! ! $Id: modutil.F 662 2007-05-25 15:58:52Z opalod $ ! ! Agrif (Adaptive Grid Refinement In Fortran) ! ! Copyright (C) 2003 Laurent Debreu (Laurent.Debreu@imag.fr) ! Christophe Vouland (Christophe.Vouland@imag.fr) ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ! (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ! Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place- Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ! !> Module Agrif_Util !! !! This module contains the two procedures called in the main program : !! - #Agrif_Init_Grids allows the initialization of the root coarse grid !! - #Agrif_Step allows the creation of the grid hierarchy and the management of the time integration. ! module Agrif_Util ! use Agrif_Clustering use Agrif_BcFunction use Agrif_seq ! implicit none ! abstract interface subroutine step_proc() end subroutine step_proc end interface ! contains ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_Step ! !> Creates the grid hierarchy and manages the time integration procedure. !> It is called in the main program. !> Calls subroutines #Agrif_Regrid and #Agrif_Integrate. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Agrif_Step ( procname ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure(step_proc) :: procname !< subroutine to call on each grid type(agrif_grid), pointer :: ref_grid ! ! Set the clustering variables call Agrif_clustering_def() ! ! Creation and initialization of the grid hierarchy if ( Agrif_USE_ONLY_FIXED_GRIDS == 1 ) then ! if ( (Agrif_Mygrid % ngridstep == 0) .AND. (.not. Agrif_regrid_has_been_done) ) then call Agrif_Regrid() Agrif_regrid_has_been_done = .TRUE. endif ! else ! if (mod(Agrif_Mygrid % ngridstep,Agrif_Regridding) == 0) then call Agrif_Regrid() endif ! endif ! ! Time integration of the grid hierarchy if (agrif_coarse) then ref_grid => agrif_coarsegrid else ref_grid => agrif_mygrid endif if ( Agrif_Parallel_sisters ) then call Agrif_Integrate_Parallel(ref_grid,procname) else call Agrif_Integrate(ref_grid,procname) endif ! if ( ref_grid%child_list%nitems > 0 ) call Agrif_Instance(ref_grid) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_Step !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_Step_Child ! !> Apply 'procname' to each grid of the hierarchy !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Agrif_Step_Child ( procname ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure(step_proc) :: procname !< subroutine to call on each grid ! if ( Agrif_Parallel_sisters ) then call Agrif_Integrate_Child_Parallel(Agrif_Mygrid,procname) else call Agrif_Integrate_Child(Agrif_Mygrid,procname) endif ! if ( Agrif_Mygrid%child_list%nitems > 0 ) call Agrif_Instance(Agrif_Mygrid) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_Step_Child !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_Step_Childs ! !> Apply 'procname' to each child grids of the current grid !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ************************************************************************** !!! Subroutine Agrif_Step_Childs ! ************************************************************************** ! Subroutine Agrif_Step_Childs(procname) ! procedure(step_proc) :: procname !< subroutine to call on each grid ! Pointer argument Type(Agrif_Grid),pointer :: g ! Pointer on the current grid ! ! ! Local pointer Type(Agrif_pgrid),pointer :: parcours ! Pointer for the recursive ! procedure ! g => Agrif_Curgrid parcours => g % child_list % first ! ! Recursive procedure for the time integration of the grid hierarchy Do while (associated(parcours)) ! ! Instanciation of the variables of the current grid Call Agrif_Instance(parcours % gr) ! One step on the current grid Call procname () parcours => parcours % next enddo If (associated(g % child_list % first)) Call Agrif_Instance (g) Return End Subroutine Agrif_Step_Childs !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_Regrid ! !> Creates the grid hierarchy from fixed grids and adaptive mesh refinement. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Agrif_Regrid ( procname ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure(init_proc), optional :: procname !< Initialisation subroutine (Default: Agrif_InitValues) ! type(Agrif_Rectangle), pointer :: coarsegrid_fixed type(Agrif_Rectangle), pointer :: coarsegrid_moving integer :: i, j integer :: nunit logical :: BEXIST TYPE(Agrif_Rectangle) :: newrect ! Pointer on a new grid integer :: is_coarse, rhox, rhoy, rhoz, rhot ! if ( Agrif_USE_ONLY_FIXED_GRIDS == 0 ) & call Agrif_detect_all(Agrif_Mygrid) ! Detection of areas to be refined ! allocate(coarsegrid_fixed) allocate(coarsegrid_moving) ! if ( Agrif_USE_ONLY_FIXED_GRIDS == 0 ) & call Agrif_Cluster_All(Agrif_Mygrid,coarsegrid_moving) ! Clustering ! if ( Agrif_USE_FIXED_GRIDS == 1 .OR. Agrif_USE_ONLY_FIXED_GRIDS == 1 ) then ! if (Agrif_Mygrid % ngridstep == 0) then ! nunit = Agrif_Get_Unit() open(nunit, file='AGRIF_FixedGrids.in', form='formatted', status="old", ERR=99) if (agrif_coarse) then ! SKIP the coarse grid declaration if (Agrif_Probdim == 3) then read(nunit,*) is_coarse, rhox, rhoy, rhoz, rhot elseif (Agrif_Probdim == 2) then read(nunit,*) is_coarse, rhox, rhoy, rhot elseif (Agrif_Probdim == 2) then read(nunit,*) is_coarse, rhox, rhot endif endif ! Creation of the grid hierarchy from the Agrif_FixedGrids.in file do i = 1,Agrif_Probdim coarsegrid_fixed % imin(i) = 1 coarsegrid_fixed % imax(i) = Agrif_Mygrid % nb(i) + 1 enddo j = 1 call Agrif_Read_Fix_Grd(coarsegrid_fixed,j,nunit) close(nunit) ! call Agrif_gl_clear(Agrif_oldmygrid) ! ! Creation of the grid hierarchy from coarsegrid_fixed call Agrif_Create_Grids(Agrif_Mygrid,coarsegrid_fixed) else call Agrif_gl_copy(Agrif_oldmygrid, Agrif_Mygrid % child_list) endif else call Agrif_gl_copy(Agrif_oldmygrid, Agrif_Mygrid % child_list) call Agrif_gl_clear(Agrif_Mygrid % child_list) endif ! if ( Agrif_USE_ONLY_FIXED_GRIDS == 0 ) then ! call Agrif_Save_All(Agrif_oldmygrid) call Agrif_Free_before_All(Agrif_oldmygrid) ! ! Creation of the grid hierarchy from coarsegrid_moving call Agrif_Create_Grids(Agrif_Mygrid,coarsegrid_moving) ! endif ! ! Initialization of the grid hierarchy by copy or interpolation ! #if defined AGRIF_MPI if ( Agrif_Parallel_sisters ) then call Agrif_Init_Hierarchy_Parallel_1(Agrif_Mygrid) call Agrif_Init_Hierarchy_Parallel_2(Agrif_Mygrid,procname) else call Agrif_Init_Hierarchy(Agrif_Mygrid,procname) endif #else call Agrif_Init_Hierarchy(Agrif_Mygrid,procname) #endif ! if ( Agrif_USE_ONLY_FIXED_GRIDS == 0 ) call Agrif_Free_after_All(Agrif_oldmygrid) ! Agrif_regrid_has_been_done = .TRUE. ! call Agrif_Instance( Agrif_Mygrid ) ! deallocate(coarsegrid_fixed) deallocate(coarsegrid_moving) ! return ! ! Opening error ! 99 INQUIRE(FILE='AGRIF_FixedGrids.in',EXIST=BEXIST) if (.not. BEXIST) then print*,'ERROR : File AGRIF_FixedGrids.in not found.' STOP else print*,'Error opening file AGRIF_FixedGrids.in' STOP endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_Regrid !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_detect_All ! !> Detects areas to be refined. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- recursive subroutine Agrif_detect_all ( g ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TYPE(Agrif_Grid), pointer :: g !< Pointer on the current grid ! Type(Agrif_PGrid), pointer :: parcours ! Pointer for the recursive procedure integer, DIMENSION(3) :: size integer :: i real :: g_eps ! parcours => g % child_list % first ! ! To be positioned on the finer grids of the grid hierarchy ! do while (associated(parcours)) call Agrif_detect_all(parcours % gr) parcours => parcours % next enddo ! g_eps = huge(1.) do i = 1,Agrif_Probdim g_eps = min(g_eps, g % Agrif_dx(i)) enddo ! g_eps = g_eps / 100. ! if ( Agrif_Probdim == 1 ) g%tabpoint1D = 0 if ( Agrif_Probdim == 2 ) g%tabpoint2D = 0 if ( Agrif_Probdim == 3 ) g%tabpoint3D = 0 ! do i = 1,Agrif_Probdim if ( g%Agrif_dx(i)/Agrif_coeffref(i) < (Agrif_mind(i)-g_eps) ) return enddo ! call Agrif_instance(g) ! ! Detection (Agrif_detect is a users routine) ! do i = 1,Agrif_Probdim size(i) = g % nb(i) + 1 enddo ! SELECT CASE (Agrif_Probdim) CASE (1) call Agrif_detect(g%tabpoint1D,size) CASE (2) call Agrif_detect(g%tabpoint2D,size) CASE (3) call Agrif_detect(g%tabpoint3D,size) END SELECT ! ! Addition of the areas detected on the child grids ! parcours => g % child_list % first ! do while (associated(parcours)) call Agrif_Add_detected_areas(g,parcours % gr) parcours => parcours % next enddo !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_detect_all !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_Add_detected_areas ! !> Adds on the parent grid the areas detected on its child grids !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Agrif_Add_detected_areas ( parentgrid, childgrid ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type(Agrif_Grid), pointer :: parentgrid Type(Agrif_Grid), pointer :: childgrid ! integer :: i,j,k ! do i = 1,childgrid%nb(1)+1 if ( Agrif_Probdim == 1 ) then if (childgrid%tabpoint1D(i)==1) then parentgrid%tabpoint1D(childgrid%ix(1)+(i-1)/Agrif_Coeffref(1)) = 1 endif else do j=1,childgrid%nb(2)+1 if (Agrif_Probdim==2) then if (childgrid%tabpoint2D(i,j)==1) then parentgrid%tabpoint2D( & childgrid%ix(1)+(i-1)/Agrif_Coeffref(1), & childgrid%ix(2)+(j-1)/Agrif_Coeffref(2)) = 1 endif else do k=1,childgrid%nb(3)+1 if (childgrid%tabpoint3D(i,j,k)==1) then parentgrid%tabpoint3D( & childgrid%ix(1)+(i-1)/Agrif_Coeffref(1), & childgrid%ix(2)+(j-1)/Agrif_Coeffref(2), & childgrid%ix(3)+(k-1)/Agrif_Coeffref(3)) = 1 endif enddo endif enddo endif enddo !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_Add_detected_areas !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_Free_before_All !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- recursive subroutine Agrif_Free_before_All ( gridlist ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type(Agrif_Grid_List), intent(inout) :: gridlist !< Grid list ! Type(Agrif_PGrid), pointer :: parcours ! Pointer for the recursive procedure ! parcours => gridlist % first ! do while (associated(parcours)) ! if (.not. parcours%gr%fixed) then call Agrif_Free_data_before(parcours%gr) parcours % gr % oldgrid = .TRUE. endif ! call Agrif_Free_before_all (parcours % gr % child_list) ! parcours => parcours % next ! enddo !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_Free_before_All !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_Save_All !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- recursive subroutine Agrif_Save_All ( gridlist ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Grid_List), intent(inout) :: gridlist !< Grid list ! type(Agrif_PGrid), pointer :: parcours ! Pointer for the recursive procedure ! parcours => gridlist % first ! do while (associated(parcours)) ! if (.not. parcours%gr%fixed) then call Agrif_Instance(parcours%gr) call Agrif_Before_Regridding() parcours % gr % oldgrid = .TRUE. endif ! call Agrif_Save_All(parcours % gr % child_list) ! parcours => parcours % next ! enddo !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_Save_All !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_Free_after_All !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- recursive subroutine Agrif_Free_after_All ( gridlist ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type(Agrif_Grid_List), intent(inout) :: gridlist !< Grid list to free ! Type(Agrif_PGrid), pointer :: parcours ! Pointer for the recursive proced Type(Agrif_PGrid), pointer :: preparcours Type(Agrif_PGrid), pointer :: preparcoursini ! allocate(preparcours) ! preparcoursini => preparcours ! nullify(preparcours % gr) ! preparcours % next => gridlist % first parcours => gridlist % first ! do while (associated(parcours)) ! if ( (.NOT. parcours%gr % fixed) .AND. (parcours%gr % oldgrid) ) then call Agrif_Free_data_after(parcours%gr) endif ! call Agrif_Free_after_all( parcours%gr % child_list ) ! if (parcours % gr % oldgrid) then deallocate(parcours % gr) preparcours % next => parcours % next deallocate(parcours) parcours => preparcours % next else preparcours => preparcours % next parcours => parcours % next endif ! enddo ! deallocate(preparcoursini) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_Free_after_All !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_Integrate ! !> Manages the time integration of the grid hierarchy. !! Recursive subroutine and call on subroutines Agrif_Init::Agrif_Instance and #Agrif_Step !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- recursive subroutine Agrif_Integrate ( g, procname ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Grid), pointer :: g !< Pointer on the current grid procedure(step_proc) :: procname !< Subroutine to call on each grid ! type(Agrif_PGrid), pointer :: parcours ! Pointer for the recursive procedure integer :: nbt ! Number of time steps of the current grid integer :: i, k ! ! Instanciation of the variables of the current grid ! if ( g % fixedrank /= 0 ) then call Agrif_Instance(g) ! endif ! ! One step on the current grid ! call procname () ! ! Number of time steps on the current grid ! g%ngridstep = g % ngridstep + 1 parcours => g % child_list % first ! ! Recursive procedure for the time integration of the grid hierarchy do while (associated(parcours)) ! ! Instanciation of the variables of the current grid call Agrif_Instance(parcours % gr) ! ! Number of time steps nbt = 1 do i = 1,Agrif_Probdim nbt = max(nbt, parcours % gr % timeref(i)) enddo ! do k = 1,nbt call Agrif_Integrate(parcours % gr, procname) enddo ! parcours => parcours % next ! enddo !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_Integrate !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_Integrate_Parallel ! !> Manages the time integration of the grid hierarchy in parallel !! Recursive subroutine and call on subroutines Agrif_Init::Agrif_Instance and #Agrif_Step !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- recursive subroutine Agrif_Integrate_Parallel ( g, procname ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Grid), pointer :: g !< Pointer on the current grid procedure(step_proc) :: procname !< Subroutine to call on each grid ! #if defined AGRIF_MPI type(Agrif_PGrid), pointer :: gridp ! Pointer for the recursive procedure integer :: nbt ! Number of time steps of the current grid integer :: i, k, is ! ! Instanciation of the variables of the current grid if ( g % fixedrank /= 0 ) then call Agrif_Instance(g) endif ! ! One step on the current grid call procname () ! ! Number of time steps on the current grid g % ngridstep = g % ngridstep + 1 ! ! Continue only if the grid has defined sequences of child integrations. if ( .not. associated(g % child_seq) ) return ! do is = 1, g % child_seq % nb_seqs ! ! For each sequence, a given processor does integrate only on grid. gridp => Agrif_seq_select_child(g,is) ! ! Instanciation of the variables of the current grid call Agrif_Instance(gridp % gr) ! ! Number of time steps nbt = 1 do i = 1,Agrif_Probdim nbt = max(nbt, gridp % gr % timeref(i)) enddo ! do k = 1,nbt call Agrif_Integrate_Parallel(gridp % gr, procname) enddo ! enddo #else call Agrif_Integrate( g, procname ) #endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_Integrate_Parallel !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_Integrate_ChildGrids ! !> Manages the time integration of the grid hierarchy. !! Call the subroutine procname on each child grid of the current grid !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- recursive subroutine Agrif_Integrate_ChildGrids ( procname ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure(step_proc) :: procname !< Subroutine to call on each grid ! type(Agrif_PGrid), pointer :: parcours ! Pointer for the recursive procedure integer :: nbt ! Number of time steps of the current grid integer :: i, k, is type(Agrif_Grid) , pointer :: save_grid type(Agrif_PGrid), pointer :: gridp ! Pointer for the recursive procedure save_grid => Agrif_Curgrid ! Number of time steps on the current grid save_grid % ngridstep = save_grid % ngridstep + 1 #ifdef AGRIF_MPI if ( .not. Agrif_Parallel_sisters ) then #endif parcours => save_grid % child_list % first ! ! Recursive procedure for the time integration of the grid hierarchy do while (associated(parcours)) ! ! Instanciation of the variables of the current grid call Agrif_Instance(parcours % gr) ! ! Number of time steps nbt = 1 do i = 1,Agrif_Probdim nbt = max(nbt, parcours % gr % timeref(i)) enddo ! do k = 1,nbt call procname() enddo ! parcours => parcours % next ! enddo #ifdef AGRIF_MPI else ! Continue only if the grid has defined sequences of child integrations. if ( .not. associated(save_grid % child_seq) ) return ! do is = 1, save_grid % child_seq % nb_seqs ! ! For each sequence, a given processor does integrate only on grid. gridp => Agrif_seq_select_child(save_grid,is) ! ! Instanciation of the variables of the current grid call Agrif_Instance(gridp % gr) ! ! Number of time steps nbt = 1 do i = 1,Agrif_Probdim nbt = max(nbt, gridp % gr % timeref(i)) enddo ! do k = 1,nbt call procname() enddo ! enddo endif #endif call Agrif_Instance(save_grid) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_Integrate_ChildGrids !=================================================================================================== !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_Integrate_Child ! !> Manages the time integration of the grid hierarchy. !! Recursive subroutine and call on subroutines Agrif_Instance & Agrif_Step. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- recursive subroutine Agrif_Integrate_Child ( g, procname ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Grid), pointer :: g !< Pointer on the current grid procedure(step_proc) :: procname !< Subroutine to call on each grid ! type(Agrif_PGrid), pointer :: parcours ! Pointer for the recursive procedure ! ! One step on the current grid ! call procname () ! ! Number of time steps on the current grid ! parcours => g % child_list % first ! ! Recursive procedure for the time integration of the grid hierarchy do while (associated(parcours)) ! ! Instanciation of the variables of the current grid call Agrif_Instance(parcours % gr) call Agrif_Integrate_Child (parcours % gr, procname) parcours => parcours % next ! enddo !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_Integrate_Child !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_Integrate_Child_Parallel ! !> Manages the time integration of the grid hierarchy. !! Recursive subroutine and call on subroutines Agrif_Instance & Agrif_Step. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- recursive subroutine Agrif_Integrate_Child_Parallel ( g, procname ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Grid), pointer :: g !< Pointer on the current grid procedure(step_proc) :: procname !< Subroutine to call on each grid ! #if defined AGRIF_MPI type(Agrif_PGrid), pointer :: gridp ! Pointer for the recursive procedure integer :: is ! ! Instanciation of the variables of the current grid call Agrif_Instance(g) ! ! One step on the current grid call procname () ! ! Continue only if the grid has defined sequences of child integrations. if ( .not. associated(g % child_seq) ) return ! do is = 1, g % child_seq % nb_seqs ! ! For each sequence, a given processor does integrate only on grid. gridp => Agrif_seq_select_child(g,is) call Agrif_Integrate_Child_Parallel(gridp % gr, procname) ! enddo ! call Agrif_Instance(g) #else call Agrif_Integrate_Child( g, procname ) #endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_Integrate_Child_Parallel !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_Init_Grids ! !> Initializes the root coarse grid pointed by Agrif_Mygrid. It is called in the main program. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Agrif_Init_Grids ( procname1, procname2 ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure(typedef_proc), optional :: procname1 !< (Default: Agrif_probdim_modtype_def) procedure(alloc_proc), optional :: procname2 !< (Default: Agrif_Allocationcalls) ! integer :: i, ierr_allocate, nunit integer :: is_coarse, rhox,rhoy,rhoz,rhot logical :: BEXIST ! if (present(procname1)) Then call procname1() else call Agrif_probdim_modtype_def() endif ! ! TEST FOR COARSE GRID (GRAND MOTHER GRID) in AGRIF_FixedGrids.in nunit = Agrif_Get_Unit() open(nunit, file='AGRIF_FixedGrids.in', form='formatted', status="old", ERR=98) if (Agrif_Probdim == 3) then read(nunit,*) is_coarse, rhox, rhoy, rhoz, rhot elseif (Agrif_Probdim == 2) then read(nunit,*) is_coarse, rhox, rhoy, rhot elseif (Agrif_Probdim == 2) then read(nunit,*) is_coarse, rhox, rhot endif if (is_coarse == -1) then agrif_coarse = .TRUE. if (Agrif_Probdim == 3) then coarse_spaceref(1:3)=(/rhox,rhoy,rhoz/) elseif (Agrif_Probdim == 2) then coarse_spaceref(1:2)=(/rhox,rhoy/) elseif (Agrif_Probdim == 2) then coarse_spaceref(1:1)=(/rhox/) endif coarse_timeref(1:Agrif_Probdim) = rhot endif close(nunit) Agrif_UseSpecialValue = .FALSE. Agrif_UseSpecialValueFineGrid = .FALSE. Agrif_SpecialValue = 0. Agrif_SpecialValueFineGrid = 0. ! allocate(Agrif_Mygrid) allocate(Agrif_OldMygrid) ! ! Space and time refinement factors are set to 1 on the root grid ! do i = 1,Agrif_Probdim Agrif_Mygrid % spaceref(i) = coarse_spaceref(i) Agrif_Mygrid % timeref(i) = coarse_timeref(i) enddo ! ! Initialization of the number of time steps Agrif_Mygrid % ngridstep = 0 Agrif_Mygrid % grid_id = 0 ! ! No parent grid for the root coarse grid nullify(Agrif_Mygrid % parent) ! ! Initialization of the minimum positions, global abscissa and space steps do i = 1, Agrif_Probdim Agrif_Mygrid % ix(i) = 1 Agrif_Mygrid % Agrif_x(i) = 0. Agrif_Mygrid % Agrif_dx(i) = 1./Agrif_Mygrid % spaceref(i) Agrif_Mygrid % Agrif_dt(i) = 1./Agrif_Mygrid % timeref(i) ! Borders of the root coarse grid Agrif_Mygrid % NearRootBorder(i) = .true. Agrif_Mygrid % DistantRootBorder(i) = .true. enddo ! ! The root coarse grid is a fixed grid Agrif_Mygrid % fixed = .TRUE. ! Level of the root grid Agrif_Mygrid % level = 0 ! Maximum level in the hierarchy Agrif_MaxLevelLoc = 0 ! ! Number of the grid pointed by Agrif_Mygrid (root coarse grid) Agrif_Mygrid % rank = 1 ! ! Number of the root grid as a fixed grid Agrif_Mygrid % fixedrank = 0 ! ! Initialization of some fields of the root grid variables ierr_allocate = 0 if( Agrif_NbVariables(0) > 0 ) allocate(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(Agrif_NbVariables(0)),stat=ierr_allocate) if( Agrif_NbVariables(1) > 0 ) allocate(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars_c(Agrif_NbVariables(1)),stat=ierr_allocate) if( Agrif_NbVariables(2) > 0 ) allocate(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars_r(Agrif_NbVariables(2)),stat=ierr_allocate) if( Agrif_NbVariables(3) > 0 ) allocate(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars_l(Agrif_NbVariables(3)),stat=ierr_allocate) if( Agrif_NbVariables(4) > 0 ) allocate(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars_i(Agrif_NbVariables(4)),stat=ierr_allocate) if (ierr_allocate /= 0) THEN STOP "*** ERROR WHEN ALLOCATING TABVARS ***" endif ! ! Initialization of the other fields of the root grid variables (number of ! cells, positions, number and type of its dimensions, ...) call Agrif_Instance(Agrif_Mygrid) call Agrif_Set_numberofcells(Agrif_Mygrid) ! ! Allocation of the array containing the values of the grid variables call Agrif_Allocation(Agrif_Mygrid, procname2) call Agrif_initialisations(Agrif_Mygrid) ! ! Total number of fixed grids Agrif_nbfixedgrids = 0 ! If a grand mother grid is declared if (agrif_coarse) then allocate(Agrif_Coarsegrid) Agrif_Coarsegrid % ngridstep = 0 Agrif_Coarsegrid % grid_id = -9999 do i = 1, Agrif_Probdim Agrif_Coarsegrid%spaceref(i) = coarse_spaceref(i) Agrif_Coarsegrid%timeref(i) = coarse_timeref(i) Agrif_Coarsegrid % ix(i) = 1 Agrif_Coarsegrid % Agrif_x(i) = 0. Agrif_Coarsegrid % Agrif_dx(i) = 1. Agrif_Coarsegrid % Agrif_dt(i) = 1. ! Borders of the root coarse grid Agrif_Coarsegrid % NearRootBorder(i) = .true. Agrif_Coarsegrid % DistantRootBorder(i) = .true. Agrif_Coarsegrid % nb(i) =Agrif_mygrid%nb(i) / coarse_spaceref(i) enddo ! The root coarse grid is a fixed grid Agrif_Coarsegrid % fixed = .TRUE. ! Level of the root grid Agrif_Coarsegrid % level = -1 Agrif_Coarsegrid % grand_mother_grid = .true. ! Number of the grid pointed by Agrif_Mygrid (root coarse grid) Agrif_Coarsegrid % rank = -9999 ! ! Number of the root grid as a fixed grid Agrif_Coarsegrid % fixedrank = -9999 Agrif_Mygrid%parent => Agrif_Coarsegrid ! Not used but required to prevent seg fault Agrif_Coarsegrid%parent => Agrif_Mygrid call Agrif_Create_Var(Agrif_Coarsegrid) ! Reset to null Nullify(Agrif_Coarsegrid%parent) Agrif_Coarsegrid%child_list%nitems = 1 allocate(Agrif_Coarsegrid%child_list%first) allocate(Agrif_Coarsegrid%child_list%last) Agrif_Coarsegrid%child_list%first%gr => Agrif_Mygrid Agrif_Coarsegrid%child_list%last%gr => Agrif_Mygrid endif return 98 INQUIRE(FILE='AGRIF_FixedGrids.in',EXIST=BEXIST) if (.not. BEXIST) then print*,'ERROR : File AGRIF_FixedGrids.in not found.' STOP else print*,'Error opening file AGRIF_FixedGrids.in' STOP endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_Init_Grids !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_Deallocation ! !> Deallocates all data arrays. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Agrif_Deallocation !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: nb type(Agrif_Variable), pointer :: var type(Agrif_Variable_c), pointer :: var_c type(Agrif_Variable_l), pointer :: var_l type(Agrif_Variable_i), pointer :: var_i ! do nb = 1,Agrif_NbVariables(0) ! var => Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(nb) ! if ( allocated(var % array1) ) deallocate(var % array1) if ( allocated(var % array2) ) deallocate(var % array2) if ( allocated(var % array3) ) deallocate(var % array3) if ( allocated(var % array4) ) deallocate(var % array4) if ( allocated(var % array5) ) deallocate(var % array5) if ( allocated(var % array6) ) deallocate(var % array6) ! if ( allocated(var % sarray1) ) deallocate(var % sarray1) if ( allocated(var % sarray2) ) deallocate(var % sarray2) if ( allocated(var % sarray3) ) deallocate(var % sarray3) if ( allocated(var % sarray4) ) deallocate(var % sarray4) if ( allocated(var % sarray5) ) deallocate(var % sarray5) if ( allocated(var % sarray6) ) deallocate(var % sarray6) ! if ( allocated(var % darray1) ) deallocate(var % darray1) if ( allocated(var % darray2) ) deallocate(var % darray2) if ( allocated(var % darray3) ) deallocate(var % darray3) if ( allocated(var % darray4) ) deallocate(var % darray4) if ( allocated(var % darray5) ) deallocate(var % darray5) if ( allocated(var % darray6) ) deallocate(var % darray6) ! enddo ! do nb = 1,Agrif_NbVariables(1) ! var_c => Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars_c(nb) ! if ( allocated(var_c % carray1) ) deallocate(var_c % carray1) if ( allocated(var_c % carray2) ) deallocate(var_c % carray2) ! enddo do nb = 1,Agrif_NbVariables(3) ! var_l => Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars_l(nb) ! if ( allocated(var_l % larray1) ) deallocate(var_l % larray1) if ( allocated(var_l % larray2) ) deallocate(var_l % larray2) if ( allocated(var_l % larray3) ) deallocate(var_l % larray3) if ( allocated(var_l % larray4) ) deallocate(var_l % larray4) if ( allocated(var_l % larray5) ) deallocate(var_l % larray5) if ( allocated(var_l % larray6) ) deallocate(var_l % larray6) ! enddo ! do nb = 1,Agrif_NbVariables(4) ! var_i => Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars_i(nb) ! if ( allocated(var_i % iarray1) ) deallocate(var_i % iarray1) if ( allocated(var_i % iarray2) ) deallocate(var_i % iarray2) if ( allocated(var_i % iarray3) ) deallocate(var_i % iarray3) if ( allocated(var_i % iarray4) ) deallocate(var_i % iarray4) if ( allocated(var_i % iarray5) ) deallocate(var_i % iarray5) if ( allocated(var_i % iarray6) ) deallocate(var_i % iarray6) ! enddo ! if ( allocated(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars) ) deallocate(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars) if ( allocated(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars_c) ) deallocate(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars_c) if ( allocated(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars_r) ) deallocate(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars_r) if ( allocated(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars_l) ) deallocate(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars_l) if ( allocated(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars_i) ) deallocate(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars_i) deallocate(Agrif_Mygrid) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_Deallocation !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_Step_adj ! !> creates the grid hierarchy and manages the backward time integration procedure. !> It is called in the main program. !> calls subroutines #Agrif_Regrid and #Agrif_Integrate_adj. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Agrif_Step_adj ( procname ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure(step_proc) :: procname !< Subroutine to call on each grid ! ! Creation and initialization of the grid hierarchy ! ! Set the clustering variables call Agrif_clustering_def() ! if ( Agrif_USE_ONLY_FIXED_GRIDS .EQ. 1 ) then ! if (Agrif_Mygrid % ngridstep == 0) then if (.not.Agrif_regrid_has_been_done ) then call Agrif_Regrid() endif call Agrif_Instance(Agrif_Mygrid) endif ! else ! if (mod(Agrif_Mygrid % ngridstep, Agrif_Regridding) == 0) then call Agrif_Regrid() call Agrif_Instance(Agrif_Mygrid) endif ! endif ! ! Time integration of the grid hierarchy ! call Agrif_Integrate_adj (Agrif_Mygrid,procname) ! if ( Agrif_Mygrid % child_list % nitems > 0 ) call Agrif_Instance(Agrif_Mygrid) ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_Step_adj !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_Integrate_adj ! !> Manages the backward time integration of the grid hierarchy. !! Recursive subroutine and call on subroutines Agrif_Init::Agrif_Instance and #Agrif_Step_adj !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- recursive subroutine Agrif_Integrate_adj ( g, procname ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Grid), pointer :: g !< Pointer on the current grid procedure(step_proc) :: procname !< Subroutine to call on each grid ! type(Agrif_pgrid), pointer :: parcours ! pointer for the recursive procedure integer :: nbt ! Number of time steps of the current grid integer :: k ! ! Instanciation of the variables of the current grid if ( g%fixedrank /= 0 ) then call Agrif_Instance(g) endif ! ! Number of time steps on the current grid ! g%ngridstep = g % ngridstep + 1 parcours => g % child_list % first ! ! Recursive procedure for the time integration of the grid hierarchy do while (associated(parcours)) ! ! Instanciation of the variables of the current grid call Agrif_Instance(parcours % gr) ! ! Number of time steps nbt = 1 do k = 1,Agrif_Probdim nbt = max(nbt, parcours % gr % timeref(k)) enddo ! do k = nbt,1,-1 call Agrif_Integrate_adj(parcours % gr, procname) enddo ! parcours => parcours % next ! enddo ! if ( g % child_list % nitems > 0 ) call Agrif_Instance(g) ! ! One step on the current grid call procname () ! end subroutine Agrif_Integrate_adj !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_Step_Child_adj ! !> Apply 'procname' to each grid of the hierarchy from Child to Parent !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Agrif_Step_Child_adj ( procname ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure(step_proc) :: procname !< Subroutine to call on each grid ! call Agrif_Integrate_Child_adj(Agrif_Mygrid,procname) ! if ( Agrif_Mygrid % child_list % nitems > 0 ) call Agrif_Instance(Agrif_Mygrid) ! end subroutine Agrif_Step_Child_adj !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_Integrate_Child_adj ! !> Manages the backward time integration of the grid hierarchy. !! Recursive subroutine and call on subroutines Agrif_Init::Agrif_Instance & Agrif_Step_adj. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- recursive subroutine Agrif_Integrate_Child_adj ( g, procname ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Grid),pointer :: g !< Pointer on the current grid procedure(step_proc) :: procname !< Subroutine to call on each grid ! type(Agrif_PGrid),pointer :: parcours !< Pointer for the recursive procedure ! parcours => g % child_list % first ! ! Recursive procedure for the time integration of the grid hierarchy do while (associated(parcours)) ! ! Instanciation of the variables of the current grid call Agrif_Instance(parcours % gr) call Agrif_Integrate_Child_adj(parcours % gr, procname) ! parcours => parcours % next ! enddo if ( g % child_list % nitems > 0 ) call Agrif_Instance(g) ! ! One step on the current grid call procname() !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_Integrate_Child_adj !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== end module Agrif_Util