How to compile WRF : -------------------- 1. Using pre-defined files: - On some machines (See CONFIGURE_WRF) some cases were prepared to facilitate compilation - In make_WRF_compil select the cases you wish to compile - Launch script on the machine you are on 2. From scracth: - Go in your WRF repository. - Clean your repository (./clean -a) - Prepare your configure.wrf using ./configure - Select you environement - Select your nesting type (0 no nesting) - Eventually edit configure.wrf you are coupling using OASIS ( - Compile WRF (./compile em_real) Specific cases : ---------------- °If you decide to compile WRF with a moving nest you might have an issue compiling share/landread.c (look for landread in the log file). One possible error is that XDR librairy is not find here '/usr/include/rpc' but here '/usr/include/tirpc/rpc/'. In this case switch (in your configure.wrf) -DRPC_TYPES from 1 to 2. Else, you can directly edit the path in share/landread.c. °Still on the moving_nest case, even if your compilation worked fine, you might have strange result on the sst variable in wrfout_d02_*. This is due to wrong interpolation of sst var. To correct this, go in your WRF repository. Then, in Registry/Registry.EM uncomment: state real SST ij misc 1 - i01245rh05d=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)f=(p2c) "SST" "SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE" "K and comment: #state real SST ij misc 1 - i01245rh0d=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater) "SST" "SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE" "K"