#include "cppdefs.h" #ifdef ONLINE_ANALYSIS !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! NHOMS ! Non Hydrostatic Ocean Modeling System !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! !> @note Main web documentation ! ! DESCRIPTION: ! !> @brief ! !> @details ! ! ! REVISION HISTORY: ! !> @authors !! - Francis Auclair , Jochem Floor and Ivane Pairaud: !! - Initial version !! - B. Lemieux-Dudon : !! - modification in the tracking of isopycnal levels_: !! - ifl_l flag eliminated, replaced by counting analysis of type 20 in nzlevel_oa, !! and testing if nzlevel_oa>0. !! - enables to diminish the size of the structured type array wlev, now sized !! to nzlevel_oa intead of nzv_oa (the total number of OA analysis requested !! in the simulation). !! - Francis Auclair, B. Lemieux-Dudon, C. Nguyen !! - Croco-OnlineA module interface, 1st version, Spring 2020 !> @date 2015 January !> @todo ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !************************************************************************ !.....module module_oa_level !************************************************************************ module module_oa_level use module_oa_type integer::nzlevel_oa !BLXD_TILE_ISSUE !type(type_level),dimension(:),allocatable::wlev_oa integer,dimension(:),allocatable::lev2v_oa integer,dimension(:),allocatable::v2lev_oa end module module_oa_level #else module module_oa_level_empty end module #endif