! ! $Id: modmask.F 779 2007-12-22 17:04:17Z rblod $ ! ! AGRIF (Adaptive Grid Refinement In Fortran) ! ! Copyright (C) 2003 Laurent Debreu (Laurent.Debreu@imag.fr) ! Christophe Vouland (Christophe.Vouland@imag.fr) ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ! (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ! Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ! ! !> Module Agrif_Mask. !> !> Module for masks. ! module Agrif_Mask ! use Agrif_Types ! implicit none ! contains ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_CheckMasknD ! !> Called in the procedure #Agrif_InterpnD to recalculate the value of the parent grid variable !! when this one is equal to Agrif_SpecialValue. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Agrif_CheckMasknD ( tempP, parent, pbtab, petab, ppbtab, ppetab, noraftab, nbdim ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Variable), pointer :: tempP !< Part of the parent grid used for the interpolation of the child grid type(Agrif_Variable), pointer :: parent !< The parent grid integer, dimension(nbdim) :: pbtab !< limits of the parent grid used integer, dimension(nbdim) :: petab !< interpolation of the child grid integer, dimension(nbdim) :: ppbtab, ppetab logical, dimension(nbdim) :: noraftab integer :: nbdim ! integer :: i0,j0,k0,l0,m0,n0 ! select case (nbdim) case (1) do i0 = pbtab(1),petab(1) if (tempP%array1(i0) == Agrif_SpecialValue) then call CalculNewValTempP((/i0/),tempP,parent,ppbtab,ppetab,noraftab,nbdim) endif enddo case (2) do j0 = pbtab(2),petab(2) do i0 = pbtab(1),petab(1) if (tempP%array2(i0,j0) == Agrif_SpecialValue) then call CalculNewValTempP((/i0,j0/),tempP,parent,ppbtab,ppetab, noraftab,nbdim) endif enddo enddo case (3) do k0 = pbtab(3),petab(3) do j0 = pbtab(2),petab(2) do i0 = pbtab(1),petab(1) if (tempP%array3(i0,j0,k0) == Agrif_SpecialValue) then !------CDIR NEXPAND call CalculNewValTempP3D((/i0,j0,k0/), & tempP%array3(ppbtab(1),ppbtab(2),ppbtab(3)), & parent%array3(ppbtab(1),ppbtab(2),ppbtab(3)), & ppbtab,ppetab,noraftab,MaxSearch,Agrif_SpecialValue) ! Call CalculNewValTempP((/i0,j0,k0/), ! & tempP,parent, ! & ppbtab,ppetab, ! & noraftab,nbdim) endif enddo enddo enddo case (4) do l0 = pbtab(4),petab(4) do k0 = pbtab(3),petab(3) do j0 = pbtab(2),petab(2) do i0 = pbtab(1),petab(1) if (tempP%array4(i0,j0,k0,l0) == Agrif_SpecialValue) then call CalculNewValTempP4D((/i0,j0,k0,l0/), & tempP%array4(ppbtab(1),ppbtab(2),ppbtab(3),ppbtab(4)), & parent%array4(ppbtab(1),ppbtab(2),ppbtab(3),ppbtab(4)), & ppbtab,ppetab,noraftab,MaxSearch,Agrif_SpecialValue) endif enddo enddo enddo enddo case (5) do m0 = pbtab(5),petab(5) do l0 = pbtab(4),petab(4) do k0 = pbtab(3),petab(3) do j0 = pbtab(2),petab(2) do i0 = pbtab(1),petab(1) if (tempP%array5(i0,j0,k0,l0,m0) == Agrif_SpecialValue) then call CalculNewValTempP((/i0,j0,k0,l0,m0/), & tempP,parent,ppbtab,ppetab,noraftab,nbdim) endif enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo case (6) do n0 = pbtab(6),petab(6) do m0 = pbtab(5),petab(5) do l0 = pbtab(4),petab(4) do k0 = pbtab(3),petab(3) do j0 = pbtab(2),petab(2) do i0 = pbtab(1),petab(1) if (tempP%array6(i0,j0,k0,l0,m0,n0) == Agrif_SpecialValue) then call CalculNewValTempP((/i0,j0,k0,l0,m0,n0/), & tempP,parent,ppbtab,ppetab,noraftab,nbdim) endif enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo end select !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_CheckMasknD !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine CalculNewValTempP ! !> Called in the procedure #Agrif_InterpnD to recalculate the value of the parent grid variable !! when this one is equal to Agrif_SpecialValue. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine CalculNewValTempP ( indic, tempP, parent, ppbtab, ppetab, noraftab, nbdim ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, dimension(nbdim) :: indic type(Agrif_Variable), pointer :: tempP !< Part of the parent grid used for the interpolation of the child grid type(Agrif_Variable), pointer :: parent !< The parent grid integer, dimension(nbdim) :: ppbtab, ppetab logical, dimension(nbdim) :: noraftab integer :: nbdim ! integer :: i,ii,iii,jj,kk,ll,mm,nn integer, dimension(nbdim) :: imin,imax,idecal integer :: nbvals real :: res real :: valparent integer :: ValMax logical :: firsttest ! ValMax = 1 do iii = 1,nbdim if (.NOT.noraftab(iii)) then ValMax = max(ValMax,ppetab(iii)-indic(iii)) ValMax = max(ValMax,indic(iii)-ppbtab(iii)) endif enddo ! Valmax = min(Valmax,MaxSearch) ! !CDIR NOVECTOR imin = indic !CDIR NOVECTOR imax = indic ! i = 1 firsttest = .TRUE. ! do while (i <= ValMax) ! if ( (i == 1).AND.(firsttest) ) i = Valmax ! do iii = 1,nbdim if (.NOT.noraftab(iii)) then imin(iii) = max(indic(iii) - i,ppbtab(iii)) imax(iii) = min(indic(iii) + i,ppetab(iii)) if (firsttest) then if (indic(iii) > ppbtab(iii)) then !CDIR NOVECTOR idecal = indic idecal(iii) = idecal(iii)-1 SELECT CASE(nbdim) CASE (1) if (tempP%array1(idecal(1) & ) == Agrif_SpecialValue) imin(iii) = imax(iii) CASE (2) if (tempP%array2(idecal(1), idecal(2) & ) == Agrif_SpecialValue) imin(iii) = imax(iii) CASE (3) if (tempP%array3(idecal(1), & idecal(2), idecal(3) & ) == Agrif_SpecialValue) imin(iii) = imax(iii) CASE (4) if (tempP%array4(idecal(1), idecal(2), & idecal(3), idecal(4) & ) == Agrif_SpecialValue) imin(iii) = imax(iii) CASE (5) if (tempP%array5(idecal(1), idecal(2), & idecal(3), idecal(4), & idecal(5) & ) == Agrif_SpecialValue) imin(iii) = imax(iii) CASE (6) if (tempP%array6(idecal(1), idecal(2), & idecal(3), idecal(4), & idecal(5), idecal(6) & ) == Agrif_SpecialValue) imin(iii) = imax(iii) END SELECT endif endif endif enddo ! Res = 0. Nbvals = 0 ! SELECT CASE(nbdim) CASE (1) !CDIR ALTCODE !CDIR SHORTLOOP do ii = imin(1),imax(1) ValParent = parent%array1(ii) if ( ValParent /= Agrif_SpecialValue) then Res = Res + ValParent Nbvals = Nbvals + 1 endif enddo ! CASE (2) do jj = imin(2),imax(2) !CDIR ALTCODE !CDIR SHORTLOOP do ii = imin(1),imax(1) ValParent = parent%array2(ii,jj) if ( ValParent /= Agrif_SpecialValue) then Res = Res + ValParent Nbvals = Nbvals + 1 endif enddo enddo CASE (3) do kk = imin(3),imax(3) do jj = imin(2),imax(2) !CDIR ALTCODE !CDIR SHORTLOOP do ii = imin(1),imax(1) ValParent = parent%array3(ii,jj,kk) if ( ValParent /= Agrif_SpecialValue) then Res = Res + ValParent Nbvals = Nbvals + 1 endif enddo enddo enddo CASE (4) do ll = imin(4),imax(4) do kk = imin(3),imax(3) do jj = imin(2),imax(2) !CDIR ALTCODE !CDIR SHORTLOOP do ii = imin(1),imax(1) ValParent = parent%array4(ii,jj,kk,ll) if ( ValParent /= Agrif_SpecialValue) then Res = Res + ValParent Nbvals = Nbvals + 1 endif enddo enddo enddo enddo CASE (5) do mm = imin(5),imax(5) do ll = imin(4),imax(4) do kk = imin(3),imax(3) do jj = imin(2),imax(2) !CDIR ALTCODE !CDIR SHORTLOOP do ii = imin(1),imax(1) ValParent = parent%array5(ii,jj,kk,ll,mm) if ( ValParent /= Agrif_SpecialValue) then Res = Res + ValParent Nbvals = Nbvals + 1 endif enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo CASE (6) do nn = imin(6),imax(6) do mm = imin(5),imax(5) do ll = imin(4),imax(4) do kk = imin(3),imax(3) do jj = imin(2),imax(2) !CDIR ALTCODE !CDIR SHORTLOOP do ii = imin(1),imax(1) ValParent = parent%array6(ii,jj,kk,ll,mm,nn) if ( ValParent /= Agrif_SpecialValue) then Res = Res + ValParent Nbvals = Nbvals + 1 endif enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo END SELECT ! if (Nbvals > 0) then if (firsttest) then firsttest = .FALSE. i=1 cycle endif SELECT CASE(nbdim) CASE (1) tempP%array1(indic(1)) = Res/Nbvals CASE (2) tempP%array2(indic(1), indic(2)) = Res/Nbvals CASE (3) tempP%array3(indic(1), indic(2), & indic(3)) = Res/Nbvals CASE (4) tempP%array4(indic(1), indic(2), & indic(3), indic(4)) = Res/Nbvals CASE (5) tempP%array5(indic(1), indic(2), & indic(3), indic(4), & indic(5)) = Res/Nbvals CASE (6) tempP%array6(indic(1), indic(2), & indic(3), indic(4), & indic(5), indic(6)) = Res/Nbvals END SELECT exit else if (firsttest) exit i = i + 1 endif ! enddo !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine CalculNewValTempP !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine CalculNewValTempP3D ! !> Called in the procedure #Agrif_InterpnD to recalculate the value of the parent grid variable !! when this one is equal to Agrif_SpecialValue. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine CalculNewValTempP3D ( indic, tempP, parent, ppbtab, ppetab, noraftab, & MaxSearch, Agrif_SpecialValue ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, parameter :: nbdim = 3 integer, dimension(nbdim) :: indic integer, dimension(nbdim) :: ppbtab, ppetab logical, dimension(nbdim) :: noraftab integer :: MaxSearch real :: Agrif_SpecialValue real, dimension(ppbtab(1):ppetab(1), & ppbtab(2):ppetab(2), & ppbtab(3):ppetab(3)) & :: tempP, parent !< Part of the parent grid used for !< the interpolation of the child grid ! integer :: i,ii,iii,jj,kk integer, dimension(nbdim) :: imin,imax,idecal integer :: Nbvals real :: Res real :: ValParent integer :: ValMax logical :: Existunmasked ! ValMax = 1 !CDIR NOVECTOR do iii = 1,nbdim if (.NOT.noraftab(iii)) then ValMax = max(ValMax,ppetab(iii)-indic(iii)) ValMax = max(ValMax,indic(iii)-ppbtab(iii)) endif enddo ! Valmax = min(Valmax,MaxSearch) ! !CDIR NOVECTOR imin = indic !CDIR NOVECTOR imax = indic !CDIR NOVECTOR idecal = indic i = Valmax ! do iii = 1,nbdim if (.NOT.noraftab(iii)) then imin(iii) = max(indic(iii) - i,ppbtab(iii)) imax(iii) = min(indic(iii) + i,ppetab(iii)) if (indic(iii) > ppbtab(iii)) then idecal(iii) = idecal(iii)-1 if (tempP(idecal(1),idecal(2),idecal(3)) == Agrif_SpecialValue) then imin(iii) = imax(iii) endif idecal(iii) = idecal(iii)+1 endif endif enddo ! Existunmasked = .FALSE. ! do kk = imin(3),imax(3) do jj = imin(2),imax(2) !CDIR NOVECTOR do ii = imin(1),imax(1) if ( parent(ii,jj,kk) /= Agrif_SpecialValue) then Existunmasked = .TRUE. exit endif enddo enddo enddo ! if (.Not.Existunmasked) return ! i = 1 ! do while(i <= ValMax) ! do iii = 1 , nbdim if (.NOT.noraftab(iii)) then imin(iii) = max(indic(iii) - i,ppbtab(iii)) imax(iii) = min(indic(iii) + i,ppetab(iii)) endif enddo ! Res = 0. Nbvals = 0 ! do kk = imin(3),imax(3) do jj = imin(2),imax(2) !CDIR NOVECTOR do ii = imin(1),imax(1) ValParent = parent(ii,jj,kk) if ( ValParent /= Agrif_SpecialValue) then Res = Res + ValParent Nbvals = Nbvals + 1 endif enddo enddo enddo ! if (Nbvals > 0) then tempP(indic(1),indic(2),indic(3)) = Res/Nbvals exit else i = i + 1 endif enddo !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine CalculNewValTempP3D !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine CalculNewValTempP4D ! !> Called in the procedure #Agrif_InterpnD to recalculate the value of the parent grid variable !! when this one is equal to Agrif_SpecialValue. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine CalculNewValTempP4D ( indic, tempP, parent, ppbtab, ppetab, noraftab, & MaxSearch, Agrif_SpecialValue ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, parameter :: nbdim = 4 integer, dimension(nbdim) :: indic integer, dimension(nbdim) :: ppbtab, ppetab logical, dimension(nbdim) :: noraftab integer :: MaxSearch real :: Agrif_SpecialValue real, dimension(ppbtab(1):ppetab(1), & ppbtab(2):ppetab(2), & ppbtab(3):ppetab(3), & ppbtab(4):ppetab(4)) & :: tempP, parent !< Part of the parent grid used for !< the interpolation of the child grid ! integer :: i,ii,iii,jj,kk,ll integer, dimension(nbdim) :: imin,imax,idecal integer :: Nbvals real :: Res real :: ValParent integer :: ValMax ! logical :: firsttest ! ValMax = 1 do iii = 1,nbdim if (.NOT.noraftab(iii)) then ValMax = max(ValMax,ppetab(iii)-indic(iii)) ValMax = max(ValMax,indic(iii)-ppbtab(iii)) endif enddo ! Valmax = min(Valmax,MaxSearch) ! imin = indic imax = indic ! i = 1 firsttest = .TRUE. idecal = indic ! do while (i <= ValMax) ! if ((i == 1).AND.(firsttest)) i = Valmax do iii = 1,nbdim if (.NOT.noraftab(iii)) then imin(iii) = max(indic(iii) - i,ppbtab(iii)) imax(iii) = min(indic(iii) + i,ppetab(iii)) if (firsttest) then if (indic(iii) > ppbtab(iii)) then idecal(iii) = idecal(iii)-1 if (tempP(idecal(1),idecal(2),idecal(3),idecal(4)) == Agrif_SpecialValue) then imin(iii) = imax(iii) endif idecal(iii) = idecal(iii)+1 endif endif endif enddo ! Res = 0. Nbvals = 0 ! do ll = imin(4),imax(4) do kk = imin(3),imax(3) do jj = imin(2),imax(2) do ii = imin(1),imax(1) ValParent = parent(ii,jj,kk,ll) if ( ValParent /= Agrif_SpecialValue) then Res = Res + ValParent Nbvals = Nbvals + 1 endif enddo enddo enddo enddo ! if (Nbvals > 0) then if (firsttest) then firsttest = .FALSE. i=1 cycle endif tempP(indic(1),indic(2),indic(3),indic(4)) = Res/Nbvals exit else if (firsttest) exit i = i + 1 endif enddo !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine CalculNewValTempP4D !=================================================================================================== ! end module Agrif_Mask