#include "cppdefs.h" #ifdef ONLINE_ANALYSIS !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! NHOMS ! Non Hydrostatic Ocean Modeling System !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! !> @note Main web documentation ! ! DESCRIPTION: ! !> @brief ! !> @details ! ! ! REVISION HISTORY: ! !> @authors !! - Francis Auclair , Jochem Floor and Ivane Pairaud: !! - Initial version !! - B. Lemieux-Dudon !! - Croco-OnlineA module interface, 1st version, Spring 2020 !! - BLXD nzvc_oa variables moved to the module_oa_interface with !! parametrized dimension maxtyp_oa. !! - Max # of convolution windows simultaneously openned pre-calculated !! nmsimult_oa !> @date 2015 !> @todo ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !************************************************************************ !.....module module_oa_variables !************************************************************************ module module_oa_variables !.....variables: integer:: & nzv_oa ! nombre de variables (assoc. aux configurations) !,nzvs_oa & ! nombre total de points (taille de la structure spatiale 2d du vecteur d etat) !,nzvs3d_oa ! nombre total de points (taille de la structure spatiale 3d du vecteur d etat) integer,dimension(:),allocatable:: & ! (nmv_oa) swt_d_oa & ! caracteristiques spatiales de la variable (voir notebook_wavelet) ,swt_t_oa & ! caracteristiques temporelles de la variable (voir notebook_wavelet) ,tv_oa & ! variable symphonie associee ,cnb_oa & ! call number: position of the call in the baroclinic / barotropic time step. ,updv_oa ! ,tvc_oa & ! configuration de la variable associee !.....flag pour traces et deboggage integer,dimension(:),allocatable:: & ! (nmv_oa) ltrec_fst_oa & ! records 1st temporal OA in simulation ,ltrec_lst_oa & ! ... ,if_first_rec_oa & ,if_last_rec_oa !.....flag pour variable de type scalogram logical,dimension(:),allocatable:: tv_sclg_oa !.....Variable for NHOMS energy analysis if you wish to call OA at specific point in the code ! for specific variable that are updated at some irregular code place or time step (e.g., time splitting) ! depends on iv_m so it should have nzv_oa size has cnb_oa ! BLXD bug correction declared with wrong size, ie ! integer, dimension(1:6000) :: des_oa integer,dimension(:),allocatable:: & des_oa ! (nmv_oa) integer,dimension(:),allocatable:: & ! (nmv_oa) tpsi_oa ! type d atome utilise integer,dimension(:),allocatable:: & ! (nmv_oa+1) begvt_oa ! structure temporelle du vecteur d etat integer & flag_nrj_oa ! flag pour le calcul de l'energie integer,dimension(:),allocatable:: & !(nmv_oa) save_oa & ! sauvegarde finale de la variable dans un fichier ,tupd_oa ! pour variables communes logical :: test_analysis logical :: isopycne_analysis !> Variables required to read OA namelists character(len=50), dimension(:), allocatable :: nzc_oa_names integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: nzc_oa_vartyp logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: nzc_oa_scalogram end module module_oa_variables #else module module_oa_variables_empty end module #endif