program partit ! Generic netCDF partitioning tool: reads netCDF files corresonding to ! the whole physical grid and prepares multiple files which hold data ! corresponding to different subdomains. These files can be then read ! in parallel by different MPI processes. ! ! Usage: partit NP_XI NP_ETA ncname1 ... ncnameN ! ------ where NP_XI number of subdomains along XI-direction ! NP_ETA number of subdomains along ETA-direction ! ncname1 ... ncnameN names of netCDF files ! ! Non-partitionable objects of netCDF files, such as scalar variables ! and attributes (both global and attributes to variables) are copied ! redundantly into the partitioned files, while partitionable array ! data is subdivided into subdomains and distributed among the ! partitioned files in such a manner that all files contain individual ! data without any overlap or redundantly stored data. ! ! The partitioning algorithm works as follows: The partitionable ! dimensions ('xi_rho', 'xi_u', 'eta_rho' and 'eta_v') are identified ! by their names, then then their values are read and compared in pairs ! to detect if any of the directions have periodicity. It is assumed ! that ghost points corresponding to physical boundaries are stored in ! the file, but computational margins (including periodic margins) are ! not. Consequently, if 'xi_rho' and 'xi_u' are equal to each other ! then XI-direction is periodic, and if they differ by one, it is not. ! ETA-direction is treated similarly. Once periodicity type is ! determined, the internal number of internal points in each ! direction (i.e. excluding ghost points corresponding to physical ! boundaries) id divided by the number of subdomains in that ! direction and then physical boundary points are attached to ! subdomains which are adjacent to the boundaries. This results in ! slightly different dimension sizes of netCDF files corresponding ! to diffeent subdomains. ! ! Once all dimensions are sorted out, data corresponding to ! subdomains is extracted from the source file and copied into ! partial files. c--#define AUTORENICE #define TIMING c--#define VERBOSE # include "cppdefs.h" implicit none #include "" integer maxdims, maxvars parameter #ifdef PISCES & (maxdims=40, maxvars=92) #else & (maxdims=40, maxvars=64) #endif character(len=80) src_name, string character(len=32) dimname(maxdims), varname(maxvars) integer narg, nnodes, NP_XI, xi_rho, id_xi_rho, id_xi_psi, & arg, node, NP_ETA, xi_u, id_xi_u, id_xi_v, & ierr, eta_rho, id_eta_rho, id_eta_psi, & ierr_all, eta_v, id_eta_v, id_eta_u, & ndims, nvars, ngatts, tsize, varatts, unlimdimid, & i,j,k, ncsrc, lvar, size, rec, lstr, lsrc, lenstr character(len=80), allocatable, dimension(:) :: ncname integer, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: vid integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: ncid, xi_start, xi_size, & eta_start, eta_size logical, allocatable, dimension(:) :: western_edge, & eastern_edge, southern_edge, northern_edge integer max_buff_size, vartype(maxvars), vardims(maxvars), & dimid(maxdims), ibuff(maxdims),dimids(maxdims,maxvars), & dimsize(maxdims), start(maxdims), count(maxdims), & start1(maxdims) logical part_switch(maxvars), series(maxvars) common /partit_int/ max_buff_size, vartype, vardims, & dimid, ibuff, dimids, dimsize, start, & count, start1, part_switch, series real*8, allocatable, dimension(:) :: buff integer :: buff_int character*2000 :: buff_txt #ifdef TIMING real*4 tstart, RUN_time, CPU_time(2) integer iclk(2), nclk, clk_rate, clk_max, iclk_init integer*8 net_read_size, net_wrt_size, & net_read_clk, net_wrt_clk, net_assm_clk, & net_sync_clk, net_gray_clk, inc_clk real*8 GrayTime # ifdef __IFC real*4 etime # endif #endif ! Function "iargc" is viewed as intrinsic by #ifdef XLF /* ! most modern compilers and does not need to */ integer iargc ! be declared. IBM xlf95 is a notable exclusion. #endif /* ! So do 7.x and earlier versions of Intel IFC, */ ! but 8.x, 9.x IFORT recognize it as intrinsic. #ifdef AUTORENICE integer getpid, pid ! Sometimes it makes sense to character(len=32) cmd ! run partit in the background pid=getpid() ! mode with lowered priority to write(cmd,'(I8)') pid ! not interfere with running MPI lstr=lenstr(cmd) ! job. This code segment catches cmd(11:lstr+10)=cmd(1:lstr) ! pid of its own process and lstr=lstr+10 ! executes re-nice command. cmd(1:10)='renice 19 ' write(*,'(/3A/)') 'Autorenice: executing ''',cmd(1:lstr),'''.' call system(cmd(1:lstr)) write(*,*) #endif #ifdef TIMING # ifdef __IFC tstart = etime(CPU_time) # else call etime(CPU_time, tstart) # endif nclk=1 call system_clock (iclk(nclk), clk_rate, clk_max) iclk_init=iclk(nclk) net_read_clk=0 net_read_size=0 net_wrt_size=0 net_wrt_clk=0 net_sync_clk=0 net_assm_clk=0 net_gray_clk=0 #endif ! Check how many arguments are given, complain about the error, ! if too few, otherwise extract NP_X and NP_E from the first two ! arguments. narg=iargc() if (narg .lt. 3) then write(*,'(/1x,A/32x,A/)') 'Usage of partit should be:', & 'partit NP_X NP_E ncname1 ... ncnameN' stop endif call getarg(1,string) lstr=lenstr(string) NP_XI=0 do i=1,lstr j=ichar(string(i:i))-48 if ( .and. j.le.9) then NP_XI=10*NP_XI+j else write(*,'(/8x,3A/)') '### ERROR: First argument ', & string(1:lstr), ', must be an integer number.' stop endif enddo call getarg(2,string) lstr=lenstr(string) NP_ETA=0 do i=1,lstr j=ichar(string(i:i))-48 if ( .and. j.le.9) then NP_ETA=10*NP_ETA+j else write(*,'(/8x,3A/)') '### ERROR: Second argument ', & string(1:lstr), ', must be an integer number.' stop endif enddo nnodes=NP_XI*NP_ETA write(*,'(/1x,2(4x,A,I3)/)') 'NP_XI =', NP_XI, & 'NP_ETA =', NP_ETA allocate(ncid(0:nnodes-1)) allocate(ncname(0:nnodes-1)) allocate(xi_size(0:nnodes-1)) allocate(eta_size(0:nnodes-1)) allocate(xi_start(0:nnodes-1)) allocate(eta_start(0:nnodes-1)) allocate(western_edge(0:nnodes-1)) allocate(eastern_edge(0:nnodes-1)) allocate(southern_edge(0:nnodes-1)) allocate(northern_edge(0:nnodes-1)) allocate(vid(maxvars,0:nnodes-1)) max_buff_size=16384 allocate(buff(max_buff_size)) ! Process netCDF files: open, determine if it is already ! a partitioned file, then make general inquiry. Complain ! about error if it already partitioned, or if number of ! variables and/or dimensions exceeds specified limits. do arg=3,narg ierr_all=0 call getarg(arg,src_name) lsrc=lenstr(src_name) ierr=nf_open (src_name(1:lsrc), nf_nowrite, ncsrc) if (ierr .eq. nf_noerr) then ierr=nf_inq_att (ncsrc, nf_global, 'partition', i,j) if (ierr .eq. nf_noerr) then write(*,'(/1x,4A/14x,2A/)')'### WARNING: netCDF file ''', & src_name(1:lsrc), ''' is already ', 'a partial file ', & 'and cannot be partitioned any further ==> ignoring it.' goto 97 !--> next file endif else write(*,'(/1x,4A/14x,A)') '### WARNING: Cannot open ', & 'netCDF file ''',src_name(1:lsrc),'''.', nf_strerror(ierr) goto 97 !--> next file endif write(*,'(1x,3A)') 'Processing netCDF file ''', & src_name(1:lsrc), '''...' ierr=nf_inq (ncsrc, ndims, nvars, ngatts, unlimdimid) if (ierr.eq.nf_noerr) then if (ndims .gt. maxdims) then write(*,'(/1x,2A,I4,1x,4A/12x,A,I4,2A/)') '### ERROR: ', & 'Number of dimensions', ndims, 'in netCDF ', & 'file ''', src_name(1:lsrc), ''' exceeds the limit of', & 'maxdims =', maxdims, '. Increase parameter ', & '"maxdims" in "partit.F" and recompile.' ierr=ierr+1 endif if (nvars .gt. maxvars) then write(*,'(/1x,2A,I4,1x,3A/12x,A,I4,2A/)') '### ERROR: ', & 'Number of variables', nvars, 'in netCDF file ''', & src_name(1:lsrc), ''' exceeds the limit of ', & 'maxvars =', maxvars, '. Increase parameter ', & '"maxvars" in "partit.F" and recompile.' ierr=ierr+1 endif else write(*,'(/1x,4A/12x,A/)') '### ERROR: Cannot make ', & 'general inquiry into netCDF file ''', & src_name(1:lsrc), '''.', nf_strerror(ierr) endif if (ierr .ne. nf_noerr) stop ! Sort out dimensions: For each dimension find and save its name and ! size. Then check whether all partitionable dimensions (identified ! by names 'xi_rho', 'xi_u', 'eta_rho' and 'eta_v') are present and ! save their IDs and sizes. tsize=1 ! <-- default value. do i=1,ndims ierr=nf_inq_dim (ncsrc, i, dimname(i), dimsize(i)) if (ierr.eq.nf_noerr) then if (i.eq. unlimdimid) then tsize=dimsize(i) dimsize(i)=nf_unlimited endif else write(*,'(/1x,2A,I4/12x,3A/12x,A/)') '### ERROR: ', & 'Cannot determine name and size for dimension #', & i, 'in netCDF file ''', src_name(1:lsrc), '''.', & nf_strerror(ierr) goto 97 !--> next file endif enddo ! Determine IDs and sizes of partitionable dimensions, 'xi_rho', ! 'xi_u', 'eta_rho' and 'eta_v'. Also save IDs of obsolete dimensions ! 'xi_psi', 'xi_v', 'eta_psi' and and 'eta_u'. These are used to ! readress obsolete (redundant) dimensions according to the rules: #ifdef VERBOSE write(*,'(4x,A)') 'Identifying dimensions:' #endif xi_rho=0 id_xi_rho=0 ! Mapping redundant dimensions: xi_u=0 ! id_xi_u=0 ! xi_psi --> xi_u eta_rho=0 ! id_eta_rho=0 ! xi_v --> xi_rho eta_v=0 ! id_eta_v=0 ! eta_psi --> eta_v id_xi_psi=0 ! id_xi_v=0 ! eta_u --> eta_rho id_eta_psi=0 id_eta_u=0 do i=1,ndims lvar=lenstr(dimname(i)) if (lvar.eq.6 .and. dimname(i)(1:lvar).eq.'xi_rho') then id_xi_rho=i xi_rho=dimsize(i) elseif (lvar.eq.4 .and. dimname(i)(1:lvar).eq.'xi_u') then id_xi_u=i xi_u=dimsize(i) elseif (lvar.eq.7.and.dimname(i)(1:lvar).eq.'eta_rho') then id_eta_rho=i eta_rho=dimsize(i) elseif (lvar.eq.5 .and. dimname(i)(1:lvar).eq.'eta_v') then id_eta_v=i eta_v=dimsize(i) elseif (lvar.eq.6 .and.dimname(i)(1:lvar).eq.'xi_psi') then id_xi_psi=i elseif (lvar.eq.4 .and. dimname(i)(1:lvar).eq.'xi_v') then id_xi_v=i elseif (lvar.eq.7.and.dimname(i)(1:lvar).eq.'eta_psi') then id_eta_psi=i elseif (lvar.eq.5 .and. dimname(i)(1:lvar).eq.'eta_u') then id_eta_u=i endif #ifdef VERBOSE write(*,'(8x,I3,1x,A,T24,I3)') i, dimname(i)(1:lvar), & dimsize(i) #endif enddo if ( .and. id_xi_u.eq.0) then xi_u=xi_rho-1 elseif (id_xi_rho.eq.0 .and. then xi_rho=xi_u+1 endif if ( .and. id_eta_v.eq.0) then eta_v=eta_rho-1 elseif (id_eta_rho.eq.0 .and. id_eta_v.eq.0) then eta_rho=eta_v+1 endif if (xi_rho.eq.0 .or. xi_u.eq.0 .or. & eta_rho.eq.0 .or. eta_v.eq.0) then write(*,'(/8x,2A/15x,3A/)') '### ERROR: not all ', & 'partitionable dimensions are found in netCDF ', & 'file ''', src_name(1:lsrc), '''.' goto 97 !--> next file endif ! Set horizontal dimensions for each subdomain !---- ---------- ---------- --- ---- --------- call mpi_setup (NP_XI,NP_ETA, xi_rho,eta_rho, & xi_start,xi_size, eta_start,eta_size, & western_edge, eastern_edge, & southern_edge, northern_edge) ! Create partitioned files: !======= =========== ====== do node=0,nnodes-1 lsrc=lenstr(src_name) ncname(node)=src_name(1:lsrc) lstr=lsrc ierr=0 call insert_node (ncname(node), lstr, node, nnodes, ierr) if (ierr. eq. 0) then ierr=nf_create (ncname(node)(1:lstr), nf_clobber + & nf_64bit_offset, ncid(node)) if (ierr .eq. nf_noerr) then write(*,'(4x,3A)') 'Created partitioned file ''', & ncname(node)(1:lstr), '''.' else write(*,'(/8x,A,1x,3A/8x,A)') '### ERROR: cannot ', & 'create netCDF file ''', ncname(node)(1:lstr), & '''.', nf_strerror(ierr) endif else ierr_all=ierr_all+1 endif if (ierr. ne. 0) goto 97 !--> next file to process ! Define dimensions for the partitioned files: !------- ---------- --- --- ----------- ----- do i=1,ndims if (i .eq. id_xi_rho) then size=xi_size(node) if (western_edge(node)) size=size+1 if (eastern_edge(node)) size=size+1 elseif (i .eq. id_xi_u) then size=xi_size(node) if (eastern_edge(node)) size=size+1 elseif (i .eq. id_eta_rho) then size=eta_size(node) if (southern_edge(node)) size=size+1 if (northern_edge(node)) size=size+1 elseif (i .eq. id_eta_v) then size=eta_size(node) if (northern_edge(node)) size=size+1 else size=dimsize(i) endif dimid(i)=0 lvar=lenstr(dimname(i)) if ( .and. size.eq.0) then if (node.eq.0) write(*,'(4x,4A)') 'Suppressing ', & 'zero-size dimension ''', dimname(i)(1:lvar), '''.' elseif (i.eq.unlimdimid .and. tsize.eq.0) then if (node.eq.0) write(*,'(4x,4A)') 'Suppressing ', & 'zero-size unlimited dimension ''', & dimname(i)(1:lvar), '''.' elseif (i.eq.id_xi_psi) then if (node.eq.0) write(*,'(4x,2A)') 'Suppressing ', & 'obsolete dimension ''xi_psi''.' elseif (i.eq.id_xi_v) then if (node.eq.0) write(*,'(4x,2A)') 'Suppressing ', & 'obsolete dimension ''xi_v''.' elseif (i.eq.id_eta_psi) then if (node.eq.0) write(*,'(4x,2A)') 'Suppressing ', & 'obsolete dimension ''eta_psi''.' elseif (i.eq.id_eta_u) then if (node.eq.0) write(*,'(4x,2A)') 'Suppressing ', & 'obsolete dimension ''xi_u''.' else ierr=nf_def_dim (ncid(node), dimname(i)(1:lvar), & size, dimid(i)) if (ierr .ne. nf_noerr) then ierr_all=ierr_all+1 write(*,'(/1x,4A,I8,A,I4/12x,A)') '### ERROR: Cannot ', & 'define dimension ''', dimname(i)(1:lvar), & ''' of size =', size,', node=', node, nf_strerror(ierr) #ifdef VERBOSE else ierr_all=ierr_all+1 write(*,'(8x,2A,I2,2x,2A,I4,T50,A,I4)') 'Defined ', & 'dimension #',dimid(i), dimname(i)(1:lvar), & ' =', size, 'node =', node #endif endif endif enddo !<-- loop over dimensions ! After this moment array dimid(1:ndims) contains the set of NEW ! dimension IDs. If the original file contains any of the four ! obsolete dimensions, 'xi_psi', 'eta_psi', 'xi_v', and 'eta_u' ! which have been eliminated, then dimid(i) does not correspond to ! the set of dimension IDs of the original file [which would be ! just dimid(i)=i]. Consequently, array dimid(1:ndims) will later ! be used later to remap old dimension IDs into new ones. ! ! Put global attributes: The new attribute 'partition' identifies !---- ------ ----------- identifies positon of each individual ! subdomain within the processor grid ibuff(1)=node ibuff(2)=nnodes ibuff(3)=xi_start(node) ibuff(4)=eta_start(node) ierr=nf_put_att_int (ncid(node), nf_global, 'partition', & nf_int, 4, ibuff) enddo !<-- node=0,nnodes-1 if ( stop ! Copy global attributes do i=1,ngatts ierr=nf_inq_attname (ncsrc, nf_global, i, string) if (ierr. eq. nf_noerr) then lvar=lenstr(string) do node=0,nnodes-1 ierr=nf_copy_att (ncsrc, nf_global, string(1:lvar), & ncid(node), nf_global) if (ierr. ne. nf_noerr) then ierr_all=ierr_all+1 lstr=lenstr(ncname(node)) write(*,'(/1x,7A/12x,A)') '### ERROR: Cannot copy ', & 'global attribute ''', string(1:lvar), ''' into ', & 'netCDF file ''', ncname(node)(1:lstr), '''.', & nf_strerror(ierr) goto 97 endif enddo else lstr=lenstr(ncname(0)) write(*,'(/1x,2A,I3,1x,4A/12x,A/)') '### ERROR: Cannot ', & 'determine name of global attribute #', i, 'in netCDF ', & 'file ''', src_name(1:lsrc), '''.', nf_strerror(ierr) goto 97 endif enddo ! Define variables and their attributes in the partitioned files. !------- --------- --- ----- ---------- -- --- ----------- ------ do i=1,nvars ierr=nf_inq_var (ncsrc, i, varname(i), vartype(i), & vardims(i), dimids(1,i), varatts) if ( then write(*,'(/1x,2A,I3/12x,3A/12x,A/)') '### ERROR: ', & 'Cannot make general inquiry about variable ID =', & i, 'in netCDF file ''', src_name(1:lsrc), ''',', & nf_strerror(ierr) goto 97 endif ! Readress obsolete dimensions, if any: do j=1,vardims(i) if (dimids(j,i).eq.id_xi_psi) then dimids(j,i)=id_xi_u elseif (dimids(j,i).eq.id_xi_v) then dimids(j,i)=id_xi_rho elseif (dimids(j,i).eq.id_eta_psi) then dimids(j,i)=id_eta_v elseif (dimids(j,i).eq.id_eta_u) then dimids(j,i)=id_eta_rho endif enddo ! Determine whether partitionable dimensions or unlimited dimension ! are present for this variable. series(i)=.false. part_switch(i)=.false. do j=1,vardims(i) if (dimids(j,i).eq.id_xi_rho .or. & dimids(j,i).eq.id_xi_u .or. & dimids(j,i).eq.id_eta_rho .or. & dimids(j,i).eq.id_eta_v) then part_switch(i)=.true. elseif (dimids(j,i).eq.unlimdimid) then series(i)=.true. endif enddo if ( .or. .not.series(i)) then ! WARNING: Since dimids(1:vardims(i),i) contains dimension IDs ! corresponding to the set of IDs of the ORIGINAL file, and since ! some of the original dimensions were eliminated (merged), the ! set of dimension IDs in the NEW definitions is obtained by ! inverse mapping of dimids(j,i) onto ibuff(j) using dimid(k) as ! a mapping array. do j=1,vardims(i) do k=1,ndims if (dimids(j,i).eq.k) ibuff(j)=dimid(k) enddo enddo c** write(*,*) 'old_dimids:', (dimids(j,i),j=1,vardims(i)) c** write(*,*) 'new_dimids:', (ibuff(j),j=1,vardims(i)) lvar=lenstr(varname(i)) do node=0,nnodes-1 vid(i,node)=0 if ( then if (varname(i)(lvar-4:lvar).eq.'_west' .and. & .not.western_edge(node)) vid(i,node)=-1000 if (varname(i)(lvar-4:lvar).eq.'_east' .and. & .not.eastern_edge(node)) vid(i,node)=-1000 endif if ( then if (varname(i)(lvar-5:lvar).eq.'_south' .and. & .not.southern_edge(node)) vid(i,node)=-1000 if (varname(i)(lvar-5:lvar).eq.'_north' .and. & .not.northern_edge(node)) vid(i,node)=-1000 endif if (vid(i,node).eq.0) then ierr=nf_def_var (ncid(node), varname(i)(1:lvar), & vartype(i), vardims(i), ibuff, vid(i,node)) if ( then write(*,'(/1x,4A,I4/12x,A/)') '### ERROR: Cannot ', & 'create variable ''', varname(i)(1:lvar), & ''', node =', node, nf_strerror(ierr) #ifdef VERBOSE else write(*,'(I3,3A,T36,2(A,I3,1x),2(1x,A,L1),1x,A,I4)') & i, ' Created variable ''', varname(i)(1:lvar), & '''', 'varid =', vid(i,node), 'vardims =', & vardims(i), 'part_switch=', part_switch(i), & 'series=',series(i), 'node =', node #endif endif #ifdef DUMMY_BRY_VAR else ierr=nf_def_var (ncid(node), varname(i)(1:lvar), & vartype(i), 0, ibuff, vid(i,node)) # ifdef VERBOSE write(*,'(I3,4A,T84,A,I4)') i, ' Created dummy ', & 'scalar variable ''', varname(i)(1:lvar), '''', & 'node =', node # endif #else # ifdef VERBOSE else write(*,'(I3,4A,T84,A,I4)') i, ' Suppressed ', & 'variable ''', varname(i)(1:lvar), '''', & 'node =', node # endif #endif endif enddo do j=1,varatts ierr=nf_inq_attname (ncsrc, i, j, string) lvar=lenstr(string) do node=0,nnodes-1 if (vid(i,node).gt.0) then ierr=nf_copy_att (ncsrc, i, string(1:lvar), & ncid(node), vid(i,node)) if ( then write(*,'(/1x,4A,I4/12x,A/)') '### ERROR: ', & 'Cannot copy attribute ''', string(1:lvar), & ''' for variable ''', varname(i)(1:lvar), & ''', node =', node, nf_strerror(ierr) endif endif enddo enddo endif enddo ! <--- i, loop over variables ! Leave definition mode: !------ ---------- ----- do node=0,nnodes-1 c** ierr=nf_set_fill (ncid(node), nf_nofill, i) ierr=nf_enddef(ncid(node)) if ( then ierr_all=ierr_all+1 write(*,'(1x,3A,I4,1x,A)') '### ERROR: Cannot switch ', & 'partial netCDF file from definitin to input mode, ', & 'node =', node, nf_strerror(ierr) endif enddo if ( stop #ifdef VERBOSE write(*,'(/4x,A/)') 'Left definition mode.' #endif #ifdef TIMING nclk=3-nclk call system_clock (iclk(nclk), clk_rate,clk_max) inc_clk=iclk(nclk)-iclk(3-nclk) net_gray_clk=net_gray_clk+inc_clk #endif ! ** * *** ******* *** ********* ******** ! * *** *** *** *** *** * *** * *** * ! * *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ! * *** * *** *** ** *** *** ****** ! * ** * ** ****** *** *** *** ! *** *** *** ** *** *** *** * ! * ** *** *** *** *** ******** ! Transfer variables into newly created files. !========= ========= ==== ===== ======= ====== do rec=1,max(tsize,1) if ( write(*,'(8x,2(1x,A,I5))') & 'Processing record', rec, 'out of', tsize do i=1,nvars #ifdef VERBOSE if (tsize.eq.1) then lvar=lenstr(varname(i)) write(*,'(16x,I4,1x,A,I4,1x,3A)') i, 'of', nvars, & 'processing variable ''', varname(i)(1:lvar), '''.' endif #endif if ((rec.eq.1 .and. .not.series(i)) .or. & (series(i) .and. then if (.not.part_switch(i) .and. .not.series(i)) then ! Scalar (zero-dimensional) variables: !RB here there is a bug : buff is defined as real but ! should match the type of the varable, ! same below for writing part ! Corrected only for strings if (vartype(i) .eq. nf_char) then ierr=nf_get_var_text (ncsrc, i, buff_txt) elseif (vartype(i) .eq. nf_byte) then ierr=nf_get_var_int1 (ncsrc, i, buff) elseif (vartype(i) .eq. nf_short) then ierr=nf_get_var_int2 (ncsrc, i, buff) elseif (vartype(i) .eq. nf_int) then ierr=nf_get_var_int (ncsrc, i, buff_int) elseif (vartype(i) .eq. nf_float) then ierr=nf_get_var_real (ncsrc, i, buff) elseif (vartype(i) .eq. nf_double) then ierr=nf_get_var_double (ncsrc, i, buff) else lvar=lenstr(varname(i)) write(*,'(/8x,4A/)') '### ERROR: Scalar variable ', & '''', varname(i)(1:lvar), ''' has unknown type.' stop endif if (ierr .eq. nf_noerr) then do node=0,nnodes-1 if (vid(i,node).gt.0) then if (vartype(i) .eq. nf_char) then ierr=nf_put_var_text (ncid(node), vid(i,node), & buff_txt) elseif (vartype(i) .eq. nf_byte) then ierr=nf_put_var_int1 (ncid(node), vid(i,node), & buff) elseif (vartype(i) .eq. nf_short) then ierr=nf_put_var_int2 (ncid(node), vid(i,node), & buff) elseif (vartype(i) .eq. nf_int) then ierr=nf_put_var_int (ncid(node), vid(i,node), & buff_int) elseif (vartype(i) .eq. nf_float) then ierr=nf_put_var_real (ncid(node), vid(i,node), & buff) elseif (vartype(i) .eq. nf_double) then ierr=nf_put_var_double(ncid(node),vid(i,node), & buff) endif if (ierr .ne. nf_noerr) then lvar=lenstr(varname(i)) lstr=lenstr(ncname(node)) write(*,'(/1x,3A/12x,3A/12x,A/)') & '### ERROR: Cannot write scalar variable ''', & varname(i)(1:lvar), ''' into netCDF ', & 'file ''', ncname(node)(1:lstr), '''.', & nf_strerror(ierr) goto 97 endif endif enddo else lvar=lenstr(varname(i)) write(*,'(/1x,3A/12x,3A/12x,A/)') & '### ERROR: Cannot read scalar variable ''', & varname(i)(1:lvar), ''' from netCDF ', & 'file ''', src_name(1:lsrc), '''.', & nf_strerror(ierr) goto 97 endif elseif (.not.part_switch(i)) then ! Non-partitionable array. size=1 do j=1,vardims(i) if (dimids(j,i).eq.unlimdimid) then start(j)=rec count(j)=1 else start(j)=1 count(j)=dimsize(dimids(j,i)) endif size=size*count(j) enddo if (vartype(i) .eq. nf_char .or. & vartype(i) .eq. nf_byte) then size=size*1 elseif (vartype(i) .eq. nf_short) then size=size*2 elseif (vartype(i) .eq. nf_int) then size=size*4 elseif (vartype(i) .eq. nf_float) then size=size*4 elseif (vartype(i) .eq. nf_double) then size=size*8 else lvar=lenstr(varname(i)) write(*,'(/8x,3A/)') '### ERROR: variable ''', & varname(i)(1:lvar), ''' has unknown type.' goto 97 endif if (size .gt. 8*max_buff_size) then if (allocated(buff)) deallocate(buff) max_buff_size=(size+7)/8 allocate (buff(max_buff_size)) #ifdef VERBOSE write(*,*) 'Allocated buffer size =', max_buff_size #endif endif if (vartype(i) .eq. nf_char) then ierr=nf_get_vara_text (ncsrc, i, start, & count, buff) elseif (vartype(i) .eq. nf_byte) then ierr=nf_get_vara_int1 (ncsrc, i, start, & count, buff) elseif (vartype(i) .eq. nf_short) then ierr=nf_get_vara_int2 (ncsrc, i, start, & count, buff) elseif (vartype(i) .eq. nf_int) then ierr=nf_get_vara_int (ncsrc, i, start, & count, buff) elseif (vartype(i) .eq. nf_float) then ierr=nf_get_vara_real (ncsrc, i, start, & count, buff) elseif (vartype(i) .eq. nf_double) then ierr=nf_get_vara_double (ncsrc, i, start, & count, buff) endif if (ierr .eq. nf_noerr) then do node=0,nnodes-1 if (vid(i,node).gt.0) then if (vartype(i) .eq. nf_char) then ierr=nf_put_vara_text (ncid(node), & vid(i,node), start, count, buff) elseif (vartype(i) .eq. nf_byte) then ierr=nf_put_vara_int1 (ncid(node), & vid(i,node), start, count, buff) elseif (vartype(i) .eq. nf_short) then ierr=nf_put_vara_int2 (ncid(node), & vid(i,node), start, count, buff) elseif (vartype(i) .eq. nf_int) then ierr=nf_put_vara_int (ncid(node), & vid(i,node), start, count, buff) elseif (vartype(i) .eq. nf_float) then ierr=nf_put_vara_real (ncid(node), & vid(i,node), start, count, buff) elseif (vartype(i) .eq. nf_double) then ierr=nf_put_vara_double (ncid(node), & vid(i,node), start, count, buff) endif if (ierr .ne. nf_noerr) then lvar=lenstr(varname(i)) lstr=lenstr(ncname(node)) write(*,'(/1x,A,I4,1x,3A/12x,3A/12x,A/)') & '### ERROR: Cannot write time record =', & rec, 'for nonpartitionable array ''', & varname(i)(1:lvar), '''into netCDF ', & 'file ''', ncname(node)(1:lstr), '''.', & nf_strerror(ierr) goto 97 endif endif enddo else lvar=lenstr(varname(i)) write(*,'(/1x,A,I4,1x,3A/12x,3A/12x,A/)') & '### ERROR: Cannot read time record =', & rec, 'for nonpartitionable array ''', & varname(i)(1:lvar), ''' from netCDF', & 'file ''', src_name(1:lsrc), '''.', & nf_strerror(ierr) goto 97 endif elseif (part_switch(i)) then ! Partitioned array: do node=0,nnodes-1 if (vid(i,node).gt.0) then #ifdef VERBOSE lvar=lenstr(varname(i)) write(*,'(24x,A,I4,4x,3A,I3)') 'part var id =', & i, 'name = ''', varname(i)(1:lvar), & ''' node =', node #endif size=1 do j=1,vardims(i) start1(j)=1 if (dimids(j,i).eq.id_xi_rho) then start(j)=xi_start(node) count(j)=xi_size(node) if (western_edge(node)) then count(j)=count(j)+1 endif if (eastern_edge(node)) then count(j)=count(j)+1 endif elseif (dimids(j,i).eq.id_xi_u) then start(j)=xi_start(node) count(j)=xi_size(node) if (.not.western_edge(node)) then start(j)=start(j)-1 endif if (eastern_edge(node)) then count(j)=count(j)+1 endif elseif (dimids(j,i).eq.id_eta_rho) then start(j)=eta_start(node) count(j)=eta_size(node) if (southern_edge(node)) then count(j)=count(j)+1 endif if (northern_edge(node)) then count(j)=count(j)+1 endif elseif (dimids(j,i).eq.id_eta_v) then start(j)=eta_start(node) count(j)=eta_size(node) if (.not.southern_edge(node)) then start(j)=start(j)-1 endif if (northern_edge(node)) then count(j)=count(j)+1 endif elseif (dimids(j,i).eq.unlimdimid) then start(j)=rec count(j)=1 start1(j)=rec else start(j)=1 count(j)=dimsize(dimids(j,i)) endif size=size*count(j) enddo c** write(*,*) 'dimids:', (dimids(j,i),j=1,vardims(i)) c** write(*,*) ' start:', (start(j),j=1,vardims(i)) c** write(*,*) ' count:', (count(j),j=1,vardims(i)) if (vartype(i) .eq. nf_char .or. & vartype(i) .eq. nf_byte) then size=size*1 elseif (vartype(i) .eq. nf_short) then size=size*2 elseif (vartype(i) .eq. nf_int) then size=size*4 elseif (vartype(i) .eq. nf_float) then size=size*4 elseif (vartype(i) .eq. nf_double) then size=size*8 else lvar=lenstr(varname(i)) write(*,'(/1x,4A/)') '### ERROR: variable ''', & varname(i)(1:lvar), ''' has unknown type.' goto 97 endif if (size .gt. 8*max_buff_size) then if (allocated(buff)) deallocate(buff) max_buff_size=(size+7)/8 allocate (buff(max_buff_size)) #ifdef VERBOSE write(*,*) 'Allocated buffer size =',max_buff_size #endif endif if (vartype(i) .eq. nf_char) then ierr=nf_get_vara_text (ncsrc, i, start, & count, buff) elseif (vartype(i) .eq. nf_byte) then ierr=nf_get_vara_int1 (ncsrc, i, start, & count, buff) elseif (vartype(i) .eq. nf_short) then ierr=nf_get_vara_int2 (ncsrc, i, start, & count, buff) elseif (vartype(i) .eq. nf_int) then ierr=nf_get_vara_int (ncsrc, i, start, & count, buff) elseif (vartype(i) .eq. nf_float) then ierr=nf_get_vara_real (ncsrc, i, start, & count, buff) elseif (vartype(i) .eq. nf_double) then ierr=nf_get_vara_double (ncsrc, i, start, & count, buff) endif if (ierr .eq. nf_noerr) then if (vartype(i) .eq. nf_char) then ierr=nf_put_vara_text (ncid(node), & vid(i,node), start1, count, buff) elseif (vartype(i) .eq. nf_byte) then ierr=nf_put_vara_int1 (ncid(node), & vid(i,node), start1, count, buff) elseif (vartype(i) .eq. nf_short) then ierr=nf_put_vara_int2 (ncid(node), & vid(i,node), start1, count, buff) elseif (vartype(i) .eq. nf_int) then ierr=nf_put_vara_int (ncid(node), & vid(i,node), start1, count, buff) elseif (vartype(i) .eq. nf_float) then ierr=nf_put_vara_real (ncid(node), & vid(i,node), start1, count, buff) elseif (vartype(i) .eq. nf_double) then ierr=nf_put_vara_double (ncid(node), & vid(i,node), start1, count, buff) endif if (ierr .ne. nf_noerr) then lvar=lenstr(varname(i)) lstr=lenstr(ncname(node)) write(*,'(/1x,A,I4,1x,3A/12x,3A/12x,A)') & '### ERROR: Cannot write time record =', rec, & 'of partitioned array ''', varname(i)(1:lvar), & '''', 'into netCDF file ''', & ncname(node)(1:lstr), '''.', nf_strerror(ierr) goto 97 endif else lvar=lenstr(varname(i)) write(*,'(/1x,A,I4,1x,3A/12x,3A/12x,A)') & '### ERROR: Cannot read time record =', rec, & 'of partitioned array ''', varname(i)(1:lvar), & '''', 'from netCDF file ''', src_name(1:lsrc), & '''.', nf_strerror(ierr) write(*,*) 'start =', start write(*,*) 'count =', count goto 97 endif endif enddo ! <-- node=0,nnodes-1 endif ! <-- part_switch endif ! <--series(i) .or. rec.eq.1 enddo ! <-- i=1,nvars enddo ! <-- rec=1,tsize ! Close all netCDF files 97 write(*,*) 'closing files...' ierr=nf_close (ncsrc) write(*,*) '...........input' do node=0,nnodes-1 ierr=nf_close (ncid(node)) enddo write(*,*) '..........output' enddo ! <-- arg=3,narg #ifdef TIMING # ifdef __IFC RUN_time=etime(CPU_time) # else call etime(CPU_time, RUN_time) # endif RUN_time=RUN_time-tstart write(*,'(/3(1x,A,F11.2,1x))') 'CPU_time: run =', RUN_time, & 'usr =', CPU_time(1), 'sys =', CPU_time(2) if ( then nclk=3-nclk call system_clock (iclk(nclk), clk_rate, clk_max) inc_clk=iclk(nclk)-iclk(3-nclk) net_gray_clk=net_gray_clk+inc_clk GrayTime=net_gray_clk/dble(clk_rate) write(*,'(14x,A,22x,F12.2,1x,A)') 'Gray time :',GrayTime,'sec' inc_clk=iclk(nclk)-iclk_init write(*,'(47x,A/12x,A,11x,F12.2,1x,A/)') '------------------', & 'Elapsed wall-clock time:', inc_clk/dble(clk_rate), 'sec' endif #endif stop end ! Setup horizontal dimensions and associated variables for each ! subdomain. The following code is extracted into a separate entity, ! which is mathematically consistent with the actual mpi_setup, and ! compute_starts_and_counts.h. In essense, this subroutine receives ! four integer numbers: dimension of the grid (including boundary ! rows on the side) -- xi_rho,eta_rho; and number of partitions in ! each direction, NP_XI,NP_ETA. These four are translated into ! dimensions of subdomains, Lm,Mm, bounds of used portions of arrays ! iwest,ieast,jsouth,jnorth and global-to-relative index shift ! translations, SW_corn,jSW_corn (exactly the same way as in ! mpi_setup.F), which are then further translated into ! xi_start(node),xi_size(node), and eta_start(node),eta_size(node), ! which have meaning of starting netCDF indices for RHO-point sub- ! array in netCDF file belonging to each individual subdomain, and ! the sizes of subarrays. The other four variables, western_, ! eastern_, southern_, and northern_edge are logical flags to ! identify the proximity of side boundary on each side for each ! subdomain. ! Note that the code above --- the main part of "partit" --- is ! written in such a way that it makes no assumption about the ! structure of "processor grid" (the arrangement of subdomains ! corresponding to MPI nodes relatively to the physical grid), but ! rather relies exclussively on the eight variables defined in the ! code below. subroutine mpi_setup (NP_XI,NP_ETA, xi_rho,eta_rho, & xi_start,xi_size, eta_start,eta_size, & western_edge, eastern_edge, & southern_edge, northern_edge) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: NP_XI,NP_ETA, xi_rho,eta_rho ! out integer, intent(out), dimension(0:NP_XI*NP_ETA-1) :: & xi_start, xi_size, eta_start, eta_size logical, intent(out), dimension(0:NP_XI*NP_ETA-1) :: & western_edge, eastern_edge, southern_edge, northern_edge ! internal integer LLm,Lm, MMm,Mm, nnodes,node, inode,jnode, & iwest,ieast,jsouth,jnorth, iSW_corn,jSW_corn, & off_XI,off_ETA nnodes=NP_XI*NP_ETA LLm=xi_rho-2 ! MMm=eta_rho-2 ! Lm=(LLm+NP_XI-1)/NP_XI ! Mm=(MMm+NP_ETA-1)/NP_ETA ! #ifdef VERBOSE write(*,'(4x,2A,2I5,4x,A,2I5)') 'mpi_setup: found grid ', & 'sizes: LLm,MMm =', LLm,MMm, 'Lm,Mm =', Lm,Mm #endif do node=0,nnodes-1 jnode=node/NP_XI ! the following segment maps inode=node-jnode*NP_XI ! exactly onto "mpi_setup" in ! the actual ROMS code off_XI=NP_XI*Lm-LLm iSW_corn=inode*Lm-off_XI/2 if (inode.eq.0) then iwest=1+off_XI/2 else iwest=1 endif if ( then ieast=Lm else ieast=Lm -(off_XI+1)/2 endif off_ETA=NP_ETA*Mm-MMm jSW_corn=jnode*Mm-off_ETA/2 if (jnode.eq.0) then jsouth=1+off_ETA/2 else jsouth=1 endif if ( then jnorth=Mm else jnorth=Mm -(off_ETA+1)/2 endif xi_size(node)=ieast - iwest+1 eta_size(node)=jnorth - jsouth+1 if (inode.eq.0) then xi_start(node)=iSW_corn+iwest else xi_start(node)=iSW_corn+iwest+1 endif if (jnode.eq.0) then eta_start(node)=jSW_corn+jsouth else eta_start(node)=jSW_corn+jsouth+1 endif if (inode.eq.0) then western_edge(node)=.true. else western_edge(node)=.false. endif if ( then eastern_edge(node)=.false. else eastern_edge(node)=.true. endif if (jnode.eq.0) then southern_edge(node)=.true. else southern_edge(node)=.false. endif if ( then northern_edge(node)=.false. else northern_edge(node)=.true. endif #ifdef VERBOSE write(*,'(A,3I5,2x,A,4(1x,L1))') 'node =', node, inode,jnode, & 'western,eastern,southern,northern_edge =', & western_edge(node), eastern_edge(node), & southern_edge(node), northern_edge(node) #endif enddo !--> discard iwest,ieast,jsouth,jnorth return end