#include "cppdefs.h" MODULE trcwri_pisces !!====================================================================== !! *** MODULE trcwri *** !! PISCES : Output of PISCES tracers !!====================================================================== !! History : 1.0 ! 2009-05 (C. Ethe) Original code !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined XIOS && defined key_pisces !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! trc_wri_pisces : outputs of concentration fields !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE sms_pisces ! PISCES variables USE trc ! passive tracers common variables USE sedwri IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC trc_wri_pisces !! * Substitutions #include "ocean2pisces.h90" CONTAINS SUBROUTINE trc_wri_pisces !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE trc_wri_trc *** !! !! ** Purpose : output passive tracers fields !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTER (len=20) :: cltra INTEGER :: jn !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- IF( ln_sediment ) CALL sed_wri DO jn = jp_pcs0, jp_pcs1 cltra = TRIM( ctrcnm(jn) ) ! short title for tracer CALL iom_put( cltra, MAX(0., trn(:,:,:,jn) ) ) END DO # if defined key_trc_diaadd CALL iom_put( "Cflx" , trc2d(:,:,jp_flxco2) ) CALL iom_put( "Oflx" , trc2d(:,:,jp_flxo2) ) CALL iom_put( "Kg" , trc2d(:,:,jp_kgco2) ) CALL iom_put( "Dpco2" , trc2d(:,:,jp_dpco2) ) CALL iom_put( "EPC100" , trc2d(:,:,jp_sinkco2) ) CALL iom_put( "EPFE100" , trc2d(:,:,jp_sinkfer) ) CALL iom_put( "EPSI100" , trc2d(:,:,jp_sinksil) ) CALL iom_put( "EPCAL100", trc2d(:,:,jp_sinkcal) ) CALL iom_put( "Heup" , trc2d(:,:,jp_heup) ) CALL iom_put( "Nfix" , trc2d(:,:,jp_nfix) ) CALL iom_put( "No3dep" , trc2d(:,:,jp_no3dep) ) CALL iom_put( "Nh4dep" , trc2d(:,:,jp_nh4dep) ) CALL iom_put( "Sildep" , trc2d(:,:,jp_sildep) ) CALL iom_put( "Po4dep" , trc2d(:,:,jp_po4dep) ) ! CALL iom_put( "PH" , trc3d(:,:,:,jp_hi) ) CALL iom_put( "CO3" , trc3d(:,:,:,jp_co3) ) CALL iom_put( "CO3sat" , trc3d(:,:,:,jp_co3sat) ) CALL iom_put( "PAR" , trc3d(:,:,:,jp_etot) ) CALL iom_put( "PPPHY" , trc3d(:,:,:,jp_pphy) ) CALL iom_put( "PPPHY2" , trc3d(:,:,:,jp_pphy2) ) CALL iom_put( "PPNEWN" , trc3d(:,:,:,jp_pnew) ) CALL iom_put( "PPNEWD" , trc3d(:,:,:,jp_pnew2) ) CALL iom_put( "PBSi" , trc3d(:,:,:,jp_pbsi) ) CALL iom_put( "PFeN" , trc3d(:,:,:,jp_pfen) ) CALL iom_put( "PFeD" , trc3d(:,:,:,jp_pfed) ) CALL iom_put( "PPNEWo2" , trc3d(:,:,:,jp_pnewo2) ) CALL iom_put( "PPRego2" , trc3d(:,:,:,jp_prego2) ) CALL iom_put( "Grazing" , trc3d(:,:,:,jp_grapoc) ) CALL iom_put( "Grazing2", trc3d(:,:,:,jp_grapoc2) ) CALL iom_put( "MicroZo2", trc3d(:,:,:,jp_mico2 ) ) CALL iom_put( "MesoZo2" , trc3d(:,:,:,jp_meso2 ) ) CALL iom_put( "Nitrifo2", trc3d(:,:,:,jp_nitrifo2) ) CALL iom_put( "Remino2" , trc3d(:,:,:,jp_remino2)) CALL iom_put( "Nfixo2" , trc3d(:,:,:,jp_nfixo2) ) CALL iom_put( "Irondep" , trc3d(:,:,:,jp_irondep) ) CALL iom_put( "Ironsed" , trc3d(:,:,:,jp_ironsed) ) #endif ! END SUBROUTINE trc_wri_pisces #else !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Dummy module : No passive tracer !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC trc_wri_pisces CONTAINS SUBROUTINE trc_wri_pisces ! Empty routine END SUBROUTINE trc_wri_pisces #endif !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! NEMO/TOP 3.3 , NEMO Consortium (2010) !! $Id: trcwri_pisces.F90 3160 2011-11-20 14:27:18Z cetlod $ !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (NEMOGCM/NEMO_CeCILL.txt) !!====================================================================== END MODULE trcwri_pisces