! ! $Id: modarrays.F 662 2007-05-25 15:58:52Z opalod $ ! ! AGRIF (Adaptive Grid Refinement In Fortran) ! ! Copyright (C) 2003 Laurent Debreu (Laurent.Debreu@imag.fr) ! Christophe Vouland (Christophe.Vouland@imag.fr) ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ! (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ! Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place- Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ! ! !> Module Agrif_Arrays ! module Agrif_Arrays ! use Agrif_Types use Agrif_Grids ! implicit none ! #if defined AGRIF_MPI interface subroutine Agrif_InvLoc ( indloc, proc_id, dir, indglob ) integer, intent(in) :: indloc !< local index integer, intent(in) :: proc_id !< rank of the proc calling this function integer, intent(in) :: dir !< direction of the index integer, intent(out) :: indglob !< global index end subroutine Agrif_InvLoc end interface private :: Agrif_InvLoc #endif ! contains ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_Childbounds ! !> Computes the global indices of the child grid !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Agrif_Childbounds ( nbdim, & lb_var, ub_var, & lb_tab, ub_tab, & proc_id, & coords, & lb_tab_true, ub_tab_true, memberin, & indminglob3,indmaxglob3) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: nbdim !< Number of dimensions integer, dimension(nbdim), intent(in) :: lb_var !< Local lower boundary on the current processor integer, dimension(nbdim), intent(in) :: ub_var !< Local upper boundary on the current processor integer, dimension(nbdim), intent(in) :: lb_tab !< Global lower boundary of the variable integer, dimension(nbdim),OPTIONAL :: indminglob3,indmaxglob3 !< True bounds for MPI USE integer, dimension(nbdim), intent(in) :: ub_tab !< Global upper boundary of the variable integer, intent(in) :: proc_id !< Current processor integer, dimension(nbdim), intent(in) :: coords integer, dimension(nbdim), intent(out) :: lb_tab_true !< Global value of lb_var on the current processor integer, dimension(nbdim), intent(out) :: ub_tab_true !< Global value of ub_var on the current processor logical, intent(out) :: memberin ! integer :: i, coord_i integer :: lb_glob_index, ub_glob_index ! Lower and upper global indices ! do i = 1, nbdim ! coord_i = coords(i) ! #if defined AGRIF_MPI call Agrif_InvLoc( lb_var(i), proc_id, coord_i, lb_glob_index ) call Agrif_InvLoc( ub_var(i), proc_id, coord_i, ub_glob_index ) if (present(indminglob3)) then indminglob3(i)=lb_glob_index indmaxglob3(i)=ub_glob_index endif #else lb_glob_index = lb_var(i) ub_glob_index = ub_var(i) #endif lb_tab_true(i) = max(lb_tab(i), lb_glob_index) ub_tab_true(i) = min(ub_tab(i), ub_glob_index) enddo ! memberin = .true. do i = 1,nbdim if (ub_tab_true(i) < lb_tab_true(i)) then memberin = .false. exit endif enddo !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_Childbounds !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== subroutine Agrif_get_var_global_bounds( var, lubglob, nbdim ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Variable), intent(in) :: var integer, dimension(nbdim,2), intent(out) :: lubglob integer, intent(in) :: nbdim ! #if defined AGRIF_MPI include 'mpif.h' integer, dimension(nbdim) :: lb, ub integer, dimension(nbdim,2) :: iminmaxg integer :: i, code, coord_i #endif ! #if !defined AGRIF_MPI call Agrif_get_var_bounds_array(var, lubglob(:,1), lubglob(:,2), nbdim) #else call Agrif_get_var_bounds_array(var, lb, ub, nbdim) do i = 1,nbdim coord_i = var % root_var % coords(i) call Agrif_InvLoc( lb(i), Agrif_Procrank, coord_i, iminmaxg(i,1) ) call Agrif_InvLoc( ub(i), Agrif_Procrank, coord_i, iminmaxg(i,2) ) enddo ! iminmaxg(1:nbdim,2) = - iminmaxg(1:nbdim,2) call MPI_ALLREDUCE(iminmaxg, lubglob, 2*nbdim, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_MIN, & Agrif_mpi_comm, code) lubglob(1:nbdim,2) = - lubglob(1:nbdim,2) #endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_get_var_global_bounds !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_get_var_bounds ! !> Gets the lower and the upper boundaries of a variable, for one particular direction. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Agrif_get_var_bounds ( variable, lower, upper, index ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Variable), intent(in) :: variable !< Variable for which we want to extract boundaries integer, intent(out) :: lower !< Lower bound integer, intent(out) :: upper !< Upper bound integer, intent(in) :: index !< Direction for wich we want to know the boundaries ! lower = variable % lb(index) upper = variable % ub(index) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_get_var_bounds !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_get_var_bounds_array ! !> Gets the lower and the upper boundaries of a table. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Agrif_get_var_bounds_array ( variable, lower, upper, nbdim ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Variable), intent(in) :: variable !< Variable for which we want to extract boundaries integer, dimension(nbdim), intent(out) :: lower !< Lower bounds array integer, dimension(nbdim), intent(out) :: upper !< Upper bounds array integer, intent(in) :: nbdim !< Numer of dimensions of the variable ! lower = variable % lb(1:nbdim) upper = variable % ub(1:nbdim) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_get_var_bounds_array !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_array_allocate ! !> Allocates data array in \b variable, according to the required dimension. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Agrif_array_allocate ( variable, lb, ub, nbdim ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Variable), intent(inout) :: variable !< Variable struct for allocation integer, dimension(nbdim), intent(in) :: lb !< Lower bound integer, dimension(nbdim), intent(in) :: ub !< Upper bound integer, intent(in) :: nbdim !< Dimension of the array ! select case (nbdim) case (1) ; allocate(variable%array1(lb(1):ub(1))) case (2) ; allocate(variable%array2(lb(1):ub(1),lb(2):ub(2))) case (3) ; allocate(variable%array3(lb(1):ub(1),lb(2):ub(2),lb(3):ub(3))) case (4) ; allocate(variable%array4(lb(1):ub(1),lb(2):ub(2),lb(3):ub(3),lb(4):ub(4))) case (5) ; allocate(variable%array5(lb(1):ub(1),lb(2):ub(2),lb(3):ub(3),lb(4):ub(4),lb(5):ub(5))) case (6) ; allocate(variable%array6(lb(1):ub(1),lb(2):ub(2),lb(3):ub(3),lb(4):ub(4),lb(5):ub(5),lb(6):ub(6))) end select !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_array_allocate !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_array_deallocate ! !> Dellocates data array in \b variable, according to the required dimension. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Agrif_array_deallocate ( variable, nbdim ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Variable), intent(inout) :: variable !< Variable struct for deallocation integer, intent(in) :: nbdim !< Dimension of the array ! select case (nbdim) case (1) ; deallocate(variable%array1) case (2) ; deallocate(variable%array2) case (3) ; deallocate(variable%array3) case (4) ; deallocate(variable%array4) case (5) ; deallocate(variable%array5) case (6) ; deallocate(variable%array6) end select !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_array_deallocate !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_var_set_array_tozero ! !> Reset the value of the data array in \b variable, according to the required dimension. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Agrif_var_set_array_tozero ( variable, nbdim ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Variable), intent(inout) :: variable !< Variable integer, intent(in) :: nbdim !< Dimension of the array you want to reset ! select case (nbdim) case (1) ; call Agrif_set_array_tozero_1D(variable%array1) case (2) ; call Agrif_set_array_tozero_2D(variable%array2) case (3) ; call Agrif_set_array_tozero_3D(variable%array3) case (4) ; call Agrif_set_array_tozero_4D(variable%array4) case (5) ; call Agrif_set_array_tozero_5D(variable%array5) case (6) ; call Agrif_set_array_tozero_6D(variable%array6) end select !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contains !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Agrif_set_array_tozero_1D ( array ) real, dimension(:), intent(out) :: array array = 0. end subroutine Agrif_set_array_tozero_1D ! subroutine Agrif_set_array_tozero_2D ( array ) real, dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: array array = 0. end subroutine Agrif_set_array_tozero_2D ! subroutine Agrif_set_array_tozero_3D ( array ) real, dimension(:,:,:), intent(out) :: array array = 0. end subroutine Agrif_set_array_tozero_3D ! subroutine Agrif_set_array_tozero_4D ( array ) real, dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(out) :: array array = 0. end subroutine Agrif_set_array_tozero_4D ! subroutine Agrif_set_array_tozero_5D ( array ) real, dimension(:,:,:,:,:), intent(out) :: array array = 0. end subroutine Agrif_set_array_tozero_5D ! subroutine Agrif_set_array_tozero_6D ( array ) real, dimension(:,:,:,:,:,:), intent(out) :: array array = 0. end subroutine Agrif_set_array_tozero_6D !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_var_set_array_tozero !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_var_copy_array ! !> Copy a part of data array from var2 to var1 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Agrif_var_copy_array ( var1, inf1, sup1, var2, inf2, sup2, nbdim ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Variable), intent(inout) :: var1 !< Modified variable integer, dimension(nbdim), intent(in) :: inf1 !< Lower boundary for var1 integer, dimension(nbdim), intent(in) :: sup1 !< Upper boundary for var1 type(Agrif_Variable), intent(in) :: var2 !< Input variable integer, dimension(nbdim), intent(in) :: inf2 !< Lower boundary for var2 integer, dimension(nbdim), intent(in) :: sup2 !< Upper boundary for var2 integer, intent(in) :: nbdim !< Dimension of the array ! select case (nbdim) case (1) ; var1%array1(inf1(1):sup1(1)) = var2%array1(inf2(1):sup2(1)) case (2) ; call Agrif_copy_array_2d( var1%array2, var2%array2, & lbound(var1%array2), lbound(var2%array2), inf1, sup1, inf2, sup2 ) case (3) ; call Agrif_copy_array_3d( var1%array3, var2%array3, & lbound(var1%array3), lbound(var2%array3), inf1, sup1, inf2, sup2 ) case (4) ; call Agrif_copy_array_4d( var1%array4, var2%array4, & lbound(var1%array4), lbound(var2%array4), inf1, sup1, inf2, sup2 ) case (5) ; var1%array5(inf1(1):sup1(1), & inf1(2):sup1(2), & inf1(3):sup1(3), & inf1(4):sup1(4), & inf1(5):sup1(5)) = var2%array5(inf2(1):sup2(1), & inf2(2):sup2(2), & inf2(3):sup2(3), & inf2(4):sup2(4), & inf2(5):sup2(5)) case (6) ; var1%array6(inf1(1):sup1(1), & inf1(2):sup1(2), & inf1(3):sup1(3), & inf1(4):sup1(4), & inf1(5):sup1(5), & inf1(6):sup1(6)) = var2%array6(inf2(1):sup2(1), & inf2(2):sup2(2), & inf2(3):sup2(3), & inf2(4):sup2(4), & inf2(5):sup2(5), & inf2(6):sup2(6)) end select !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contains !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Agrif_copy_array_2d ( tabout, tabin, l, m, inf1, sup1, inf2, sup2 ) integer, dimension(2), intent(in) :: l, m integer, dimension(2), intent(in) :: inf1, sup1 integer, dimension(2), intent(in) :: inf2, sup2 real, dimension(l(1):,l(2):), intent(out) :: tabout real, dimension(m(1):,m(2):), intent(in) :: tabin tabout(inf1(1):sup1(1), & inf1(2):sup1(2)) = tabin(inf2(1):sup2(1), & inf2(2):sup2(2)) end subroutine Agrif_copy_array_2d ! subroutine Agrif_copy_array_3d ( tabout, tabin, l, m, inf1, sup1, inf2, sup2 ) integer, dimension(3), intent(in) :: l, m integer, dimension(3), intent(in) :: inf1, sup1 integer, dimension(3), intent(in) :: inf2,sup2 real, dimension(l(1):,l(2):,l(3):), intent(out) :: tabout real, dimension(m(1):,m(2):,m(3):), intent(in) :: tabin tabout(inf1(1):sup1(1), & inf1(2):sup1(2), & inf1(3):sup1(3)) = tabin(inf2(1):sup2(1), & inf2(2):sup2(2), & inf2(3):sup2(3)) end subroutine Agrif_copy_array_3d ! subroutine Agrif_copy_array_4d ( tabout, tabin, l, m, inf1, sup1, inf2, sup2 ) integer, dimension(4), intent(in) :: l, m integer, dimension(4), intent(in) :: inf1, sup1 integer, dimension(4), intent(in) :: inf2, sup2 real, dimension(l(1):,l(2):,l(3):,l(4):), intent(out) :: tabout real, dimension(m(1):,m(2):,m(3):,m(4):), intent(in) :: tabin tabout(inf1(1):sup1(1), & inf1(2):sup1(2), & inf1(3):sup1(3), & inf1(4):sup1(4)) = tabin(inf2(1):sup2(1), & inf2(2):sup2(2), & inf2(3):sup2(3), & inf2(4):sup2(4)) end subroutine Agrif_copy_array_4d !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_var_copy_array !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_var_full_copy_array ! !> Copy the full data array from var2 to var1 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Agrif_var_full_copy_array ( var1, var2, nbdim ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Variable), intent(inout) :: var1 !< Modified variable type(Agrif_Variable), intent(in) :: var2 !< Input variable integer, intent(in) :: nbdim !< Dimension of the array ! select case (nbdim) case (1) ; var1 % array1 = var2 % array1 case (2) ; var1 % array2 = var2 % array2 case (3) ; var1 % array3 = var2 % array3 case (4) ; var1 % array4 = var2 % array4 case (5) ; var1 % array5 = var2 % array5 case (6) ; var1 % array6 = var2 % array6 end select !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_var_full_copy_array !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine GiveAgrif_SpecialValueToTab_mpi ! !> Copy \b value in data array \b var2 where it is present in \b var1. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine GiveAgrif_SpecialValueToTab_mpi ( var1, var2, bounds, value, nbdim ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Variable), intent(in) :: var1 !< Modified variable type(Agrif_Variable), intent(inout) :: var2 !< Input variable integer, dimension(:,:,:), intent(in) :: bounds !< Bound for both arrays real, intent(in) :: value !< Special value integer, intent(in) :: nbdim !< Dimension of the array ! select case (nbdim) case (1) where (var1 % array1(bounds(1,1,2):bounds(1,2,2)) == value ) var2 % array1(bounds(1,1,1):bounds(1,2,1)) = value end where case (2) where (var1 % array2(bounds(1,1,2):bounds(1,2,2), & bounds(2,1,2):bounds(2,2,2)) == value) var2 % array2(bounds(1,1,1):bounds(1,2,1), & bounds(2,1,1):bounds(2,2,1)) = value end where case (3) where (var1 % array3(bounds(1,1,2):bounds(1,2,2), & bounds(2,1,2):bounds(2,2,2), & bounds(3,1,2):bounds(3,2,2)) == value) var2 % array3(bounds(1,1,1):bounds(1,2,1), & bounds(2,1,1):bounds(2,2,1), & bounds(3,1,1):bounds(3,2,1)) = value end where case (4) where (var1 % array4(bounds(1,1,2):bounds(1,2,2), & bounds(2,1,2):bounds(2,2,2), & bounds(3,1,2):bounds(3,2,2), & bounds(4,1,2):bounds(4,2,2)) == value) var2 % array4(bounds(1,1,1):bounds(1,2,1), & bounds(2,1,1):bounds(2,2,1), & bounds(3,1,1):bounds(3,2,1), & bounds(4,1,1):bounds(4,2,1)) = value end where case (5) where (var1 % array5(bounds(1,1,2):bounds(1,2,2), & bounds(2,1,2):bounds(2,2,2), & bounds(3,1,2):bounds(3,2,2), & bounds(4,1,2):bounds(4,2,2), & bounds(5,1,2):bounds(5,2,2)) == value) var2 % array5(bounds(1,1,1):bounds(1,2,1), & bounds(2,1,1):bounds(2,2,1), & bounds(3,1,1):bounds(3,2,1), & bounds(4,1,1):bounds(4,2,1), & bounds(5,1,1):bounds(5,2,1)) = value end where case (6) where (var1 % array6(bounds(1,1,2):bounds(1,2,2), & bounds(2,1,2):bounds(2,2,2), & bounds(3,1,2):bounds(3,2,2), & bounds(4,1,2):bounds(4,2,2), & bounds(5,1,2):bounds(5,2,2), & bounds(6,1,2):bounds(6,2,2)) == value) var2 % array6(bounds(1,1,1):bounds(1,2,1), & bounds(2,1,1):bounds(2,2,1), & bounds(3,1,1):bounds(3,2,1), & bounds(4,1,1):bounds(4,2,1), & bounds(5,1,1):bounds(5,2,1), & bounds(6,1,1):bounds(6,2,1)) = value end where end select !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine GiveAgrif_SpecialValueToTab_mpi !=================================================================================================== ! ! no more used ??? #if 0 !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine GiveAgrif_SpecialValueToTab !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine GiveAgrif_SpecialValueToTab ( var1, var2, & lower, upper, Value, nbdim ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TYPE(Agrif_Variable), pointer :: var1 TYPE(Agrif_Variable), pointer :: var2 INTEGER, intent(in) :: nbdim INTEGER, DIMENSION(nbdim), intent(in) :: lower, upper REAL, intent(in) :: Value ! select case (nbdim) case (1) where (var1 % array1( lower(1):upper(1)) == Value) var2 % array1(lower(1):upper(1)) = Value end where case (2) where (var1 % array2( lower(1):upper(1), & lower(2):upper(2)) == Value) var2 % array2(lower(1):upper(1), & lower(2):upper(2)) = Value end where case (3) where (var1 % array3( lower(1):upper(1), & lower(2):upper(2), & lower(3):upper(3)) == Value) var2 % array3(lower(1):upper(1), & lower(2):upper(2), & lower(3):upper(3)) = Value end where case (4) where (var1 % array4( lower(1):upper(1), & lower(2):upper(2), & lower(3):upper(3), & lower(4):upper(4)) == Value) var2 % array4(lower(1):upper(1), & lower(2):upper(2), & lower(3):upper(3), & lower(4):upper(4)) = Value end where case (5) where (var1 % array5( lower(1):upper(1), & lower(2):upper(2), & lower(3):upper(3), & lower(4):upper(4), & lower(5):upper(5)) == Value) var2 % array5(lower(1):upper(1), & lower(2):upper(2), & lower(3):upper(3), & lower(4):upper(4), & lower(5):upper(5)) = Value end where case (6) where (var1 % array6( lower(1):upper(1), & lower(2):upper(2), & lower(3):upper(3), & lower(4):upper(4), & lower(5):upper(5), & lower(6):upper(6)) == Value) var2 % array6(lower(1):upper(1), & lower(2):upper(2), & lower(3):upper(3), & lower(4):upper(4), & lower(5):upper(5), & lower(6):upper(6)) = Value end where end select !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine GiveAgrif_SpecialValueToTab !=================================================================================================== #endif ! #if defined AGRIF_MPI !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_var_replace_value ! !> Replace \b value by \var2 content in \var1 data array. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Agrif_var_replace_value ( var1, var2, lower, upper, value, nbdim ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Variable), intent(inout) :: var1 !< Modified variable type(Agrif_Variable), intent(in) :: var2 !< Input variable integer, dimension(nbdim), intent(in) :: lower !< Lower bound integer, dimension(nbdim), intent(in) :: upper !< Upper bound real, intent(in) :: value !< Special value integer, intent(in) :: nbdim !< Dimension of the array ! integer :: i,j,k,l,m,n ! select case (nbdim) case (1) do i = lower(1),upper(1) if (var1%array1(i) == value) then var1%array1(i) = var2%array1(i) endif enddo case (2) do j = lower(2),upper(2) do i = lower(1),upper(1) if (var1%array2(i,j) == value) then var1%array2(i,j) = var2%array2(i,j) endif enddo enddo case (3) do k = lower(3),upper(3) do j = lower(2),upper(2) do i = lower(1),upper(1) if (var1%array3(i,j,k) == value) then var1%array3(i,j,k) = var2%array3(i,j,k) endif enddo enddo enddo case (4) do l = lower(4),upper(4) do k = lower(3),upper(3) do j = lower(2),upper(2) do i = lower(1),upper(1) if (var1%array4(i,j,k,l) == value) then var1%array4(i,j,k,l) = var2%array4(i,j,k,l) endif enddo enddo enddo enddo case (5) do m = lower(5),upper(5) do l = lower(4),upper(4) do k = lower(3),upper(3) do j = lower(2),upper(2) do i = lower(1),upper(1) if (var1%array5(i,j,k,l,m) == value) then var1%array5(i,j,k,l,m) = var2%array5(i,j,k,l,m) endif enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo case (6) do n = lower(6),upper(6) do m = lower(5),upper(5) do l = lower(4),upper(4) do k = lower(3),upper(3) do j = lower(2),upper(2) do i = lower(1),upper(1) if (var1%array6(i,j,k,l,m,n) == value) then var1%array6(i,j,k,l,m,n) = var2%array6(i,j,k,l,m,n) endif enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo end select !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_var_replace_value !=================================================================================================== #endif ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine PreProcessToInterpOrUpdate !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine PreProcessToInterpOrUpdate ( parent, child, & nb_child, ub_child, & lb_child, lb_parent, & s_child, s_parent, & ds_child, ds_parent, nbdim, interp ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Variable), pointer, intent(in) :: parent !< Variable on the parent grid type(Agrif_Variable), pointer, intent(in) :: child !< Variable on the child grid integer, dimension(6), intent(out) :: nb_child !< Number of cells on the child grid integer, dimension(6), intent(out) :: ub_child !< Upper bound on the child grid integer, dimension(6), intent(out) :: lb_child !< Lower bound on the child grid integer, dimension(6), intent(out) :: lb_parent !< Lower bound on the parent grid real, dimension(6), intent(out) :: s_child !< Child grid position (s_root = 0) real, dimension(6), intent(out) :: s_parent !< Parent grid position (s_root = 0) real, dimension(6), intent(out) :: ds_child !< Child grid dx (ds_root = 1) real, dimension(6), intent(out) :: ds_parent !< Parent grid dx (ds_root = 1) integer, intent(out) :: nbdim !< Number of dimensions logical, intent(in) :: interp !< .true. if preprocess for interpolation, \n !! .false. if preprocess for update ! type(Agrif_Variable), pointer :: root_var type(Agrif_Grid), pointer :: Agrif_Child_Gr type(Agrif_Grid), pointer :: Agrif_Parent_Gr integer :: n ! Agrif_Child_Gr => Agrif_Curgrid Agrif_Parent_Gr => Agrif_Curgrid % parent ! root_var => child % root_var ! ! Number of dimensions of the current grid nbdim = root_var % nbdim ! do n = 1,nbdim ! ! Value of interptab(n) can be either x,y,z or N for a no space dimension select case(root_var % interptab(n)) ! case('x') ! lb_child(n) = root_var % point(n) lb_parent(n) = root_var % point(n) nb_child(n) = Agrif_Child_Gr % nb(1) s_child(n) = Agrif_Child_Gr % Agrif_x(1) s_parent(n) = Agrif_Parent_Gr % Agrif_x(1) ds_child(n) = Agrif_Child_Gr % Agrif_dx(1) ds_parent(n) = Agrif_Parent_Gr % Agrif_dx(1) ! if ( root_var % posvar(n) == 1 ) then ub_child(n) = lb_child(n) + Agrif_Child_Gr % nb(1) else ub_child(n) = lb_child(n) + Agrif_Child_Gr % nb(1) - 1 s_child(n) = s_child(n) + 0.5*ds_child(n) s_parent(n) = s_parent(n) + 0.5*ds_parent(n) endif ! case('y') ! lb_child(n) = root_var % point(n) lb_parent(n) = root_var % point(n) nb_child(n) = Agrif_Child_Gr % nb(2) s_child(n) = Agrif_Child_Gr % Agrif_x(2) s_parent(n) = Agrif_Parent_Gr % Agrif_x(2) ds_child(n) = Agrif_Child_Gr % Agrif_dx(2) ds_parent(n) = Agrif_Parent_Gr % Agrif_dx(2) ! if (root_var % posvar(n)==1) then ub_child(n) = lb_child(n) + Agrif_Child_Gr % nb(2) else ub_child(n) = lb_child(n) + Agrif_Child_Gr % nb(2) - 1 s_child(n) = s_child(n) + 0.5*ds_child(n) s_parent(n) = s_parent(n) + 0.5*ds_parent(n) endif ! case('z') ! lb_child(n) = root_var % point(n) lb_parent(n) = root_var % point(n) nb_child(n) = Agrif_Child_Gr % nb(3) s_child(n) = Agrif_Child_Gr % Agrif_x(3) s_parent(n) = Agrif_Parent_Gr % Agrif_x(3) ds_child(n) = Agrif_Child_Gr % Agrif_dx(3) ds_parent(n) = Agrif_Parent_Gr % Agrif_dx(3) ! if (root_var % posvar(n)==1) then ub_child(n) = lb_child(n) + Agrif_Child_Gr % nb(3) else ub_child(n) = lb_child(n) + Agrif_Child_Gr % nb(3) - 1 s_child(n) = s_child(n) + 0.5*ds_child(n) s_parent(n) = s_parent(n) + 0.5*ds_parent(n) endif ! case('N') ! No space dimension ! ! The next coefficients are calculated in order to do a simple copy of ! values of the grid variable when the interpolation routine is ! called for this dimension. ! if (interp) then call Agrif_get_var_bounds(parent, lb_child(n), ub_child(n), n) nb_child(n) = parent % ub(n) - parent % lb(n) else call Agrif_get_var_bounds(child, lb_child(n), ub_child(n), n) nb_child(n) = child % ub(n) - child % lb(n) endif ! ! No interpolation but only a copy of the values of the grid variable lb_parent(n) = lb_child(n) s_child(n) = 0. s_parent(n) = 0. ds_child(n) = 1. ds_parent(n) = 1. ! end select ! enddo !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine PreProcessToInterpOrUpdate !=================================================================================================== ! #if defined AGRIF_MPI !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_GetLocalBoundaries !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Agrif_GetLocalBoundaries ( tab1, tab2, coord, lb, ub, deb, fin ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: tab1 integer, intent(in) :: tab2 integer, intent(in) :: coord integer, intent(in) :: lb, ub integer, intent(out) :: deb, fin ! integer :: imin, imax integer :: i1, i2 ! call Agrif_InvLoc(lb, AGRIF_ProcRank, coord, imin) call Agrif_InvLoc(ub, AGRIF_ProcRank, coord, imax) ! if ( imin > tab2 ) then i1 = imax - imin else i1 = max(tab1 - imin,0) endif ! if (imax < tab1) then i2 = -(imax - imin) else i2 = min(tab2 - imax,0) endif ! deb = lb + i1 fin = ub + i2 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_GetLocalBoundaries !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! subroutine Agrif_GlobalToLocalBounds ! !> For a global index located on the current processor, tabarray gives the corresponding local index !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Agrif_GlobalToLocalBounds ( locbounds, lb_var, ub_var, lb_glob, ub_glob, & coords, nbdim, rank, member ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, dimension(nbdim,2,2), intent(out) :: locbounds !< Local values of \b lb_glob and \b ub_glob integer, dimension(nbdim), intent(in) :: lb_var !< Local lower boundary on the current processor integer, dimension(nbdim), intent(in) :: ub_var !< Local upper boundary on the current processor integer, dimension(nbdim), intent(in) :: lb_glob !< Global lower boundary integer, dimension(nbdim), intent(in) :: ub_glob !< Global upper boundary integer, dimension(nbdim), intent(in) :: coords integer, intent(in) :: nbdim !< Dimension of the array integer, intent(in) :: rank !< Rank of the processor logical, intent(out) :: member ! integer :: i, i1, k integer :: nbloc(nbdim) ! locbounds(:,1,:) = HUGE(1) locbounds(:,2,:) = -HUGE(1) ! nbloc = 0 ! do i = 1,nbdim ! if (coords(i) == 0) then nbloc(i) = 1 locbounds(i,1,1) = lb_glob(i) locbounds(i,2,1) = ub_glob(i) locbounds(i,1,2) = lb_glob(i) locbounds(i,2,2) = ub_glob(i) else call Agrif_InvLoc(lb_var(i), rank, coords(i), i1) ! do k = lb_glob(i)+lb_var(i)-i1,ub_glob(i)+lb_var(i)-i1 ! if ( (k >= lb_var(i)) .AND. (k <= ub_var(i)) ) then nbloc(i) = 1 locbounds(i,1,1) = min(locbounds(i,1,1),k-lb_var(i)+i1) locbounds(i,2,1) = max(locbounds(i,2,1),k-lb_var(i)+i1) locbounds(i,1,2) = min(locbounds(i,1,2),k) locbounds(i,2,2) = max(locbounds(i,2,2),k) endif enddo endif enddo member = ( sum(nbloc) == nbdim ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_GlobalToLocalBounds !=================================================================================================== #endif ! end module Agrif_Arrays