! ! $Id: modsauv.F 662 2007-05-25 15:58:52Z opalod $ ! ! AGRIF (Adaptive Grid Refinement In Fortran) ! ! Copyright (C) 2003 Laurent Debreu (Laurent.Debreu@imag.fr) ! Christophe Vouland (Christophe.Vouland@imag.fr) ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ! (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ! Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place- Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ! ! !> Module Agrif_Save !! !! Module for the initialization by copy of the grids created by clustering. ! module Agrif_Save ! use Agrif_Types use Agrif_Link use Agrif_Arrays use Agrif_Variables ! implicit none ! contains ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_deallocate_Arrays !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Agrif_deallocate_Arrays ( var ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Variable), pointer :: var ! if (allocated(var%array1)) deallocate(var%array1) if (allocated(var%array2)) deallocate(var%array2) if (allocated(var%array3)) deallocate(var%array3) if (allocated(var%array4)) deallocate(var%array4) if (allocated(var%array5)) deallocate(var%array5) if (allocated(var%array6)) deallocate(var%array6) ! if (allocated(var%darray1)) deallocate(var%darray1) if (allocated(var%darray2)) deallocate(var%darray2) if (allocated(var%darray3)) deallocate(var%darray3) if (allocated(var%darray4)) deallocate(var%darray4) if (allocated(var%darray5)) deallocate(var%darray5) if (allocated(var%darray6)) deallocate(var%darray6) ! if (allocated(var%sarray1)) deallocate(var%sarray1) if (allocated(var%sarray2)) deallocate(var%sarray2) if (allocated(var%sarray3)) deallocate(var%sarray3) if (allocated(var%sarray4)) deallocate(var%sarray4) if (allocated(var%sarray5)) deallocate(var%sarray5) if (allocated(var%sarray6)) deallocate(var%sarray6) ! ! if (associated(var%oldvalues2D)) deallocate(var%oldvalues2D) if (allocated(var%posvar)) deallocate(var%posvar) if (allocated(var%interptab)) deallocate(var%interptab) if (allocated(var%coords)) deallocate(var%coords) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_deallocate_Arrays !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Agrif_deallocate_Arrays_c ( var_c ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Variable_c), pointer :: var_c ! if (allocated(var_c%carray1)) deallocate(var_c%carray1) if (allocated(var_C%carray2)) deallocate(var_c%carray2) ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_deallocate_Arrays_c !=================================================================================================== !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Agrif_deallocate_Arrays_l ( var_l ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Variable_l), pointer :: var_l ! ! if (allocated(var_l%larray1)) deallocate(var_l%larray1) if (allocated(var_l%larray2)) deallocate(var_l%larray2) if (allocated(var_l%larray3)) deallocate(var_l%larray3) if (allocated(var_l%larray4)) deallocate(var_l%larray4) if (allocated(var_l%larray5)) deallocate(var_l%larray5) if (allocated(var_l%larray6)) deallocate(var_l%larray6) ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_deallocate_Arrays_l !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Agrif_deallocate_Arrays_i ( var_i ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Variable_i), pointer :: var_i ! ! if (allocated(var_i%iarray1)) deallocate(var_i%iarray1) if (allocated(var_i%iarray2)) deallocate(var_i%iarray2) if (allocated(var_i%iarray3)) deallocate(var_i%iarray3) if (allocated(var_i%iarray4)) deallocate(var_i%iarray4) if (allocated(var_i%iarray5)) deallocate(var_i%iarray5) if (allocated(var_i%iarray6)) deallocate(var_i%iarray6) ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_deallocate_Arrays_i ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_Free_data_before !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Agrif_Free_data_before ( Agrif_Gr ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Grid), pointer :: Agrif_Gr ! Pointer on the current grid ! integer :: i type(Agrif_Variables_List), pointer :: parcours type(Agrif_Variable), pointer :: var type(Agrif_Variable_c), pointer :: var_c type(Agrif_Variable_r), pointer :: var_r type(Agrif_Variable_l), pointer :: var_l type(Agrif_Variable_i), pointer :: var_i ! do i = 1,Agrif_NbVariables(0) ! var => Agrif_Gr % tabvars(i) ! if ( .NOT. Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(i) % restore ) then call Agrif_deallocate_Arrays(var) endif ! if (associated(var%list_interp)) then call Agrif_Free_list_interp(var%list_interp) endif ! enddo do i=1,Agrif_NbVariables(1) var_c => Agrif_Gr % tabvars_c(i) call Agrif_deallocate_Arrays_c(var_c) enddo do i=1,Agrif_NbVariables(3) var_l => Agrif_Gr % tabvars_l(i) call Agrif_deallocate_Arrays_l(var_l) enddo do i=1,Agrif_NbVariables(4) var_i => Agrif_Gr % tabvars_i(i) call Agrif_deallocate_Arrays_i(var_i) enddo parcours => Agrif_Gr % variables do i = 1,Agrif_Gr%NbVariables ! if ( .NOT. parcours%var%root_var % restore ) then call Agrif_deallocate_Arrays(parcours%var) endif ! if (associated(parcours%var%list_interp)) then call Agrif_Free_list_interp(parcours%var%list_interp) endif ! if ( .NOT. parcours%var%root_var % restore ) then deallocate(parcours%var) endif ! parcours => parcours % next ! enddo ! if ( Agrif_USE_ONLY_FIXED_GRIDS == 0 ) then if ( Agrif_Probdim == 1 ) deallocate(Agrif_Gr%tabpoint1D) if ( Agrif_Probdim == 2 ) deallocate(Agrif_Gr%tabpoint2D) if ( Agrif_Probdim == 3 ) deallocate(Agrif_Gr%tabpoint3D) endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_Free_data_before !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_Free_list_interp !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- recursive subroutine Agrif_Free_list_interp ( list_interp ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_List_Interp_Loc), pointer :: list_interp ! if (associated(list_interp%suiv)) call Agrif_Free_list_interp(list_interp%suiv) #if defined AGRIF_MPI deallocate(list_interp%interp_loc%tab4t) deallocate(list_interp%interp_loc%memberinall) deallocate(list_interp%interp_loc%sendtoproc1) deallocate(list_interp%interp_loc%recvfromproc1) #endif deallocate(list_interp%interp_loc) deallocate(list_interp) nullify(list_interp) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_Free_list_interp !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_Free_data_after !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Agrif_Free_data_after ( Agrif_Gr ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Grid), pointer :: Agrif_Gr !< Pointer on the current grid ! integer :: i type(Agrif_Variables_List), pointer :: parcours, rootparcours type(Agrif_Variable), pointer :: var ! do i = 1,Agrif_NbVariables(0) if ( Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(i) % restore ) then var => Agrif_Gr%tabvars(i) call Agrif_deallocate_Arrays(var) endif enddo ! parcours => Agrif_Gr%variables rootparcours => Agrif_Mygrid%variables ! do i = 1,Agrif_Gr%NbVariables if (rootparcours%var % restore ) then call Agrif_deallocate_Arrays(parcours%var) deallocate(parcours%var) endif parcours => parcours % next rootparcours => rootparcours % next enddo !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_Free_data_after !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_CopyFromOld_All ! !> Called in Agrif_Clustering#Agrif_Init_Hierarchy. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- recursive subroutine Agrif_CopyFromOld_All ( g, oldchildlist ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Grid), pointer, intent(inout) :: g !< Pointer on the current grid type(Agrif_Grid_List), intent(in) :: oldchildlist ! type(Agrif_PGrid), pointer :: parcours ! Pointer for the recursive procedure real :: g_eps, eps, oldgrid_eps integer :: out integer :: iii ! out = 0 ! parcours => oldchildlist % first ! do while (associated(parcours)) ! if ((.NOT. g % fixed) .AND. (parcours % gr %oldgrid)) then ! g_eps = huge(1.) oldgrid_eps = huge(1.) do iii = 1,Agrif_Probdim g_eps = min(g_eps,g % Agrif_dx(iii)) oldgrid_eps = min(oldgrid_eps, parcours % gr % Agrif_dx(iii)) enddo ! eps = min(g_eps,oldgrid_eps)/100. ! do iii = 1,Agrif_Probdim if (g % Agrif_dx(iii) < (parcours % gr % Agrif_dx(iii) - eps)) then parcours => parcours % next out = 1 exit endif enddo ! if ( out == 1 ) cycle ! call Agrif_CopyFromOld(g,parcours%gr) ! endif ! call Agrif_CopyFromOld_All(g,parcours % gr % child_list) ! parcours => parcours % next ! enddo !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_CopyFromOld_All !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_CopyFromOld ! !> Call to the Agrif_Copy procedure. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Agrif_CopyFromOld ( new_gr, old_gr ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Grid), pointer, intent(inout) :: new_gr !< Pointer on the current grid type(Agrif_Grid), pointer, intent(inout) :: old_gr !< Pointer on an old grid ! type(Agrif_Variable), pointer :: new_var type(Agrif_Variable), pointer :: old_var integer :: i ! do i = 1,Agrif_NbVariables(0) if ( Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(i) % restore ) then old_var => old_gr % tabvars(i) new_var => new_gr % tabvars(i) call Agrif_Copy(new_gr, old_gr, new_var, old_var ) endif enddo !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_CopyFromOld !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_CopyFromOld_AllOneVar ! !> Called in Agrif_Clustering#Agrif_Init_Hierarchy. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- recursive subroutine Agrif_CopyFromOld_AllOneVar ( g, oldchildlist, indic ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Grid), pointer, intent(inout) :: g !< Pointer on the current grid type(Agrif_Grid_List), intent(in) :: oldchildlist integer, intent(in) :: indic ! type(Agrif_PGrid), pointer :: parcours ! Pointer for the recursive procedure real :: g_eps,eps,oldgrid_eps integer :: out integer :: iii ! out = 0 ! parcours => oldchildlist % first ! do while (associated(parcours)) ! if ((.NOT. g % fixed) .AND. (parcours % gr %oldgrid)) then ! g_eps = huge(1.) oldgrid_eps = huge(1.) do iii = 1,Agrif_Probdim g_eps = min(g_eps,g % Agrif_dx(iii)) oldgrid_eps = min(oldgrid_eps,parcours % gr % Agrif_dx(iii)) enddo ! eps = min(g_eps,oldgrid_eps)/100. ! do iii = 1,Agrif_Probdim if (g % Agrif_dx(iii) < (parcours % gr % Agrif_dx(iii) - eps)) then parcours => parcours % next out = 1 exit endif enddo if ( out == 1 ) cycle ! call Agrif_CopyFromOldOneVar(g,parcours%gr,indic) ! endif ! call Agrif_CopyFromOld_AllOneVar(g,parcours%gr % child_list,indic) ! parcours => parcours % next ! enddo !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_CopyFromOld_AllOneVar !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_CopyFromOldOneVar ! !> Call to Agrif_Copy !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Agrif_CopyFromOldOneVar ( new_gr, old_gr, indic ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Grid), pointer, intent(inout) :: new_gr !< Pointer on the current grid type(Agrif_Grid), pointer, intent(in) :: old_gr !< Pointer on an old grid integer, intent(in) :: indic ! type(Agrif_Variable), pointer :: new_var, old_var ! new_var => Agrif_Search_Variable(new_gr, -indic) old_var => Agrif_Search_Variable(old_gr, -indic) ! call Agrif_array_allocate(new_var,new_var%lb,new_var%ub,new_var%nbdim) call Agrif_Copy(new_gr, old_gr, new_var,old_var) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_CopyFromOldOneVar !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_Copy !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Agrif_Copy ( new_gr, old_gr, new_var, old_var ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Grid), pointer, intent(in) :: new_gr !< Pointer on the current grid type(Agrif_Grid), pointer, intent(in) :: old_gr !< Pointer on an old grid type(Agrif_Variable), pointer, intent(inout) :: new_var type(Agrif_Variable), pointer, intent(in) :: old_var ! type(Agrif_Variable), pointer :: root ! Pointer on the variable of the root grid integer :: nbdim ! Number of dimensions of the current grid integer, dimension(6) :: pttabnew ! Indexes of the first point in the domain integer, dimension(6) :: petabnew ! Indexes of the first point in the domain integer, dimension(6) :: pttabold ! Indexes of the first point in the domain integer, dimension(6) :: petabold ! Indexes of the first point in the domain integer, dimension(6) :: nbtabold ! Number of cells in each direction integer, dimension(6) :: nbtabnew ! Number of cells in each direction real, dimension(6) :: snew,sold real, dimension(6) :: dsnew,dsold real :: eps integer :: n ! root => new_var % root_var nbdim = root % nbdim ! do n = 1,nbdim ! select case(root % interptab(n)) ! case('x') ! pttabnew(n) = root % point(n) pttabold(n) = root % point(n) snew(n) = new_gr % Agrif_x(1) sold(n) = old_gr % Agrif_x(1) dsnew(n) = new_gr % Agrif_dx(1) dsold(n) = old_gr % Agrif_dx(1) ! if (root % posvar(n) == 1) then petabnew(n) = pttabnew(n) + new_gr % nb(1) petabold(n) = pttabold(n) + old_gr % nb(1) else petabnew(n) = pttabnew(n) + new_gr % nb(1) - 1 petabold(n) = pttabold(n) + old_gr % nb(1) - 1 snew(n) = snew(n) + dsnew(n)/2. sold(n) = sold(n) + dsold(n)/2. endif ! case('y') ! pttabnew(n) = root % point(n) pttabold(n) = root % point(n) snew(n) = new_gr % Agrif_x(2) sold(n) = old_gr % Agrif_x(2) dsnew(n) = new_gr % Agrif_dx(2) dsold(n) = old_gr % Agrif_dx(2) ! if (root % posvar(n) == 1) then petabnew(n) = pttabnew(n) + new_gr % nb(2) petabold(n) = pttabold(n) + old_gr % nb(2) else petabnew(n) = pttabnew(n) + new_gr % nb(2) - 1 petabold(n) = pttabold(n) + old_gr % nb(2) - 1 snew(n) = snew(n) + dsnew(n)/2. sold(n) = sold(n) + dsold(n)/2. endif ! case('z') ! pttabnew(n) = root % point(n) pttabold(n) = root % point(n) snew(n) = new_gr % Agrif_x(3) sold(n) = old_gr % Agrif_x(3) dsnew(n) = new_gr % Agrif_dx(3) dsold(n) = old_gr % Agrif_dx(3) ! if (root % posvar(n) == 1) then petabnew(n) = pttabnew(n) + new_gr % nb(3) petabold(n) = pttabold(n) + old_gr % nb(3) else petabnew(n) = pttabnew(n) + new_gr % nb(3) - 1 petabold(n) = pttabold(n) + old_gr % nb(3) - 1 snew(n) = snew(n) + dsnew(n)/2. sold(n) = sold(n) + dsold(n)/2. endif ! case('N') ! call Agrif_get_var_bounds(new_var,pttabnew(n),petabnew(n),n) ! pttabold(n) = pttabnew(n) petabold(n) = petabnew(n) snew(n) = 0. sold(n) = 0. dsnew(n) = 1. dsold(n) = 1. ! end select ! enddo ! do n = 1,nbdim nbtabnew(n) = petabnew(n) - pttabnew(n) nbtabold(n) = petabold(n) - pttabold(n) enddo ! eps = min(minval(dsnew(1:nbdim)),minval(dsold(1:nbdim))) / 100. ! do n = 1,nbdim if (snew(n) > (sold(n)+dsold(n)*nbtabold(n)+eps)) return if ((snew(n)+dsnew(n)*nbtabnew(n)-eps) < sold(n)) return enddo ! call Agrif_CopynD(new_var,old_var,pttabold,petabold,pttabnew,petabnew, & sold,snew,dsold,dsnew,nbdim) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_Copy !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_CopynD ! !> Copy from the nD variable Old_Var the nD variable New_Var !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Agrif_CopynD ( new_var, old_var, pttabold, petabold, pttabnew, petabnew, & sold, snew, dsold, dsnew, nbdim ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Variable), pointer, intent(inout) :: new_var type(Agrif_Variable), pointer, intent(in) :: old_var integer, dimension(nbdim), intent(in) :: pttabnew integer, dimension(nbdim), intent(in) :: petabnew integer, dimension(nbdim), intent(in) :: pttabold integer, dimension(nbdim), intent(in) :: petabold real, dimension(nbdim), intent(in) :: snew, sold real, dimension(nbdim), intent(in) :: dsnew,dsold integer, intent(in) :: nbdim ! integer :: i,j,k,l,m,n,i0,j0,k0,l0,m0,n0 ! real, dimension(nbdim) :: dim_gmin, dim_gmax real, dimension(nbdim) :: dim_newmin, dim_newmax real, dimension(nbdim) :: dim_min integer, dimension(nbdim) :: ind_gmin,ind_newmin, ind_newmax ! do i = 1,nbdim ! dim_gmin(i) = sold(i) dim_gmax(i) = sold(i) + (petabold(i)-pttabold(i)) * dsold(i) ! dim_newmin(i) = snew(i) dim_newmax(i) = snew(i) + (petabnew(i)-pttabnew(i)) * dsnew(i) ! enddo ! do i = 1,nbdim if (dim_gmax(i) < dim_newmin(i)) return if (dim_gmin(i) > dim_newmax(i)) return enddo ! do i = 1,nbdim ! ind_newmin(i) = pttabnew(i) - floor(-(max(dim_gmin(i),dim_newmin(i))-dim_newmin(i))/dsnew(i)) dim_min(i) = snew(i) + (ind_newmin(i)-pttabnew(i))*dsnew(i) ind_gmin(i) = pttabold(i) + nint((dim_min(i)-dim_gmin(i))/dsold(i)) ind_newmax(i) = pttabnew(i) + int((min(dim_gmax(i),dim_newmax(i))-dim_newmin(i))/dsnew(i)) ! enddo ! select case (nbdim) ! case (1) i0 = ind_gmin(1) do i = ind_newmin(1),ind_newmax(1) new_var % array1(i) = old_var % array1(i0) new_var % restore1D(i) = 1 i0 = i0 + int(dsnew(1)/dsold(1)) enddo ! case (2) i0 = ind_gmin(1) ; do i = ind_newmin(1),ind_newmax(1) j0 = ind_gmin(2) ; do j = ind_newmin(2),ind_newmax(2) new_var % array2(i,j) = old_var % array2(i0,j0) new_var % restore2D(i,j) = 1 j0 = j0 + int(dsnew(2)/dsold(2)) enddo i0 = i0 + int(dsnew(1)/dsold(1)) enddo ! case (3) i0 = ind_gmin(1) ; do i = ind_newmin(1),ind_newmax(1) j0 = ind_gmin(2) ; do j = ind_newmin(2),ind_newmax(2) k0 = ind_gmin(3) ; do k = ind_newmin(3),ind_newmax(3) new_var % array3(i,j,k) = old_var % array3(i0,j0,k0) new_var % restore3D(i,j,k) = 1 k0 = k0 + int(dsnew(3)/dsold(3)) enddo j0 = j0 + int(dsnew(2)/dsold(2)) enddo i0 = i0 + int(dsnew(1)/dsold(1)) enddo ! case (4) i0 = ind_gmin(1) ; do i = ind_newmin(1),ind_newmax(1) j0 = ind_gmin(2) ; do j = ind_newmin(2),ind_newmax(2) k0 = ind_gmin(3) ; do k = ind_newmin(3),ind_newmax(3) l0 = ind_gmin(4) ; do l = ind_newmin(4),ind_newmax(4) new_var % array4(i,j,k,l) = old_var % array4(i0,j0,k0,l0) new_var % restore4D(i,j,k,l) = 1 l0 = l0 + int(dsnew(4)/dsold(4)) enddo k0 = k0 + int(dsnew(3)/dsold(3)) enddo j0 = j0 + int(dsnew(2)/dsold(2)) enddo i0 = i0 + int(dsnew(1)/dsold(1)) enddo ! case (5) i0 = ind_gmin(1) ; do i = ind_newmin(1),ind_newmax(1) j0 = ind_gmin(2) ; do j = ind_newmin(2),ind_newmax(2) k0 = ind_gmin(3) ; do k = ind_newmin(3),ind_newmax(3) l0 = ind_gmin(4) ; do l = ind_newmin(4),ind_newmax(4) m0 = ind_gmin(5) ; do m = ind_newmin(5),ind_newmax(5) new_var % array5(i,j,k,l,m) = old_var % array5(i0,j0,k0,l0,m0) new_var % restore5D(i,j,k,l,m) = 1 m0 = m0 + int(dsnew(5)/dsold(5)) enddo l0 = l0 + int(dsnew(4)/dsold(4)) enddo k0 = k0 + int(dsnew(3)/dsold(3)) enddo j0 = j0 + int(dsnew(2)/dsold(2)) enddo i0 = i0 + int(dsnew(1)/dsold(1)) enddo ! case (6) i0 = ind_gmin(1) ; do i = ind_newmin(1),ind_newmax(1) j0 = ind_gmin(2) ; do j = ind_newmin(2),ind_newmax(2) k0 = ind_gmin(3) ; do k = ind_newmin(3),ind_newmax(3) l0 = ind_gmin(4) ; do l = ind_newmin(4),ind_newmax(4) m0 = ind_gmin(5) ; do m = ind_newmin(5),ind_newmax(5) n0 = ind_gmin(6) ; do n = ind_newmin(6),ind_newmax(6) new_var % array6(i,j,k,l,m,n) = old_var % array6(i0,j0,k0,l0,m0,n0) new_var % restore6D(i,j,k,l,m,n) = 1 n0 = n0 + int(dsnew(6)/dsold(6)) enddo m0 = m0 + int(dsnew(5)/dsold(5)) enddo l0 = l0 + int(dsnew(4)/dsold(4)) enddo k0 = k0 + int(dsnew(3)/dsold(3)) enddo j0 = j0 + int(dsnew(2)/dsold(2)) enddo i0 = i0 + int(dsnew(1)/dsold(1)) enddo ! end select !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_CopynD !=================================================================================================== ! end module Agrif_Save