! ! $Id: modcluster.F 662 2007-05-25 15:58:52Z opalod $ ! ! AGRIF (Adaptive Grid Refinement In Fortran) ! ! Copyright (C) 2003 Laurent Debreu (Laurent.Debreu@imag.fr) ! Christophe Vouland (Christophe.Vouland@imag.fr) ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ! (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ! Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ! ! !> Module Agrif_Clustering !> !> Contains subroutines to create and initialize the grid hierarchy from the !> AGRIF_FixedGrids.in file. ! module Agrif_Clustering ! use Agrif_CurgridFunctions use Agrif_Init_Vars use Agrif_Save ! implicit none ! abstract interface subroutine init_proc() end subroutine init_proc end interface ! contains ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_Cluster_All ! !> Subroutine for the clustering. A temporary grid hierarchy, pointed by parent_rect, is created. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- recursive subroutine Agrif_Cluster_All ( g, parent_rect ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TYPE(Agrif_Grid) , pointer :: g !< Pointer on the current grid TYPE(Agrif_Rectangle), pointer :: parent_rect ! TYPE(Agrif_LRectangle), pointer :: parcours TYPE(Agrif_Grid) , pointer :: newgrid REAL :: g_eps INTEGER :: i ! g_eps = huge(1.) do i = 1,Agrif_Probdim g_eps = min(g_eps, g % Agrif_dx(i)) enddo ! g_eps = g_eps / 100. ! ! Necessary condition for clustering do i = 1,Agrif_Probdim if ( g%Agrif_dx(i)/Agrif_coeffref(i) < (Agrif_mind(i)-g_eps)) return enddo ! nullify(parent_rect%childgrids) ! call Agrif_ClusterGridnD(g,parent_rect) ! parcours => parent_rect % childgrids ! do while ( associated(parcours) ) ! ! Newgrid is created. It is a copy of a fine grid created previously by clustering. allocate(newgrid) ! do i = 1,Agrif_Probdim newgrid % nb(i) = (parcours % r % imax(i) - parcours % r % imin(i)) * Agrif_Coeffref(i) newgrid % Agrif_x(i) = g % Agrif_x(i) + (parcours % r % imin(i) -1) * g%Agrif_dx(i) newgrid % Agrif_dx(i) = g % Agrif_dx(i) / Agrif_Coeffref(i) enddo ! if ( Agrif_Probdim == 1 ) then allocate(newgrid%tabpoint1D(newgrid%nb(1)+1)) newgrid%tabpoint1D = 0 endif ! if ( Agrif_Probdim == 2 ) then allocate(newgrid%tabpoint2D(newgrid%nb(1)+1, newgrid%nb(2)+1)) newgrid%tabpoint2D = 0 endif ! if ( Agrif_Probdim == 3 ) then allocate(newgrid%tabpoint3D(newgrid%nb(1)+1, newgrid%nb(2)+1, newgrid%nb(3)+1)) newgrid%tabpoint3D = 0 endif ! ! Points detection on newgrid call Agrif_TabpointsnD(Agrif_mygrid,newgrid) ! ! recursive call to Agrif_Cluster_All call Agrif_Cluster_All(newgrid, parcours % r) ! parcours => parcours % next ! if ( Agrif_Probdim == 1 ) deallocate(newgrid%tabpoint1D) if ( Agrif_Probdim == 2 ) deallocate(newgrid%tabpoint2D) if ( Agrif_Probdim == 3 ) deallocate(newgrid%tabpoint3D) ! deallocate(newgrid) ! enddo !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_Cluster_All !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_TabpointsnD ! !> Copy on newgrid of points detected on the grid hierarchy pointed by g. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- recursive subroutine Agrif_TabpointsnD ( g, newgrid ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TYPE(Agrif_Grid), pointer :: g, newgrid ! TYPE(Agrif_PGrid), pointer :: parcours ! REAL :: g_eps, newgrid_eps, eps REAL , DIMENSION(3) :: newmin, newmax REAL , DIMENSION(3) :: gmin, gmax REAL , DIMENSION(3) :: xmin INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: igmin, inewmin INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: inewmax INTEGER :: i, j, k INTEGER :: i0, j0, k0 ! parcours => g % child_list % first ! do while( associated(parcours) ) call Agrif_TabpointsnD(parcours%gr,newgrid) parcours => parcours % next enddo ! g_eps = 10. newgrid_eps = 10. ! do i = 1,Agrif_probdim g_eps = min( g_eps , g % Agrif_dx(i) ) newgrid_eps = min(newgrid_eps,newgrid%Agrif_dx(i)) enddo ! eps = min(g_eps,newgrid_eps)/100. ! do i = 1,Agrif_probdim ! if ( newgrid%Agrif_dx(i) < (g%Agrif_dx(i)-eps) ) return ! gmin(i) = g%Agrif_x(i) gmax(i) = g%Agrif_x(i) + g%nb(i) * g%Agrif_dx(i) ! newmin(i) = newgrid%Agrif_x(i) newmax(i) = newgrid%Agrif_x(i) + newgrid%nb(i) * newgrid%Agrif_dx(i) ! if (gmax(i) < newmin(i)) return if (gmin(i) > newmax(i)) return ! inewmin(i) = 1 - floor(-(max(gmin(i),newmin(i))-newmin(i)) / newgrid%Agrif_dx(i)) ! xmin(i) = newgrid%Agrif_x(i) + (inewmin(i)-1)*newgrid%Agrif_dx(i) ! igmin(i) = 1 + nint((xmin(i)-gmin(i))/g%Agrif_dx(i)) ! inewmax(i) = 1 + int( (min(gmax(i),newmax(i))-newmin(i)) / newgrid%Agrif_dx(i)) ! enddo ! if ( Agrif_probdim == 1 ) then i0 = igmin(1) do i = inewmin(1),inewmax(1) newgrid%tabpoint1D(i) = max( newgrid%tabpoint1D(i), g%tabpoint1D(i0) ) enddo i0 = i0 + int(newgrid%Agrif_dx(1)/g%Agrif_dx(1)) endif ! if ( Agrif_probdim == 2 ) then i0 = igmin(1) do i = inewmin(1),inewmax(1) j0 = igmin(2) do j = inewmin(2),inewmax(2) newgrid%tabpoint2D(i,j) = max( newgrid%tabpoint2D(i,j), g%tabpoint2D(i0,j0) ) j0 = j0 + int(newgrid%Agrif_dx(2)/g%Agrif_dx(2)) enddo i0 = i0 + int(newgrid%Agrif_dx(1)/g%Agrif_dx(1)) enddo endif ! if ( Agrif_probdim == 3 ) then i0 = igmin(1) do i = inewmin(1),inewmax(1) j0 = igmin(2) do j = inewmin(2),inewmax(2) k0 = igmin(3) do k = inewmin(3),inewmax(3) newgrid%tabpoint3D(i,j,k) = max( newgrid%tabpoint3D(i,j,k), g%tabpoint3D(i0,j0,k0)) k0 = k0 + int(newgrid%Agrif_dx(3)/g%Agrif_dx(3)) enddo j0 = j0 + int(newgrid%Agrif_dx(2)/g%Agrif_dx(2)) enddo i0 = i0 + int(newgrid%Agrif_dx(1)/g%Agrif_dx(1)) enddo endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_TabpointsnD !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_ClusterGridnD ! !> Clustering on the grid pointed by g. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Agrif_ClusterGridnD ( g, parent_rect ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TYPE(Agrif_Grid) , pointer :: g !< Pointer on the current grid TYPE(Agrif_Rectangle), pointer :: parent_rect ! TYPE(Agrif_Rectangle) :: newrect TYPE(Agrif_Variable_i) :: newflag ! INTEGER :: i,j,k INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: sx INTEGER :: bufferwidth,flagpoints INTEGER :: n1,n2,m1,m2,o1,o2 ! bufferwidth = int(Agrif_Minwidth/5.) ! do i = 1,Agrif_probdim sx(i) = g % nb(i) + 1 enddo ! if ( Agrif_probdim == 1 ) then allocate(newflag%iarray1(sx(1))) newflag%iarray1 = 0 endif if ( Agrif_probdim == 2 ) then allocate(newflag%iarray2(sx(1),sx(2))) newflag%iarray2 = 0 endif if ( Agrif_probdim == 3 ) then allocate(newflag%iarray3(sx(1),sx(2),sx(3))) newflag%iarray3 = 0 endif ! flagpoints = 0 ! if ( bufferwidth>0 ) then ! if ( Agrif_probdim == 1 ) then do i = bufferwidth,sx(1)-bufferwidth+1 if (g % tabpoint1D(i) == 1) then m1 = i - bufferwidth + 1 m2 = i + bufferwidth - 1 flagpoints = flagpoints + 1 newflag%iarray1(m1:m2) = 1 endif enddo endif ! if ( Agrif_probdim == 2 ) then do i = bufferwidth,sx(1)-bufferwidth+1 do j = bufferwidth,sx(2)-bufferwidth+1 if (g % tabpoint2D(i,j) == 1) then n1 = j - bufferwidth + 1 n2 = j + bufferwidth - 1 m1 = i - bufferwidth + 1 m2 = i + bufferwidth - 1 flagpoints = flagpoints + 1 newflag%iarray2(m1:m2,n1:n2) = 1 endif enddo enddo endif ! if ( Agrif_probdim == 3 ) then do i = bufferwidth,sx(1)-bufferwidth+1 do j = bufferwidth,sx(2)-bufferwidth+1 do k = bufferwidth,sx(3)-bufferwidth+1 if (g % tabpoint3D(i,j,k) == 1) then o1 = k - bufferwidth + 1 o2 = k + bufferwidth - 1 n1 = j - bufferwidth + 1 n2 = j + bufferwidth - 1 m1 = i - bufferwidth + 1 m2 = i + bufferwidth - 1 flagpoints = flagpoints + 1 newflag%iarray3(m1:m2,n1:n2,o1:o2) = 1 endif enddo enddo enddo endif ! else ! flagpoints = 1 if ( Agrif_probdim == 1 ) newflag%iarray1 = g % tabpoint1D if ( Agrif_probdim == 2 ) newflag%iarray2 = g % tabpoint2D if ( Agrif_probdim == 3 ) newflag%iarray3 = g % tabpoint3D ! endif ! if (flagpoints == 0) then if ( Agrif_probdim == 1 ) deallocate(newflag%iarray1) if ( Agrif_probdim == 2 ) deallocate(newflag%iarray2) if ( Agrif_probdim == 3 ) deallocate(newflag%iarray3) return endif ! do i = 1 , Agrif_probdim newrect % imin(i) = 1 newrect % imax(i) = sx(i) enddo ! call Agrif_Clusternd(newflag,parent_rect%childgrids,newrect) ! if ( Agrif_probdim == 1 ) deallocate(newflag%iarray1) if ( Agrif_probdim == 2 ) deallocate(newflag%iarray2) if ( Agrif_probdim == 3 ) deallocate(newflag%iarray3) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_ClusterGridnD !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_ClusternD ! !> Clustering on the grid pointed by oldB. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- recursive subroutine Agrif_Clusternd ( flag, boxlib, oldB ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TYPE(Agrif_Variable_i) :: flag TYPE(Agrif_LRectangle), pointer :: boxlib TYPE(Agrif_Rectangle) :: oldB ! TYPE(Agrif_LRectangle),pointer :: tempbox,parcbox,parcbox2 TYPE(Agrif_Rectangle) :: newB,newB2 INTEGER :: i,j,k INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), allocatable :: i_sig, j_sig, k_sig INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: ipu,ipl INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: istr,islice REAL :: cureff, neweff INTEGER :: ValMax,ValSum,TailleTab INTEGER :: nbpoints,nbpointsflag LOGICAL :: test ! allocate( i_sig(oldB%imin(1):oldB%imax(1)) ) if ( Agrif_probdim >= 2 ) allocate( j_sig(oldB%imin(2):oldB%imax(2)) ) if ( Agrif_probdim == 3 ) allocate( k_sig(oldB%imin(3):oldB%imax(3)) ) ! test = .FALSE. do i = 1,Agrif_probdim test = test .OR. ( (oldB%imax(i)-oldB%imin(i)+1) < Agrif_Minwidth) enddo if ( test ) return ! if ( Agrif_probdim == 1 ) i_sig = flag%iarray1 if ( Agrif_probdim == 2 ) then do i = oldB%imin(1),oldB%imax(1) i_sig(i) = SUM(flag%iarray2(i, oldB%imin(2):oldB%imax(2))) enddo do j = oldB%imin(2),oldB%imax(2) j_sig(j) = SUM(flag%iarray2(oldB%imin(1):oldB%imax(1),j)) enddo endif if ( Agrif_probdim == 3 ) then do i = oldB%imin(1),oldB%imax(1) i_sig(i) = SUM(flag%iarray3(i,oldB%imin(2):oldB%imax(2), & oldB%imin(3):oldB%imax(3))) enddo do j = oldB%imin(2),oldB%imax(2) j_sig(j) = SUM(flag%iarray3( oldB%imin(1):oldB%imax(1), j, & oldB%imin(3):oldB%imax(3))) enddo do k = oldB%imin(3),oldB%imax(3) k_sig(k) = SUM(flag%iarray3( oldB%imin(1):oldB%imax(1), & oldB%imin(2):oldB%imax(2), k) ) enddo endif ! do i = 1,Agrif_probdim ipl(i) = oldB%imin(i) ipu(i) = oldB%imax(i) enddo ! call Agrif_Clusterprune(i_sig,ipl(1),ipu(1)) if ( Agrif_probdim >= 2 ) call Agrif_Clusterprune(j_sig,ipl(2),ipu(2)) if ( Agrif_probdim == 3 ) call Agrif_Clusterprune(k_sig,ipl(3),ipu(3)) ! test = .TRUE. do i = 1,Agrif_probdim test = test .AND. (ipl(i) == oldB%imin(i)) test = test .AND. (ipu(i) == oldB%imax(i)) enddo if (.NOT. test) then do i = 1 , Agrif_probdim newB%imin(i) = ipl(i) newB%imax(i) = ipu(i) enddo ! if ( Agrif_probdim == 1 ) nbpoints = SUM(flag%iarray1(newB%imin(1):newB%imax(1))) if ( Agrif_probdim == 2 ) nbpoints = SUM(flag%iarray2(newB%imin(1):newB%imax(1), & newB%imin(2):newB%imax(2))) if ( Agrif_probdim == 3 ) nbpoints = SUM(flag%iarray3(newB%imin(1):newB%imax(1), & newB%imin(2):newB%imax(2), & newB%imin(3):newB%imax(3))) ! if ( Agrif_probdim == 1 ) TailleTab = (newB%imax(1)-newB%imin(1)+1) if ( Agrif_probdim == 2 ) TailleTab = (newB%imax(1)-newB%imin(1)+1) * & (newB%imax(2)-newB%imin(2)+1) if ( Agrif_probdim == 3 ) TailleTab = (newB%imax(1)-newB%imin(1)+1) * & (newB%imax(2)-newB%imin(2)+1) * & (newB%imax(3)-newB%imin(3)+1) neweff = REAL(nbpoints) / TailleTab ! if (nbpoints > 0) then ! if ((neweff > Agrif_efficiency)) then call Agrif_Add_Rectangle(newB,boxlib) return else ! tempbox => boxlib newB2 = newB call Agrif_Clusternd(flag,boxlib,newB) ! ! Compute new efficiency cureff = neweff parcbox2 => boxlib nbpoints = 0 nbpointsflag = 0 ! do while (associated(parcbox2)) if (associated(parcbox2,tempbox)) exit newB = parcbox2%r ! if ( Agrif_probdim == 1 ) Valsum = SUM(flag%iarray1(newB%imin(1):newB%imax(1))) if ( Agrif_probdim == 2 ) Valsum = SUM(flag%iarray2(newB%imin(1):newB%imax(1), & newB%imin(2):newB%imax(2))) if ( Agrif_probdim == 3 ) Valsum = SUM(flag%iarray3(newB%imin(1):newB%imax(1), & newB%imin(2):newB%imax(2), & newB%imin(3):newB%imax(3))) nbpointsflag = nbpointsflag + ValSum ! if ( Agrif_probdim == 1 ) TailleTab = (newB%imax(1)-newB%imin(1)+1) if ( Agrif_probdim == 2 ) TailleTab = (newB%imax(1)-newB%imin(1)+1) * & (newB%imax(2)-newB%imin(2)+1) if ( Agrif_probdim == 3 ) TailleTab = (newB%imax(1)-newB%imin(1)+1) * & (newB%imax(2)-newB%imin(2)+1) * & (newB%imax(3)-newB%imin(3)+1) nbpoints = nbpoints + TailleTab parcbox2 => parcbox2%next enddo ! ! coefficient 1.05 avant 1.15 possibilite de laisser choix a l utilisateur if ( REAL(nbpointsflag)/REAL(nbpoints) < (1.0001*cureff)) then parcbox2 => boxlib do while (associated(parcbox2)) if (associated(parcbox2,tempbox)) exit deallocate(parcbox2%r) parcbox2 => parcbox2%next enddo boxlib => tempbox call Agrif_Add_Rectangle(newB2,boxlib) return endif endif endif return endif ! do i = 1,Agrif_Probdim istr(i) = oldB%imax(i) islice(i) = oldB%imin(i) enddo ! call Agrif_Clusterslice(i_sig,islice(1),istr(1)) if ( Agrif_probdim >= 2 ) call Agrif_Clusterslice(j_sig,islice(2),istr(2)) if ( Agrif_probdim == 3 ) call Agrif_Clusterslice(k_sig,islice(3),istr(3)) ! ValSum = 0 do i = 1,Agrif_Probdim Valsum = valSum + islice(i) enddo ! if ( Valsum == -Agrif_Probdim ) then call Agrif_Add_Rectangle(oldB,boxlib) return endif ! nullify(tempbox) tempbox => boxlib if ( Agrif_probdim == 1 ) cureff = (oldB%imax(1)-oldB%imin(1)+1) if ( Agrif_probdim == 2 ) cureff = (oldB%imax(1)-oldB%imin(1)+1) * & (oldB%imax(2)-oldB%imin(2)+1) if ( Agrif_probdim == 3 ) cureff = (oldB%imax(1)-oldB%imin(1)+1) * & (oldB%imax(2)-oldB%imin(2)+1) * & (oldB%imax(3)-oldB%imin(3)+1) nullify(parcbox) ! do i = 1,Agrif_Probdim newB%imax(i) = oldB%imax(i) newB%imin(i) = oldB%imin(i) enddo ! ValMax = 0 do i = 1 , Agrif_Probdim ValMax = Max(ValMax,istr(i)) enddo ! if (istr(1) == ValMax ) then newB%imax(1) = islice(1) call Agrif_Add_Rectangle(newB,parcbox) newB%imin(1) = islice(1)+1 newB%imax(1) = oldB%imax(1) call Agrif_Add_Rectangle(newB,parcbox) else if ( Agrif_probdim >= 2 ) then if (istr(2) == ValMax ) then newB%imax(2) = islice(2) call Agrif_Add_Rectangle(newB,parcbox) newB%imin(2) = islice(2)+1 newB%imax(2) = oldB%imax(2) call Agrif_Add_Rectangle(newB,parcbox) else if ( Agrif_probdim == 3 ) then newB%imax(3) = islice(3) call Agrif_Add_Rectangle(newB,parcbox) newB%imin(3) = islice(3)+1 newB%imax(3) = oldB%imax(3) call Agrif_Add_Rectangle(newB,parcbox) endif endif ! do while ( associated(parcbox) ) newB = parcbox%r ! if ( Agrif_probdim == 1 ) nbpoints = SUM(flag%iarray1(newB%imin(1):newB%imax(1))) if ( Agrif_probdim == 2 ) nbpoints = SUM(flag%iarray2(newB%imin(1):newB%imax(1), & newB%imin(2):newB%imax(2))) if ( Agrif_probdim == 3 ) nbpoints = SUM(flag%iarray3(newB%imin(1):newB%imax(1), & newB%imin(2):newB%imax(2), & newB%imin(3):newB%imax(3))) ! if ( Agrif_probdim == 1 ) TailleTab = (newB%imax(1)-newB%imin(1)+1) if ( Agrif_probdim == 2 ) TailleTab = (newB%imax(1)-newB%imin(1)+1) * & (newB%imax(2)-newB%imin(2)+1) if ( Agrif_probdim == 3 ) TailleTab = (newB%imax(1)-newB%imin(1)+1) * & (newB%imax(2)-newB%imin(2)+1) * & (newB%imax(3)-newB%imin(3)+1) neweff = REAL(nbpoints) / TailleTab ! if ( nbpoints > 0 ) then ! if ( (neweff > Agrif_efficiency)) then call Agrif_Add_Rectangle(newB,boxlib) else tempbox => boxlib newB2 = newB call Agrif_Clusternd(flag,boxlib,newB) ! ! Compute new efficiency cureff = neweff parcbox2 => boxlib nbpoints = 0 nbpointsflag = 0 ! do while (associated(parcbox2)) if (associated(parcbox2,tempbox)) exit newB = parcbox2%r ! if ( Agrif_probdim == 1 ) ValSum = SUM(flag%iarray1(newB%imin(1):newB%imax(1))) if ( Agrif_probdim == 2 ) ValSum = SUM(flag%iarray2(newB%imin(1):newB%imax(1), & newB%imin(2):newB%imax(2))) if ( Agrif_probdim == 3 ) ValSum = SUM(flag%iarray3(newB%imin(1):newB%imax(1), & newB%imin(2):newB%imax(2), & newB%imin(3):newB%imax(3))) nbpointsflag = nbpointsflag + ValSum ! if ( Agrif_probdim == 1 ) TailleTab = (newB%imax(1)-newB%imin(1)+1) if ( Agrif_probdim == 2 ) TailleTab = (newB%imax(1)-newB%imin(1)+1) * & (newB%imax(2)-newB%imin(2)+1) if ( Agrif_probdim == 3 ) TailleTab = (newB%imax(1)-newB%imin(1)+1) * & (newB%imax(2)-newB%imin(2)+1) * & (newB%imax(3)-newB%imin(3)+1) nbpoints = nbpoints + TailleTab parcbox2 => parcbox2%next enddo ! if ( REAL(nbpointsflag)/REAL(nbpoints) < (1.15*cureff)) then parcbox2 => boxlib do while (associated(parcbox2)) if (associated(parcbox2,tempbox)) exit deallocate(parcbox2%r) parcbox2 => parcbox2%next enddo boxlib => tempbox call Agrif_Add_Rectangle(newB2,boxlib) endif endif endif parcbox => parcbox%next enddo !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_Clusternd !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_Clusterslice !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Agrif_Clusterslice ( sig, slice, str ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, intent(inout) :: slice INTEGER, intent(inout) :: str INTEGER, DIMENSION(slice:str), intent(in) :: sig ! INTEGER :: ideb, ifin INTEGER :: i, t, a, di, ts INTEGER, DIMENSION(slice:str) :: lap ! ideb = slice ifin = str ! if (SIZE(sig) <= 2*Agrif_Minwidth) then str = -1 slice = -1 return endif ! t = -1 a = -1 ! do i = ideb+Agrif_Minwidth-1,ifin-Agrif_Minwidth if (sig(i) == 0) then if ((i-ideb) < (ifin-i)) then di = i - ideb else di = ifin - i endif ! if (di > t) then a = i t = di endif endif enddo ! if (a /= -1) then slice = a str = t return endif ! t = -1 a = -1 ! do i = ideb+1,ifin-1 lap(i) = sig(i+1) + sig(i-1) - 2*sig(i) enddo ! do i = ideb + Agrif_Minwidth-1,ifin-Agrif_Minwidth if ((lap(i+1)*lap(i)) <= 0) then ts = ABS(lap(i+1) - lap(i)) if (ts > t) then t = ts a = i endif endif enddo ! if (a == (ideb + Agrif_Minwidth - 1)) then a = -1 t = -1 endif ! slice = a str = t !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_Clusterslice !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_Clusterprune !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Agrif_Clusterprune ( sig, pl, pu ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, intent(inout) :: pl, pu INTEGER, DIMENSION(pl:pu), intent(in) :: sig ! INTEGER :: ideb, ifin INTEGER :: diff, addl, addu, udist, ldist ! ideb = pl ifin = pu ! if (SIZE(sig) <= Agrif_Minwidth) return ! do while ((sig(pl) == 0) .AND. (pl < ifin)) pl = pl + 1 enddo ! do while ((sig(pu) == 0) .AND. (pu > ideb)) pu = pu - 1 enddo ! if ( (pu-pl) < Agrif_Minwidth ) then diff = Agrif_Minwidth - (pu - pl + 1) udist = ifin - pu ldist = pl - ideb addl = diff / 2 addu = diff - addl if (addu > udist) then addu = udist addl = diff - addu endif ! if (addl > ldist) then addl = ldist addu = diff - addl endif ! pu = pu + addu pl = pl - addl endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_Clusterprune !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_Add_Rectangle ! !> Adds the Agrif_Rectangle R in a list managed by LR. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Agrif_Add_Rectangle ( R, LR ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TYPE(Agrif_Rectangle) :: R TYPE(Agrif_LRectangle), pointer :: LR ! TYPE(Agrif_LRectangle), pointer :: newrect ! integer :: i ! allocate(newrect) allocate(newrect % r) ! newrect % r = R ! do i = 1,Agrif_Probdim newrect % r % spaceref(i) = Agrif_Coeffref(i) newrect % r % timeref(i) = Agrif_Coeffreft(i) enddo ! newrect % r % number = -1 newrect % next => LR LR => newrect !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_Add_Rectangle !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_Copy_Rectangle ! !> Creates and returns a copy of Agrif_Rectangle R. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Agrif_Copy_Rectangle ( R, expand ) result( copy ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TYPE(Agrif_Rectangle), pointer, intent(in) :: R integer, optional, intent(in) :: expand ! TYPE(Agrif_Rectangle), pointer :: copy ! allocate(copy) ! copy = R if ( present(expand) ) then copy % imin = copy % imin - expand copy % imax = copy % imax + expand endif copy % childgrids => R % childgrids !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end function Agrif_Copy_Rectangle !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_Read_Fix_Grd ! !> Creates the grid hierarchy from the reading of the AGRIF_FixedGrids.in file. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- recursive subroutine Agrif_Read_Fix_Grd ( parent_rect, j, nunit ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TYPE(Agrif_Rectangle), pointer :: parent_rect !< Pointer on the first grid of the grid hierarchy INTEGER :: j !< Number of the new grid INTEGER :: nunit !< unit associated with file ! TYPE(Agrif_Rectangle) :: newrect ! Pointer on a new grid TYPE(Agrif_LRectangle), pointer :: parcours ! Pointer for the recursive procedure TYPE(Agrif_LRectangle), pointer :: newlrect TYPE(Agrif_LRectangle), pointer :: end_list INTEGER :: i,n ! for each child grid INTEGER :: nb_grids ! Number of child grids ! ! Reading of the number of child grids read(nunit,*,end=99) nb_grids ! allocate(end_list) ! parent_rect % childgrids => end_list ! ! Reading of imin(1),imax(1),imin(2),imax(2),imin(3),imax(3), and space and ! time refinement factors for each child grid. ! Creation and addition of the new grid to the grid hierarchy. ! do n = 1,nb_grids ! allocate(newlrect) newrect % number = j ! Number of the grid ! if ( Agrif_USE_ONLY_FIXED_GRIDS == 0 ) then if (Agrif_Probdim == 3) then read(nunit,*) newrect % imin(1), newrect % imax(1), & newrect % imin(2), newrect % imax(2), & newrect % imin(3), newrect % imax(3), & newrect % spaceref(1), newrect % spaceref(2), newrect % spaceref(3), & newrect % timeref(1), newrect % timeref(2), newrect % timeref(3) elseif (Agrif_Probdim == 2) then read(nunit,*) newrect % imin(1), newrect % imax(1), & newrect % imin(2), newrect % imax(2), & newrect % spaceref(1), newrect % spaceref(2), & newrect % timeref(1), newrect % timeref(2) elseif (Agrif_Probdim == 1) then read(nunit,*) newrect % imin(1), newrect % imax(1), & newrect % spaceref(1), & newrect % timeref(1) endif else if (Agrif_Probdim == 3) then read(nunit,*) newrect % imin(1), newrect % imax(1), & newrect % imin(2), newrect % imax(2), & newrect % imin(3), newrect % imax(3), & newrect % spaceref(1), newrect % spaceref(2), newrect % spaceref(3), & newrect % timeref(1) elseif (Agrif_Probdim == 2) then read(nunit,*) newrect % imin(1), newrect % imax(1), & newrect % imin(2), newrect % imax(2), & newrect % spaceref(1), newrect % spaceref(2), & newrect % timeref(1) elseif (Agrif_Probdim == 1) then read(nunit,*) newrect % imin(1), newrect % imax(1), & newrect % spaceref(1), & newrect % timeref(1) endif ! if ( Agrif_probdim >= 2 ) then do i = 2,Agrif_probdim newrect % timeref(i) = newrect % timeref(1) enddo endif ! endif ! ! Addition to the grid hierarchy ! j = j + 1 allocate(newlrect%r) newlrect % r = newrect end_list % next => newlrect end_list => end_list % next ! enddo ! parent_rect % childgrids => parent_rect % childgrids % next parcours => parent_rect % childgrids ! ! recursive operation to create the grid hierarchy branch by branch ! do while ( associated(parcours) ) call Agrif_Read_Fix_Grd(parcours % r, j, nunit) parcours => parcours % next enddo 99 continue !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_Read_Fix_Grd !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_Create_Grids ! !> Creates the grid hierarchy (g) from the one created with the #Agrif_Read_Fix_Grd or !! #Agrif_Cluster_All procedures (parent_rect). !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- recursive subroutine Agrif_Create_Grids ( parent_grid, parent_rect ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TYPE(Agrif_Grid) , pointer :: parent_grid !< Pointer on the root coarse grid TYPE(Agrif_Rectangle), pointer :: parent_rect !< Pointer on the root coarse grid of the grid hierarchy !! created with the #Agrif_Read_Fix_Grd subroutine ! TYPE(Agrif_Grid) , pointer :: child_grid ! Newly created child grid TYPE(Agrif_PGrid) , pointer :: child_grid_p TYPE(Agrif_LRectangle), pointer :: child_rect_p type(Agrif_Rectangle), pointer :: child_rect ! INTEGER :: i INTEGER, save :: moving_grid_id = 0 ! child_rect_p => parent_rect % childgrids ! ! Creation of the grid hierarchy from the one created by using the Agrif_Read_Fix_Grd subroutine ! do while ( associated(child_rect_p) ) ! child_rect => child_rect_p % r ! allocate(child_grid) ! ! Pointer on the parent grid child_grid % parent => parent_grid child_grid % rect_in_parent => Agrif_Copy_Rectangle(child_rect_p % r, expand=Agrif_Extra_Boundary_Cells) ! moving_grid_id = moving_grid_id+1 child_grid % grid_id = moving_grid_id ! do i = 1,Agrif_Probdim child_grid % spaceref(i) = child_rect % spaceref(i) child_grid % timeref(i) = child_rect % timeref(i) child_grid % nb(i) = (child_rect % imax(i) - child_rect % imin(i)) * child_rect % spaceref(i) child_grid % ix(i) = child_rect % imin(i) child_grid % Agrif_dt(i) = parent_grid % Agrif_dt(i) / REAL(child_grid % timeref(i)) child_grid % Agrif_dx(i) = parent_grid % Agrif_dx(i) / REAL(child_grid % spaceref(i)) child_grid % Agrif_x(i) = parent_grid % Agrif_x(i) + & (child_rect % imin(i) - 1) * parent_grid % Agrif_dx(i) enddo ! ! Size of the grid in terms of cpu cost (nx*ny*timeref) child_grid % size = product( child_grid % nb(1:Agrif_Probdim) ) * child_grid % timeref(1) ! ! Level of the current grid child_grid % level = child_grid % parent % level + 1 if (child_grid % level > Agrif_MaxLevelLoc) then Agrif_MaxLevelLoc = child_grid%level endif ! ! Number of the grid pointed by child_grid child_grid % fixedrank = child_rect % number ! ! Grid pointed by child_grid is a fixed grid child_grid % fixed = ( child_grid % fixedrank > 0 ) ! ! Update the total number of fixed grids if (child_grid % fixed) then Agrif_nbfixedgrids = Agrif_nbfixedgrids + 1 endif ! ! Initialize integration counter child_grid % ngridstep = 0 ! ! Test indicating if the current grid has a common border with the root ! coarse grid in the x direction do i = 1 , Agrif_Probdim ! child_grid % NearRootBorder(i) = ( & (child_grid % parent % NearRootBorder(i)) .AND. & (child_grid % ix(i) == 1) ) ! child_grid % DistantRootBorder(i) = ( & (child_grid % parent % DistantRootBorder(i)) .AND. & (child_grid % ix(i) + (child_grid%nb(i)/child_grid%spaceref(i))-1 == child_grid % parent % nb(i)) ) enddo ! ! Writing in output files child_grid % oldgrid = .FALSE. ! #if defined AGRIF_MPI child_grid % communicator = parent_grid % communicator #endif ! ! Definition of the characteristics of the variable of the grid pointed by child_grid call Agrif_Create_Var(child_grid) ! ! Addition of this grid to the grid hierarchy call Agrif_gl_append( parent_grid % child_list, child_grid ) ! child_rect_p => child_rect_p % next ! enddo ! ! Recursive call to the subroutine Agrif_Create_Fixed_Grids to create the grid hierarchy ! child_grid_p => parent_grid % child_list % first child_rect_p => parent_rect % childgrids ! do while ( associated(child_rect_p) ) call Agrif_Create_Grids( child_grid_p % gr, child_rect_p % r ) child_grid_p => child_grid_p % next child_rect_p => child_rect_p % next enddo !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_Create_Grids !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_Init_Hierarchy ! !> Initializes all the grids except the root coarse grid (this one, pointed by Agrif_Types::Agrif_Mygrid, is !! initialized by the subroutine Agrif_Util#Agrif_Init_Grids defined in the module Agrif_Util and !! called in the main program). !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- recursive subroutine Agrif_Init_Hierarchy ( g, procname ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- use Agrif_seq ! type(Agrif_Grid), pointer :: g !< Pointer on the current grid procedure(init_proc), optional :: procname !< Initialisation subroutine (Default: Agrif_InitValues) ! TYPE(Agrif_PGrid), pointer :: parcours ! Pointer for the recursive call LOGICAL :: Init_Hierarchy ! ! Initialise the grand mother grid (if any) ! if ( associated(g, Agrif_Mygrid) .and. agrif_coarse ) then call Agrif_Instance(Agrif_Coarsegrid) call Agrif_Allocation(Agrif_Coarsegrid) call Agrif_initialisations(Agrif_Coarsegrid) call Agrif_InitWorkspace() ! ! Initialization by interpolation (this routine is written by the user) if (present(procname)) Then call procname() else call Agrif_InitValues() endif call Agrif_Instance(Agrif_Mygrid) endif parcours => g % child_list % first ! do while ( associated(parcours) ) ! Init_Hierarchy = .false. if ( Agrif_USE_FIXED_GRIDS == 1 .OR. Agrif_USE_ONLY_FIXED_GRIDS == 1 ) then if ( (parcours%gr%fixed) .AND. (Agrif_Mygrid%ngridstep == 0) ) then Init_Hierarchy = .true. endif endif ! if (.NOT. parcours % gr % fixed) Init_Hierarchy = .true. if (parcours % gr % oldgrid) Init_Hierarchy = .false. ! if (Init_Hierarchy) then ! ! Instanciation of the grid pointed by parcours%gr and its variables call Agrif_Instance(parcours % gr) ! ! Allocation of the arrays containing values of the variables of the ! grid pointed by parcours%gr ! call Agrif_Allocation(parcours % gr) call Agrif_initialisations(parcours % gr) ! if ( Agrif_USE_ONLY_FIXED_GRIDS == 0 ) then ! Initialization by copy of the grids created by clustering call Agrif_Allocate_Restore(parcours % gr) call Agrif_CopyFromOld_All(parcours % gr, Agrif_oldmygrid) endif ! ! Initialization by interpolation (this routine is written by the user) call Agrif_InitWorkSpace() if (present(procname)) Then call procname() else call Agrif_InitValues() endif ! if ( Agrif_USE_ONLY_FIXED_GRIDS == 0 ) then call Agrif_Free_Restore(parcours % gr) endif ! endif ! parcours => parcours % next ! enddo ! parcours => g % child_list % first ! ! recursive operation to initialize all the grids do while ( associated(parcours) ) call Agrif_Init_Hierarchy(parcours%gr,procname) parcours => parcours%next enddo !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_Init_Hierarchy !=================================================================================================== ! #if defined AGRIF_MPI !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_Init_Hierarchy_Parallel_1 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- recursive subroutine Agrif_Init_Hierarchy_Parallel_1 ( g ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- use Agrif_seq ! type(Agrif_Grid), pointer :: g !< Pointer on the current grid ! TYPE(Agrif_PGrid), pointer :: parcours ! Pointer for the recursive call LOGICAL :: Init_Hierarchy ! parcours => g % child_list % first ! do while ( associated(parcours) ) ! Init_Hierarchy = .false. if ( Agrif_USE_FIXED_GRIDS == 1 .OR. Agrif_USE_ONLY_FIXED_GRIDS == 1 ) then if ( (parcours%gr%fixed) .AND. (Agrif_Mygrid%ngridstep == 0) ) then Init_Hierarchy = .true. endif endif ! if (.NOT. parcours % gr % fixed) Init_Hierarchy = .true. if (parcours % gr % oldgrid) Init_Hierarchy = .false. ! if (Init_Hierarchy) then ! ! Instanciation of the grid pointed by parcours%gr and its variables call Agrif_Instance(parcours % gr) ! ! Allocation of the arrays containing values of the variables of the ! grid pointed by parcours%gr ! call Agrif_Allocation(parcours % gr) call Agrif_initialisations(parcours % gr) ! endif ! parcours => parcours % next ! enddo ! parcours => g % child_list % first ! ! recursive operation to initialize all the grids do while ( associated(parcours) ) call Agrif_Init_Hierarchy_Parallel_1(parcours%gr) parcours => parcours%next enddo ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_Init_Hierarchy_Parallel_1 !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_Init_Hierarchy_Parallel_2 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- recursive subroutine Agrif_Init_Hierarchy_Parallel_2 ( g, procname ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- use Agrif_seq ! type(Agrif_Grid), pointer :: g !< Pointer on the current grid procedure(init_proc), optional :: procname !< Initialisation subroutine (Default: Agrif_InitValues) ! type(Agrif_PGrid), pointer :: parcours ! Pointer for the recursive call integer :: is ! call Agrif_Instance(g) call Agrif_seq_init_sequences( g ) ! if ( .not. associated(g % child_seq) ) return ! do is = 1, g % child_seq % nb_seqs ! parcours => Agrif_seq_select_child(g,is) ! ! Instanciation of the variables of the current grid call Agrif_Instance(parcours % gr) ! ! Initialization by interpolation (this routine is written by the user) if (present(procname)) Then call procname() else call Agrif_InitValues() endif ! call Agrif_Init_ProcList(parcours % gr % proc_def_list, & parcours % gr % proc_def_in_parent_list % nitems) ! call Agrif_Init_Hierarchy_Parallel_2(parcours%gr,procname) ! enddo !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_Init_Hierarchy_Parallel_2 !=================================================================================================== #endif ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_Allocate_Restore !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Agrif_Allocate_Restore ( Agrif_Gr ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TYPE(Agrif_Grid), pointer :: Agrif_Gr !< Pointer on the root coarse grid ! integer :: i ! do i = 1,Agrif_NbVariables(0) ! if ( Agrif_Mygrid%tabvars(i) % restore ) then if ( Agrif_Gr%tabvars(i) % nbdim == 1 ) then allocate( Agrif_Gr%tabvars(i)%Restore1D( & lbound(Agrif_Gr%tabvars(i)%array1,1):& ubound(Agrif_Gr%tabvars(i)%array1,1))) Agrif_Gr%tabvars(i)%Restore1D = 0 endif if ( Agrif_Gr%tabvars(i) % nbdim == 2 ) then allocate( Agrif_Gr%tabvars(i)%Restore2D( & lbound(Agrif_Gr%tabvars(i)%array2,1):& ubound(Agrif_Gr%tabvars(i)%array2,1),& lbound(Agrif_Gr%tabvars(i)%array2,2):& ubound(Agrif_Gr%tabvars(i)%array2,2))) Agrif_Gr%tabvars(i)%Restore2D = 0 endif if ( Agrif_Mygrid%tabvars(i) % nbdim == 3 ) then allocate( Agrif_Gr%tabvars(i)%Restore3D( & lbound(Agrif_Gr%tabvars(i)%array3,1):& ubound(Agrif_Gr%tabvars(i)%array3,1),& lbound(Agrif_Gr%tabvars(i)%array3,2):& ubound(Agrif_Gr%tabvars(i)%array3,2),& lbound(Agrif_Gr%tabvars(i)%array3,3):& ubound(Agrif_Gr%tabvars(i)%array3,3))) Agrif_Gr%tabvars(i)%Restore3D = 0 endif endif ! enddo !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_Allocate_Restore !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_Free_Restore !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Agrif_Free_Restore ( Agrif_Gr ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TYPE(Agrif_Grid), pointer :: Agrif_Gr !< Pointer on the root coarse grid ! TYPE(Agrif_Variable), pointer :: var integer :: i ! do i = 1,Agrif_NbVariables(0) ! if ( Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(i) % restore ) then ! var = Agrif_Gr % tabvars(i) ! if (associated(var%Restore1D)) deallocate(var%Restore1D) if (associated(var%Restore2D)) deallocate(var%Restore2D) if (associated(var%Restore3D)) deallocate(var%Restore3D) if (associated(var%Restore4D)) deallocate(var%Restore4D) if (associated(var%Restore5D)) deallocate(var%Restore5D) if (associated(var%Restore6D)) deallocate(var%Restore6D) ! endif ! enddo !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_Free_Restore !=================================================================================================== ! end module Agrif_Clustering