! $Id: check_switches2.F 1458 2014-02-03 15:01:25Z gcambon $ ! !====================================================================== ! CROCO is a branch of ROMS developped at IRD and INRIA, in France ! The two other branches from UCLA (Shchepetkin et al) ! and Rutgers University (Arango et al) are under MIT/X style license. ! CROCO specific routines (nesting) are under CeCILL-C license. ! ! CROCO website : http://www.croco-ocean.org !====================================================================== ! #include "cppdefs.h" subroutine check_switches2 (ierr) implicit none integer ierr, iwest, ieast, isouth, inorth, iAk #include "param.h" #include "scalars.h" ! ! Checking the number of selections of boundary conditions. ! iwest=0 ieast=0 #ifdef EW_PERIODIC iwest=iwest+1 ieast=ieast+1 #endif #ifdef OBC_WEST iwest=iwest+1 #endif #ifdef OBC_EAST ieast=ieast+1 #endif if (iwest.gt.1) then write(stdout,'(1x,A,1x,A)')'ERROR in "cppdefs.h": more tnan', & 'one boundary condition is chosen on the WESTERN EGGE.' ierr=ierr+1 endif if (ieast.gt.1) then write(stdout,'(1x,A,1x,A)')'ERROR in "cppdefs.h": more tnan', & 'one boundary condition is chosen on the EASTERN EGGE.' ierr=ierr+1 endif isouth=0 inorth=0 #ifdef NS_PERIODIC isouth=isouth+1 inorth=inorth+1 #endif #ifdef OBC_SOUTH isouth=isouth+1 #endif #ifdef OBC_NORTH inorth=inorth+1 #endif if (isouth.gt.1) then write(stdout,'(1x,A,1x,A)')'ERROR in "cppdefs.h": more tnan', & 'one boundary condition is chosen on the SOUTHERN EGGE.' ierr=ierr+1 endif if (inorth.gt.1) then write(stdout,'(1x,A,1x,A)')'ERROR in "cppdefs.h": more tnan', & 'one boundary condition is chosen on the NORTHERN EGGE.' ierr=ierr+1 endif ! ! Checking the number of selections vertical mixing schemes. ! iAk=0 #ifdef ANA_VMIX iAk=iAk+1 #endif #ifdef BVF_MIXING iAk=iAk+1 #endif #ifdef LMD_MIXING iAk=iAk+1 #endif #ifdef MY2_MIXING iAk=iAk+1 #endif #ifdef MY25_MIXING iAk=iAk+1 #endif #ifdef PP_MIXING iAk=iAk+1 #endif if (iAk.gt.1) then write(stdout,'(1x,A,1x,A)') 'ERROR in "cppdefs.h":', & 'more than one vertical mixing scheme is chosen.' ierr=ierr+1 endif ! ! Stop if explicit time-step splitting on shallow water set-up. ! #ifndef SOLVE3D if (ndtfast.gt.1) then write(stdout,'(1x,A,I3,1x,A/8x,A,6x,A)') 'ERROR: NDTFAST =', & ndtfast, 'is greater than unity for a shallow water', & 'configuration.','Change it to unity in startup file.' & ierr=ierr+1 endif #endif return end