
! Discussion:
! The difference between this routine and APLB is that here the
! resulting matrix is such that the elements of each row are sorted,
! with increasing column indices in each row, provided the original
! matrices are sorted in the same way.
! This routine will not work if either of the two input matrices is
! not sorted.
! Modified:
! 11 January 2004
! Author:
! Youcef Saad
! Parameters:
! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NROW, the row dimension of A and B.
! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NCOL, the column dimension of A and B.
! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) JOB. When JOB = 0, only the structure
! (i.e. the arrays jc, ic) is computed and the
! real values are ignored.
! Input, real A(*), integer ( kind = 4 ) JA(*), IA(NROW+1), the matrix in CSR
! Compressed Sparse Row format with entries sorted.
! b,
! jb,
! ib = Matrix B in compressed sparse row format with entries sorted
! ascendly in each row
! nzmax = integer ( kind = 4 ). The length of the arrays c and jc.
! amub will stop if the result matrix C has a number
! of elements that exceeds exceeds nzmax. See ierr.
! on return:
! c,
! jc,
! ic = resulting matrix C in compressed sparse row sparse format
! with entries sorted ascendly in each row.
! ierr = integer ( kind = 4 ). serving as error message.
! ierr = 0 means normal return,
! ierr > 0 means that amub stopped while computing the
! i-th row of C with i = ierr, because the number
! of elements in C exceeds nzmax.
implicit none
integer ( kind = 4 ) nrow
real ( kind = 8 ) a(*)
real ( kind = 8 ) b(*)
real ( kind = 8 ) c(*)
integer ( kind = 4 ) i
integer ( kind = 4 ) ia(nrow+1)
integer ( kind = 4 ) ib(nrow+1)
integer ( kind = 4 ) ic(nrow+1)
integer ( kind = 4 ) ierr
integer ( kind = 4 ) j1
integer ( kind = 4 ) j2
integer ( kind = 4 ) ja(*)
integer ( kind = 4 ) jb(*)
integer ( kind = 4 ) jc(*)
integer ( kind = 4 ) job
integer ( kind = 4 ) ka
integer ( kind = 4 ) kamax
integer ( kind = 4 ) kb
integer ( kind = 4 ) kbmax
integer ( kind = 4 ) kc
integer ( kind = 4 ) ncol
integer ( kind = 4 ) nzmax
logical values
values = ( job /= 0 )
ierr = 0
kc = 1
ic(1) = kc
do i = 1, nrow
ka = ia(i)
kb = ib(i)
kamax = ia(i+1) - 1
kbmax = ib(i+1) - 1
if ( ka <= kamax ) then
j1 = ja(ka)
j1 = ncol + 1
end if
if ( kb <= kbmax ) then
j2 = jb(kb)
j2 = ncol + 1
end if
! Three cases
if ( j1 == j2 ) then
if ( values ) then
c(kc) = a(ka) + b(kb)
end if
jc(kc) = j1
ka = ka + 1
kb = kb + 1
kc = kc + 1
else if ( j1 < j2 ) then
jc(kc) = j1
if ( values ) then
c(kc) = a(ka)
end if
ka = ka + 1
kc = kc + 1
else if ( j2 < j1 ) then
jc(kc) = j2
if ( values ) then
c(kc) = b(kb)
end if
kb = kb + 1
kc = kc + 1
end if
if ( nzmax < kc ) then
ierr = i
end if
if ( kamax < ka .and. kbmax < kb ) then
end if
end do
ic(i+1) = kc
end do
subroutine aplsca1 ( nrow, a, ja, ia, iw )
!! APLSCA adds 1. to the diagonal entries of a sparse matrix A :=A + s I
! Discussion:
! The column dimension of A is not needed.
! important: the matrix A may be expanded slightly to allow for
! additions of nonzero elements to previously nonexisting diagonals.
! The is no checking as to whether there is enough space appended
! to the arrays a and ja. if not sure allow for n additional
! elements.
! Modified:
! 07 January 2004
! Author:
! Youcef Saad
! Parameters:
! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NROW, the row dimension of the matrix.
! Input, real A(*), integer ( kind = 4 ) JA(*), IA(NROW+1), the matrix in CSR
! Compressed Sparse Row format.
! on return:
! a,
! ja,
! ia = matrix A with diagonal elements shifted (or created).
! iw = integer ( kind = 4 ) work array of length n. On return iw will
! contain the positions of the diagonal entries in the
! output matrix. (i.e., a(iw(k)), ja(iw(k)), k = 1,...n,
! are the values/column indices of the diagonal elements
! of the output matrix. ).
implicit none
integer ( kind = 4 ) nrow
real ( kind = 8 ) a(*)
integer ( kind = 4 ) ia(nrow+1)
integer ( kind = 4 ) icount
integer ( kind = 4 ) ii
integer ( kind = 4 ) iw(*)
integer ( kind = 4 ) j
integer ( kind = 4 ) ja(*)
integer ( kind = 4 ) k
integer ( kind = 4 ) k1
integer ( kind = 4 ) k2
integer ( kind = 4 ) ko
logical test
call diapos ( nrow, ja, ia, iw )
icount = 0
do j = 1, nrow
if ( iw(j) == 0 ) then
icount = icount + 1
a(iw(j)) = a(iw(j)) + 1.
end if
end do
! If no diagonal elements to insert in data structure, return.
if ( icount == 0 ) then
end if
! Shift the nonzero elements if needed, to allow for created
! diagonal elements.
ko = ia(nrow+1) + icount
! Copy rows backward.
do ii = nrow, 1, -1
! Go through row II.
k1 = ia(ii)
k2 = ia(ii+1) - 1
ia(ii+1) = ko
test = ( iw(ii) == 0 )
do k = k2, k1, -1
j = ja(k)
if ( test .and. j < ii ) then
test = .false.
ko = ko - 1
a(ko) = 1.
ja(ko) = ii
iw(ii) = ko
end if
ko = ko - 1
a(ko) = a(k)
ja(ko) = j
end do
! The diagonal element has not been added yet.
if ( test ) then
ko = ko - 1
a(ko) = 1.
ja(ko) = ii
iw(ii) = ko
end if
end do
ia(1) = ko
subroutine diapos ( n, ja, ia, idiag )
!! DIAPOS returns the positions of the diagonal elements of a sparse matrix.
! Modified:
! 07 January 2004
! Author:
! Youcef Saad
! Parameters:
! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) N, the row dimension of the matrix.
! Input, JA(*), IA(N+1), the matrix information, (but no values)
! in CSR Compressed Sparse Row format.
! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IDIAG(N); the I-th entry of IDIAG points to the
! diagonal element A(I,I) in the arrays A and JA. That is,
! A(IDIAG(I)) = element A(I,I) of matrix A. If no diagonal element
! is found, the entry is set to 0.
implicit none
integer ( kind = 4 ) n
integer ( kind = 4 ) i
integer ( kind = 4 ) ia(n+1)
integer ( kind = 4 ) idiag(n)
integer ( kind = 4 ) ja(*)
integer ( kind = 4 ) k
idiag(1:n) = 0
! Sweep through the data structure.
do i = 1, n
do k = ia(i), ia(i+1) -1
if ( ja(k) == i ) then
idiag(i) = k
end if
end do
end do
#ifdef FOR_TESTS
subroutine amux_1 ( n, x, y, a, ja, ia )
!subroutine amux ( n, x, y, a, ja, nl )
!! AMUX multiplies a CSR matrix A times a vector.
! Discussion:
! This routine multiplies a matrix by a vector using the dot product form.
! Matrix A is stored in compressed sparse row storage.
! Modified:
! 07 January 2004
! Author:
! Youcef Saad
! Parameters:
! Input, integer N, the row dimension of the matrix.
! Input, real X(*), and array of length equal to the column dimension
! of A.
! Input, real A(*), integer JA(*), IA(NROW+1), the matrix in CSR
! Compressed Sparse Row format.
! Output, real Y(N), the product A * X.
! use module_parallele ! #MPI#
use module_nh
use module_nbq
implicit none
! include 'mkl_spblas.h'
integer n
real ( kind = 8 ) a(*)
integer i,j
integer ia(*)
integer ja(*)
integer k
! integer nl
! character(len=1) :: TRANS='N'
real ( kind = 8 ) x(*)
real ( kind = 8 ) y(*)
do i = 1, n
! Compute the inner product of row I with vector X.
! t = 0.0D+00
do k = ia(i), ia(i+1)-1
! do k = 1 + nl*(i-1), nl*i
! t = t + a(k) * x(ja(k))
namux1_nbq = namux1_nbq+1
end do
! y(i) = t
end do
subroutine amux_2 ( n, x, y, a )
!subroutine amux ( n, x, y, a, ja, nl )
!! AMUX multiplies a CSR matrix A times a vector.
! Discussion:
! This routine multiplies a matrix by a vector using the dot product form.
! Matrix A is stored in compressed sparse row storage.
! Modified:
! 07 January 2004
! Author:
! Youcef Saad
! Parameters:
! Input, integer N, the row dimension of the matrix.
! Input, real X(*), and array of length equal to the column dimension
! of A.
! Input, real A(*), integer JA(*), IA(NROW+1), the matrix in CSR
! Compressed Sparse Row format.
! Output, real Y(N), the product A * X.
! use module_parallele ! #MPI#
use module_nh
use module_nbq
implicit none
! include 'mkl_spblas.h'
integer n
real ( kind = 8 ) a(*)
integer i,j
integer k
! integer nl
! character(len=1) :: TRANS='N'
real ( kind = 8 ) x(*)
real ( kind = 8 ) y(*)
integer icall
do l_nbq=1,namux1_nbq
y(amux1a_nbq(l_nbq)) = y(amux1a_nbq(l_nbq)) +a(amux1b_nbq(l_nbq))*x(amux1c_nbq(l_nbq))