#include "cppdefs.h" MODULE sedorg !!====================================================================== !! *** MODULE seddsr *** !! Sediment : dissolution and reaction in pore water related !! related to organic matter !!===================================================================== #if defined key_pisces !! * Modules used USE sms_pisces, ONLY : rtrn USE sed ! sediment global variable USE sed_oce USE sedini USE seddiff USE seddsr IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC sed_org !!* Substitution # include "ocean2pisces.h90" !! * Module variables REAL(wp) :: zadsnh4 !! $Id: seddsr.F90 5215 2015-04-15 16:11:56Z nicolasmartin $ CONTAINS SUBROUTINE sed_org( kt ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE sed_org *** !! !! ** Purpose : computes pore water diffusion and reaction !! !! ** Methode : Computation of the redox reactions in sediment. !! The main redox reactions are solved in sed_dsr whereas !! the secondary reactions are solved in sed_dsr_redoxb. !! A strand spliting approach is being used here (see !! sed_dsr_redoxb for more information). !! Diffusive fluxes are computed in sed_diff !! !! History : !! ! 98-08 (E. Maier-Reimer, Christoph Heinze ) Original code !! ! 04-10 (N. Emprin, M. Gehlen ) f90 !! ! 06-04 (C. Ethe) Re-organization !! ! 19-08 (O. Aumont) Debugging and improvement of the model. !! The original method is replaced by a !! Strand splitting method which deals !! well with stiff reactions. !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Arguments INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: kt ! --- local variables INTEGER :: ji, jk, js, jw, jnt ! dummy looop indices REAL(wp) :: zadsnh4 !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF( kt == nitsed000 ) THEN IF (lwp) THEN WRITE(numsed,*) ' sed_org : Organic degradation related reactions and diffusion' WRITE(numsed,*) ' ' ENDIF ! ! dens_mol_wgt(1:jpsol) = denssol / mol_wgt(1:jpsol) ! ENDIF dtsed2 = dtsed / REAL( nrseddt, wp ) ! 1. Change of geometry ! Increase of dz3d(2) thickness : dz3d(2) = dz3d(2)+dzdep ! Warning : no change for dz(2) !--------------------------------------------------------- dz3d(1:jpoce,2) = dz3d(1:jpoce,2) + dzdep(1:jpoce) ! New values for volw3d(:,2) and vols3d(:,2) ! Warning : no change neither for volw(2) nor vols(2) !------------------------------------------------------ volw3d(1:jpoce,2) = dz3d(1:jpoce,2) * por(2) vols3d(1:jpoce,2) = dz3d(1:jpoce,2) * por1(2) ! 2. Change of previous solid fractions (due to volum changes) for k=2 !--------------------------------------------------------------------- DO js = 1, jpsol DO ji = 1, jpoce solcp(ji,2,js) = solcp(ji,2,js) * dz(2) / dz3d(ji,2) ENDDO END DO ! 3. New solid fractions (including solid rain fractions) for k=2 !------------------------------------------------------------------ DO js = 1, jpsol DO ji = 1, jpoce IF (raintg(ji) .ne. 0) THEN solcp(ji,2,js) = solcp(ji,2,js) + & & ( rainrg(ji,js) / raintg(ji) ) * ( dzdep(ji) / dz3d(ji,2) ) ! rainrm are temporary cancel rainrm(ji,js) = 0. ENDIF END DO ENDDO ! 4. Adjustment of bottom water concen.(pwcp(1)): ! We impose that pwcp(2) is constant. Including dzdep in dz3d(:,2) we assume ! that dzdep has got a porosity of por(2). So pore water volum of jk=2 increase. ! To keep pwcp(2) cste we must compensate this "increase" by a slight adjusment ! of bottom water concentration. ! This adjustment is compensate at the end of routine !------------------------------------------------------------- DO jw = 1, jpwat DO ji = 1, jpoce pwcp(ji,1,jw) = pwcp(ji,1,jw) - & & pwcp(ji,2,jw) * dzdep(ji) * por(2) / ( dzkbot(ji) + rtrn ) END DO ENDDO zadsnh4 = 1.0 / ( 1.0 + adsnh4 ) ! -------------------------------------------------- ! Computation of the diffusivities ! -------------------------------------------------- DO js = 1, jpwat DO jk = 1, jpksed DO ji = 1, jpoce diff(ji,jk,js) = ( diff1s(js) + diff2s(js) * temp(ji) ) / ( 1.0 - 2.0 * log( por(jk) ) ) END DO END DO END DO ! Impact of bioirrigation and adsorption on diffusion ! --------------------------------------------------- diff(:,:,jwnh4) = diff(:,:,jwnh4) * ( 1.0 + irrig(:,:) ) * zadsnh4 diff(:,:,jwsil) = diff(:,:,jwsil) * ( 1.0 + irrig(:,:) ) diff(:,:,jwoxy) = diff(:,:,jwoxy) * ( 1.0 + irrig(:,:) ) diff(:,:,jwdic) = diff(:,:,jwdic) * ( 1.0 + irrig(:,:) ) diff(:,:,jwno3) = diff(:,:,jwno3) * ( 1.0 + irrig(:,:) ) diff(:,:,jwpo4) = diff(:,:,jwpo4) * ( 1.0 + irrig(:,:) ) diff(:,:,jwalk) = diff(:,:,jwalk) * ( 1.0 + irrig(:,:) ) diff(:,:,jwh2s) = diff(:,:,jwh2s) * ( 1.0 + irrig(:,:) ) diff(:,:,jwso4) = diff(:,:,jwso4) * ( 1.0 + irrig(:,:) ) diff(:,:,jwfe2) = diff(:,:,jwfe2) * ( 1.0 + 0.2 * irrig(:,:) ) DO jnt = 1, nrseddt CALL sed_diff( kt, jnt ) ! 1st pass in diffusion to get values at t+1/2 CALL sed_dsr ( kt, jnt ) ! Dissolution reaction CALL sed_diff( kt, jnt ) ! 2nd pass in diffusion to get values at t+1 END DO ! END SUBROUTINE sed_org #endif END MODULE sedorg