module flocmod ! ! This module manage the flocculation distribution (in one cell "i,j,k"). ! ! No use, no commons, no include this module is independant. ! ! Authors : R.Verney et all, 2011 ! adaptation from MARS version to an independant module S.Le Gac, 2022 ! implicit none private ! variables public :: f_ws, f_diam, f_vol, f_rho, f_mass ! subroutines public :: flocmod_alloc public :: flocmod_init public :: flocmod_main public :: flocmod_comp_g ! Declaration ! parameters real, parameter :: pi = 3.14159265358979323846 ! pi value in the module real, parameter :: gravity = 9.81 ! gravity value in the module integer, parameter :: rlg = 8 ! double precision ! variables of the module integer :: nv_mud ! number of mud class real :: rhoref ! water density logical :: l_0Dcase ! true if it is a run for 0Dcase comparison (need to stop settling process) integer :: ierrorlog ! to write in the appropriate file unit !TODO add units !! real, dimension(:), allocatable :: f_ws ! flocs settling velocities real, dimension(:), allocatable :: f_diam ! floc diameter real, dimension(:), allocatable :: f_vol ! floc volume real, dimension(:), allocatable :: f_rho ! floc density real, dimension(:), allocatable :: f_mass ! floc mass real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: f_coll_prob_sh ! shear agregation collision probability real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: f_coll_prob_ds ! differential settling collision probability real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: f_g1_sh ! shear agregation gain term real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: f_g1_ds ! differential settling agregation gain term real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: f_l1_sh ! shear agregation loss term real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: f_l1_ds ! differential settling agregation loss term real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: f_g3 ! fragmentation gain term real, dimension(:), allocatable :: f_l3 ! fragmentation loss term logical :: l_ASH ! set to .true. if aggregation by shear logical :: l_ADS ! set to .true. if aggregation by differential settling logical :: l_COLLFRAG ! set to .true. if fragmentation by collision integer :: f_ero_iv ! fragment class (mud variable index corresponding to ! the eroded particle size - typically 1) real :: f_ater ! ternary fragmentation factor : proportion of ! flocs fragmented as half the size of the initial binary fragments ! (0.0 if full binary fragmentation, 0.5 if ternary fragmentation) real :: f_dmin_frag ! minimum diameter for fragmentation ! (default 10e-6 microns) real :: f_ero_frac ! floc erosion (% of floc mass eroded) ! (default 0.05) real :: f_ero_nbfrag ! nb of fragments produced by erosion ! (default 2.0) real :: f_mneg_param ! negative mass after ! flocculation/fragmentation allowed before redistribution ! (default 0.001 g/l) real :: f_collfragparam ! fraction of shear aggregation leading ! to fragmentation by collision (default 0.0, must be less than 1.0) real :: f_cfcst ! fraction of mass lost by flocs if fragmentation ! by collision .. (default : =3./16.) real :: f_fp ! relative depth of inter particle penetration ! (default =0.1) (McAnally, 1999) real :: f_fy ! floc yield strength (default= 1.0e-10) ! (Winterwerp, 2002) real :: f_dp0 ! primary particle size (default 4.e-6 m) real :: f_alpha ! flocculation efficiency parameter ! (default 0.15) real :: f_beta ! floc break up parameter (default 0.1) real :: f_nb_frag ! nb of fragments of equal size by shear ! fragmentation (default 2.0 as binary fragmentation) real :: f_nf ! fractal dimension (default 2.0, usual range from ! 1.6 to 2.8) real :: f_clim ! min concentration below which flocculation !processes are not calculated contains !============================================================================== subroutine flocmod_alloc(n) ! Initialize the dimensions of number of mud class and allocate the global ! arrays of the module. implicit none integer, intent(in) :: n ! number of mud classes nv_mud = n ! floc characteristics allocate( f_ws(1:nv_mud)) ! flocs settling velocities allocate(f_diam(1:nv_mud)) ! floc diameter allocate( f_vol(1:nv_mud)) ! floc volume allocate( f_rho(1:nv_mud)) ! floc density allocate(f_mass(0:nv_mud + 1)) ! floc mass ! agregation kernels allocate(f_coll_prob_sh(1:nv_mud, 1:nv_mud)) ! shear agregation collision probability allocate(f_coll_prob_ds(1:nv_mud, 1:nv_mud)) ! differential settling collision probability allocate(f_g1_sh(1:nv_mud, 1:nv_mud, 1:nv_mud)) ! shear agregation gain term allocate(f_g1_ds(1:nv_mud, 1:nv_mud, 1:nv_mud)) ! differential settling agregation gain term allocate(f_l1_sh(1:nv_mud, 1:nv_mud)) ! shear agregation loss term allocate(f_l1_ds(1:nv_mud, 1:nv_mud)) ! differential settling agregation loss term allocate(f_g3(1:nv_mud, 1:nv_mud)) ! fragmentation gain term allocate(f_l3(1:nv_mud)) ! fragmentation loss term f_ws(1:nv_mud) = 0.0 f_diam(1:nv_mud) = 0. f_vol(1:nv_mud) = 0. f_rho(1:nv_mud) = 0. f_mass(0:nv_mud+1) = 0. f_coll_prob_sh(1:nv_mud,1:nv_mud) = 0. f_coll_prob_ds(1:nv_mud,1:nv_mud) = 0. f_g1_sh(1:nv_mud,1:nv_mud,1:nv_mud) = 0. f_g1_ds(1:nv_mud,1:nv_mud,1:nv_mud) = 0. f_l1_sh(1:nv_mud,1:nv_mud) = 0. f_l1_ds(1:nv_mud,1:nv_mud) = 0. f_g3(1:nv_mud,1:nv_mud) = 0. f_l3(1:nv_mud) = 0. return end subroutine ! flocmod_alloc !================================================================================================== subroutine flocmod_init(l_ADS_in, l_ASH_in, l_COLLFRAG_in, & f_dp0_in, f_nf_in, f_nb_frag_in, f_alpha_in, f_beta_in, f_ater_in, & f_ero_frac_in, f_ero_nbfrag_in, f_ero_iv_in, f_mneg_param_in, & f_collfragparam_in, f_dmin_frag_in, f_cfcst_in, f_fp_in, f_fy_in, & f_clim_in, f_diam_in, ros_in, rhoref_in, l_0Dcase_in, ierrorlog_in) ! Initalization of flocs characteristics from input values implicit none logical, intent(in) :: l_ASH_in ! set to .true. if aggregation by shear logical, intent(in) :: l_ADS_in ! set to .true. if aggregation by differential settling logical, intent(in) :: l_COLLFRAG_in ! set to .true. if fragmentation by collision integer, intent(in) :: f_ero_iv_in ! fragment class (mud variable index corresponding to ! the eroded particle size - typically 1) real, intent(in) :: f_ater_in ! ternary fragmentation factor : proportion of ! flocs fragmented as half the size of the initial binary fragments ! (0.0 if full binary fragmentation, 0.5 if ternary fragmentation) real, intent(in) :: f_dmin_frag_in ! minimum diameter for fragmentation ! (default 10e-6 microns) real, intent(in) :: f_ero_frac_in ! floc erosion (% of floc mass eroded) ! (default 0.05) real, intent(in) :: f_ero_nbfrag_in ! nb of fragments produced by erosion ! (default 2.0) real, intent(in) :: f_mneg_param_in ! negative mass after ! flocculation/fragmentation allowed before redistribution ! (default 0.001 g/l) real, intent(in) :: f_collfragparam_in ! fraction of shear aggregation leading ! to fragmentation by collision (default 0.0, must be less than 1.0) real, intent(in) :: f_cfcst_in ! fraction of mass lost by flocs if fragmentation ! by collision .. (default : =3./16.) real, intent(in) :: f_fp_in ! relative depth of inter particle penetration ! (default =0.1) (McAnally, 1999) real, intent(in) :: f_fy_in ! floc yield strength (default= 1.0e-10) ! (Winterwerp, 2002) real, intent(in) :: f_dp0_in ! primary particle size (default 4.e-6 m) real, intent(in) :: f_alpha_in ! flocculation efficiency parameter ! (default 0.15) real, intent(in) :: f_beta_in ! floc break up parameter (default 0.1) real, intent(in) :: f_nb_frag_in ! nb of fragments of equal size by shear ! fragmentation (default 2.0 as binary fragmentation) real, intent(in) :: f_nf_in ! fractal dimension (default 2.0, usual range from ! 1.6 to 2.8) real, intent(in) :: f_clim_in ! min concentration below which flocculation !processes are not calculated real, dimension(nv_mud), intent(in) :: f_diam_in real, dimension(nv_mud), intent(in) :: ros_in real, intent(in) :: rhoref_in logical, intent(in) :: l_0Dcase_in integer, intent(in) :: ierrorlog_in l_ADS = l_ADS_in l_ASH = l_ASH_in l_COLLFRAG = l_COLLFRAG_in f_dp0 = f_dp0_in f_nf = f_nf_in f_nb_frag = f_nb_frag_in f_alpha = f_alpha_in f_beta = f_beta_in f_ater = f_ater_in f_ero_frac = f_ero_frac_in f_ero_nbfrag = f_ero_nbfrag_in f_ero_iv = f_ero_iv_in f_mneg_param = f_mneg_param_in f_collfragparam = f_collfragparam_in f_dmin_frag = f_dmin_frag_in f_cfcst = f_cfcst_in f_fp = f_fp_in f_fp = f_fp_in f_clim = f_clim_in rhoref = rhoref_in l_0Dcase = l_0Dcase_in ierrorlog = ierrorlog_in f_diam(:) = f_diam_in(:) f_vol(:) = pi / 6. * (f_diam(:))**3 f_rho(:) = rhoref + (ros_in(:) - rhoref) * (f_dp0 / f_diam(:))**(3. - f_nf) f_mass(1:nv_mud) = f_vol(1:nv_mud) * (f_rho(1:nv_mud) - rhoref) / (1 - rhoref / ros_in(1:nv_mud)) f_mass(nv_mud+1) = f_mass(nv_mud) * 2. + 1. if (f_diam(1) .eq. f_dp0) then f_mass(1) = f_vol(1) * ros_in(1) endif if (l_0Dcase) then ! for 0D test case, we need to suppress all settling process f_ws(1:nv_mud) = 0. else f_ws(1:nv_mud) = gravity * (f_rho(1:nv_mud) - rhoref) * f_diam(1:nv_mud)**2. / (18. * 0.001) endif ! kernels computation call flocmod_kernels() return end subroutine ! flocmod_init !================================================================================================== subroutine flocmod_kernels() ! Purpose : computations of agregation/fragmentation kernels for FLOCMOD ! Called by : flocmod_init implicit none real :: f_weight, mult integer :: iv1, iv2, iv3 ! compute collision probability call flocmod_agregation_statistics !******************************************************************************** ! agregation : GAIN : f_g1_sh and f_g1_ds !******************************************************************************** do iv1=1,nv_mud-1 do iv2=1,nv_mud do iv3=iv2,nv_mud if( (f_mass(iv2)+f_mass(iv3)) .gt. f_mass(iv1-1) & .and. ((f_mass(iv2)+f_mass(iv3)) .LE. f_mass(iv1))) then f_weight=(f_mass(iv2)+f_mass(iv3)-f_mass(iv1-1))/(f_mass(iv1)-f_mass(iv1-1)) else if ( (f_mass(iv2)+f_mass(iv3)) .gt. f_mass(iv1) & .and. ((f_mass(iv2)+f_mass(iv3)) .LT. f_mass(iv1+1))) then f_weight=1.-(f_mass(iv2)+f_mass(iv3)-f_mass(iv1))/(f_mass(iv1+1)-f_mass(iv1)) else f_weight=0.0 endif f_g1_sh(iv2,iv3,iv1)=f_weight*f_alpha*f_coll_prob_sh(iv2,iv3)*(f_mass(iv2)+f_mass(iv3))/f_mass(iv1) f_g1_ds(iv2,iv3,iv1)=f_weight*f_alpha*f_coll_prob_ds(iv2,iv3)*(f_mass(iv2)+f_mass(iv3))/f_mass(iv1) enddo enddo enddo ! difference for coarsest mud class >> no transfer towards coarser class because it is the last one iv1=nv_mud do iv2=1,nv_mud do iv3=iv2,nv_mud if( (f_mass(iv2)+f_mass(iv3)) .gt. f_mass(iv1-1) & .and. ((f_mass(iv2)+f_mass(iv3)) .LE. f_mass(iv1))) then f_weight=(f_mass(iv2)+f_mass(iv3)-f_mass(iv1-1))/(f_mass(iv1)-f_mass(iv1-1)) else if ( (f_mass(iv2)+f_mass(iv3)) .gt. f_mass(iv1) & .and. ((f_mass(iv2)+f_mass(iv3)) .LT. f_mass(iv1+1))) then f_weight=1. else f_weight=0.0 endif f_g1_sh(iv2,iv3,iv1)=f_weight*f_alpha*f_coll_prob_sh(iv2,iv3)*(f_mass(iv2)+f_mass(iv3))/f_mass(iv1) f_g1_ds(iv2,iv3,iv1)=f_weight*f_alpha*f_coll_prob_ds(iv2,iv3)*(f_mass(iv2)+f_mass(iv3))/f_mass(iv1) enddo enddo !******************************************************************************** ! Shear fragmentation : GAIN : f_g3 !******************************************************************************** do iv1=1,nv_mud do iv2=iv1,nv_mud if (f_diam(iv2) > f_dmin_frag) then ! binary fragmentation if (f_mass(iv2)/f_nb_frag .gt. f_mass(iv1-1) & .and. f_mass(iv2)/f_nb_frag .LE. f_mass(iv1)) then if (iv1 == 1) then f_weight=1. else f_weight=(f_mass(iv2)/f_nb_frag-f_mass(iv1-1))/(f_mass(iv1)-f_mass(iv1-1)) endif elseif (f_mass(iv2)/f_nb_frag .gt. f_mass(iv1) & .and. f_mass(iv2)/f_nb_frag .LT. f_mass(iv1+1)) then f_weight=1.-(f_mass(iv2)/f_nb_frag-f_mass(iv1))/(f_mass(iv1+1)-f_mass(iv1)) else f_weight=0. endif else f_weight=0.0 endif f_g3(iv2,iv1)=f_g3(iv2,iv1)+(1.-f_ero_frac)*(1.-f_ater)*f_weight*f_beta & *f_diam(iv2)*((f_diam(iv2)-f_dp0)/f_dp0)**(3.-f_nf) & *f_mass(iv2)/f_mass(iv1) ! ternary fragmentation if (f_diam(iv2) .gt. f_dmin_frag) then if (f_mass(iv2)/(2.*f_nb_frag) .gt. f_mass(iv1-1) & .and. f_mass(iv2)/(2.*f_nb_frag) .LE. f_mass(iv1)) then if (iv1 == 1) then f_weight=1. else f_weight=(f_mass(iv2)/(2.*f_nb_frag)-f_mass(iv1-1))/(f_mass(iv1)-f_mass(iv1-1)) endif else if (f_mass(iv2)/(2.*f_nb_frag) .gt. f_mass(iv1) & .and. f_mass(iv2)/(2.*f_nb_frag) .LT. f_mass(iv1+1)) then f_weight=1.-(f_mass(iv2)/(2.*f_nb_frag)-f_mass(iv1))/(f_mass(iv1+1)-f_mass(iv1)) else f_weight=0. endif ! update for ternary fragments f_g3(iv2,iv1)=f_g3(iv2,iv1)+(1.-f_ero_frac)*(f_ater)*f_weight*f_beta & *f_diam(iv2)*((f_diam(iv2)-f_dp0)/f_dp0)**(3.-f_nf) & *f_mass(iv2)/f_mass(iv1) ! Floc erosion if ((f_mass(iv2)-f_mass(f_ero_iv)*f_ero_nbfrag) .gt. f_mass(f_ero_iv)) then if (((f_mass(iv2)-f_mass(f_ero_iv)*f_ero_nbfrag) .gt. f_mass(iv1-1)) & .and. (f_mass(iv2)-f_mass(f_ero_iv)*f_ero_nbfrag) .LE. f_mass(iv1)) then if (iv1 == 1) then f_weight=1. else f_weight=(f_mass(iv2)-f_mass(f_ero_iv)*f_ero_nbfrag-f_mass(iv1-1))/(f_mass(iv1)-f_mass(iv1-1)) endif else if ((f_mass(iv2)-f_mass(f_ero_iv)*f_ero_nbfrag) .gt. f_mass(iv1) & .and. (f_mass(iv2)-f_mass(f_ero_iv)*f_ero_nbfrag) .LT. f_mass(iv1+1)) then f_weight=1.-(f_mass(iv2)-f_mass(f_ero_iv)*f_ero_nbfrag-f_mass(iv1))/(f_mass(iv1+1)-f_mass(iv1)) else f_weight=0. endif ! update for eroded floc masses f_g3(iv2,iv1)=f_g3(iv2,iv1)+f_ero_frac*f_weight*f_beta & *f_diam(iv2)*((f_diam(iv2)-f_dp0)/f_dp0)**(3.-f_nf) & *(f_mass(iv2)-f_mass(f_ero_iv)*f_ero_nbfrag)/f_mass(iv1) if (iv1 == f_ero_iv) then f_g3(iv2,iv1)=f_g3(iv2,iv1)+f_ero_frac*f_beta & *f_diam(iv2)*((f_diam(iv2)-f_dp0)/f_dp0)**(3.-f_nf) & *f_ero_nbfrag*f_mass(f_ero_iv)/f_mass(iv1) endif endif endif ! condition on f_dmin_frag enddo enddo !******************************************************************************** ! Shear agregation : LOSS : f_l1 !******************************************************************************** do iv1 = 1, nv_mud do iv2 = 1, nv_mud if(iv2 == iv1) then mult=2. else mult=1. endif f_l1_sh(iv2, iv1) = mult * f_alpha * f_coll_prob_sh(iv2, iv1) f_l1_ds(iv2, iv1) = mult * f_alpha * f_coll_prob_ds(iv2, iv1) enddo enddo !******************************************************************************** ! Shear fragmentation : LOSS : f_l2 !******************************************************************************** do iv1 = 1, nv_mud if (f_diam(iv1) > f_dmin_frag) then ! shear fragmentation f_l3(iv1) = f_l3(iv1)+(1. - f_ero_frac)*f_beta*f_diam(iv1)*((f_diam(iv1)-f_dp0)/f_dp0)**(3. - f_nf) ! shear erosion if ((f_mass(iv1) - f_mass(f_ero_iv)*f_ero_nbfrag) > f_mass(f_ero_iv)) then f_l3(iv1)=f_l3(iv1)+f_ero_frac*f_beta*f_diam(iv1)*((f_diam(iv1)-f_dp0)/f_dp0)**(3. - f_nf) endif endif enddo return end subroutine flocmod_kernels !================================================================================================== subroutine flocmod_agregation_statistics ! Purpose : computation of shear / differential settling statistics ! Called by : flocmod_kernels implicit none integer :: iv1, iv2 do iv1 = 1, nv_mud do iv2 = 1, nv_mud f_coll_prob_sh(iv1, iv2) = 1. / 6. * (f_diam(iv1) + f_diam(iv2))**3. f_coll_prob_ds(iv1, iv2) = 0.25 * pi * (f_diam(iv1) + f_diam(iv2))**2. & * abs(f_ws(iv1) - f_ws(iv2)) enddo enddo return end subroutine flocmod_agregation_statistics !================================================================================================== subroutine flocmod_comp_g(Gval, time) ! Purpose : compute shear rate to estimate shear aggregation and erosion ! reproducing flocculation experiment Verney et al., 2011 implicit none real,intent(out) :: Gval real(kind=rlg),intent(in) :: time ! time in seconds Gval=0.0 if (time .lt. 7201.0) then Gval=1.0 elseif (time .lt. 8401.0) then Gval=2.0 elseif (time .lt. 9601.0) then Gval=3.0 elseif (time .lt. 10801.0) then Gval=4.0 elseif (time .lt. 12601.0) then Gval=12.0 elseif (time .lt. 13801.0) then Gval=4.0 elseif (time .lt. 15001.0) then Gval=3.0 elseif (time .lt. 16201.0) then Gval=2.0 elseif (time .lt. 21601.0) then Gval=1.0 elseif (time .lt. 25201.0) then Gval=0.0 elseif (time .lt. 30601.0) then Gval=1.0 elseif (time .lt. 31801.0) then Gval=2.0 elseif (time .lt. 33001.0) then Gval=3.0 elseif (time .lt. 34201.0) then Gval=4.0 elseif (time .lt. 36001.0) then Gval=12.0 elseif (time .lt. 37201.0) then Gval=4.0 elseif (time .lt. 38401.0) then Gval=3.0 elseif (time .lt. 39601.0) then Gval=2.0 elseif (time .lt. 45001.0) then Gval=1.0 elseif (time .lt. 48601.0) then Gval=0.0 elseif (time .lt. 54001.0) then Gval=1.0 elseif (time .lt. 55201.0) then Gval=2.0 elseif (time .lt. 56401.0) then Gval=3.0 elseif (time .lt. 57601.0) then Gval=4.0 else Gval=12.0 endif return end subroutine flocmod_comp_g !================================================================================================== subroutine flocmod_main(dt, cwater, gradvit) !Purpose : main routine used to compute aggregation /fragmentation processes in a cell implicit none real(kind=rlg), intent(in) :: dt real, intent(in) :: gradvit real,dimension(nv_mud), intent(inout) :: cwater ! Local declarations real :: cvtotmud, cvtotmudref, Gval, mneg, sum_flocs real(kind=rlg) :: dttemp, f_dt real, dimension(1:nv_mud) :: cv_tmp, NNin, NNout !Gval : shear rate value calculated or estimated from the hydrodynmic model Gval = gradvit f_dt = dt dttemp = 0.0_rlg cv_tmp(1:nv_mud) = cwater ! concentration of all mud classes in one grid cell cvtotmudref = sum(cv_tmp(1:nv_mud)) cv_tmp(1:nv_mud) = MAX(0.0, cv_tmp(1:nv_mud)) cvtotmud = sum(cv_tmp(1:nv_mud)) NNin(1:nv_mud) = cv_tmp(1:nv_mud) / f_mass(1:nv_mud) if (cvtotmud .gt. f_clim) then do while (dttemp .LE. dt) call flocmod_comp_fsd(NNin,NNout,Gval,f_dt) call flocmod_mass_control(NNout,mneg) if (mneg .gt. f_mneg_param) then do while (mneg .gt. f_mneg_param) f_dt=MIN(f_dt/2._rlg,dt-dttemp) call flocmod_comp_fsd(NNin,NNout,Gval,f_dt) call flocmod_mass_control(NNout,mneg) enddo endif dttemp=dttemp+f_dt NNin(:)=NNout(:) ! update new Floc size distribution ! redistribute negative masses if any on positive classes, depends on f_mneg_param call flocmod_mass_redistribute(NNin) if (dttemp == dt) exit enddo ! loop on full dt sum_flocs = sum(NNin(1:nv_mud) * f_mass(1:nv_mud)) NNin(:) = NNin(:) * cvtotmudref / sum_flocs if (abs(sum_flocs-cvtotmud).le. 0.01 * cvtotmud) then NNin(:)=NNin(:)*cvtotmudref/sum_flocs else write(ierrorlog,*) 'CAUTION flocculation routine not conservative!!!' write(ierrorlog,*) 'before : cvtotmud= ',cvtotmud write(ierrorlog,*) 'after : cvtotmud= ',sum_flocs write(ierrorlog,*) 'absolute difference : cvtotmud= ',abs(cvtotmud-sum_flocs) write(ierrorlog,*) 'Simultation stopped' STOP endif endif ! only if cvtotmud > f_clim ! update mass concentration for all mud classes cwater = NNin(1:nv_mud) * f_mass(1:nv_mud) return end subroutine flocmod_main !================================================================================================== subroutine flocmod_comp_fsd(NNin, NNout, Gval, f_dt) ! Purpose : computation of floc size distribution implicit none real, intent(in) :: Gval real(kind=rlg), intent(in) :: f_dt real, dimension(1:nv_mud), intent(in) :: NNin real, dimension(1:nv_mud), intent(out) :: NNout integer :: iv1, iv2, iv3 real :: mu, tmp_g1, tmp_g3, tmp_l1, tmp_l3, tmp_l4, tmp_g4 real, dimension(1:nv_mud, 1:nv_mud, 1:nv_mud) :: f_g1_tmp real, dimension(1:nv_mud, 1:nv_mud) :: f_l1_tmp real, dimension(1:nv_mud,1:nv_mud,1:nv_mud) :: f_g4 ! Collision fragmentation gain term real, dimension(1:nv_mud,1:nv_mud) :: f_l4 tmp_g1 = 0.0 tmp_g3 = 0.0 tmp_g4 = 0.0 tmp_l1 = 0.0 tmp_l3 = 0.0 tmp_l4 = 0.0 f_g1_tmp(1:nv_mud, 1:nv_mud, 1:nv_mud) = 0.0 f_l1_tmp(1:nv_mud, 1:nv_mud) = 0.0 if (l_COLLFRAG) call flocmod_collfrag(Gval, f_g4, f_l4) do iv1=1,nv_mud do iv2=1,nv_mud do iv3=1,nv_mud if (l_ASH) then f_g1_tmp(iv2,iv3,iv1)=f_g1_tmp(iv2,iv3,iv1)+f_g1_sh(iv2,iv3,iv1)*Gval endif if (l_ADS) then f_g1_tmp(iv2,iv3,iv1)=f_g1_tmp(iv2,iv3,iv1)+f_g1_ds(iv2,iv3,iv1) endif tmp_g1=tmp_g1+(NNin(iv3)*(f_g1_tmp(iv2,iv3,iv1))*NNin(iv2)) if (l_COLLFRAG) then tmp_g4=tmp_g4+(NNin(iv3)*(f_g4(iv2,iv3,iv1)*Gval)*NNin(iv2)) endif enddo tmp_g3=tmp_g3+f_g3(iv2,iv1)*NNin(iv2)*Gval**1.5 if (l_ASH) then f_l1_tmp(iv2,iv1)=f_l1_tmp(iv2,iv1)+f_l1_sh(iv2,iv1)*Gval endif if (l_ADS) then f_l1_tmp(iv2,iv1)=f_l1_tmp(iv2,iv1)+f_l1_ds(iv2,iv1) endif tmp_l1=tmp_l1+(f_l1_tmp(iv2,iv1))*NNin(iv2) if (l_COLLFRAG) then tmp_l4=tmp_l4+(f_l4(iv2,iv1)*Gval)*NNin(iv2) endif enddo tmp_l1=tmp_l1*NNin(iv1) tmp_l4=tmp_l4*NNin(iv1) tmp_l3=f_l3(iv1)*Gval**1.5*NNin(iv1) NNout(iv1)=NNin(iv1)+f_dt*(tmp_g1+tmp_g3+tmp_g4-(tmp_l1+tmp_l3+tmp_l4)) tmp_g1=0.0 tmp_g3=0.0 tmp_g4=0.0 tmp_l1=0.0 tmp_l3=0.0 tmp_l4=0.0 enddo end subroutine flocmod_comp_fsd !================================================================================================== subroutine flocmod_collfrag(Gval, f_g4, f_l4) ! Purpose : computation of collision fragmentation term, based on McAnally and Mehta, 2001 ! ! Called by : flocmod_comp_fsd implicit none real, intent(in) :: Gval real, dimension(1:nv_mud,1:nv_mud,1:nv_mud), intent(out) :: f_g4 ! Collision fragmentation gain term real, dimension(1:nv_mud,1:nv_mud), intent(out) :: f_l4 ! Collision fragmentation loss term integer :: iv1, iv2, iv3 real :: gcolfragmin, gcolfragmax, gcolfragiv1, gcolfragiv2, f_weight, mult f_g4(1:nv_mud,1:nv_mud,1:nv_mud) = 0.0 f_l4(1:nv_mud,1:nv_mud) = 0.0 do iv1 = 1, nv_mud do iv2 = 1, nv_mud do iv3 = iv2, nv_mud ! fragmentation after collision probability based on Gval for particles iv2 and iv3 ! gcolfrag=(collision induced shear) / (floc strength) gcolfragmin=2.*(Gval*(f_diam(iv2)+f_diam(iv3)))**2.*f_mass(iv2)*f_mass(iv3) & /(pi*f_fy*f_fp*f_diam(iv3)**2.*(f_mass(iv2)+f_mass(iv3)) & *((f_rho(iv3)-rhoref)/rhoref)**(2./(3.-f_nf))) gcolfragmax=2.*(Gval*(f_diam(iv2)+f_diam(iv3)))**2.*f_mass(iv2)*f_mass(iv3) & /(pi*f_fy*f_fp*f_diam(iv2)**2.*(f_mass(iv2)+f_mass(iv3)) & *((f_rho(iv2)-rhoref)/rhoref)**(2./(3.-f_nf))) ! first case : iv3 not eroded, iv2 eroded forming 2 particles : iv3+f_cfcst*iv2 / iv2-f_cfcst*iv2 if ( .and. then if (((f_mass(iv3)+f_cfcst*f_mass(iv2)) .gt. f_mass(iv1-1)) .and. & ((f_mass(iv3)+f_cfcst*f_mass(iv2)).le.f_mass(iv1))) then f_weight=((f_mass(iv3)+f_cfcst*f_mass(iv2)-f_mass(iv1-1))/(f_mass(iv1)-f_mass(iv1-1))) elseif (f_mass(iv3)+f_cfcst*f_mass(iv2).gt.f_mass(iv1) .and. & f_mass(iv3)+f_cfcst*f_mass(iv2).lt.f_mass(iv1+1)) then if (iv1 == nv_mud) then f_weight=1. else f_weight=1.-((f_mass(iv3)+f_cfcst*f_mass(iv2)-f_mass(iv1))/(f_mass(iv1+1)-f_mass(iv1))) endif else f_weight=0.0 endif f_g4(iv2,iv3,iv1)=f_g4(iv2,iv3,iv1)+f_weight*(f_coll_prob_sh(iv2,iv3)) & *(f_mass(iv3)+f_cfcst*f_mass(iv2))/f_mass(iv1) if (f_mass(iv2)-f_cfcst*f_mass(iv2).gt.f_mass(iv1-1) .and. & f_mass(iv2)-f_cfcst*f_mass(iv2).le.f_mass(iv1)) then f_weight=((f_mass(iv2)-f_cfcst*f_mass(iv2)-f_mass(iv1-1))/(f_mass(iv1)-f_mass(iv1-1))) elseif (f_mass(iv2)-f_cfcst*f_mass(iv2).gt.f_mass(iv1) .and. & f_mass(iv2)-f_cfcst*f_mass(iv2).lt.f_mass(iv1+1)) then if (iv1.eq.nv_mud) then f_weight=1. else f_weight=1.-((f_mass(iv2)-f_cfcst*f_mass(iv2)-f_mass(iv1))/(f_mass(iv1+1)-f_mass(iv1))) endif else f_weight=0.0 endif f_g4(iv2,iv3,iv1)=f_g4(iv2,iv3,iv1)+f_weight*(f_coll_prob_sh(iv2,iv3)) & *(f_mass(iv2)-f_cfcst*f_mass(iv2))/f_mass(iv1) ! second case : iv3 eroded and iv2 eroded forming 3 particles : iv3-f_cfcst*iv3 / iv2-f_cfcst*iv2 / f_cfcst*iv3+f_cfcst*iv2 elseif ( .and. then ! iv2 and iv3 eroded forming new (third) particle if (f_cfcst*f_mass(iv2)+f_cfcst*f_mass(iv3).gt.f_mass(iv1-1) .and. & f_cfcst*f_mass(iv2)+f_cfcst*f_mass(iv3).le.f_mass(iv1)) then f_weight=((f_cfcst*f_mass(iv2)+f_cfcst*f_mass(iv3)-f_mass(iv1-1))/(f_mass(iv1)-f_mass(iv1-1))) elseif (f_cfcst*f_mass(iv2)+f_cfcst*f_mass(iv3).gt.f_mass(iv1) .and. & f_cfcst*f_mass(iv2)+f_cfcst*f_mass(iv3).lt.f_mass(iv1+1)) then if (iv1.eq.nv_mud) then f_weight=1. else f_weight=1.-((f_cfcst*f_mass(iv2)+f_cfcst*f_mass(iv3)-f_mass(iv1))/(f_mass(iv1+1)-f_mass(iv1))) endif else f_weight=0.0 endif f_g4(iv2,iv3,iv1)=f_g4(iv2,iv3,iv1)+f_weight*(f_coll_prob_sh(iv2,iv3)) & *(f_cfcst*f_mass(iv2)+f_cfcst*f_mass(iv3))/f_mass(iv1) if ((1.-f_cfcst)*f_mass(iv2).gt.f_mass(iv1-1) .and. & (1.-f_cfcst)*f_mass(iv2).le.f_mass(iv1)) then f_weight=((1.-f_cfcst)*f_mass(iv2)-f_mass(iv1-1))/(f_mass(iv1)-f_mass(iv1-1)) elseif ((1.-f_cfcst)*f_mass(iv2).gt.f_mass(iv1) .and. & (1.-f_cfcst)*f_mass(iv2).lt.f_mass(iv1+1)) then if (iv1.eq.nv_mud) then f_weight=1. else f_weight=1.-(((1.-f_cfcst)*f_mass(iv2)-f_mass(iv1))/(f_mass(iv1+1)-f_mass(iv1))) endif else f_weight=0.0 endif f_g4(iv2,iv3,iv1)=f_g4(iv2,iv3,iv1)+f_weight*(f_coll_prob_sh(iv2,iv3)) & *((1.-f_cfcst)*f_mass(iv2))/f_mass(iv1) if ((1.-f_cfcst)*f_mass(iv3).gt.f_mass(iv1-1) .and. & (1.-f_cfcst)*f_mass(iv3).le.f_mass(iv1)) then f_weight=((1.-f_cfcst)*f_mass(iv3)-f_mass(iv1-1))/(f_mass(iv1)-f_mass(iv1-1)) elseif ((1.-f_cfcst)*f_mass(iv3).gt.f_mass(iv1) .and. & (1.-f_cfcst)*f_mass(iv3).lt.f_mass(iv1+1)) then if (iv1.eq.nv_mud) then f_weight=1. else f_weight=1.-(((1.-f_cfcst)*f_mass(iv3)-f_mass(iv1))/(f_mass(iv1+1)-f_mass(iv1))) endif else f_weight=0.0 endif f_g4(iv2,iv3,iv1)=f_g4(iv2,iv3,iv1)+f_weight*(f_coll_prob_sh(iv2,iv3)) & *((1.-f_cfcst)*f_mass(iv3))/f_mass(iv1) endif ! end collision test case enddo enddo enddo do iv1 = 1, nv_mud do iv2 = 1, nv_mud gcolfragiv1 = 2.*(Gval*(f_diam(iv1)+f_diam(iv2)))**2.*f_mass(iv1)*f_mass(iv2) & /(pi*f_fy*f_fp*f_diam(iv1)**2.*(f_mass(iv1)+f_mass(iv2)) & *((f_rho(iv1)-rhoref)/rhoref)**(2./(3.-f_nf))) gcolfragiv2 = 2.*(Gval*(f_diam(iv1)+f_diam(iv2)))**2.*f_mass(iv1)*f_mass(iv2) & /(pi*f_fy*f_fp*f_diam(iv2)**2.*(f_mass(iv1)+f_mass(iv2)) & *((f_rho(iv2)-rhoref)/rhoref)**(2./(3.-f_nf))) mult = 1. if (iv1.eq.iv2) mult = 2. if (iv1 .eq. MAX(iv1,iv2) .and. gcolfragiv1 .ge. 1.) then f_l4(iv2, iv1) = f_l4(iv2, iv1)+ mult * (f_coll_prob_sh(iv1, iv2)) elseif (iv1 .eq. MIN(iv1,iv2) .and. gcolfragiv2 .ge. 1.) then f_l4(iv2, iv1) = f_l4(iv2, iv1)+ mult * (f_coll_prob_sh(iv1, iv2)) endif enddo enddo f_g4(1:nv_mud, 1:nv_mud, 1:nv_mud) = f_g4(1:nv_mud, 1:nv_mud, 1:nv_mud) * f_collfragparam f_l4(1:nv_mud, 1:nv_mud) = f_l4(1:nv_mud, 1:nv_mud) * f_collfragparam end subroutine flocmod_collfrag !================================================================================================== subroutine flocmod_mass_control(NN,mneg) ! Purpose : Compute mass in every class after flocculation and ! returns negative mass if any ! ! Called by : flocmod_main implicit none real, dimension(1:nv_mud), intent(in) :: NN real, intent(out) :: mneg integer :: iv1 mneg = 0.0 do iv1 = 1, nv_mud if (NN(iv1) .lt. 0.0) then mneg = mneg - NN(iv1) * f_mass(iv1) endif enddo end subroutine flocmod_mass_control !================================================================================================== subroutine flocmod_mass_redistribute(NN) ! Purpose : based on a tolerated negative mass parameter, negative masses ! are redistributed linearly towards remaining postive masses ! and negative masses are set to 0 ! ! Called by : flocmod_main implicit none real, dimension(1:nv_mud), intent(inout) :: NN integer :: iv real :: npos real :: mneg real,dimension(1:nv_mud) :: NNtmp mneg = 0.0 npos = 0.0 NNtmp(:) = NN(:) do iv = 1, nv_mud if (NN(iv) .lt. 0.0) then mneg = mneg - NN(iv) * f_mass(iv) NNtmp(iv) = 0.0 else npos = npos + 1. endif enddo if ( then if (npos .eq. 0.) then write(ierrorlog,*) 'CAUTION : all floc sizes have negative mass!' write(ierrorlog,*) 'SIMULATION STOPPED' stop else do iv=1,nv_mud if (NN(iv) .gt. 0.0) then NN(iv) = NN(iv) - mneg / sum(NNtmp) * NN(iv) / f_mass(iv) else NN(iv) = 0.0 endif enddo endif endif return end subroutine flocmod_mass_redistribute !================================================================================================== end module flocmod