! floats.in README !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Initial float location KEYWORDS. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! Fgrd Nested grid number (ng). ! ! Fcoor Initial horizontal location coordinate type: ! ! Fcoor = 0, grid units: 1 =< Fx0 =< Lm(ng)+1, ! 1 =< Fy0 =< Mm(ng)+1 ! ! Fcoor = 1, Fx0 is longitude (west values are negative). ! Fy0 is latitude (south values are negative). ! ! Ftype Float trajectory type: ! ! Ftype = 0, neutral density 3D Lagrangian particles. ! ! Ftype = 1, isobaric (constant depth) floats. ! ! Fcount Number of floats to be released at the (Fx0,Fy0,Fz0) ! location. It must be equal or greater than one. ! If Fcount > 1, a cluster distribution of floats ! centered at (Fx0,Fy0,Fz0) is activated. ! ! NOTE: The total number of floats trajectories to compute ! ==== must add to NFLOATS. ! ! Ft0 Time (days) of float release after model initialization . ! ! Fx0 Initial float x-location (real; grid units or longitude). ! ! Fy0 Initial float y-location (real; grid units or latitude). ! ! Fz0 Initial float z-location (real; vertical level or depth). ! If Fz0 ² 0 , Fz0 is the initial depth in meters. ! If Fz0 > 0 and 0 < Fz0 =< N(ng), ! Fz0 is the initial position relative to the W grid ! (0 = bottom; N = surface). ! ! WARNING: If the depth in meters at particular horizontal ! is not bounded, the floats are released at the ! surface. ! ! Fdt Float cluster release time interval (real; days), only used ! if Fcount > 1: ! ! Fdt = 0, Fcount floats will be deployed simulataneously ! with a distribution centered at (Fx0,Fy0,Fz0) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------